This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 58 Days

The Otaku can’t believe his luck. This weekend, he really needs to do a project. That’s really going to cut into his reading time, but that’s not the worst part. No, the worst part is most certainly his partner for this task. Himekawa is certainly a thorn in his side, and considering the way she looks at him. He’s probably viewed as trash to her.

Weird, since they’ve hung out once before at karaoke. She’s really hot and cold with him for some reason that unknown to him, unless the first time was just an act.

There’s a knock on his door, it’s obviously her. When they were planning out when and where to do this, she was adamant about doing it in his room. Something about how a loser like him doesn’t deserve to be in a girl’s room. The nerve…

“Ah, you must be Saki’s friend.” His mom is the one to answer the door.

“I’m not really his friend.” It seems the insinuation has upset Himekawa as she enters. “I’m just here because of an assignment.”

“Ah, well he should be waiting for you in his room.” After that tiny bit of interaction, now the two are alone in his room with some papers laying out on the table. It makes him nervous to be all alone with such a cute girl, even if she’s a complete jerk him all the time.

“All right, let’s get this done as quick as possible.” She says. All her usual playful energy is gone now that it’s just the two of them. It’s clear she doesn’t have the most positive opinion of him. And judging from all his posters and figurines of cute anime girls, it’s obvious that opinion is still heading down hill.

“I’m surprised you came at all.” He comments as they get started. The last time they had to share in an assignment, that girl ended up trying to hoist all the work onto him.

“Well, the teacher got upset with me when he found out I didn’t do any of the work.” She lays her head onto the table, showing how tired of the work she already was. Even if they had barely gotten started. “He said that if I do that again, I’m going to get stuck in class after school. Which is totally lame…” Though that didn’t do anything to motivate her to work harder on this task.

“I mean, I agree.” He also didn’t want to do this project, or most of the homework assigned to them. Just because he was good at it didn’t mean he liked doing it. The problem was that it cut heavily into his free time of playing video games or reading manga. Which might seem like a selfish problem, but the boy knew that when school was done, work was going to keep him from these hobbies. So his youth was the best time to experience these things.

“It’s easy for you though.” She scoffed at him. “At least you have good grades, but I just can’t keep up.” So it also meant there were other times where she felt was wasted being stuck in class longer than the rest. “And I really hate doing it.”

“At least when we’re done, we can just do something else we like.” He commented, which gave her an idea.

“I know!” She snapped her fingers. “How about when we’re done, we should get something to treat ourselves.” That certainly provided her with motivation to get done sooner. Too bad this assignment was so big, they wouldn’t be finished until tomorrow...

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