This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 60 Days

It’s not until the next day where the Otaku is able to meet up with Kinjyou. She’s a busy gal, and he’s someone who’s a bit lazy about things. So they don’t see each other until the next morning.

“Ahhh~” She yawns from not getting enough sleep, as per usual in her life. “Hey, there you are.” Though she perks right up upon seeing the Otaku arrive to her locker.

“Um, did you need something from me?” He asks with worry in his voice. Hopefully that senior girl didn’t pull a prank on him. That would be a cruel joke.

“Oh good, I was worried she didn’t tell ya.” Thankfully, she really was searching for him. “I was just wondering, ya read lots of manga, right?”

“Y-yes?” He answers, acting as though he’s being interrogated despite that being a regular question. Then again, it’s not even a question that needs to be asked. The Otaku isn’t called that for nothing. “W-why?”

“I was just wondering if ya could lend me one of books.” She asks. “I’m not going to do anything to it, just want to read it. That’s all.”

“You want to read it?” Now he’s at the point of responding to all of her statements. It’s not that he doesn’t believe people can’t like manga. Obviously they do, or else that business would’ve sunk by now. Just that he can’t believe a girl like her would be interested in it. “I mean, I read a lot of different ones.”

“Any will do.” She responds. “Honestly, I’m kinda curious about the kinds of things ya read.” That already gets his blood pressure rising back up. It would be embarrassing to show her half the stuff he reads due to the inappropriate nature inside. And even the parts that aren’t family unfriendly are still embarrassing since he likes to read a lot of romcoms where the main character looks suspiciously a lot like him. “I promise I won’t judge.”

“You promise?” If she’s lying, then he can be confident she’ll have the entire school laughing at him by next week.

“Of course.” She winks at him, then takes the boy’s hand. There, Kinjyou wraps their pinky fingers around one another. It’s enough to turn his face bright red from touching a girl’s hand like this. “There, I never break these kinds of promise.” She says.

“Well, I don’t have any of my books right now.” Obviously, he only keeps a current volume in his bag for light reading during breaks. “I guess that means I can give you a couple tomorrow on Friday?”

“Perfect.” Kinjyou smiles at him. It’s enough to cause his heart to race a bit. “Then after the weekend, we can talk about what I read, deal?”


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