This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 85 Days

It’s the weekend once more. Since there’s no way he’d see the Gyaru today. The Otaku is playing a game that has recently released on the PlayStation. One that is rather known for it’s high level of difficulty.

He’s currently fighting a boss, and it’s far from one of the easier ones in this game. If such a word should even be used in this context. With a stunning move, getting over the beast. He delivers a killing blow to the monster. Earning a hard fought victory.

“Yes!” He cheers in satisfaction. “I finally beat him! This guy’s freaking strong…” His heart is racing, he’s feeling great from this high. “The sense of accomplishment from defeating a strong opponent is great isn’t it…” He mutters to himself. This is probably the best game ever.

However, the Otaku shouldn’t have let his guard down. Soon, another monster jumps atop his character. Without any time to react, along with his low health from the last encounter, he dies in game.

“… Huh?” He is stunned, almost speechless at this display. “No… Eh?” How could the game do this to him? Especially after all that hard work from before, erased in an instant. “There was a second boss?” Never mind, he thinks. This is a trash game.

In frustration, he tosses his controller. This setback really takes him out of the mood for playing more at the moment. This is rather annoying, what can he do now?

Well in this modern era, to go rant online of course. The Otaku opens up his account on Instagram, taking a picture of his game over screen in the process. He tags a spoiler warning in case anyone interested in playing the game might want to avoid this post. Then he fills the post with rather unkind words.

Sure, he might get some people saying he should get good. On the inside, he agrees. However he’s feeling a bit upset over this loss at the moment to care. Maybe he might just delete this post later tonight when he’s feeling a bit better.

“And posted.” He says to himself, as the post goes online for the world to see. Though given his lack of popularity, both online and off, it isn’t really visible to many people at all.

Placing his phone down, he figures a drink will help him cool down a bit. Then maybe he can try again at this boss with a calmer focus. However, once he returns to his couch, he’s surprised to see a notification on his phone. It’s a response to his post already.

That was fast, he thinks. Opening it though gives him instant regret. Somehow the Gyaru saw this post already, so she leaves a rather mean comment for him.

“Ha! What a loser, you can’t even win at in the fake world either!” Her message to him read. Instantly, he deletes his post and slinks back into his couch. He covers his face from the burning sensation of embarrassment he feels.

Of all the people to see this, it just had to be her. Though, if he wasn’t so distraught at this turn of events. Perhaps he would’ve wondered why she saw this post so soon after being uploaded. After all, she doesn’t even follow him online anyway.

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