This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 109


Chapter 109, Chapter 109, Points to the Way

It’s over.

It’s all over.

Except for the fifteen MPs who participated in the Take Goblin Farmhouse program and subsequently pledged allegiance to Zhou Li in this impeachment. The other forty-five members suddenly felt a whirlwind, and a despairing mood gradually spread throughout the great hall.

If Zhou Li did not become a Duke, Duskwood would not be the fuse of the war, and the distance between Mu Qi and Magnum would always be blocked by twelve quarters, and the war would not break out.

If the war did not break out, the preparations for the war that these councilors spent most of the family’s financial resources, mobilized family members to donate to the war, and the large sums of money used to buy reselling goods would all be in vain. Preparations will become a joke, donations will flow to unknown places, and goods to be resold will become scrap iron backlogged.

It’s over, it’s over.

The atmosphere of despair spread completely, and they knew that today’s parliament was played by Zhou Li alone. Zhou Li had no way of knowing about their arrangements and plans, and their thoughts were more transparent to Zhou Li than the three-body man.

Now, the big picture is set.

“Okay, hero can’t be a duke anymore.”

Zhou Li laughed and stood up, walked to the podium and picked up the hero exclusive, then hung it around his waist . He looked at the people in the audience with numb expressions and desperate eyes, his eyes slightly narrowed: “Then introduce myself, now I’m called Zhou Li.”

“It’s the hero you think about all night.”

“Your plan has been successful, why are you humiliating us?”

The middle-aged man who had a one-sided argument with Zhou Li raised his eyes and asked indifferently. one sentence. He can’t be angry anymore. For them, this is a one-sided massacre and crushing, and they have no right to be angry with Zhou Li.

“Don’t worry, the good show has just begun.”

Zhou Li smiled and clapped, drawing the gazes of these congressmen who bowed their heads and said nothing to him, and then he spoke to him. The indifferent people said solemnly: “For this war, you have made a lot of preparations.”

“Sir Livia, your family purchased ten thousand gold coins three days ago. blank rune, and rune ink worth 5,000 gold coins. If I calculate correctly, once the war breaks out, this 15,000 gold coins will make your family a 90% profiteering A member of the upper class, right?”

The middle-aged man was shocked and looked towards Zhou Li in disbelief, he opened his mouth and said nothing, but he seemed to say everything. Same. Then he slumped down on the chair, ignoring it.

Zhou Li pointed to another young lady and continued: “Miss Chilly, your father, husband, and son paid eight thousand gold coins and a sixty gold-level professional team at their own expense the day before yesterday. Joining the army has cost nearly 80% of your family’s wealth, but as long as you can win on the frontal battlefield, what you will get will be multiplied.”

A standard dress code The woman in aristocratic costume was startled for a moment, and then a glittering glint appeared in the corner of her eyes. Zhou Li is right, as long as they win, they can get riches, but if the war does not start, these relatives and gold coins who have joined the army will go to the bitter cold land, striving to the utmost for Magnum III.

“Mr. Kaznus, the law of war department of your law firm has just been established, and has hired a splendid barrister, ready to drill more legal loopholes for members of parliament. .”

The lawyer who was named was dressed as a congressman and pursed his chapped lips.

“Marquis Nate, the 30,000 tons of grain you bought from the Chamber of Commerce will be delivered tomorrow, don’t forget to check it.”

“Krenis, The next time you pay taxes to the War Church, you can consider choosing a secret tax, so that it will be more difficult for me to check, and I will not have to look through all the people’s bottoms in three days.”

After ordering the names of a bunch of people and the huge price they had invested in the war, Zhou Li stopped talking and just smiled at the group of lawmakers whose anger was gradually rising. When they were about to open their mouths and asked Zhou Li what he meant by humiliating them so much, Zhou Li opened the mouth and said:

“Are you willing?”

The turning point of this group suddenly surprised the group of people, they all looked up and looked towards Zhou Li, the resentment in their eyes was a little less, replaced by the hopeful look of hopeful people who sensed hope.

He has more.

“Hero didn’t become a duke, the war didn’t break out, all your previous efforts would be in vain. I don’t think it’s a good ending for us who are lacking hatred and enmity, right? “

Zhou Li spread his hands and said with a little teasing: “But don’t worry, His Royal Highness the King is definitely doing well.”

“Your money, people, things, They all went around under the king’s hands. In the final analysis, the king is always making money.”

Zhou Li walked off the podium and slowly surrounded the crowd, looking thoughtful and said: “I once learned There is a word, called slashing. That is, the emperor in the Eastern Kingdom weakens the strength control of the nobles over the country to increase his strength control over the country. You say, if the war really cannot start, our dear king, His Royal Highness, will Be merciful and fill your void with your own wealth, or…”

At this moment, people seemed to hear demonic whispers resounding in the hall.

“How about cutting down your vassals thoroughly?”

“What should I do?”

For a long time, in the hall of absolute silence, the middle- The aged man raised his head, his voice weak.

“What should we do?”

The second voice sounded, and with the continuous inquiries of the landing, people’s voices began to increase, and the panic in their eyes gradually turned into hysteria, They looked at Zhou Li, at the man who had driven them to hell for a while, eager for him to help them.

“You said it yourself, we are united.”

Zhou Li’s smile was very bright. Seeing this, Elma, who had been nervous all the time, tilted her head slightly and twitched her shoulders twice. Then she resisted the two emotions of smile and worry on her face and walked to Zhou Li, looking down at the many confused MPs.

“There is one of the Twelve Quarters of War Countermeasures Act.”

Zhou Li stretched out a finger, as if he had studied these laws and bills for a certain purpose. The condescending expression made the deputies in the audience directly ask why you are so skilled, and then Zhou Li said:

“That is, if the absolute neutrality of the neighboring two warring countries chooses the war between the two countries as a guarantee, Twelve quarters require at least two months of investigation to confirm the nature of the war, and then to intervene.”

“It just so happens.”

Zhou Li relieved, it seems like a reference to home life In the same way, he said casually:

“I just want to build a country.”

“You said that I just rejected Duke Magnum, and I have the status of hero. The country…”

Zhou Li leaned against the middle age person’s ear and said in a loud voice:

“Is it an absolute neutral country?”

(this chapter end)

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