This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 132


Chapter 132 Lin Yuan

It’s all desolate.

When Azi opened her eyes under Ailei’s order, the abyss constructed by the endless purple and black enveloped her tightly. At this moment, Azi felt her breathing stagnate, and her heart seemed to stop beating. The sense of absolute stillness caused her spirit to collapse instantly, and the protective equipment she was wearing didn’t even respond. Fortunately, the necklace Ai Lei gave her earlier released a ripple of soothing spirit, so that Azi would not be instantly drowned by the void.

Staying where she was, gasping for breath, A Zi’s eyes showed the fear of having avoided a catastrophe. Azi looked towards Ai Lei who was holding her by the side, nodded, and used the array at the collar to convey her voice to Ai Lei: “Thank you for your necklace.”

“No need.”

Alley shook her head and said to her with a low voice: “Although there is no sound here, there is no existence that cannot be watched, but the void itself is a kind of oppression. If you have any discomfort next time, you must tell me immediately, Don’t hold back, understand?”


After getting Azi’s promise, Ai Lei took a deep breath, and then she snapped her fingers lightly , the door behind him slowly closed. Under the ten-minute limit, Azi followed the method that Alley gave her, gently placed the white pearl in her hand on her forehead, closed her eyes, and released her senses.

In the void, everyone’s emotions will be magnified exponentially, leaving traces that are unique to the individual. Such traces tend to remain in the deepest layers of the void, and turn into “lines” one after another. No one knows why the void has such a very special mechanism, and no one understands what it is. Under the research of the current Shadow Guild President Kenny, this mechanism is used to search and rescue people who are lost in the void, but there are two limitations to the use of this mechanism.

The first is that the occupational level of the search and rescuer cannot be higher or lower than the two levels of the lost. Because the void is superimposed layer by layer, professionals of different levels are at different levels. Only a similar level can make the search and rescue channel open in the right direction to find the lost.

Secondly, in order to use this extreme to find the lost, the rescuers must be very familiar with or understand the lost. No one can use their own power in the void, and the search and rescue skills cannot be used. Only by accurately identifying the line belonging to the lost and following the flow of the line can the lost search and rescuer be found.

These two restrictions have led to the failure of most search and rescue operations. Except for a few successful cases, in fact, even the god-given Kenny has failed. Therefore, Ailey was very clueless before she set off. Although she met the first condition, she didn’t know much about Spirit Sea, and it was very likely that she had found the wrong thread. Even if they are found, it is easy to lose contact midway because they cannot resonate.

Ai Lei nervously looked at A Zi who was looking for the thin line, her lips turning white with force. Elle has mixed feelings about Spirit Sea. Alley has always been envious and a little jealous of that delicate girl, but she has been following in the footsteps of Spirit Sea, who is Level 1 lower than her.

Spirit Sea has always been a legend of the Shadow Guild. With only the strength of the silver level, it has completed one after another gold and even Platinum Grade tasks. In fact, if Spirit Sea were to join the Shadow Guild, her contributions would be enough to catapult her into another powerhouse at the Demi-God Level. And this is also the reason why Alley has always longed for Spirit Sea.

Suddenly, A Zi opened her eyes, and this subtle action shocked Ai Lei, who was a little confused in her mind. She looked towards A Zi with expectation, and asked softly: “Find me. Is it?”

“Let’s go.”

Azi didn’t delay, the hand that was outside has not been put down for a long time, at this time she had already grabbed a let She is very kind to the line. Among thousands of different thin threads, it is almost a miracle that A Zi, an ordinary person, can find the thread in just one minute.

But at this time, neither of them was in the mood to cheer. A Ziping held the pearl and walked slowly forward along the line in his hand. In the search, the thread that carries the clues of the lost produces nodes, which are left over from the mood swings of the lost. This kind of node is easy to stagger and merge with other nodes, making people lose the direction of the line, which is also a major difficulty on the rescue road.

Soon, Azi encountered the first node. Ai Lei on the side looked towards the front, under the influence of Zhuyu, the emotional node quickly appeared in front of the two of them. It was a fork, connecting two different lines. If you choose the wrong one, you will lose the whole game.

Azi stretched out her other hand and touched the fork lightly. In an instant, two similar but different emotions and memories flashed back into her mind.

Lonely, a girl abandoned by the world walks in the darkness.

Sorrow, an unfathomable mystery that emerges.

At the moment when these two different emotions and memories appeared at the same time, Ah Zi, without the slightest hesitation, chose the sad line.

She was never alone.

Azi didn’t explain, and Ailey didn’t ask. She just silently followed behind A Zi and walked forward.

A few minutes later, another node appeared in front of A Zi. After having the previous experience, A Zi grabbed the node and felt the flashback clips that appeared in his mind.

Indifferent, without any emotion, she stared at the void that made her a monster in people’s eyes, with a calm expression.

Sorrowful, the god-given ability is the symbol of monster, she stared into the abyss with resentment in her eyes.


“She never felt that the void was a symbol of monsters for her. He was always by her side, as always.”

After pulling the indifferent line, Azi continued forward Row. At this point, four minutes passed, and Ai Lei did not urge, but continued to silently follow behind A Zi.

Angry and numb, Azi chose anger. Spirit Sea was never numb, she was always as furious as she should be – six minutes left.

Fear and indifference, Azi chose fear. Spirit Sea had been terrified of her leaving, of the voice of the Void disappearing, of losing because she had it—four minutes left.

The erosion of the void further intensified. A Ziqiang endured the pain and set off immediately after calming down for a while—3 minutes.

Helpless and painful, Azi chose pain. It is precisely because of the pain that Spirit Sea can be strong and become A Zi’s strongest backing – one minute and thirty-two seconds.

The pain deepened, and there was one minute left.

Kindness, joy, empathy, optimism, love.

When a node flickered with five different lights, Ailei closed her eyes in despair. She felt that this was like a joke played by fate. At the last moment, A Zi, who was full of pressure, was allowed to make the most important choice in front of the choices with the most answers.

Prepare to leave.

Ai Lei’s right hand trembled slightly, she was not reconciled, but she knew that this was the end.

“It’s all her.”

Azi’s voice is very soft, especially moving in the abyss-like world. Ai Lei looked towards A Zi in disbelief, looked towards the extend the hand, very domineeringly pulling all the lines together, holding the girl in the void with her weak body.

Spirit Sea is not a perfect person.

She is sentimental, but never considers herself a lonely child. Spirit Sea is not an indifferent person, she values all feelings, even Elle, who used to be only one side, still remembers it in her heart.

She is angry at injustice because she is not numb to the world. Spirit Sea has suffered, but it is because of these pains that she is strong and continues to work hard to live in the cracks. It is precisely because of the pain that she cherishes all those who love her more.

Spirit Sea is not perfect, but in Ah Zi’s heart, Spirit Sea is the most perfect.

She is kind, lovely, and always happy to approach the new day. Even though she always hides her expression under a gray scarf, she still conveys her beautiful emotions to those who are willing to touch her. Spirit Sea has suffered pain and grief, so she does not want others to suffer the same.

Spirit Sea’s love, as always, never fades.

“I found you.”

When the halo of the void blooms, in the symphony of purple and black, the lines in Azi’s hands gradually condense, and the white as jade hand is light He held Azi’s hand lightly. The elegant face of Spirit Sea appears in the purple clouds, and the body is Faintly discernible in the black mist. She looked towards A Zi and the excited Ai Lei, the corners of her mouth evoked a perfect arc, and her voice was gentle:

“Thank you.”

Holding A Zi’s hand slightly harder, A Violet and Elle suddenly felt an unstoppable, yet very soft force pulling them towards the Spirit Sea. After passing through a purple dense fog and a black rain curtain, a world completely different from the void appeared in front of the two of them.

Silver and gray meet, harmonious lines spread throughout the entire world. This world full of order is full of strong contrasts with the chaotic void outside. For a moment, Azi even thought that he had come to God World. But when she saw the Spirit Sea in front of her, A Zi put everything behind her, she threw herself directly on Spirit Sea’s body, buried her face in Spirit Sea’s arms, and said nothing for a long time.

After a while, Azi released the Spirit Sea, and in the joy of losing again, another gentle female voice suddenly sounded from the side.

“You are Azi.”

Looking at the source of the voice, a beautiful woman in a long silver gauze dress walked slowly from the side. The woman’s appearance is extremely beautiful, like the bright red plum blossoms on the pure ice and snow. The long silver gauze dress on her body sets off the woman’s appearance, but the exquisite words engraved on it are obviously not ordinary. But what attracted A Zi and Ailei the most was the deep purple thorn pattern on the woman’s exposed arm.

“You are…”

Faced with such a woman with a super-dusty temperament, A Zi was a little uncertain for a while. She had just found Spirit Sea, was in joy, and couldn’t think for a moment. Seeing A Zi, who was down, a faint smile appeared on the woman’s face. She looked towards Spirit Sea on the side, and said softly, “Xiao Hai, don’t you want to introduce me?”

“She is Azi, my best friend. This is Elle, my…”

When her eyes turned to Elle, Spirit Sea’s words paused, then she chuckled and continued. : “My old enemy.”

After seeing Ellie’s expression of surprise, which soon turned into surprise, Spirit Sea spoke again and introduced the mysterious woman to the two of them: “She…is my mother.”

“Lin Yuan.”

When Spirit Sea said the name, Azi seemed to hear something incredible, and suddenly His pupils trembled, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face. She looked towards the woman who became Lin Yuan, and her words stammered: “You, you, you are Lin Yuan? Chonghuang, Chonghuang’s…”

“Yes, Chonghuang is me. Husband.”

Lin Yuan nodded and admitted her identity.


The amount of information was too much, and Azi couldn’t accept it for a while. But she knew that Spirit Sea would not lie to her. A Zi looked at Spirit Sea and Lin Yuan again, unable to speak for a while.

“I was the same at first.”

Facing A Zi’s gaze, Spirit Sea was helpless and shrugged, feeling very empathy: “I’m more shocked than you, at least you were caught by me. It was dragged in. I was walking and there was a big hole under my feet and I fell straight down. I was so scared that I almost fainted.”

“No way, the power of the void in my hand is not as great as it used to be. If not, I don’t have to wait for Azi to find the source of the thread before opening the channel.”

A trace of sadness flashed in Lin Yuan’s eyes, but she concealed it well. However, at this time, Azi came back to his senses. She glanced at Ai Lei who was still in a state of shock and confusion, and then said to Lin Yuan:

“The void has invaded Muqi.”


After hearing this news, Lin Yuan was not surprised. She seemed to have expected it, and said with a little regret: “Sure enough, I still didn’t protect this place.”

Azi couldn’t bear it anymore. She walked up to Lin Yuan and asked, “The Void is now on the verge of Muqi territory, and it will be invaded soon. I want to know, what happened back then?”

“That year…”

Lin Yuan seemed to be triggered by the memory switch, her silver eyes were full of memories. After a long time, she said faintly:

“Back then, my husband and I rushed into the void together, you should all know.”

“Actually, we did not I plan to come back alive.”

Lin Yuan lightly sighed, her voice soft: “Actually, at the beginning, the Shadow Guild did not exist. At that time, I joined the Explorer Guild.”

“Explorers can freely traverse a space called “zero”, which is the world you see now. Our innate talent is generally related to space, which is a gift. In those days, the number was extremely high. Few explorers are extremely welcome existences in all countries.”

Said here, Lin Yuan put on a slightly proud tone, but soon, regret came.

“However, the void race’s research on space is much stronger than ours. When the void invaded, the explorer union was on the verge of extinction. Until I, the explorer star, was completely fused with zero, we Only barely resisted the invasion of the void. After that, the battle…”

There was a brief silence, but A Zi knew that behind the silence was a tragic war. After a long time, Lin Yuan continued: “In the second half of the war, under the leadership of my husband, the Allied Forces on Earth began to regain lost ground. Soon, we locked the root of the void. In the final stage, my husband and I opened up A corridor of the void that wants to destroy the void completely and prevent them from invading again.”

“Under your feet, in this purple void, my husband and I killed the last void. Race. In order to avoid future troubles, my husband chose to go deep into the root, and I merged the zero space with this empty passage, completely cutting off the communication between the two worlds. It is precisely because of this action of mine that the explorer Completely perished, and replaced by the shadow union that travels through the void under my protection.”

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan smiled bitterly and said helplessly:

“purple void It is a special space. In fact, this void was not forged by me. Although I completely blocked this passage with zero space, the price was that I was trapped in this space forever. Even this The power of the Void was also acquired inexplicably later, if it wasn’t for this Void, I might have had a nervous breakdown.”

Azi and Spirit Sea both understood the meaning of Lin Yuan’s words, indeed, whoever was harassed Trapped in a monotonous space can feel like a nervous breakdown. If it wasn’t for the power of the void that allowed Lin Yuan to feel the voices of the outside world, and the existence of Spirit Sea, she might have gone crazy long ago.

But at this moment, Azi noticed something.

Lin Yuan doesn’t seem to know that the Void Race is not a monster’s business.

(End of this chapter)

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