This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 138


Chapter 138 Kalis, Kaya, Emperor Chong

In this void city, words have become the palest thing .

“The third truth.”

After a long, suffocating silence. Chonghuang made no secret of the loneliness and guilt in his eyes. He looked at the screen that was still playing the advertisement of “Kagri Necklace”, but there would no longer be a pair of bi people watching with yearning for the future, and his voice was low: ” I am a racial sinner.”

No response, no comment.

When the truth of this blindfolded war is revealed, the monster’s identity is the savior, but the boy who believes oneself infallible hero is the murderer of the genocide.

Bad joke.

Even if Zhou Li lives again, he is completely unable to accept this cruel truth. He couldn’t find any adjectives, he couldn’t even feel anger or sadness.

This is the demise of a race, a group of races with a very high level of technology and a moral level of Saint, who were killed by the people they saved, and the horrific truth of the complete genocide. This war lasted for twelve years. It seems that these twelve years are very long, but for the dimension from the birth to the development of a race, it is just an invisible weak node.

For twelve years, the gods created a man and destroyed a race.

At this moment, Zhou Li felt a burst of powerlessness, an unstoppable feeling of emptiness that came from the soul.

“You can kill me now.”

Staring into Kaya’s eyes, the sinner who destroyed her race didn’t dodge her gaze. Chonghuang spoke without any hesitation: “Pierce the blade into my heart and completely annihilate my soul. This place has been abandoned by the gods, and my soul will stay in this world. Rest assured, any world has a will. Yes, He will help you complete my trial.”

Chonghuang’s projection handed a pale-gold dagger to Kaya, Kaya took the dagger and touched it with her tender palm Cold hilt. She stared at this god-given weapon, raised her head, and crossed the line of sight with Emperor Chong.

After a brief silence, Kaya’s voice sounded. Zhou Li, who was in a trance, pulled himself out of the cocoon of powerlessness, forced himself to concentrate, and listened to what this girl who carried a racial hatred was about to say.

“More than these three truths…is that right?”

With a layer of gloom in her eyes, Kaya looked at the unmanned shuttle in the distance, her voice slightly hoarse: ” You won, then what?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Chonghuang shook the head, his words were full of plainness and joy, as if he was not going to die, but to go It’s like accomplishing something he’s been waiting for so long, “It’s not a victory, it’s a sin I committed.”

“Not this.”

Kaya stared at Chonghuang The face, from the first time she saw this man named Qi Mu, who was admired by others, she already understood everything. She gritted her silver teeth, stubbornly fixed her eyes on Qimu’s face, and said word by word, “Tell me, who am I?”

“Why, I would, Thinking of you as a father?!”

The moment Kaya was about to say the word “father”, Qimu suddenly trembled, and soon, an unbearable smile appeared on his originally calm face. He looked at Kaya, as if hesitating for something. For a long time, he sighed, and said faintly, “This is the fourth truth.”

When Emperor Chong saw the bright red blood, he An extremely absurd speculation that made Emperor Chong tremble appeared in his mind. He raised his trembling legs and walked slowly towards the corpse like an old man staggering.

Purple eyes showed unwillingness and sadness, and the snow-white jade skin was covered with blood. The girl sat on a stone tablet and kept her last movement. Her throat was pierced by a sharp sword, and the blood had already been drained. Chonghuang extended the hand blankly and gently touched the girl’s arm.

Icy, slightly elastic to the touch.

Without the stinging pain and the scorching heat of Void Blood, this is just an ordinary girl.

When he realized this, Emperor Chong resisted the urge to vomit, a feeling he had never felt since he came to this world. His hands were shaking constantly, and his right hand used all his strength to hold the dagger tightly. This is not physical weakness, but spiritual despair.

The dagger pierced his skin, smearing blood on his wrist with ease.

God’s blessing, disappeared.

The Void Race is no longer a monster.


pale-gold’s god-given blade sank into the metal ground like cutting tofu. Chonghuang knelt on the ground and supported him with his arms body of. He opened his eyes wide, staring at the deep red blood spots on the ground, his teeth constantly bumping and making a gurgling sound.

The Chonghuang who killed the evil spirit Bone Dragon and slaughtered the void monster. Today, like a fledgling novice, when he saw the corpse of a girl who was extremely ordinary, and didn’t even have a broken limb or arm, he vomited.

He slowly threw his body on the ground, feeling the icy chill, but Chonghuang’s eyes couldn’t close no matter what. When he saw the corpse that was indistinguishable from a human being, Emperor Chong understood why the countless unusual behaviors of the void creatures were.

I won’t kill humans with sharp weapons, and will always try my best to knock humans into a coma. The strange behavior of “devouring” human beings whenever they have to pull out their mouthpieces. Always howling at humans with incomprehensible shrill voices before the war, always accompanied by a head-swinging motion.

At first, Chonghuang just thought that they were demonstrating against human beings, that they were eating to supplement their lives. But when he saw the syringe and the mutilated visor, and saw the “root of the void” that was full of purple patches and twisted black mist in his eyes, it became a city of technology intertwined with silver and white at the moment when the blessing of the gods disappeared. When he understood everything.

Chonghuang is crazy.

He completely closed off his inner world, constantly wandering in this dead city. The passage outside has been completely closed, and the city of only one person continues to operate under the simulated sky.

In this way, Chonghuang wandered in muddleheaded for a month. He didn’t eat anything, he drank even a drop of water. Even though the roadside has clear water and meals that can be seen everywhere, he still blocks the instinct to eat. At this moment, Chonghuang completely gave up on himself.

It’s over.

It’s over, he told himself.

The space fusion created by wife Lin Yuan is a completely irreversible seal. This kind of seal can even isolate the gods, and he has lost the blessing of the gods, and he can’t even transmit his voice to the outside world. The truth has been buried in this city forever, the goodwill of the void and the despair of perishing will forever dissipate in this city with myself, the sinner.

If this were really the case, then nothing would happen.

During an unconscious wandering, Qi Mu heard a cry.

It’s a baby’s cry, a beautiful echo of a new life. At the moment when the cry sounded, Qi Mu’s tightly locked heart suddenly began to beat. Qi Mu’s eyes regained a little gleam. He didn’t have any demeanor. He dragged his body, which was on the verge of collapse, to the fountain. He stuck his head into the clear water and drank.

After regaining some physical strength, Qimu walked along the source of the sound. He entered a majestic building that towered into the sky unimpeded. On the top floor of the building, he saw a nutrition warehouse. There is also a little baby soaked in green nutrient solution and crying.

The civilization of this world has reached a level of terrifying. All important places have no door locks and no complicated passwords. It seems that the human beings of this civilization have achieved a high degree of autonomy and consciously follow every rule that should be followed.

Therefore, this nutrition warehouse even has an instruction panel without text, which seems to be to take care of the ordinary person who has no culture. The operation of the nutrition warehouse is extremely simple.

After understanding the explanation of the nutrition warehouse, Qi Mu did not unlock the “incubator”. He stared deeply at the baby’s appearance, as if he wanted to engrave every fold of her in his mind. generally. After a long stare, Qimu activated the hibernation mode, and the baby continued to fall into a deep sleep.

After that, Qimu frantically searches the city for baby supplies. He began to teach himself the characters, comparing the meaning of each character in the book vast as the open sea. He began to keep looking for everything about babies, everything about children in the “Great Library of Calis”.

It took him five years to prepare for that little life.

Five years later, with great excitement, Qimu pressed the wake-up button. With a crisp cry from Liao Lang, Qi Mu’s emotions that had been suppressed for several years finally erupted. He first resisted his grief and walked out the door, beating his legs hard, without crying or roaring, he vented his emotions in such a quiet and silent way. After sorting out his mood, Qi Mu took the baby out of the dormant warehouse.

According to the instructions in the book and with extreme care, this little baby grew up smoothly. This child, who has long been named “Kaya Kalis”, is a girl who looks very cute. Well-behaved, obedient, and sensible, this girl is like a gift from God, making Qimu, whose heart was already dead, rekindle hope for life.

When Kaya finished her eighth birthday, Qimu asked Kaya her birthday wish with a smile. In this world, Nanami is like an omnipotent god who will do everything for Kaya to get whatever she wants. But this time, Kaya made a request that Qimu didn’t expect.

“I want to see other people.”

Simple, unadorned words, but like the sharpest blade, they pierced into Qimu’s heart. At this moment, he understood that the sin of genocide had never left him. He was still Chonghuang, the sinner that the angel in front of him should hate the most.

At this moment, Qimu fell into a great contradiction. This world has no life other than them, if he dies, Kaya will become the loneliest child in this world, which will be the result of his selfishness. However, the passage to the outside world has long been completely closed, and now he has lost the blessing of the gods and cannot reach the tunnel that was completely sealed by his wife.

But even if she leaves here, the humans that Kaya will face are not her kind, but the enemies who have killed her clansman.

After struggling for a whole year, Qimu chose to come to the Calis Library again. This time, he found the core terminal at the bottom of the library. This is the center that controls the entire city of Calis, where any data or energy is deployed and controlled by it.

On Kaya’s ninth birthday, Qimu sent Kaya into the breeding cabin. Then he came to the underground of the library again, and used an ability he had just learned when he had just passed through and had not been selected by the gods.


This ability was only learned by him for a while, and is useless in that world. Can only be attached to dead objects, cannot concealed aura, and has no defense in soul state. This ability was once selected as the most boring and useless ability, and no one has ever learned it.

However, at this time, Qimu was extremely fortunate that she had learned this ability. When he regained consciousness again, he had become “Terminal”.

This time, he flipped through a book he had never dared to read – the history of Calis.

Calis was once a Planetary Grade spaceship for interstellar use, about the size of two Earths. The original Calis civilization was highly developed and was already in a state of endless energy and dimension control. Even this Planetary Grade spaceship named after its parent star was just a simple exploration, and it had never carried out any aggressive behavior. Yet even so, Calis, who was by nature peace-loving, developed a powerful civilization.

But even such a powerful civilization has not resisted the vastness of the universe.

During a space shuttle, the Calis spaceship fell into a strange space. This space has no sun and moon, no galaxies, and no affairs. And this is the later “Void”.

The Calis spaceship began a large-scale self-rescue. After numerous defeats, the people of this spaceship finally decided to give up their useless struggle and put their resources into survival. With endless energy, and the strange energy that exists in the void, the Calis spaceship quickly became a world indistinguishable from the planet, achieving controllable self-sufficiency.

While Calis has survived, people’s moral standards have been improving. But soon an extremely fatal problem appeared in front of this race – fertility.

Due to the characteristics of the race, the Kalis family needs to use a special element “thallium (transliteration)” for fertility. After thousands of years, the thallium on the Calis spaceship is completely exhausted. And this element cannot be produced on spaceship, and there is no way to cultivate it. After the last generation of youngsters was born, these old people offered to donate their remains to study how to produce thallium element to continue the race.

When the thallium research yielded certain results, the Calis terminal suddenly received a signal from outside space. The Kalisians followed the signal at the fastest speed and opened a crack in the space that Kalis couldn’t pass through, and came into contact with the outside world.

However, to their great regret, the external planet environment cannot produce thallium. Although there is some regret that they can’t produce, this is also a good opportunity for them to ask for help from the mother star. Soon, the signal was sent out.

No audio.

They didn’t probe the outside world, because when the signal was sent, the Kalis were aware of one thing – the outer planet was about to be destroyed.

Callis records the reasons for the destruction of the planet in great detail, down to their formulas and scientific measurements. This is completely beyond the scope of Chonghuang’s study. He simply can’t understand the civilization and science far beyond Earth’s hundreds of millions of years, even if he has been assimilated by the terminal at this time. But this didn’t affect him quickly skipping this part, because he already knew the story behind it.

The day the Calis rescue team set off was the experimental stage of the Calis first man-made “thallium” element. Kaya, was the first embryo to be tested.

The Karisians went to the abyss of despair on the day when hope came.

After checking the history, Chonghuang, who has become a planet terminal, finally found a way to crack the tunnel. He checked that all worlds have their own wills, and the wills of the worlds love their children. At this time, Qi Mu had a bold and extreme idea.

projection , the household registration.

Space does not block the soul, but the human soul cannot escape from the fleshy body. Chonghuang understands this, but he believes that he can do it.

Technology and magic, science fiction and fantasy. After combining the professional ability she left behind with the cultivation vessel, Qimu succeeded.

He will strip away the void imprint on Kaya’s soul, wipe all his humanity into blank and give Kaya. Although the price is that Seven Twilight will never be able to touch the state of possession, Kaya has become a righteous person from another world.

However, Qi Mu still had certain illusions, and he still left a faint void imprint. Although he loved Kaya and didn’t want her to suffer even the slightest harm, he also gave Kaya the right to know the truth.

The Kaya who returns to reality will be in a state of being and nothingness. In that state, Kaya has both the entity of Kalis and the Soul Seal of the real world. At the same time, the faint imprint will also allow Kaya to get shuttle Space Power, allowing her to protect herself.

However, Kaya couldn’t keep her memory.

Chonghuang knows that if Kaya returns to reality, she must forget everything about herself. The ten years of his life with Kaya were all he had in mind, and the reason he could continue to live. But soon he will delete these memories from Kaya’s mind and will never keep them again.

However, Emperor Chong did not hesitate.

He has fulfilled all of Kaya’s previous birthday wishes, this time, he still won’t break his promise.

(End of this chapter)

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