This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 156


Chapter 156 Departure

“Has the Dark Emperor’s name not changed?”

Zhou Li, who received part of Chonghuang’s strength, looked at the paper in his hand that showed his strength, and carefully checked every line of words on it.

(race: hero)

(occupation: Black Emperor [Bright intermediate level])

(Second occupation: Chonghuang [Dazzling primary level])

(Comprehensive evaluation: Bright Peak)

“Is one plus one and two?”

Zhou Li still thinks about the improvement of his hard power. Very satisfied. Zhou Li continued to read, and his eyes reached the column of innate talent.


Zhou Li was stunned when he saw his four innate talents. According to common sense, innate talent is fixed and completely unchangeable, except that it can be changed through spiritual transformation when reaching Demi-God Level or God-given level. But now, the original innate talent dedicated to the World War II for the four artists who were not on the list has been completely renewed.

Once the masses instigated the Master, and became the “Manipulator of the People’s Sea”. Language Artist, changed to “Language Tyrant”. The cultural blaster, became the “cultural meat grinder”. The ‘social engineering mastery” that Zhou Li is best at has also become ‘social shadow”.

“Is this evolution?”

Zhou Li clicked on the entry “Manipulator in the Sea of the People” with great interest. In an instant, a detailed introduction appeared in front of him. panel.

(The Sea of People Manipulator: The people’s trust in you will spread like a virus. The public opinion you manipulate will grow exponentially)

Zhou Li was silent. After a long time, he said faintly: “How do I feel, how come my power is getting more and more distant from the words just and honorable?”

“No way, it’s like this.”

On the hero exclusive, there are characters with obvious traces of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, and then quickly changed the subject: “You have seen this, it is no different.”

“Well, then you can show me the others.”

Zhou Li didn’t care too much, and continued to read.

(Shadow of society: You are the shadow of society. You can manipulate the negative emotions of society at will)

(Language tyrant: You are not paying attention to the art of language, because you are the language Tyrant. Your speech will tear apart everything that questions your existence like a tyrant. The more tyrannical your speech is, the easier it will be to be convinced by others.)

(Cultural meat grinder: Stealing culture? Grab culture? Assimilate culture? No, this time, you are the meat grinder of all foreign cultures. You can deconstruct and shred any culture that you did not create, so that it no longer affects your subjects or choices Of course, this ability also applies to other countries)

When he saw the last cultural meat grinder, Zhou Li was stunned for a moment, and then he felt absurd. It seems that of these four abilities, the cultural meat grinder is the most ambiguous and weakest. But in fact, when Zhou Li saw the sentence “Other countries take effect”, Zhou Li decided that his biggest gain at this time was this ability.

For example, there is a country called “Han” on the east side of the East Three Courts. The people of this country are very concerned about the class problem. Seniors can beat Junior at will, and Junior can only obey.

And now, if Zhou Li wants to subvert the country, he doesn’t even need to take a single soldier. He only needs to use the function of cultural meat grinder to gather a large number of juniors who have been oppressed and instill in them the idea of equality for all. He can then use the power of a language tyrant to publicly denounce the vile nature of this behavior, allowing society to gradually be ignited by the idea of equality for all.

When using the shadow of society to squeeze the negative emotions of people’s hearts to a certain extent, Zhou Li, the first pioneer, received enough people’s hearts. With the spread of the manipulators of the People’s Sea, many of the masses in Han will become Zhou Li’s followers, and at this time, Zhou Li can unleash the last cultural meat grinder to give these instigated public opinion a final touch. fire.

The kingdom of Han should be destroyed.


When Zhou Li was disengaged from the plan he had conceived, he felt a pang of discomfort. The most important reason is that Zhou Li felt no guilt at all after he found that he had evolved the destruction of the Han Kingdom in his mind, and even felt a little bit relieved.

That is the downfall of a country, a country!

Zhou Li is very sad about his own thoughts, of course, not because he has a good heart and can’t see himself as ruthless.

The main reason is that he feels that his happiness seems to be difficult to obtain. This kind of imagination is only to make himself faint, not to the sky, which is too inappropriate.

After educating himself to be content, Zhou Li continued watching. This time, he looked towards his skill bar.

“All in all, in addition to the Black Emperor’s skills, I have an additional set of Chonghuang abilities. And the two can be superimposed on each other without conflict, right?”

After seeing the huge and long list of abilities, Zhou Li put the paper aside with a headache, rubbed his temples, and concluded exclusively to Hero: “The main body of the black emperor’s ability is the black mist, and the ability to honor the emperor is the black mist. The theme is Minglei. I can hide Minglei through black fog, and Minglei can attack with black fog, right?”

“Almost, not much difference.”

After writing this line, hero exclusive paused, then continued: “I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

Zhou Li leaned back in the chair and looked at the characters gradually emerging in front of him.

“I don’t believe that Calis, that is, the Void family, will be wiped out by humans.”

Looking at a line of ink on the book, Zhou Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and he typed With a snap of his fingers, the enchantment covered the entire room. He sat up straight and replied: “Yes, I don’t believe it either.”

“A race capable of interstellar exploration is absolutely impossible to be defeated by the humans of this world.”

In fact, Zhou Li became alert when Chong Huang in the cabin told Zhou Li that “the Kalis race can explore the interstellar space at will”.

“Kaya and Ain don’t understand the meaning behind interstellar travel, but you, I, and Emperor Chong know how terrifying existence of a civilization capable of interstellar travel is.”

Zhou Li looked at the text on the exclusive hero, leaned forward slightly, and said solemnly: “If Calis is really the advanced civilization that Chong Huang said, humans and gods alone would be completely unable to defeat them. We have also seen the image of the lance, how can a civilization that fights with a lance and a sword blade be a higher civilization?”

“But there is also a possibility.”

The exclusiveness of hero is not blindly Agreed with Zhou Li’s words, but made a conjecture: the human beings created by the gods may be able to block the invasion of advanced civilizations. After all, this is the home court of the gods, and Kalis was also trapped in that different dimension for a long time, and his strength deteriorated, so he was defeated. “

“Genghis Khan’s cavalry, the attack speed is comparable to the armored forces of the twentieth century; the bed crossbow of the Northern Song Dynasty, with a range of 1,500 meters, is similar to the sniper rifle of the twentieth century; but these are still no more than It is only the ancient cavalry and crossbow, and it is impossible to compete with the modern power. “

After slowly reciting the famous words from “Three-Body Problem”, Zhou Li summoned a black mist, causing it to swirl in his palms: “The civilization of this world is still stuck in the extremely backward “use of” “Energy, whether it is a wizard, warrior, or any professional, is asking the world for it. If Kalis really has endless energy, humans and gods are not worthy to compete with him. “

“Besides, don’t forget that I asked Chong Huang a word before I left. “

“You ask him if he told you three fairy tales?” ”

In the face of hero exclusives who have never seen the Three-Body Problem and don’t know about Yun Tianming and the three fairy tales, Zhou Li nodded and said softly: “In “Three-Body Problem”, Yun Tianming reminded him with three fairy tales What kind of blow will mankind suffer, and the key to escape. And the truth that Chonghuang gave me at that time happened to be only three, when I asked if he gave me three fairy tales. “

“He told me, yes.” “

“You mean…”

Zhou Li smiled at the incredible character exclusive to hero.

“That’s right.” “The three truths about Calis appeared in his mind, and gradually pieced together, “Those three truths, most likely, are false. “

“Kalis, not a so-called interstellar traveler.” “

“And their purpose is not pure salvation. “

****************************************** **********

“Don’t forget to send us a newsletter when you get there. ”

In the largest flying port in the world-Yone Hexport, Zhou Li and Elma stood at the boarding gate, and in front of them was the Azientire group.

A Zi raised his head, the huge port was like a miracle, which made people feel revered from the heart. The hex airship that Zhou Li and Elma boarded was a manned airship called “Arbor”. As a new era transmigrator, Zhou Li did not choose a cheap and good-quality airship, nor did he contact the mysterious smuggling airship. He directly chose the most luxurious airship, the Arbor, without any humility.

“I have worked hard. It’s been more than a year, and it still doesn’t let me enjoy it.” – Zhou Li said when he chartered the airship.

“Don’t worry, we’ll send you a message when we get there. “

In the face of A Zi’s advice, Zhou Li responded. Then he looked at his watch and found that it was almost time for the airship to take off, looking towards A Zi who seemed to have something to say , Zhou Li first motioned her to keep silent, then turned his head, yelled:

“I overpaid a thousand gold coins, I was chatting for half an hour. “

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s stop chatting with you.” ”

In the face of Zhou Li’s sudden move, Azi entire group also didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, Zhou Li smiled, waved his hand, and turned towards the airship with a reluctant Elma. Go.

“Don’t forget to send a newsletter! ! ! ”

After getting on the airship, A Zi, who was lifted up by Spirit Sea, kept waving her arms towards the window of the airship, and Elma, who was beside her, couldn’t stop laughing because of her cute appearance. She rolled down the window and waved gently. He waved his hand to signal that he heard it. Seeing this, Azi put down his arms and jumped down.

“It’s like you have a daughter. “

After pouring a cup of coffee and adding six spoons of sugar, Zhou Li looked at Elma who kept looking out the window, lightly said with a smile: “What? First time doing an airship? “

“Yeah, my first time in an airship.” ”

Elma, who was riding the human intelligence for the first time, was very excited and full of curiosity about everything. Under the name of Zhou Li, the big dog, the crew members of the crew were also happy to explain to this lovely and beautiful girl Airship. As a hard-working civil servant who has been flying to all over the world every day in his previous life, Zhou Li has long been accustomed to airships, and has even become numb to the point of numbness.

“Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li, Yingnan in the end What kind of place is it? ”

After a while, she was very energetic. Elma, like a cat at night, exhausted the younger sister of the flight attendant, and then turned around and started to ask Zhou Li.

“Haven’t you read it in a half-understood book? ”

Zhou Li raised his head slightly suspiciously. Elma had used it for a long time with a little understanding. In fact, Zhou Li from previous life often learned about the customs of this world through Elma.


“Hehe, I mainly want to hear you tell me. ”

In fact, Elma has a deep understanding of Yingnan. After all, she has read countless works and articles about Yingnan. After all, she is one of the few countries in the world that produces humanistic thoughts. It has a lot of influence.

However, Elma still wants Zhou Li to tell her about Yingnan. The most important reason is that she inexplicably enjoys Zhou Li’s story to her. I feel. But there is also a reason that what Elma understands is very official and one-sided, while what Zhou Li understands is often fascinating anecdotes that make people daydream.

“I think about it. ”

Zhou Li also fell into his memories. He really didn’t go to Yingnan much in his last life. After all, that country is not only foggy, but also an island country. If it weren’t for the colonies all over the world, the British The resources in the southern mainland are not enough to feed the country. Therefore, the Demon King army in the previous life rarely invaded Yingnan, and Zhou Li did not visit Yingnan several times.

“The country of Yingnan The capital of the city, you know? “

Facing Zhou Li’s question, Elma thought for a while, then replied: “Well, I know, Jordan.” “

“Then do you know the nickname of the city of Jordan?” “

“Fog. “

In the face of Elma, who quickly answered his own question, Zhou Li was nodded with relief, and then continued: “This place in Jordan, in addition to the name of Wudu, actually has a nickname. “

“The city of grotesques.” “

“Huh? “

Elma really doesn’t know much about this. She looked towards Zhou Li, and curiously asked: “Why is it called the City of Weirdness?” “

“I’ll give you a pass on this first.” “

Zhou Li smiled, then he picked up the coffee cup and drank it.

What Zhou Li didn’t know, however, was that just after he finished drinking the cup of coffee. After that, the shocking case of the “King of Southern England Suicide” happened.

The old man wearing a luxurious robe and a golden crown was crucified on his limbs. His body was full of insults to the gods. The text of , but was wrapped with olive branches representing holiness.

In the Imperial Palace, blood-colored eyes reflected blood, and wolf howls sounded slowly in a silent place.

(End of this chapter)

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