This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 161


Chapter 161 Organization


In the face of this secondary disease, the breath assumes the senses, And the title with a very deep concentration, Zhou Li was stuck in the shell for a while, not knowing what to say.

“You’re famous~”

Elma obviously did not take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, but said this to Zhou Li very happily. If someone else said this, it would be pure mystifying.

Zhou Li sighed, put away the newspaper, put it aside and wiped his face with his hands, “Don’t say it, this Roja really fulfilled his promise.”

It’s just a bit ruthless.

“Actually, I’m curious about one thing, Zhou Li.”

Elma sat upside down on the chair, her delicate calf swaying slightly, and a white halo rolled up, “I was The idea is that you will find the werewolf and ask him about the whereabouts of the Gospels. But why would you do that?”

Zhou Li knew that Elma was referring to the fact that he picked up the military vehicle and smashed the villa yesterday. unusual. Zhou Li was leaning against the back of the recliner, and the Jordanian fog made it difficult for the sun to fall, so everything was grey. Zhou Li on the balcony leaned against the gray space and explained:

“This is Yingnan.”


Facing Elma was a little puzzled by Zhou Li’s answer. Zhou Li was not a riddle person either. He smiled and said with a little emotion:

“Here, I don’t have Magnum’s advance layout.”

In Ma With the memory of previous life and the exclusive power of hero, Glam and Zhou Li have created a perfect plan that is closely linked with one another. These plans echoed and superimposed each other, and finally became Zhou Li’s weapon against the two gods of Magnum nobles and dead and life.

However, Yingnan is different.

In the previous life, Zhou Li did not set foot in this land much. Apart from the fact that this place is an island nation, Torea has no interest in it, and the twelve cards of the kingdom of God are no longer in this kingdom. Therefore, the number of times Zhou Li from previous life came to Yingnan can be counted on one’s fingers, and the knowledge about Yingnan was also learned from the comrades of the Allied Forces in the World.

He didn’t know the hobby of the Kings of England and the difference between these nobles of England and Magnum. There is no Duskwood outpost for him here, nor a force reassuring enough to ask for help. Zhou Li, who came to Yingnan, is like a traveler who has entered the fog. Step by step, he can only move in time.

“If it was Magnum, I would have left this werewolf long ago.”

Zhou Li took Yingnan’s black tea and took a sip, looking slightly tired , “The upper class in Yingnan is not so much aristocracy, but a group of capitalists who control resources. This group of people does not pay attention to background and bloodline, but only talks about interests and money. Here, the Imperial Family is only a symbolic meaning and has no real power. .”

Seeing Elma’s ignorant appearance, Zhou Li smiled, then extended the hand, the black mist condensed into a pyramid shape and appeared in front of the two of them.

“This is the Magnum.”

Zhou Li moved his right hand slightly, and the spire of the pyramid glowed slightly, “This is the king, as long as I can to a certain extent By manipulating him, I can gain a lot of power in the country of Magnum.”

“But Yingnan is different.”

The pyramid becomes an upside-down The trapezoidal shape, with a shimmering light at the top, “The power of Yingnan is scattered in the hands of various businessmen or officers, and they all have their own strong capital to support the power in their hands. In their eyes, the Imperial Family is more of a Joke. So I can’t take these scattered powers into my own hands in a short time.”

“If I bring the werewolf back, first of all, I don’t know if I can in a short time. You can get the knowledge you want, because you and I are not professional interrogators. Secondly, there must be a force behind the werewolf. If we leave it rashly, it is likely to be affected by the British government and hidden forces. Hearing this, Elma understood what Zhou Li meant, she extended the hand and tapped her forehead, then she understood Said: “So you hand over the werewolf to the Yingnan government, and the forces behind the werewolf will not give up.”

“But I must hand over the werewolf to the Yingnan government, otherwise it will be meaningless. “

Zhou Li rubbed Elma’s hair, added a sentence and then said with a slight smile: “Guess why this is happening?”

Elma frowned and lowered her head. The head, the lip line and the lower jaw outline a perfect line. After a while, Elma seemed to think of something, raised her head, her eyes twinkled with rays of light like stars, “Because only you handed over the werewolf to the Yingnan government, werewolf. The forces behind you will pay attention to you.”

“Yes, but there is one more point.”

Zhou Li tilted his head, as if waiting for something, soon, Zhou Li Closing the newspaper in his hand, said with a smile: “When the forces behind the werewolf pay attention to me, the Yingnan government will choose to protect me.”

“At the same time, let me in.”

dong dong dong.

Zhou Li tone barely fell , and a gentle knock on the door interrupted their conversation. A standard business smile appeared on Zhou Li’s face. He got up and walked to the door, asking loudly, “Hello, who?”

“Mr. It’s Captain Roja, the third detachment of the Templar Knight regiment, we met.”

Roja’s voice came from outside the door, but Zhou Li did not rush to open the door, but instead asked: ” Captain Roja, when did you pay me back the twelve gold coins I borrowed last time?”


A suspicious voice came from outside the door, Zhou Li heard it After this questioning voice, he pushed the door open with a smile. Sure enough, standing outside the door was Roja in a military uniform.

“Mr. Roja, of course you don’t owe me money. This is just a small warning. Please forgive me if I offend you.”

After hearing Zhou Li’s words, Roja suddenly realized, “Ah, have you noticed it?”

“When you go out, some necessary precautions are of course. Even more how, after encountering a werewolf that only exists in mystery After things, I am bound to be a little more suspicious of my profession.”

hearing this, Roja’s face suddenly showed an expression of admiration. In fact, as early as when Roja came downstairs of the hotel, Zhou Li noticed it through the black fog in Roja’s body, and those so-called vigilance were all bluffing him.

“Your vigilance is absolutely necessary. In addition to my thanks, I have a message to inform you.”

After being invited into the house by Zhou Li , Roja sat on the sofa, sitting very straight. After pouring two cups of black tea for the two, Elma sat beside Zhou Li and waited for the two to talk.

“You and your assistant have a very good relationship.”

Roja laughed at the two people next to each other, and then took a sip. black tea. This is the standard social etiquette of Yingnan and is used to pull in the relationship between each other. After the necessary social etiquette, Roja put down the teacup and began to get straight to the point.

“Detective Fowlers, we got a piece of news in the early hours of this morning.”

Roja leaned forward slightly, with a very serious expression, “It is related to the Book of Fortune. Count Assmann was killed last night at exactly the same time as Duke Mintz, except that Count Assmann was killed in his own bedroom.”

“What about the cause of death?”

Zhou Li’s inquiry was also expected by Roja, he took out a photo from the device beside him and handed it to Zhou Li, and said to him: “The blood was sucked dry, when we found the body of the body It’s already a complete mummified state.”

Zhou Li put down this unacceptable mummified photo, then pushed aside the curious little head and asked Roja: “If I guess correctly , Asman count’s death also has witnesses, right?”

“Yes, you are right.”

Roja nodded, admires Zhou Li’s professionalism very much Ability: “The deceased’s mistress and servant both claimed to have seen a demon with flesh wings kill count. As if the demon had been discovered on purpose, he stayed for a while so that his appearance could be seen clearly. .”

Roja took out a portrait again and handed it to Zhou Li, “This is a portrait extracted from the memory of witnesses by brilliant painters and mental controllers, at least 8% The similarity of ten.”


Zhou Li, who has long been accustomed to this world’s unscientific but magical criminal investigation methods, took the portrait, a standard The vampire face appeared in front of the curious little head and Zhou Li.

Red eyes, dark circles, pale, bloodless skin. The two fangs were exposed, and the blue veins around the mouth were especially hideous.

“Have you investigated the identity of this person?”

Zhou Li put down the portrait and asked Roja.

“No, Yingnan’s household registration system is very complete. Our mechanical tutor has checked all the foreign or local populations, but has not found a similar face. According to the analysis, this person is likely to be smuggled. .”

“At the same time, we also encountered a problem.”

Roja frowned and said to Zhou Li: “We can’t identify the werewolf at all, because the villa It is an unowned property, so it cannot be traced back to its origin. Our interrogators also tried interrogation, but to no avail, and did not get any useful information at all.”

After saying this, Roja seemed to Sensing something, he greeted Zhou Li and took out a communicator from his waist and put it by his ear. It didn’t take long for Roja to put down the communicator, his face gloomy.

“Mr. Folders, we just got a piece of information.”

“Hilary, the boss of Norway Mining, was killed in public at the staff meeting at 7 o’clock today. The perpetrator was a weirdo wrapped in bandages, hung Hillary from the ceiling, wrapped the bandage around Hillary’s body, and then burned her to death with flames.”

Oh, interesting. .

Zhou Li leaned on the back of the sofa, looked thoughtful and said: “Werewolf, vampire, bandage freak…”

“This is an organization.”

“Now it seems that you need our protection.”

Roja looked towards Zhou Li and said solemnly: “I know Hillary, there will always be a dazzling person beside her. The Guardian protects her. The Duke of Mintz also has two shadow assassins and a Guardian Knight for protection, and the Assman count is no exception. If these three monsters belong to the same organization, the forces behind this organization should be very terrifying .”

“Of course I don’t mind the government’s protection of citizens. A hero once said that if you are not afraid of thieves, you will be afraid of thieves. If this organization really targets me, I will hide for the rest of my life. Under the government, even more how…”

Zhou Li glanced at Elma who was concentrating on the case analysis, chuckled and said to Roja: “I am not steel. , I have my own weakness.”

“I understand.”

Roja nodded, then he took out another piece of paper and put it in front of Zhou Li.

“So, I made a suggestion to my superiors.”

Zhou Li picked up this piece of paper, the badge of the God of Justice was engraved on it, and a standard standard contract appeared in front of Zhou Li.

“This is an outside contract, and we would like to hire you to assist Templar Knight with these three monsters and the organization behind them. During this period, we will conduct a full inspection of you and your assistants. The protection of the location will also provide you with all the support and assistance from Templar Knight and the police. At the same time, we will provide you with all the details of the case to help you reason and solve the case.”

“When After the incident is over, or you want to unilaterally terminate the external employment. We will evaluate your role in the case and give you corresponding rewards. Please rest assured that the British South Government will not treat anyone who has meritorious deeds unfairly. “

After introducing the contract, Roja glanced at Zhou Li’s expression, and sighed in relief after finding that he had no clear intention of rejecting it. After all, the profession of detective is very characteristic, and few high-level detectives will choose to join the government. In previous cases, when they heard about joining the government, the detectives were either dismissive or warm-hearted, and then tried to solve the case on their own.

As a result, most of the detectives were killed by criminals with combat careers, and they were simply given away.

“Thank you very much for your trust with the Jordanian government.”

Zhou Li put down the contract and said to Roja: “However, I want to change a regulation.”

Zhou Li put down the contract, pointed to the article “During the period of external employment, Folders is not allowed to open a private detective agency”, and said to Roja: “I want to stand on my feet here, this time I am in It is an important time for Yingnan to become famous. I hope you can consider amending this regulation. Of course, I will accept the commission without affecting the case, and this can be handed over to you for review.”

“There’s no problem with this, you’re a temporary outsider, it doesn’t matter if this regulation is added or not.”

Roja was also quite forthright, and with a stroke of a pen, he deleted this line of regulation. Zhou Li nominated, and then signed Folders’ name. For this result, Roja is very satisfied.

“Thank you for your cooperation with Jordan.”

Roja shook hands with Zhou Li, then stood up and prepared to leave.

“Right, Captain Roja, I want to ask you a question.”

Just before Roja left, Zhou Li suddenly stopped him and asked him a question. question.

“Does Jordan have his own nursery rhymes? About monsters.”

(End of this chapter)

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