This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 228


Chapter 228 Tranquility

“Do me a favor.”

After a long time, she faced a face full of writing The rotten blood wolf, Zhou Li still said, “I need you to do something for me.”

The blood wolf’s drooping ears perked up, and then it raised its head and asked: “Can I say no?”

Zhou Li didn’t answer, just shook the Book of Gaia in front of the blood wolf, the meaning was self-evident. Seeing this, the blood wolf lay on the ground, yawned and said weakly: “Okay, it seems that I can’t resist. If you have anything, just say, I will try my best.”

” Don’t worry, you may not be needed at all.”

Zhou Li put the silver dagger back on the table, he sat on the chair, his tone was full of ease: “I need you to disguise as a person and go talk to another person. Some people contact.”


The blood wolf’s seemingly rotten body hides great wisdom, he closed his eyes, and asked lightly: “Do you want to Let me disguise as the hungry wolf?”

Yes, the good grotesques like Blood Wolf and Lady Rose know the existence of evil grotesques. But they are not ashamed of the evil side, because to them it is not their own will at all.

“That’s right.”

Zhou Li nodded and said without hesitation: “I need you to disguise as it and catch a fish for me.”> “Okay, when?”

The blood wolf responded without any hesitation, which surprised Zhou Li. He first confirmed the time with the blood wolf, and then asked curiously: “Why did you agree so quickly?”

“Because of laziness.”

The blood wolf yawned , then swept his reddish tail on the ground, and said rightly, “I can’t resist you anyway, and I have no right to refuse. .”

Zhou Li is also happy to face the delicate and lazy blood wolf. He was ready to fight the blood wolf for a long time, and finally took out the book of Gaia and the sterling silver dagger, and smiled yelled “book”. But after all, it takes a lot of effort, and it is better to be able to directly reach cooperation.

“It’s also refreshing to see you, I’ll give you a reminder.”

The blood wolf is still very good at talking, he broke the table next to him, and then said to Zhou Li: “I Felt the breath of vampire and bandaged freaks. They haven’t been recovered by you, right?”

After getting a positive answer from Zhou Li, the blood wolf opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and tried to laugh A smile, but it ends with Zhou Li’s defensive gesture. He stretched out his claws lazily and said to Zhou Li: “Vampire and the bandage monster are complete monsters. If the evil side of Xiao Rose and I are murderers with a certain purpose, then the two of them are pure bloodthirsty. .”

“But so far there has been no murder.”

Facing Zhou Li’s doubts, the blood wolf scratched his head with his claws, and then he seemed to think of something , suddenly hissed, “If that’s the case, I suggest you be careful.”

“Vampires and Bandage Freaks are brainless, if their behavior is purposeful, it’s proof that someone is manipulating them. .”

“Generally speaking, the grotesque can only be controlled by the Book of Gaia in your hand.”

Pointing to the book in Zhou Li’s hand, the blood wolf continued: ” However, there is one exception.”

“Someone becomes the master of the Gospels. When pure man has complete control over the Gospels, he has mastery over the grotesque.”


“Are you purely human…”

The stars are rare at night, and on a rare sunny day in Jordan, Zhou Li was sitting on the terrace, swaying on a rocking chair, closing his eyes and thinking about the words of the blood wolf just now.

The information of the blood wolf is very important, it directly confirms Zhou Li’s previous conjecture – Most is not the real “master behind the scenes” at all.

Purely human, this condition does not seem difficult to achieve, but for Most, it directly negates his probability. The reason is very simple. As a child born from the same mother as the evil omen of the death epidemic, no matter whether Most accepts the bad omen of the dead epidemic, he will be infected with a “weird” atmosphere the moment he is born. At this time, Most was no longer purely human.

Then the question is, who is controlling Most?

Rubbing the sterling silver dagger with his fingers, Zhou Li looked at the warm full moon in the sky with a thoughtful look on his face. He had some conjectures, but they were still vague. They vaguely appeared in Zhou Li’s mind, but he couldn’t be caught.

“Zhou Li~~~”

At this moment, the warm and clean palms gently covered his eyes, and a deliberately low voice appeared beside Zhou Li’s ears, “ Guess who I am?”

Extend the hand backwards, grab Elma by the neck, and throw it on another recliner aside.


Elma hehe’s laughed on the reclining chair, then she put the small bag around her waist on the coffee table and took it out like magic A pile of snacks, with two bags of milk placed on the table, Elma lay relaxed on the rattan chair, her white jade-like calves swaying gently, drawing a graceful arc.

“Why are you here?”

Looking at Elma, who puffed up her cheeks like a hamster, Zhou Li’s gloom was swept away. He took a cookie in his hand, and began to eat it, too, under Elma’s infection.

“Hmm~ I don’t know why I slept for a long time this afternoon. I couldn’t fall asleep in bed just now…smacking the lips…I just want to see the moon.”

took Zhou The milk Li handed over was drained, Elma’s face was full of satisfaction, she burped cutely, then slumped on the chair, shook her hand and said to Zhou Li: “Then, I passed by the door of your room. I had a hunch that you couldn’t sleep either, I then went to the kitchen and brought some more food. I came up and took a look, hey, guess what?”

Learning Zhou Li’s tone, Elma right hand Raised the orchid and stroked with his fingers, then laughed naively and said to Zhou Li, “I really saw a hero admiring the moon, you say it’s a coincidence.”

“It’s really a coincidence.”

Looking at Elma with a bright smile, Zhou Li also began to smile. He extended the hand and squeezed Elma’s small nose, with a relaxed tone, “It’s an honor for Lord Demi-God to meet me by chance.”

“Hehe, no need.”

Elma extends the hand, as if depicting the edge of the moon, “The moon in Yingnan has a special beauty.”

“Is it?”

Zhou Li glanced at the moon in the sky, blinked and replied, “I don’t feel anything? It’s almost the same.”

“No no no, this is different. .”

Elma shook the head and said solemnly: “Magnum’s moon will always appear, very cordial but not mysterious. Although Jordan’s moon does not appear many times, it makes people feel very It’s cold, but once she appears in the sky, she will have a lovely feeling.”

After thinking about it, Elma organized the language and said, “It’s the kind of “Aiya people don’t want to Let you see it, but for the sake of your hard work, let’s reluctantly let you take a look.”

“Where did you learn this thing?”

In the face of Elma’s words, Zhou Li asked a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Then, Elma thought for a while, looked towards Zhou Li, and said confidently: “I learned from you.”

“That’s what you said about Aiwei and Ain at the time.”


“Stop, stop.”

Zhou Li made a pause gesture, he remembered that he and Elma had complained about blond, arrogant, and childish sweetheart templates. Weakness, so to speak, he was the culprit in contaminating the white flower of Elma.

“By the way, Zhou Li, why haven’t you slept yet.”

After talking nonsense for a long time, Elma asked Zhou Li curiously. Zhou Li thought about it and replied:

“I’m thinking about vampire and the bandage freak.”

“Oh, yes, and the two of them.”

After being reminded by Zhou Li, Elma remembered that there were two a fish that escaped the net.

“These two things neither commit crimes nor show their faces. Most of Jordan’s troops are used to control the plague and prevent the Gospels, and there is no way to mobilize manpower to capture these two. I am now every day. I also have to study the matter of the consuls, so I can’t hunt them down without my hands, so troublesome~~”


Elma was stunned, then she tilted her head, a little Inexplicably, he asked, “Then why didn’t you find Geralst?”

The hand holding the milk stopped, Zhou Li stared blankly at Elma, and then he put the milk on the table When he got up, he slapped his forehead, and suddenly realized: “Yes, there is another him.”

“Why did I forget him?”

In fact, Zhou Li was prompted to Forgetting Geralster, the demonhunter expert, is a habit of mind. Because Geralster doesn’t like to participate in politics, Zhou Li has not been in contact with him recently. When thinking about political prisoners like vampire, Zhou Li also subconsciously thinks that Geralster will not do this.

But the problem is that although vampire and bandage monsters are both revives, they have completely mutated, and they are no longer political prisoners if they are stripped of their original identities.

“Elma, is Vila on you?”

Zhou Li asked Elma hurriedly, and Elma, as if she had already made preparations, pulled it out from her waist. Business card, with a flick, a small blue jellyfish slowly floats in midair. She floated to Elma’s side and rubbed her cheek lightly, expressing her joy.

“Vila, help me contact your master.”

After receiving Zhou Li’s instructions, Vila nodded, and then she slowly curled up and slowly relaxed. expand. After a while, Vila’s body flashed a blue halo, indicating that the connection was established.

“Hello? Geralster?”

Geralster, who struggled to get up from the bed, put the paper crane beside his ear and asked blankly, “It’s me, why? Is it right?”

Seemingly aware that his behavior of disturbing the people in the middle of the night was not right, Zhou Li was silent for a moment, and then remedied: “Did you sleep?”

…… …

“Just tell me if you have something to do.”

Geroste slumped on the bed, clutching the paper crane and asking helplessly, “Why are you looking for me in the middle of the night?”

“Remember vampire and the Bandage Freak?”

Zhou Li’s question refreshed Geralst, who sat up and asked with a frown, “They shot?”


After telling Geralst the information that the blood wolf told him, Geralst fell silent for a long time. After a while, Geralster said: “The person who told you this information is right, these two monsters really have no brains, I thought they died directly with the bad omen of the death epidemic, but now there may be a problem It’s over.”

“I’ll go back to Jordan City tomorrow to find their clues, and you send me Roja.”

Faced with Gerost’s request, Zhou Li directly agreed. After ending the call, Zhou Li patted Elma’s shoulder and said with relief: “Okay, I’ll remember your great contribution!”

“As per your order, Sir!”


The next day, early in the morning.

“What’s the matter with these two people?”

A Zi, who had been looking for Zhou Li for a long time, finally found him on the rooftop, along with Elma. The two slept sweetly on their respective reclining chairs, and there was a pile of food residues on the coffee table beside them. Aiwei, who passed by, chewed the stone-like bread, and said bitterly to Azi:

“It must have been a heart-to-heart conversation at night. Speaking of which, can you persuade my sister to stop cooking, she I don’t have this talent for innate, so what are you doing for me?”

“You can persuade yourself.”

Angrily glanced at Aiwei, and Azi took two blanket covers on the two. She looked at Elma and Zhou Li, and said to Ivey, “These two have been alone for almost two months, and they haven’t gotten tired of it. They haven’t picked it up yet. They’re really terrifying me.”

“It’s true.”

After looking at the stairs and seeing that Ain was not there, Ivey put the rest of the bread by Zhou Li’s hand, pretending it was for him.

“What about you?”

Azi looked towards Ai Wei and aimed the gun directly at him. Ai Wei was taken aback, pointed to himself, and asked suspiciously: “Me? What’s the matter with me?”


Sneered, Azi didn’t say much. , just left the rooftop with the sentence “You are not as good as Zhou Li”, leaving behind a confused Ivy.

“The kid.”

Ivy shook the head, and didn’t take it too seriously. Then he walked down with a bitter face at Ain’s cry, and began to continue to be Ain’s little white mouse.

The sun slowly fell on Zhou Li and Elma, and the warm touch made them both feel relieved. Subconsciously, Elma turned sideways, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if sensing something, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Ain, who was about to ask Zhou Li what he was going to do next, stopped and looked at the two people who were sleeping close to each other. Ain’s eyes flashed with envy. Then she sighed lightly, without disturbing the rare and quiet Zhou Li, and continued to torture Ivy.

June 1, Jordan, sunny, rarely cloudless.

There is no war, the nobles are huddled at home, the commoners are motivated by relief and policies, and the government is operating in an orderly manner based on the plan left by Zhou Li. Aiwei and Ain discussed whether people should do what they can, and finally Ain chose to surrender under Ain’s anger. A Zi and Spirit Sea secretly gossip about Zhou Li and Elma. Although the idle and boring Don Quixote disdains it, he still listens to it for a long time.

Xiao Ke accompanied Torreya to the funeral of an old man she had only known for a few days. Lin Ling also appeared at the funeral.

A white dove landed on the tombstone of the old man, the wind was blowing, it was a very comfortable summer breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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