This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 242


Chapter 242 Hot Potatoes (2-in-1)

Jordan has changed hands.

People never imagined that Jordan could be so magical in just one day. No one could have imagined that Zhou Li would hand over the identity of the Grand Consul so easily.

Of course, in less than a day, the birth of the “New King of Jordan” can spread all over the country, and it must be fueled by those nobles. They are now eager to write it down on the genealogy and show it to everyone in Jordan 24 hours a day that “Zhou Li is not a grand consul”.

Of course, those who returned home also noticed that Zhou Li would not give up his power easily, let alone hand it over to himself, which he hated so much. No crafty plots and machinations not even the dogs downstairs.

But, whatever.

Anyway, everything has been settled now, and the medal has been given to Istar. Zhou Li completed the formalities at the speed of light that afternoon and handed over the position of the consul, which was very fast except for the tax collector who collected taxes. No one else can match. Now, Zhou Li’s power has been completely handed over, and the nobles are finally freed from the devil’s hands.

At least, they think so.

But now, Istar, who was at the center of the storm, was sitting in his spacious office, looking at the documents stacked in front of him, lost in thought.

Where am I, who am I, and what do I do?

Yes, for the position of Grand Consul, Ista is completely blind, except for being blind or blind. As an Old General who retired from the military attache position, Ista would only turn tables with logistics except for Tata on the battlefield. The only thing that has anything to do with the civilian function is that he beat three accompanying recorders.

Please, it’s a great relationship.

Now Ista is in a state of “everyone wakes me up alone”, except for him, everyone has a clear attitude towards the handover of rights at this time.

The nobles, rejoicing at their liberation from Zhou Li, are now discussing when to dig the graves of the dead. And the people of Yingnan were of course swearing to the death, and the opposition came one after another, surging like a tidal wave. The Jordanian military and all influences tacitly kept silent on this matter. When others asked for their views on this matter, whether Christine or Roja, it was a high-quality answer.

I don’t know.

Then the question is, what does the current “His Royal Highness Archon” Istar think of this transfer of power?

What a shit pot.

According to Istar blunt, who considers himself a vulgar person, Zhou Li is putting a pure, useless shit pot on his head, and those nobles are even heavier I thought it was a good thing.

The tiger builds the house for the sheep, you really think he has good intentions, right?

Of course, the fact has already happened at this time, the consul’s medal on the chest is shining in the sun, but the person wearing it is full of cold heart. At this time, Ista was extremely confused. He didn’t know what to do.

Overturn all the previous policies of Zhou Li and directly start the noble Grand Era?

The staff who made this suggestion have been hanged by Istar on the Third Layer of the Jordan Tower, where the scenery is better. Istar doesn’t think he’s an idiot, and he must not even think about such a practice that is tantamount to suicide.

It’s a joke, if I dare to overturn Zhou Li’s policy now, tomorrow I’ll be shot thirteen times in the back “voluntarily”.

Now, the policies formulated by Zhou Li have become the most basic pillars of Jordan in the plague. A series of policies, such as resettling victims, dealing with the plague, commanding and coordinating, and progressing at different levels, have achieved obvious results, and have become a self-sufficient “policy machine” that can voluntary revolving.

In this case, if you do the opposite and overthrow Zhou Li directly, this behavior is tantamount to directly adding gunpowder to Jordan’s ass and accelerating Jordan’s death. Istar estimated that if he really did this, Jordan and himself would have a good two days to live.

So why not change the main policy left by Zhou Li, but open the back door for the nobles?


Faced with this option, Ista could only sneer. He is not an ignorant person, and he will not completely cut off the nobles because of their stupid behavior in handing over the ceremony, and directly oppose the nobles. In any case, the bloodline in his own body is aristocratic bloodline, and the surname is also the surname of the aristocrat.

However, this approach still doesn’t work.

The reason is very simple. After thoroughly examining the various laws and policies left by Zhou Li with his staff, the staff reluctantly said that what Zhou Li left behind has become a “whole”. state machine. Each part (law or policy) has several extensions, which can affect the whole body. If you want to open the back door for those nobles and change the policy, at least 80% of the content must be changed.

It’s dead.

In the end, Ista and all the staff came to a unified conclusion-all policies, one cannot be changed.

What’s the use of my position as a consul? Playing around?

Actually, Ista was worried that Zhou Li would manipulate himself and make himself his puppet, to suppress the nobles while preventing blood from splashing on him. However, he found himself worrying too much.

People disdain to control themselves at all, Zhou Li just left behind a bunch of policies and laws that operate automatically, and Ista must obediently follow the path that Zhou Li has long laid out. What’s more terrifying is that Ista can’t come up with the concept of “resignation” at all. Once Ista wants to resign, Zhou Li doesn’t know whether he agrees or not, but those nobles who have long been red-eyed will not agree.

“Ackerman, what should I do?”

Throwing down the “Twelve Regulations on Disposal of Feces in Plague Regions”, Istar rubbed his eyebrows and asked tiredly. My most trusted staff: “Completely, completely, completely, there is absolutely nothing I can change. These officials handed me this document, and they have no intention of being rejected.”

Used three in a row Completely, after expressing his helplessness, Ista looked towards the staff on the side and said solemnly: “These twelve regulations completely divide all the excrement in the epidemic area, and what department is responsible for what is written clearly, fundamentally There is no room for any changes.”

“What scares me even more is that this document was not written by Zhou Li.”

With a long sigh, he frowned in the face The baffled aide, Istar, said with emotion: “This document was proposed by the Ministry of Health after Zhou Li’s rectification. They just followed the rules and laws left by Zhou Li, and they were able to convert an almost The perfect solution came up. Ackerman, that’s why Zhou Li scares me.”

“He’s counting, not just you, me, or those funny people The nobility.”

“He counts, it’s this country.”

********************** ************************

“Open champagne!”

By the pool, Zhou Li Holding a full bottle of champagne, he opened the cork with a black mist with an exclamation, and the golden liquid splashed out, leaving a little golden light in the midair.


After throwing the champagne to the side of Geralster, who was sitting on the stone pillar and bent over for a long time, Zhou Li picked up the milk beside him and smiled. He asked Geralst, “How does it taste?”

“Hiccup… okay, where did you get this good stuff?”

Goudu drank half of the bottle Afterwards, Geralster, who was wearing a brown leather jacket and cowboy boots, wiped his mouth and looked at the champagne in his hand curiously: “The goods from Cam 20 years ago, you can’t buy this with money.”

“He got it from my house.”

Christine with a dark face stepped forward, grabbed the champagne in Geralster’s hand, and poured a glass with great distress. He then raised the goblet, shook it twice, and drank it.

“Can the hero thing be called smooth? It’s called searching for supplies.”

Zhou Li laughed and retorted. At this time, Lin Ling’s voice sounded. .

“General Christine, I still have twelve bottles of Camus Champagne at home. If you need it, I can sell it to you at the original price.”

Lin Ling with short purple hair Walking from the side, she was tall and tall in a slim suit, with a faint smile on her soft but charming face.

“That’s not necessary.”

As a general of a country, Christine has long known the true identity of “Neil”. He shook the head and said politely, “Thank you for your generosity Miss Neil, but I’m a soldier anyway and should stay away from alcohol.”

“You nearly drowned in the distillery twenty years ago. That’s not what I said when I was there.”

Christine, who was exposed by Geralster, directly began to reason with Geralster. At this time, Roja, who had laughed and watched the whole process, seemed to have reacted to something, and then he was stunned.

“Wait a minute, are you… Neil?”

Roja, who had never seen “Lin Ling” and only “Neil”, looked at the girl in front of him, A little doubt appeared on his face. Facing Roja with a puzzled face, Lin Ling nodded with a smile and responded to Roja’s words.


Roja was stunned. He looked at the girl with the full of smiles in front of him and was a little dazed for a while. It was difficult for him to associate the beautiful woman in front of him with that “old Neil” who was full of anger.

“I’ve never introduced myself.”

Laughed, after she performed a standard lady’s etiquette, she said to the blank face Roja: “I His name is Lin Ling, and for some reason, I had to disguise and use Neil’s identity to communicate with the outside world.”


After taking a look at Zhou Li, Roja seemed to understand something. After nodded, he said, “Nice to meet you, Miss Lin Ling.”

“The same is true.”

Briefly After the conversation, Zhou Li and Lin Ling walked to the side of Elma and the others who gathered to study the oven. Elma at this point is holding up the spell oven, trying to set the array on fire with sunlight. Lin Zi and Kaya squatted on the side, watching the scene in front of them with bated breath, as if they were afraid to interrupt Elma’s actions, they didn’t even dare to let out the air.

extend the hand, took off the oven in the hands of the pious Elma, Zhou Li flipped the switch expressionlessly, and then installed the magic battery that Elma regarded as a gift, and activated it. array.

extend the hand, pointed to the switch, pointed to the magic battery, Zhou Li spread out his hand with a foolish look on his face.

Silence is better than sound here.

Knowing how funny she was just now, Elma silently walked to Zhou Li’s side, then swayed her body and bumped into Zhou Li lightly, bowed her head, a blush appeared on her cheeks, so red behind the ear.

“Where are Spirit Sea and the others?”

Zhou Li rubbed Elma’s hair with a smile, and then asked A Zi who was beside him. Azi glanced at the two of them, and pulled Kaya to stand up. After thinking about it, she replied: “Aiwei and Sister Ain went shopping, and Xiaohai went together because they were afraid they couldn’t get it.”

“Well.” Nod

nod, Zhou Li seemed to want to say something, but he stopped. And Azi seemed to have expected Zhou Li’s actions a long time ago, sighed helplessly, and then said:

“The two of them are in the same clock tower, do you want to find them?”

Zhou Li knew that the two of them in A Zi’s mouth were Toreya and Liya Ke. Since Torreya came to Yingnan with Elma, she disappeared like a transparent person. If it wasn’t for Liya Ke who was always by her side, Zhou Li would have thought that Torreya was dead.

Now Zhou Li is very embarrassed to Torreya, and her heart has not changed at all, but the protection of the gods makes Zhou Li helpless. This time Zhou Li and Lin Zi were able to join forces, and Torreya also played an indispensable role. Although Zhou Li didn’t know why Torreya was going to help Lin Zi and the others to rescue him, he knew that Torreya really did it from goodwill.

Although Zhou Li is hailed as a “pure newborn” by many people, he still has a certain bottom line. Even if the bottom line is flexible, it exists. Therefore, after thinking about it for several days and nights, he gave up the idea of “anyway, the gods can’t see it now, and it’s okay to kill it”.

Because he found that even if the gods couldn’t see it, the restraint on Torreya couldn’t break through.

And now, he held a barbecue banquet at home, even if he didn’t invite Torreya, Lia Ke, who also played a big role, would also invite her. And…

The most troublesome thing for Zhou Li is that Toreia of this life and Toreia of previous life are completely two people, and their degree of change is like changing from “Justice Knight” It has become the “human crumbs” that everyone loves. In previous life, Torreya has a bloodthirsty and arrogant personality. Wherever she goes, she has truly reached the level of “barren”, and she has to slash twice at the dogs on the roadside.

However, Torreya in this life is like a white moonlight who has not yet experienced the world, and she is completely different from the previous life. Zhou Li could kill nobles and gentry without any psychological burden, but he couldn’t do anything to kill civilians. It’s not that he is noble and Saint, but mainly that he doesn’t want to become a wild beast full of killing, which is no different from being controlled by a god.

Therefore, now Torreya has become Zhou Li’s hot potato. Kill it directly, the gods will not let it. After brainwashing her, she turned it into her own exclusive pendant, and the gods would not let it. Ignore her completely, I still think about this future Demon King.

“Forget it, I’ll go there myself.”

Knowing that he had to face Torreya no matter what, Zhou Li sighed helplessly, got up, and pushed open the hospital. Leave the courtyard behind the door.

Then he turned back quickly, and after asking for the specific address, he left the courtyard desolately.

(End of this chapter)

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