This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 244


Chapter 244 Doubt

Orphans in Jordan are not a rare existence, after all, the bizarre disaster of the year destroyed the unknown How many families, and Jordan is also the site of the most grotesque disaster, it is not surprising.

But the odd Christine turns out to be an orphan.

“It’s not a secret.”

Turning the ring around her index finger, Ista looked towards the window, “Christine has no parents since she was a child. He lived by leading the way and working as a coolie in the spirits wharf. Later, because of an accident, he met General Trundle, who saw his intelligence and recruited him under his command as an ordinary soldier.”

He took out his pipe and put it in his mouth, Ista snapped his fingers and lit it, “Christine is a very innate talent. After obtaining the profession of Templar Knight, it took only five years At the same time, he is also very charismatic. In just ten years, he even jumped several ranks and became the Corps Head of the Jordanian City Defense Force.”

“In the subsequent grotesque disaster, Christine was the quickest general in the Jordanian army to respond to the grotesque invasion. It was also because of him that Jordan did not fall into the hands of the grotesque. In the subsequent wars, Christine organized many times The counterattack was carried out by hand. What everyone did not expect was that this kid really achieved results. In the three counterattack battles, he took the lead and killed the plague Knight with an unknown professional, curbing the grotesque disaster.”

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Christine paused for a moment, then continued: “Because the credit he has made is too great, the British and South government is impossible to sit back and watch. But the rejection by the nobles makes the government very headache, because Kristin is a half-blood, they think it is an unwise choice to let the bloodline lead the army, and this half-blood does not have any glorious bloodline.”

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Iss The tower took a deep breath of the aroma of tobacco, and then slowly spit it out, “At this time, Trundle came forward to take him as his adopted son, which blocked the mouths of the nobles. But Trundle is not a good stubble, He transferred half of Kristin’s military exploits to his son through some means. Otherwise, why do you think his son’s idiot became a general when Christine was only a Legion commander and a nominal major general?”

“I really don’t know about this.”

After reluctantly processing two documents, Ackerman, who was listening to gossip while working, put down the paper in his hand, and then became slightly interested. He asked: “Then Christine has no complaints?”

“Can you have no complaints?”

Because the relationship is relatively good, Ista has no complaints against Ackerman. Without any pretense, he glanced at the document in front of him, and then continued: “But what if there are complaints? That is Trundle, even the Emperor has to give in to the existence of three points. He finally obediently and honestl y handed over the exploits, took over the Jordanian army and the Templar Knight, as well as a major general rank. “

“Also, Trundle’s adopted son, how many nobles want to exchange their lives for this title.” “

Ironically, he picked up a document and looked at it. What Ackerman didn’t see was that after hearing his words, Ista suddenly showed a somewhat complicated expression on his face. .

“Actually at first I thought so too. “

Suddenly, Ista opened his mouth and said hesitantly: “However, when I came to his office to prepare to hand over armaments to him, I heard him talking with that subordinate. I didn’t quite understand the specific content, but he seemed to be very dissatisfied with his identity. “

“Soldiers, bloody is normal.” “

Looking at the document in his hand, Ackerman said without raising his head: “But after all these years, the position of the major general is dead, there is no need to resist, anyway mature politician. “

“Hopefully.” “


“Yingnan nobles are really a bunch of pure beasts hiccup…”

After two cans of high-grade wine, Christine, who had already been shirtless, slammed the table, full of indignation, “I told you Zhou Li, you fucking hired me at that time, You told me earlier that you were going to teach these idiots a lesson, and I joined the team directly. “

“Who knew you had such a big opinion of nobles.” “

Zhou Li, who had nothing to do with the three cans of high-grade liquor evaporated by the black mist, waved his hand, “At that time, they said that you have a good relationship with the nobles, that you have strong ability to both sides, and you don’t want to follow me. I didn’t even think that you looked down on them so much. “

“A bunch of idiots, mentally handicapped, family crippled things, I don’t think they should be. “

At first, Kristin didn’t want to drink at all, so many years in politics made him accustomed to beware of oral problems. But the tragic situation of those nobles for so many days, and his old friend Gerlos At the reunion of Te, the double joy made him relax his guard and drink a glass of champagne.

But no one didn’t expect, this is such a poor drink. After a glass of champagne, his face turned red, and then Christine, like those ruffians in the military camp, started drinking directly with Geralster, completely lacking the general style of the previous general.

Both of them drank a lot of high alcohol, and both of them were drunk. After starting to show signs of redness, Christine, who was swaying, grabbed Zhou Li from the women and forced him to drink with him. But Christine didn’t expect Zhou Li, the bad guy, to be happy on the surface. Accompanying the wine, he used a black mist to evaporate all the alcohol behind his back without leaving a drop, and finally gave him the illusion of “a thousand cups can’t be poured”.

“Tell me, back then, Lao Tzu and Geralster, We two are like your mother Heavenly God descended to earth, covered head and sneaked away like a rat to that grotesque. The two of us beat that plague… hiccup… the plague knight is like hitting a dog, what’s the use of that gang of nobles? fart useless! “

Years of pretend to be polite, Kristin has accumulated a lot of resentment in her heart, but she can’t vent it. She has no family by her side, and the most trusted Roja is not suitable for him. He said this. Now that I finally have the opportunity to talk, Christine talks like a conversation box has been opened.

“The first counterattack campaign, I took 120 people, More than a dozen grotesquely guarded military-industrial groups were shot down. Of the last 120 people, only 6 still had a breath. Half of my shoulders were drooping, and my right leg was almost completely torn. “

patted the ferocious scar on his right shoulder, Christine’s neck burst with blue veins, and he was furious, “the last statistic. That fucking stupid dog who did nothing from start to finish and deducted half of my medical supplies became the commander of the battle, and half of my 100+ brothers’ pensions were deducted by him, if it wasn’t for Trundle to come forward , I can’t explain it to my family even if I smash the pot and sell iron. “

“Which justice’s son are you talking about?” “

Zhou Li’s mind came to a middle-aged man with a pot belly and always squinting. Kristin nodded, his tone was full of resentment: “That man is Tucker, the Supreme Court justice.” ‘s only child. This kid was in charge of medical care and hygiene, but his department was useless when the plague broke out. The most irritating thing is that this person was not held accountable at all. Instead, someone from another department took the blame, and a big hat with poor anti-epidemic was buckled and sent directly in. “

“It’s more than that. “

At this time, Geralst, who was sipping wine, put down the bottle and wiped his mouth, “When I visited with Roja last time, I found that there were two traffickers hiding in the In a tavern, he was about to attack a little girl. Because we were in a hurry to investigate important matters, Roja and I knocked these two unconscious for a quick trial. “

“According to the two men, they belong to a black hand-organization. They yelled at first that Marquis Tucker wouldn’t let us go if we dared to touch them. “

“The result? “

Facing Zhou Li’s question, Geralst smiled coldly, “The crippled man was thrown into the sewer.” “

“Fuck, I’ll just say that he sends money from anywhere all day long.” “

Kristin slapped the table, his face full of sullen, “I’ll check this, fuck, anyway, now I’m torn with this bunch of bastards, and I want to harm my protection.” City, I gave them face. “

“Don’t worry, you can’t even run.” “

Zhou Li wasn’t too excited. That man named Tucker was on his black list long ago, and the execution was only a matter of time. “You don’t need to be too antagonistic to them now. The authority of the official has been handed over, and I estimate that it will not take long for them to contact you. “

“Okay, when the time comes I’m watching.” ”

Christine was not swept away by the anger, and was directly ready to fight the group of nobles. On the contrary, he was extremely calm at this time, because he knew that Zhou Li was playing a big game of chess

“Why did you hand over your identity as a consul?

Geralster, who was beside him, shook the wine bottle in his hand, threw it into the trash, and asked Zhou Li, “You gave me the power all of a sudden and scared me enough, I thought you Going to run. “

Having said that, Geralst slapped his mouth and sighed with emotion, “Don’t say it, the status of Grand Archon is really useful. When Roja and I were investigating the vampire that day, the badges were lit up, and everything went smoothly. “

“It doesn’t really matter whether I let go of the consulship or not.” “

In the face of Gerlost’s doubts, Zhou Li laughed and replied: “The policies and decrees I left behind have become self-contained. I have investigated Istar, and he is one of the few beasts. many normal people. He will not be hysterical and directly have no desire to improve, nor will he be completely laid to rest and die, so he will definitely not interfere with the policies and laws I left behind. At this point, it doesn’t matter whether I’m in that seat or not. “

“Then you don’t need to resign directly. “

“No, it is necessary,

Shaking his head, Zhou Li said solemnly: “Don’t forget, the Gospels have not been resolved yet.”

“What does your resignation have to do with the Gospels?”

Christine opened a new bottle of wine, then asked suspiciously, “If you were still in office, it would be more convenient to fight the Gospels, Why resign?”

“Yes, if Mr. Zhou Li is still the Grand Archon, we can mobilize a lot of resources to fight against the Gospels.”

Roja nodded beside him, Attached Road.

“Don’t you notice a thing?”

extend the hand, shaking it, Zhou Li said to the three people who were a little puzzled: “I seem to be gradually becoming a Jordanian. The hero.”


The three startled, and Geralster quickly reacted. He frowned, looked thoughtful and said, “You say that…it really feels that way.”

“As of now, I’ve been moving in the direction of the Jordanian hero.”

Spreading his hands, the Grand Archon’s medal appears in his hands. Zhou Li looked at the three and said, “Since I stepped into the territory of Yingnan at first, I was like a hero who kept saving the city. At the same time, I was more like the protagonist of a novel, step by step. Deciphering monsters and constantly upgrading.”

“At first, all I encountered were werewolves with brute force. The second was the succubus, an existence that used the spirit to defeat the enemy. Then, the skeleton giant This monster was defeated by me. The spider monster and the stitch monster also appeared, and they all fell. In the end, I defeated the plague Knight. Do you see anything in this series of experiences?”

In After listening to Zhou Li expounding all the things that happened in Zhou Li, the three fell silent. After a while, Roja raised his head and said slowly:


“Yes, dramatic.”

Yes with appreciation Roja gave a thumbs up, and Zhou Li continued: “Every fight of mine is full of drama. These dramatic fights are stacked together and gradually make me the most dazzling presence in Yingnan, and at the same time make me a A Jordanian hero.”

“Isn’t that bad? Be a hero?”

Facing the puzzled Roja, Zhou Li smiled and looked at the head with some emotion “I don’t care about being a hero, I only care what a hero can bring me. Now it seems that the Gospels have been leading me to be a hero, which is not a good sign.”

“You don’t continue to be this consul, just because you don’t become a hero?”

Geralst put down the bottle in his hand and asked in surprise: “What if you guessed wrong? ?”

“If it’s wrong, it’s wrong, otherwise what can I do? Find a place to screw the screw?”

After making a joke, Zhou Li sat on the chair , he looked at the gray sky, thought for a moment and then slowly said, “Actually, I am also guessing.”

“If my guess is correct, I will set up a plague test for all staff two days later. It will go on, and at that time, the Gospel must have his moves.”

“I don’t know what the Gospel is trying to do either, but my perception tells me that what it wants to do is definitely us. I don’t want to see you.”


” By the way, Lord Ista, I have a doubt.”

After processing the official document, Ackerman raised his head, woke up the half-sleep Ista, and asked, “I just Looking at the statistics table, the spread of the plague in Jordan at first is not as terrifying as I expected. The British and South government definitely has time to make arrangements in advance before opening the final border, but why…”

“ en? ”

Hearing this, Ista was instantly refreshed. He quickly got up and took the document. After seeing some statistics on the document, Istar’s eyebrows gradually wrinkled.


Istar seemed to have found something, and he hurriedly returned to his desk, looking for a document. After a while, he found what he wanted. He unfolded a piece of paper similar to a telegraph record and began to read it line by line. When he saw a line of data for “Emergency Deployment: No. 002”, Ista’s eyes widened.

“002 is not a signal from the Yingnan government… The emergency opening of the final border was not decided by Yingnan.”

After a long time, Istar put down the document, and his voice was a little bit Dry.

“It was Christine who opened the finale.”

(end of this chapter)

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