This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 254


Chapter 254 Reveal it…the truth

He who saves himself is helped by God?

No, Zhou Li doesn’t think so.

When a person chooses self-salvation, all the so-called “time, location, and people” are spelled out with all efforts in desperate situations. The so-called God’s help is just a humble word after saving oneself. For these professionals in Jordan, choosing to save themselves is a crucial step for them.

The city of Jordan is a deformed existence in the south of the UK and even the entire world. In other countries, the number of professionals in a country is a measure of whether the city is advanced. Generally speaking, the more professionals in a city, the more civilized the whole city is. But in the city of Jordan, everything is reversed.

Obviously has an 80% professional conversion rate, obviously this city has the most professionals in the world. But the city of Jordan is as oppressive and suffocating as the title of “Fog City” under a strange rule and atmosphere. Professionals who are regarded as treasures in other countries are like bad streets here, and everyone may be a professional.

However, the nobles who control the city have few professionals.

Yes, in this city where 80% are professionals, it is the remaining 20% who really control the power and wealth.

It’s easy to understand, isn’t it?

Professionals from other cities are elites in an industry. But in this city, these mass-produced professionals will not have any chance of being looked down upon. In Jordan, all professionals are just an unremarkable screw in this huge machine. The difference between them and ordinary persons in other cities may be that they never even have dignity.

“The war between me and the Gospels has already started.”

Picking up the long sword and looking at the water-colored halo reflected on the blade, Zhou Li’s eyes were gradually covered with black mist , “If I guess correctly, the Gospels of that year were willing to be defeated.”

“The demonhunter of Geralster was also created by the Gospels. The ultimate purpose of the Gospels is to facilitate that battle.” The negotiation between mankind and the Gospel.”


Rao is Toreia with a firm mind and unconsciously exclaimed, “Why did he do this?”

“Because it wants a test field.”

In the drowsy room, Zhou Li’s face was as usual and his voice was calm: “Our real battlefield is not in the confrontation between the grotesque and the human, nor in the In this flood. It is these people that I have been fighting against the Gospels.”

“The Gospels have created a lot of shoddy professionals in order to make them see professionals as rubbish and make professionals Gradually wipe out the pride brought by their profession. Slowly, these powerful people will wipe out their minds, give up their dignity, they bow their heads, and from now on they will only be whipped by the whip before slowly walking up One step.”

“From the very beginning, the Gospels handed over themselves to create professionals for Jordan unconditionally for today. In order to make these professionals willing to do mechanical repetitive labor, in order to make this A large number of professionals do not rebel against themselves. The Jordanian government personally took the plunge, trapped professionals in this city-state, cut off their minds, and made them put down their pride.”

“A bunch of exquisite A machine that is durable and will not have its own ideas, this is what the Jordanian government wants {professionals}.”

Toreya, who gradually followed Zhou Li’s ideas, felt a chill in her heart, and then , she realized something.

“Yes, in this process, the Gospels are really spreading the Gospel.”

Let the ordinary person become a professional with special power, and let the government and wealthy businessmen gain tireless high level tools.

From beginning to end, the Gospels are not involved in any resistance or repression. It’s just like its own name, continuously spreading the gospel.

The only pity is that after the gospel has infected human desires, it is the roar of disaster.

“Why did he do this? A group of numb professionals, what can he gain by creating these?”

Facing Torreya’s doubts, Zhou Li did not answer immediately. He took off the Grand Consul medal on his chest and put it on the table beside him. In the dim light, the medal was dyed with a gray halo, but the medal that was full of righteousness appeared very chaotic in the rays of light.

“You said that no one but you remembered me before I came to Jordan.”

“That’s right.”

Tore Ya nodded, no one could quite remember Zhou Li until they seized the opportunity to open a gap in the barrier and enter Jordan in the fleeting gap.

“Then, let me ask you…”

The black mist wrapped around the medal, and at this moment, Torreya felt that her breathing was a little difficult. Because she also thought of this question.

“Yingnan government, why do you know I’m here?”

Like a thunderbolt, Torreya felt the roaring moment in her mind. At this moment, Torreya seemed to be in an ice cave, and her whole body was wrapped in a cold breath.

Yes, if this world has forgotten Zhou Li, who gave them this medal and letter of appointment?

At this time, when Torreya presented the medal that symbolized honor and judgment, she was no longer as calm as ever. The medal engraved with the sword and shield pattern stared at him coldly like a poisonous snake, ready to go.

“Why, did he do this?”

Another question, but this time, Torreya felt like her voice was trapped in gel, it was very difficult . Zhou Li picked up the medal and stroked the pattern with his fingers lightly. After a long time, he said.

“When a group of professionals who have lost their dignity and faith, were once again crushed by disaster, and surrounded by endless despair, a person suddenly appeared and brought them hope. Then this person will be called Why?”


“What will he get?”

“The reverence of these numb professionals.”


Zhou Li shook the head at the seemingly obvious answer, rejecting Torreya’s answer. Under her stunned expression, Zhou Li spoke slowly:

“A hero will not be revered. All he can get is blind pursuit.”

“People will go crazy Treating this hero as their everything, the long-term depression and pain will explode out in an instant, and vent on this hero. At that time, this hero will become their backbone and their soul.”

“But this…”

Facing Torea’s hesitant words, Zhou Li sneered to help her fill in the question.

“But isn’t this better? Heroes have fans, and confused people have souls, the best of both worlds.”

“Yes…that’s what I want to say. .”

Torreya nodded, a daze flashed in her eyes, because she could see the sarcastic smile on Zhou Li’s face.

“Don’t forget, the word I said is catharsis.”

“Professionals, a group of professionals who have been suppressed to the extreme and have lost all dignity. After being grateful, they will demand unrestrainedly from the hero.”

“They will say that you have helped us once, you should help us a second time. You saved us, and we deserve to be yours. Save.”

“Because, you are a hero.”

“When the hero is unable to continue to pay the demands of these professionals, the docile lambs in front of the government will reveal their Teeth. They will vent all the suffering they have suffered before on this hero who can’t help themselves and has lost all value.”

“Don’t forget, they are professionals. They have extraordinary power, Professional.”

Torea’s mind was nothing but a blank space. At this time, she understood why Zhou Li had always resisted the title of hero, and why he had been treating everyone with high pressure. Even if he allowed more civilians to survive, he survived one after another of violent law enforcement.

They will appreciate Zhou Li, but they will also be afraid of Zhou Li.

It wasn’t until then that Torreya understood why Zhou Li didn’t go and save the city herself. Because Jordanians have forgotten their dignity and their faith, unconditional salvation will only breed unrestrained demands, and in the end backlash Zhou Li.

He didn’t want to be a savior, and he didn’t want to be a Divine Immortal or emperor. Zhou Li is a tyrant who loves his subjects, but wants these chicks to have their own wings and let them fly by themselves. Even if this process will cause the chick’s wings to be torn, the teeth will be cracked, or life will be lost, Zhou Li will not hesitate.

“I don’t know why the Gospels want to make that scene, but I know that when a flock of sheep that has been repressed for years tastes blood, they are the most terrifying weirdness in this world.”

When these words got into Torreya’s ears, she, who had always been interested in Jordan’s weirdness, remembered a long-lost story.

“Thomasin, who created a thousand grotesque stories, wrote the last grotesque with his own blood as ink and his own skeleton as a pen in the last time.”

“That grotesque name, it’s called…”


vampire wants to suck blood, werewolf wants to kill, succubus wants love, Frankenstein wants to Destruction, the skeleton wants to get the Gospel.

But human, more grotesque than grotesque. The blood that officials draw from the people is a quantity that a vampire can never reach in his entire life. The bloodthirsty werewolves shuddered at the horrors of the human war. Those disgusting peach stories among nobles make succubus feel blushed with shame. The destruction caused by Frankenstein can’t even keep up with one ten thousandth of Yingnan’s weapons of destruction.

It is also human beings who are most greedy for the gospel.

“Plague, war, death, famine.”

The name of the four Knights of the Apocalypse spit out from Zhou Li’s mouth, like thunder, which is deafening.

“The Gospels never created them.”

With a sarcastic smile on his face, when Zhou Li saw the human appearance of the evil omen of the deadly epidemic, he Know the truth about the so-called Apocalypse Four Knights.

“The people who created the four Knights of the Apocalypse were the ones who hated them the most.”

Dirty causes plague, greed causes war, war brings death, and oppression creates famine.

There is no human being in every word, and every word is inseparable from human beings.

“I still remember that both Mrs. Maya and the werewolf duke said a sentence before they died, “I don’t want to go back, this book is not home}.”

“Then, If reality is a grotesque home, then whose home is the Gospel?”

The question had already been answered, and in the blink of an eye, two words appeared in Torreya’s mind.


“Human beings are the grotesque.”

“This is impossible!”

At this time, A Zi pushed in the door and kept listening to these words behind the door. With shocking news, she is completely lost self-control, her eyes are full of dazed and struggling, “How can human beings be grotesque? If human beings are grotesque, how can we have so much history?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

Zhou Li nodded, then asked indifferently, “Then if I add a premise.”

“Only Yingnan Is it grotesque?”

Well, everything makes sense.

A long time ago, the real master of Yingnan was the grotesque.

The human beings in Yingnan are “weird” created by a man named Thomas. For some reason, the human and grotesque worlds reversed, humans entered Yingnan, and the grotesque entered the book.

Now, the Gospels are back in Jordan, and his purpose is self-evident.

“The grotesques are separated from the light by the Gospels, so the dark grotesque can appear in the real world. And Jordan’s professionals have been oppressed before, and the good has long been wiped out, leaving only the dark side.”

“When I became a hero, I was given all hope by the people of Jordan. Until then, I was the light of these people. As I said before, as a hero, I am Sooner or later, it will be swallowed up by the Evil Thought of these people, that is to say, the last thing that kills the bright side of these people is the darkness.”

“At that time, it will be just like the dark and grotesque appearing in the real world, Humans who have been eroded by darkness can return to the book.”

Zhou Li’s speculation made Torreya and Azi speechless. They didn’t know what to say, and only now did they learn the terrifying truth from Zhou Li’s mouth. Only then did they realize that the Gospels were more terrifying than anyone imagined.

“Unfortunately, I still failed.”

At this time, there was a knock on the door. The cells of Torreya’s whole body suddenly sent out a warning signal. The long spear was clenched in her hand, and the tip of the spear, which was flashing with cold light, was aimed at the door.

“Come in…”

As if expected, Zhou Li closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. The door was pushed open, revealing the person behind the door.

He has a long body cultivator, a top hat, and a black trench coat that looks dim under the light. Roja took off his top hat, bowed slightly, with an indifferent smile he had never seen before, and politely said to the stunned crowd:

“Reintroduce myself.”

“I am the agent of the Gospels in this world, and the true master of the Gospels.”

extend the hand, a book with a strange leather and engraved with invisible characters slowly appeared in Roja’s hand. He closed the book and put it on his chest, his waist moved slightly, and the simple and precise gentleman’s manner was meticulous, like a machine-like terrifying.

“Next, Thomas Roja.”

Thanks to Xueyue and Fenghua for the 1500 points

(End of this chapter)

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