This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 273


Chapter 273 Hello Elma

Five seconds.

The second hand strikes.


In the freeze-frame image, Ista raised his right arm high, the monstrous floods shot into the sky, and his bloodless face was full of anger. A tentacle covered with filth was embedded in his chest, but it was difficult to enter half an inch due to a diamond-like halo.

Don Quixote, holding the tower shield, leaned over and bent over, the pitch-black thorn penetrated the barrier, but stopped in front of the Guardian’s shield. There was only chill on her sassy face. Don Quixote’s eyes were nailed to the false body, but her defense did not deviate from Elma in the slightest.

The Templar Knight regiment has already established a posture, like a torrent of steel, they are like a sharp spear, nailing those evil spirits who want to cross them to their place. In one day, they lost their best Captain and their best general, but they did not lose the courage and glory that Christine brought them.

The false tentacles are everywhere, his anger and fear are mixed together, and his eyes like hell are full of absurd colors. He didn’t understand that the who class would organize a counterattack so quickly, and he couldn’t understand why they dared to face themselves and the existence they couldn’t fight.

Even the grotesque who are born with power can’t resist me, why do you?

Three seconds.

The second hand moves.


A false long mouthpiece in which turbid corrosive liquid condenses. He only wants to kill these human beings now, and kill these human beings who dare to challenge the Ancient God. As long as he kills them, he will have the opportunity to become the god of literature.

Elma closed her eyes tightly, she could feel how tragic the fighting on the battlefield was, and she could also feel the dull cries of Don Quixote being stabbed in the chest. When she just stood there quietly, blue’s long dress was like a bright pearl in this blood and frontier land, allowing everyone to gain spiritual strength.

This is not a moment of desperation.

Two seconds.


Intense, dizzying acid bursts out of the false mouthparts, and all can see the rotting smell in it.


No one chooses to back down, and no one chooses to back down. They didn’t look back, but they saw Elma, the girl with the scepter and the clock, waiting for the last moment.

They can see that outside the real world, a hero named Zhou Li is looking for hope.

The Templar Knight Legion took their positions early, and they raised their heads, glaring at the devastating acid. The shields and swords in their hands exude dazzling rays of light, the most precious gift left to them by General Christine.

Don Quixote, who was standing in the front line with a tower shield, bowed her head slightly. She did not pray, nor was she cowardly. She just remembered that Zhou Li had told her that Knight’s virtue was to preserve himself, deal with the enemy, and devotion was the stupidest thing to do.

“Sorry, Mr. Zhou Li.”

Little red lips, Don Quixote closed his eyes, and the badge of the Guardian’s shield began to glow with diamonds. A hundred sworn Knights stood behind her, their beliefs united, condensed on the rose-like girl.

One second.

The corrosion of the acid caused the first Templar Knight soldier to lose his arms, but he did not have any “instinctive response”. The twenty-year-old youngster gritted his teeth and stared at him. It was about to swallow its own acid and let out a final roar.

Don Quixote’s shield has been corroded into a huge pit, and a trace of acid has completely disintegrated the gauntlet of her right arm, and the bones are exposed from the hole. She didn’t feel any pain, and she didn’t feel any pain. What she did now was to raise the shield to protect the girl after body protection.

It’s over.

Just as the acid was about to engulf Templar Knight, about to corrode Don Quixote, time froze.

Cut, hurt, shred.

For the first time, False couldn’t use words to describe what was going on in his body. At this time, all he could think of was the tearing feeling that directly hit his soul. It was a void, painful echo that he couldn’t hear clearly and didn’t dare to hear.

No, no!

The huge body of the fake began to shrink rapidly, and the acid also turned into a pool of harmless sewage and fell on the ground. It cried out in horror, but could not call out a single character anyway.

It started to panic, it started to tremble, it didn’t know what was going on in it, and it didn’t understand why it was so painful.

“Everything you’ve done is a futile effort.”

In the dark clouds, the golden sunlight penetrated the black curtain and fell on the earth. In Jordan, which has not seen the scorching sun for a long time, he falsely tore his body and cried out in pain.

Zhou Li walked out slowly from the side, holding a pen in his hand, a pen without any power, but half filled with ink. He looked at the falsehood and said lightly: “Even if you really succeed, and you write your own works with the most beautiful soul of mankind, you still can’t become the god of literature.”

“impossible !impossible!”

Hearing this sentence, False trembled frantically, he stared at Zhou Li fiercely, and roared angrily: “As long as the work is completed, as long as the work is completed! I can do it! With the approval of literary authority, I can become the god of literature! You are lying to me, you are lying to me!!”

“Do you know why you will never be the god of literature?”


Zhou Li’s sudden words made the false dumbfounded, just as he was about to refute, he caught a glimpse of the pen in Zhou Li’s hand, and then he seemed to understand something, as if was struck by lightning.

“When you think that the essence of literature is falsity, that is, the self-deception of human beings, you have lost the qualification to be the god of literature.”

Walking in the sunshine On the stone pavement, Zhou Li’s moccasin heels made a dull sound, and he leaned down, his eyes filled with a false sense of panic, and said calmly: “The real literature is love.”

“Impossible! “

Roaring, falsely like a fox under the guise of a tiger, shouting desperately: “You humans are all selfish and full of hatred. You only know that there is nothing written in the book. Fantasy, you always pour out your desires with pen and paper. The love you speak of is nothing but your hypocritical goodwill, disgusting! Disgusting!”

“The god of literature was born out of human love, and because of Love human beings and die.”

Lightly placing the tip of the pen on the fake, Zhou Li looked at the fake, but the gentle man who had only met once appeared in his eyes.

“Literature is created by human beings.”

The pen pierced the false heart. At the last moment, the false understood the words in Zhou Li’s mouth, and a look appeared on his face. Dead gray color, and deep despair. Because he finally understood that everything he did was just a joke.

The real god of literature is not Thomas, nor himself.

Only human.

Because only human beings are complex, they have pure love and also hate because of love. They will write about the goodness of human nature in the book, and they will also write about the ugliest human nature. They have virtues that make Spiritual God ashamed of being inferior, but they also have evils that make demons fearful. They are the most complex creatures on the world, yet the simplest creatures.

When human beings pick up the pen and write the first word on the paper, they will use their pure soul to construct a colorful world called “literature”.

Because, they have always had a treasure called “love”.

“Your life is only filthy false and deceitful, you cannot understand what love is, and you cannot have an emotion called love for any existence.”

Watching the gradual loss of Life, his face is full of unwillingness and despair, Zhou Li wiped the pen in his hand and whispered softly: “You don’t even love the words you wrote yourself, why do you control literature?”

“Even if it’s a tragedy, it has to be a tragedy that the author loves.”

The false god, lost his life.

The sun fell on the earth, people felt a warm touch, and the joy and sorrow after the war were mixed together. They didn’t burst into deafening cheers or cry frantically, they just stood there silently, saying nothing and doing nothing.

The Templar Knight, whose arms were corroded, has been saved by his comrades with life straps. He stared blankly at the empty street in front of him, reminded by the false potholes and the surrounding corrosion marks. The war had happened. Everything around him was extremely silent at this time, and he felt peace on the streets of this final battle.

It’s over.

It’s all over.

Zhou Li came to Elma, and he didn’t say anything, because when the blue eyes that contained all the beauty in the world reflected his silhouette, Zhou Li truly felt life The presence.

He stepped forward and took Elma’s hand lightly. Putting the scepter aside, the Book of Gaia floated in midair, Zhou Li put the back of Elma’s hand on his forehead, and the warmth that reassured him made Zhou Li take off all the burdens.


A dull, hopeful voice sounded. The act of taking his life to gamble through an Ancient Spiritual God soul made Zhou Li feel palpitations. But he has no regrets and no worries, because he knows…

“I’ve always been there.”

Without scruples about the blood on Zhou Li’s body, he put Zhou Li in the ring. into the arms. Elma pressed against Zhou Li’s cheek, and her voice gently fell into Zhou Li’s heart like a clear spring. At this time, the mist of the Black Emperor also softened, and lightly floated beside the two of them.

All eyes were on Elma and Zhou Li, their eyes full of exhaustion, but they couldn’t hide pure reverence. Whether it is Zhou Li who defeated Ancient God, or Elma who turned the tide of the war, they are heroes worthy of everyone’s respect, and they have sacrificed too much for this city that has nothing to do with them.

Putting it next to Zhou Li’s ear, Elma said softly, “Istar and Geralster have both gone to treatment, they’re all right.”


“Kaya and Spirit Sea saved a lot of people, so please praise them.”


“El siblings and the Lin Family sisters Many civilians were protected by his command.”

“They did a good job.”

“Don Quixote also went to therapy.”

“Okay. .”

“We won.”

“Yes, we won.”

Looking up and staring into Elma’s eyes, Zhou Li was determined “We won.”

Holding Elma’s hand, Zhou Li turned around and looked at the blood-stained Jordanians with rays of light on their faces, calm and steady. The ground, with a voice that everyone can hear, swears to everyone.

“This is your victory.”

“A victory that belongs to the Jordanian people.”

When Zhou Li’s words opened, the soldiers and the crowd in a trance Only then did he react, and he defeated the terrifying Ancient God.


“We, won?”


Slowly, the crowd came There were a few voices, these voices gathered more and more, the crowd began to talk, and cheers began to sound, and after a while, the cheers resounded in Jordan.

Zhou Li and Elma stood hand in hand in the crowd, the sun falling on them with a gentle halo. They closed their eyes and felt the boiling crowd and everything alive.

Jordan, survived.


It has been a month since the final battle. The end of the border has fallen, and the Yingnan government quickly dispatched personnel to be stationed in Jordan, taking over most of the instructions.

When the first officials to Jordan arrived at the scene of the decisive battle, they were shocked by the tragic appearance of the street. It is difficult for them to imagine what happened to the city and what kind of war broke out on this street.

Ruins, corpses, hideous corpses, countless wounded, almost annihilated troops, and heavy casualties of professionals.

The city that was once known as the professional capital is now only an empty ruin. The remaining breath of the Ancient God and the corroded stone bricks reminded everyone that the ferocity of the battle was far beyond their imagination.

Soon, they got the battle report that Zhou Li gave them. In the battle report, General Christine stopped the Ancient God’s falsehood at the cost of his life, preventing the spread of further disasters. Demonhunter Jeslot and Admiral Istar tried their best to trap the false in the street. In the end, there were only less than fifty people left in the Templar Knight regiment, and the city defense army was also damaged by more than half. The damage to various professional unions was also very heavy.

What surprised these officials, however, was the appallingly low number of civilian deaths, despite the brutality of the war. In this column, Zhou Li clearly gave the credit to the soldiers and professionals who participated in the defense battle. Outside the battlefield, almost all Jordanian professionals voluntarily mobilized and built countless forts and passages. Saved all lives.

The destruction of the street was beyond words, and the rebuilding was a headache for these officials. At this time, the assistance from the Lin Family sisters and El Chamber of Commerce made the officials a treasure. Under the guidance of Zhou Li, the joint Chamber of Commerce took over the reconstruction task, and at the same time, also accepted the commemoration of the war. Park this one task.

The war that took place on August 9 was deeply imprinted on the city. In the days to come, the British and South government designated this day as the “Jordan Anti-Disaster Day” to commemorate the incident. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and people died in the war on Mink Street in Jordan.

This day, the whole country mourns.

(End of this chapter)

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