This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 291


Chapter 291 Classic Cases

Mencius once said: Heaven will give great responsibility to people, and they must suffer first The mind and will, labor its muscles and bones, starve its body and skin, empty its body, and disturb its actions.

The translation of this sentence means that if God entrusts a heavy responsibility to someone, it will definitely make him feel distressed, strain his muscles and bones, make him starving, empty and weak, and unable to do anything.

For Mencius, Zhou Li is respected, after all, anyone who can bring a son is another existence of Saint Level. However, Zhou Li does not fully agree with these words.

Mainly because of these Guardian shields he faced, the monsters that Mencius had never seen before.

The monster in mind.

No prostitution, no smoking, no gambling, this is normal. Not to mention an elite Legion like the Guardian’s Shield, it’s just that kind of ordinary military camp, but if you pay attention to a little discipline, the soldiers will not be allowed to accept the above three. After all, this world is a disaster, and issues of principle cannot be touched.

However, the Guardian Shield is not normal, because other than the above three, this team is beyond human, they are holy.

“No, don’t you have any fun in life?”

In the arena, Zhou Li squatted on the stage, looking at the spirited Legion soldiers in front of him in distress.

“Report sir! Yes!”

The deputy head of the Guardian’s Shield——Zhao Tuo took a step forward. Zhou Li stared desperately and shouted: “Training the will, forging body refinement, defending the people, practicing the spirit of the Knight, this is our greatest joy.”

Facing these like a A soldier with a whole piece of steel, Zhou Li felt his head as big as an ox. He looked towards Don Quixote beside him as if asking for help, and looked at the short-haired woman whose face was dyed with a layer of crimson, obviously holding back a smile, Zhou Li turned his head and motioned to talk to the side.

“No, were they like this before?”

In the corner, Zhou Li looked at the soldiers in armor running laps in the arena and asked dejectedly, “I’m with you. Comrade Suao, you can’t kill the souls of these young men, people without any desires are not human, they are machines, do you want to combine work and rest?”

At this time, Zhou Li had brought The accent was a little confusing, but Don Quixote still understood what he meant. She cleared her throat, restrained her smile, and replied seriously: “No, they have their own desires.”


Zhou Li was stunned , he pointed to himself, pointed to the Legion in the distance, and asked with a slight breakdown: “They don’t even have a taboo, they don’t even have a favorite color, and they even have to eat within 3 minutes, you tell me they Have a desire?”

“Well, yes.”

Don Quixote stopped smiling, her beautiful black eyes reflecting the silver in the venue The team, she said to Zhou Li with a proud tone: “They want to protect others.”

After hearing this, Zhou Li dumbfounded. At this time, the sun was fierce and scorching, and the temperature of the arena was disturbing, but Zhou Li felt inexplicably calm at this time.

“The guards of the Guardian’s shield are all ordinary persons.”

Don Quixote stands straight, this young girl who is always proud of her identity seems to have always been like this, no matter what. Wherever it is, no matter what time it is, it is as calm as a tree.

“If you want to join the Guardian Shield, physical strength and innate talent are not the main things. As long as you can abide by the Knight’s Law, no matter how poor your strength and aptitude are, it is only a matter of time before you become a high-level Knight, so most The physique and strength of the professional meet the requirements of the Guardian’s shield.”

The Silver Light Ball appeared in front of Don Quixote, she stretched out her right hand and crushed the silver light. The next second, a huge shield with a simple engraving appeared in Don Quixote’s hand. She stared at the family shield and said slowly:

“Join the Guardian’s shield, the most important thing is The first level is this shield. Only with the approval of this shield will you be eligible to join the Guardian’s Shield reserve.”


Looking at this simple face Wuhua gives people a shield that is as calm as a hill. Zhou Li listens more and more like a cat hammer, “Does it mean that you can lift this shield to be recognized?”

“That’s right.”

It seems that this kind of plot is bad, Don Quixote didn’t have any cover, and bluntly replied: “This shield is engraved with a code of rhyme pattern, which can be followed. Those who are written on this will be strengthened, and those who cannot follow or even violate the code cannot raise this shield.”

“They all raised their shields?”

” en. ”

Don Quixote nodded, proudly replied: “They are all my recruits, willing to give everything to protect others.”

Having said that, A gloom involuntarily flashed in Don Quixote’s eyes: “Actually, I know that this is not good, just like my father back then, too upright and easy to be used by the enemy.”

Zhou Li knew that Tang What does Quixote mean? Although these youngsters joined the Guardian Shield with enthusiasm and the determination to die for others, this has advantages and disadvantages. Li is the Guardian Shield will be the most elite Legion, but also the most fearless Legion. But the disadvantage is that their weaknesses are too obvious.

In war, if the enemy uses refugees as human shields, these people will definitely stand and let others kill them and never fight back.

This is not a good phenomenon, but the older generation of Guardian’s shield died of casualties, and Don Quixote is not too old, although others can obey her orders, it is difficult to obey her. Suggestions, this annoys Don Quixote.

“Did you give your life for others…”

However, Don Quixote, who was immersed in the past and the future, did not see it, and Zhou Li, who was beside him, had a face after hearing this sentence. A look of looked thoughtful appeared.

“Okay, I have a solution.”

Zhou Li stood up suddenly, he looked towards Don Quixote, grinned, said with a smile: “Dude, I’m ready.”


Don Quixote was stunned, she was about to say something when Zhou Li stood up and swaggered to the Legion In front of the members, after making a gesture to stop them, he said:

“I’ll tell you a story.”

Looking at the puzzled people, Zhou Li Qing said. After clearing his throat, under the gaze of Don Quixote, he slowly opened the mouth and said:

“This story happened not long ago, or rather, just a few months ago.”

“The protagonist of the story, named Geralster, is a demonhunter of justice, glory, and few desires.”

“I’ll tell you the story of this demonhunter.”

Soon, a demonhunter with a righteous heart, a strong heart, and a decent style appeared in front of everyone. These youngsters were immediately excited. They knew that this hero killed a surviving Ancient God not long ago. There must be a more thrilling story behind this feat. Therefore, these people began to prick their ears. listened.

Then, Gerlost in the story suffered a series of hardships such as “the death of both parents, framed accusations by nobles, backstabbing of the country, and no credit”, and finally lost his strength and left his hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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