This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 296


Chapter 296 It’s You Again, Victoria

Victoria, one of the few Magnums with its own “cultural heritage” “The city has a unique existence, that is, the soul of the city known as the “world encyclopedia” – Ms. Victoria.

As one of the fragments of the three creations, Victoria possesses extremely deep historical knowledge, and at the same time she also has an unknown ability – deduction.

Victoria has the ultimate deduction ability, even reaching the level of terrifying “predicting the future”. In fact, all the abilities related to prophecy in this world use the power of Spiritual God or occupation to amplify perception and collect various clues for deduction. As a fragment of a half-understood book, Victoria, who can perceive the changes in this world, can judge the direction of history based on extremely subtle clues.

Just like when Fenedy, the Archduke of the South, got on the vehicle to canvass votes in the countryside, Victoria, far away in Magnum, made a deduction, Fenedy will be in twenty 3 minutes later. Died in murder, and the feud between Yingnan and Magnum will fully explode, and the relationship between the two countries will reach the most tense moment.

As expected, just 23 minutes after Victoria made the prophecy, Kennedy, who was laughing in a convertible, was shot through by a magic weapon, making Yingnan the least assassinated in history. Grand Duke, and the kind that no one can surpass.

And Victoria was able to make this prediction only because she sensed a certain level of anger in Fenedy’s political enemies, the breakdown of his vehicle, and the fact that he was on his way to Finland. The youngster of Niddy’s rival mansion. With these clues alone, Victoria made an accurate prediction.

However, it is such a god-like figure, but in one, no, two people frequently miss.

“Unfortunately, Spirit Sea is not here, it can’t be repeated.”

Unfathomable mystery sighed with emotion, Zhou Li and Elma followed the queue into Victoria. He looked at the crude documents in his hand and let out a familiar sigh.

“Why haven’t we encountered snobbish guards and hooligans? Is Karen’s idiocy so rare?”

“How is that possible?”

Elma, wearing a soft hat and holding Zhou Li’s sleeves to prevent separation, said skillfully: “The guards here are all licensed and trained at least three months in advance. The etiquette is more decent than most noble guards. It’s not the kind you said.”

“It’s a pity.”

Zhou Li sighed regretfully, and then took Elma to the Victoria Great Library not far away go.

“Zhou Li Zhou Li, look at you, I found this great grandfather again.”

Elma got close to Zhou Li and excitedly held up the string that made Zhou Li. Li’s very familiar Insect skewers, “I ate here last time, Cuban Insect skewers, do you remember?”


Zhou Li After thinking about it for a while, then said somewhat uncertainly, “How do I feel that this scene happened?”

“Is there?”

Cumbling, Elma asked blankly : “I don’t feel it.”

“Uh uh.”

Zhou Li scratched his head, then he didn’t take it too seriously, and said to Elma, “It’s good to eat this too. Okay, this insect is high in protein, tastes good, and isn’t fat.”

“hehe, I’m Yong Jie physique, I won’t be fat.”

Elma has left the rest The baked insect was stuffed into his mouth, and he muttered with bulging cheeks: “It’s a pity that this shelf life is too short, otherwise I would have brought them some.”

“By the way, does Miss Victoria like this? Would you like to bring her some as a gift?”


Zhou Li was stunned for a moment, and then he fell into the question of “Can the bookie eat skewers?” Among the questions, soon, he packed two skewers of grilled Insect.

“Let’s go.”

Soon, the two arrived at their destination – the Victoria University Library.

When seeing this magnificent building, Elma’s temperament naked eye changed visibly. The original stupid and cute appearance was swept away, and the holy and elegant atmosphere condensed around her. The dignified appearance made Zhou Li feel a little strange, and there was a hint of contrast.

“Everyone who doesn’t know who is so tired.”

Zhou Li ruffled Elma’s hair with a smile, Elma was not angry, he smirked, Then he recovered his cute appearance and followed Zhou Li.

The two came to this magnificent gate made of bronze and looked at the bronze gate with all kinds of strange characters and patterns. Zhou Li looked at it for a moment, and his eyes were fixed on the concave in the center of the bronze gate. on the slot.

“I haven’t changed the lock.”

Zhou Li took out his exclusive hero, weighed it twice, took aim, then turned his head and asked Elma a question. Unknown problem.

“Have you heard an idiom?”

Zhou Li covered the book on the groove. Obviously, the groove is too small, and the hero’s special groove is bigger. lock up. Seemingly sensing Zhou Li’s next move, the mysterious book that had been motionless began to vibrate, trembling desperately like a lamb being placed on a chopping board.

“I told you, it’s called Li Dazhuanfei.”

Dantian with anger, his eyes widened, Zhou Li directly leg raised, and his 21-year skill is directly The hero’s exclusive fiercely is embedded in the groove. After a sour screeching sound, the book went in.

“Wow, amazing.”

It’s not the first time Elma has seen Zhou Li’s high-level mechanic behavior. It’s not uncommon. She clapped and cheered Zhou Li a few times. .

Then Victoria couldn’t hold back.

“You really don’t look at the doorbell I installed on this door, do you! If you don’t look at the doorbell, at least knock on the door! If it doesn’t work, I’ll think you’ve worked hard enough if you call twice! Not nice to my door Can you be nice to your hero! Can you stop stuffing him in a space that doesn’t belong to him?”

In a long gothic dress, blonde hair scattered like a waterfall The cute girl pushed open the door, put her hands on her hips angrily, and complained, “This door costs tens of thousands of gold coins to repair at a time. I can’t explain to others how it’s broken. Every time I have to pay for it myself. Tell you, this time, you spend your own money!”

“Okay, buddy is not bad for this amount of money.”

Zhou Li was not in a hurry, and swayed with his arms folded. Walking into the library, I sat on the chair with ease, patted the silver wooden table in front of me, and said with emotion: “You still have money.”

“If you can predict the future, you will also have money. “

Victoria sat angrily opposite Zhou Li, looking at the hero who had become a well-known extrajudicial fanatic, she asked with a puffed face: “Sir hero condescend to come here.” Do I need any service in this small shop?”

“Consult some questions.”

Zhou Li laughed, and then he glanced at the details of the library nonchalantly, inadvertently He asked:

“You don’t know me at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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