This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 340


Chapter 340 Who are you asking me?

“The Fool!”

Facing the oncoming magic grenade, without any hesitation or hesitation, the detective threw away a tarot card engraved with mysterious patterns. At the moment when the tarot card touches the grenade, a clown box appears out of thin air and “eats” the grenade into it. The grenade quickly exploded in the box, and the aftermath turned into a beautiful firework that bloomed in the building.

Although the detective relied on the life-saving method given to him by the magician to defuse the crisis of this time, Don Quixote seized the opportunity to exchange new bullets. The finger that pulls the trigger is completely motionless, and the sound of the urging wheel never stops.

My lord, times have indeed changed.

The detective learned this when the dark muzzle poured flames and bullets on Iron Pagoda. At the same time, he regrets his ignorance.

He underestimated the changing times, mainly the modernization of Knight’s profession. He thought that Don Quixote would strengthen the offensive on Sword Art with the progress of the times, but he didn’t expect Don Quixote to strengthen Spear Art.

Machine gun.

But that’s okay.

As a Pinkerton detective with a “bloodline”, the “detective” naturally knows about the secrets between God and Demon. He quickly estimated the damage of the heavy machine gun in Don Quixote’s hand and the recovery speed of Iron Pagoda, then hero’s convincing voice said to Iron Pagoda:

“Don’t be afraid, Iron Pagoda.”


He stared intently at the weapon in Don Quixote’s hand, which the detective could easily figure out. This weapon was powered by those forbidden magical powers, which the gods hated. And now, this woman dares to use such a weapon in the black market that belongs to the commercial church.

Various details of this underground capital appeared in the detective’s brain. He looked towards the dark passage on the side, extended the hand, a thin gray thread was wrapped around a prominent black cylinder, and his right hand shook. , the cylinder snapped off. On the cutout of the cylinder, an ineffective magical array appeared on the section.

“I tore off the magic energy transmission node, and the Silver Lord Guard will appear within 3 minutes at the slowest. They will see the weapon in this woman’s hand and will help us.”


After hearing the detective’s words, Iron Pagoda nods. His figure stopped suddenly, and countless strange and bright crystals broke through his flesh and blood, covering his body. His eyes were full of blood. In this treacherous state, Iron Pagoda perfectly defended every bullet, and the crystal absorbed kinetic energy and transmitted it to the ground. This form consumes a lot of energy and moves slowly, but it can achieve the ultimate defense in such a long and narrow alley.

For a time, although the bullets clanked on Iron Pagoda’s body, he was unharmed. Hearing the footsteps of the guard not far away, the detective moved his eyes, put away the tarot card in his hand, and stepped back slightly.

“I’m coming.”

At this moment, Torreya’s voice sounded from Don Quixote’s side. She was leaning against Don Quixote, right hand clenching a compact pistol that was not at all like their style. However, when the detective not far away caught a glimpse of this thin-barreled pistol, the complexion greatly changed in an instant.

“Little helper?!”

The detective recognized this strangely shaped, even “toy”-looking pistol at a glance. There is no other reason. This pistol is so famous. After all, it is loaded with the magic energy technology that represents Magnum and can be called a national treasure – magic energy collection energy compression rune.

The so-called mana gathering energy to compress the sharing of rune is actually very simple, that is to gather the mana at a point and then release it. It seems that this effect is nothing special, but in fact, the cost of this rune is so expensive that even Magnum can’t afford it. Because the amount of magic energy gathered in this rune is another full strength attack of Demi-God Level, and it can be fired in a short burst.

The full name of this pistol should be “Magnum Magic High Voltage Defender Pistol”, which was later nerfed and put into Magnum’s third and fourth Legions. Because of the excellent performance of this gun and its wonderful performance in major battles that year, this pistol was affectionately called a little helper by those soldiers.

However, this powerful and easy-to-use magic pistol dazzled like a shooting star for less than a month, and then died due to some unspeakable pressure and silence from all sides . But now, this weapon that has been abandoned by the times on the surface has reappeared in front of everyone.

What suffocated the detective the most was that, relying on his ability, he easily analyzed that this little helper was not a simplified version of military equipment. The high-tech shape, the millimeter-detailed muzzle, and the gradually condensed terrifying energy all proved to him that this pistol was the first batch of small helpers that could release Demi-God attacks. As a detective who participated in that negotiation back then, he knew that in this world, there was only one complete helper left in the secret collection of the Magnum Imperial Family.

How could she have this? How could she have this!

Is she the illegitimate daughter of Magnum III?

At this point, the detective had already turned stormy sea in his heart, and he couldn’t understand why a woman who suddenly appeared would hold Magnum’s national treasure, ready to go to his own and Iron Pagoda’s head. You know, even Magnum III did not dare to take out this forbidden thing in public, let alone use it.

Is she crazy? ? ? Even if she kills us with this gun, Yin Jue and Twelve Quarters will not let her go!

Magnum III’s illegitimate daughter will not work either!

No matter how shocked the detective was at this time, Torreya just silently accumulated the power in the pistol. This pistol was handed to her by Magnum III before he left. He said that if there is a situation that cannot be solved, he will ask a little helper to help her. She didn’t know the history of the little helper, but she knew that the thing that Zhou Li’s eyeballs were about to fall out of and wanted to kill Magnum III with two punches was definitely not garbage.

Ninety percent.

Don Quixote gradually let go of the trigger and began to focus primarily on protection. Torreya had told her that the pistol had to be protected if it was fired at close range.

Guardian Shield Immortal Shield Wall Sighing Shield Unyielding Will Tenacious

In an instant, Don Quixote used all available defensive abilities. For a moment, Lin Zi seemed to see Diga, but there was only light in front of him. At the same time, the little helper’s trigger was pulled.

Run! run! run!

A frantic roar, the opposite of the dark appearance, emerged from the detective’s mouth. It only took two seconds from the appearance of the little helper to the trigger pull, but in the eyes of the detective, it seemed as long as a century. When the white and slender fingers pulled the trigger, the detective threw away all the tarot cards.

The emperor’s chariot sun

The majestic emperor illusory shadow drove the chariot to the detective and Iron Pagoda, he extended the hand, the hot sun kept spreading flames. Holding a lance and wearing a crown, the emperor looked arrogantly towards the thin girl in front of him.

Then he saw destruction.

The little helper doesn’t use bullets, but the energy generated by the magic device. This energy is pure and pure, without any modification except a white light. It is not like the destroying heaven extinguishing earth of the Demi-God elemental mages, nor is it oppressive like the Demi-God warriors. It has only one light, a light that can destroy everything.

The emperor’s illusory shadow, the sun, the chariots are fleeting like broken foam in that wrist-thick beam. And the moment Iron Pagoda, who had been completely crystallized, came into contact with the beam, half of his body was instantly crushed by the rays of light. The detective relied on the “Hanged Man” tarot card to barely escape the range of the beam, but was also burned by the afterglow of the beam, and his eyes were full of fear.

“hmph, hum, hum, uh Eaaah Ahhhh!!!”

With a heart-piercing roar, Iron Pagoda with only half a body left to extend the hand The debris from the ground was fiercely crushed into his own body. With only half of his face left, those red eyes glared at the three in front of him. Demi-God Level The dual blessing of other bodies and crystals allowed him to escape the fate of death, but the pain of losing half of his body remained in his soul scriptures.

“I’m going to cut you off and chop you up!!!”

“Stop it! Put down your weapons!!!”

On the angry Iron Pagoda When preparing to attack, the Silver Knight guards also saw the dazzling beam and quickly appeared in this alley. However, they did not point their weapons at the monster-like Iron Pagoda. On the contrary, the fifteen-member Silver Lord escort aimed their bows and weapons at Don Quixote and Torreya behind her.

“What are you doing?! They are attackers and murderers!”

A Zi looked at the humans standing beside the monster in disbelief, and aimed the weapon at her human being . However, the Silver Guards did not seem to hear her words, and the weapons were still aimed at them.

“We’re Detectives Pinkerton, these people are illegally possessing magical weapons.”

Enduring the pain inside, the detective sneered, with a wicked look in his eyes. After hearing the detective’s words and seeing the magical weapons in the hands of the two young girls in front of him, the Captain of the Silver Guards sternly warned: “Surrender, give up all illusions, and surrender immediately!”

“Put down these weapons that taint the gods and surrender immediately, or the Silver Lord will destroy you and all the forces behind you.”

“Even the king can’t stop it!”

At this time, the silver lord guards’ faces were full of haze and sternness. They treated the young girls in front of them more fiercely than monsters. And the reason is because they have weapons that defile the gods in their hands.

To pay, or not to pay?

Torreya was caught in a dilemma for a while, if they handed over guns, they would definitely be arrested, and the consequences were unknown. But if he and the others don’t hand over their guns, a war is bound to break out, and this war is likely to affect Zhou Li’s relationship with Yinjue, which in turn affects his entire plan.

“I can’t.”

However, when Torreya was in dilemma, Don Quixote turned his back to her and said to her in a firm tone: “I know What are you worrying about?”

“Trust him, believe in ourselves.”

“The third squad of the Silver Knight Guards informs all personnel that there is a terror armed with magical weapons in the A013D area. The danger is extremely high. From now on, everyone will gather in my direction, and they will surely kill these people who sully the gods.”

Seeing that the two were not ready to surrender, the escort Captain immediately issued an order. the highest order. Then he raised his crossbow and loudly issued a final warning to the two: “Hand over your weapons! Surrender!”

Iron Pagoda and the detective beside him seemed to have been forgotten, the detective looked on with a low face Facing everything that happened in front of him, the corner of his mouth evoked a cruel smile.

Then let me add some fire to this place.


A gunshot rang out suddenly, completely shattering the tense nerves of the guards. With deafening roars, these elite soldiers wearing blessed silver helmets swarmed with weapons. Don Quixote frowned, her machine gun was running out of bullets, and the little helper couldn’t fire a second shot in a short time.

I can’t worry about Lin Zi if I fight meleely, and Torreya is not in peak state due to being drunk at this time, so she can’t exert her full strength. And these silver rank guards are very well equipped, even if they grind, they can grind themselves and the others to death.

Torreya bit her lower lip, with a look of remorse in her eyes. If she hadn’t drank the strong drink by mistake this time, it wouldn’t have caused such a mess. A Zi on the side was helpless and hopeless. For the first time, she felt that she was so weak without professional ability and could not protect anything.

The soldiers roared past Iron Pagoda and the detective. The detective leaned against the wall with a faint smile, watching these fanatics rushing towards the enemy in a righteous manner. Just when he was about to turn around and leave to take advantage of the fisherman, his body suddenly froze.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Silver Guards were shocked to find that the Captain, who was charging at the first, suddenly fell to his knees, his face terrified and his whole body trembling.

“The king can’t stop you either. I like that sentence.”

Behind A Zi, a black clothed man slowly walked out of the shadows. He has a handsome face, a perfect figure, and those black jade-like eyes have an amazing charm. However, it was not the man’s appearance that made the Captain of the guards kneel on the ground, but the coercion condensed in the sea of corpses and blood, and his identity.


“Magnum III is indeed a shady person. If you don’t take him seriously, you can say that he is a righteous person who is not afraid of power and understands righteousness.”

Standing in Tang In front of Quixote, without a shield and a long sword, the bare-handed hero looked at the soldiers whose eyes were full of puzzlement, and the Captain, who knew everything and sweated profusely, said kindly with a smile: “But if you don’t If you take hero in your eyes, you are an unreasonable and unreasonable idiot.”


hero! ! !

At first, the group of soldiers didn’t react. After all, although the previous heroes were powerful, they were also a twelve-quarter system, and they didn’t take it too seriously.

But when they remembered the hero’s name, and his name, the normally arrogant soldiers in the group suddenly fought and became dizzy.

The evil at this time, disaster hero – Zhou Li.

(End of this chapter)

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