This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 342


Chapter 342 I have an idea

There is no room for relaxation.

The magician narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhou Li in front of him. If the cowboy is the Kong Lang straying from the law, then Detective Pinkington is the vulture lurking in the gray area. The black market is like an alternative “home” to them, only here, they can live impudently with limited rules.

Therefore, magicians have always attached great importance to the order of the underground black market. Although there are no laws and regulations, there is a set of deeply rooted rules to maintain the orderly operation. Only a person with a special status like Zimu manages the underground black market, so that this land will not be reduced to a vassal of Yinjue, and become a hall of words of Yinjue. Once Izumi suddenly died, the black market would inevitably fall into a long period of unrest, and the results would be unimaginable.

“The price is not enough.”

After a while, the magician said to Zhou Li in a dry voice: “I’m really sorry, the price of killing Tetsuki is too high, I I can’t afford it.”

“Then there’s nothing to talk about.”

Zhou Li raised his eyebrows and said casually: “It seems that your cooperation is not very sincere. , and won’t even kill anyone for me.”

“You don’t understand what Zimu means to the black market.”

The magician looked at Zhou Li, solemnly Said: “The underground black market has not become a pure slaughterhouse so far, or a tool for collecting money for the Silver Jue, precisely because Yuzimu is the balance point in it. Once he dies, this black market will fall into long-term turmoil. The only world that can hold those who can’t survive on the ground will collapse. If I kill Zum, I’ll be a sinner for countless people. I’m sorry, I can’t.”


Zhou Li was startled suddenly, and then he fell into a long silence.

“How many enemies does Zimu have?”

He raised his head, looked towards the magician, solemnly asked: “I mean, does Zimu have the kind of person who would rather give everything? To kill Zimu’s enemy?”

“You asked this…”

Although I don’t know why Zhou Li asked this question, but after all, he did not continue to force himself to assassinate Zimuya It’s a good thing. The detective on the side pondered for a moment and replied in place of the magician:

“Yes, there is one.”

The detective looked towards Zhou Li and recalled: “There is a man who controls the underground black market in the east. The person who deals with tobacco is called Qingwa. He is from Yosak. He was sentenced to death for rape after fleeing to Tariq. He broke the prison door with the iron wire hidden in the finger bone and escaped to the underground black market. A few years ago, Zimu found Qingwa who secretly kidnapped the girl from Mosk, and he abolished Qingwa’s lower body and deprived him of almost half of his rights.”

“Qingwa has been brooding about Zimu since then. He wanted to attack Zimu more than once, but he couldn’t find a chance to do so due to the perfect defense next to Zimu. If there is anyone in the underground black market who would If you kill Zimu at all costs, then it can only be Qingwa.”

After getting the detective’s information, Zhou Li began to ponder. Soon he looked up, a faintly discernable smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.

“Tell Zimu, I won’t take his life.”

The magician was startled by Zhou Li’s words, and before he started to be happy, Zhou Li’s next sentence The words entered his ears.

“Anyway, Silver Jue will do it himself, I’ll just watch the play.”

Huh? !

The magician, detective, and the other Silver Jue guards were stunned. They looked towards Zhou Li with a blank look on their faces, not knowing what he was talking about.

Zimu’s identity is rather special. He was a descendant of a founding general and then entered the commercial church for a period of study. Later, he was thrown into an underground bomb shelter by the business church because of the crime of opening a casino, and he was ordered to renovate the underground building. Of course, everyone with discernment knows that this is Yinjue’s move to build a black market. Although Yinjue successfully built the underground black market with the identity of Zimu, but because of this, he was also forced to hand over part of his rights so that the black market could become independent.

But because of that period of study, everyone knew that Zimu was Yinjue’s spokesperson in the black market. Whether it is the Silver Jue guards that can be seen everywhere, or the casino that pays a fixed tax every year, it reveals the close relationship between Zimu and Yin Jue. And now, Zhou Li actually said that Yin Jue was going to kill Zimu, which had to make others puzzled.

“Very strange?”

Zhou Li said to the magician and the detective with a mocking smile: “It’s strange why Yin Jue wants to attack Zimu? It’s strange how I can tell ?”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

Frowning, the magician asked inexplicably, “You just came here, you dare to conclude that the silver lord To kill Zimu? I can’t understand.”

“Haha, it’s right not to understand.”

Zhou Li laughed, he gave the magician a deep look and sneered He asked: “I just caught a kid who wanted to sneak attack me. The kid told me that Izumi, a big man, was attacked by a silver-haired woman and was looking for this woman and his partner all over the city. Then, he Just found me.”

At first The magician who had just heard this sentence didn’t react at all, while the detective beside him frowned as if he had noticed something. Suddenly, the detective’s pupils shrank, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

“No, this kid is definitely not from Tozumi!”

The detective grabbed the magician’s arm and explained hastily: “Izuku doesn’t know about the existence of Hero at all, He never said any word about hero to us. This kid is gobbling up, he wants to kill Zimu!”


Zhou Li Looking at the two who gradually understood what was going on, sneered, said sullenly: “at first I suspect that it was done by Zimu’s enemy, but since you have told me that Zimu’s enemy is a brothel, then everything It’s all clear.”

“How could it be possible?!”

Zhou Li didn’t say anything, but the magician was thinking about Zhou Li’s name and what he had plotted against He fell into deep doubt again after those people he met.

They know Qingwa, he is not a smart man at all. He has nothing but brute force and extraordinary courage. His brain, like Magnum’s history, has it, but it’s of no use. Moreover, Qingwa’s intelligence system was rotten to death, he simply knew that Zhou Li would come, and he would not immediately know that Zimu had a conflict with Zhou Li’s subordinates and used it.

And now, there is only one person who owns this method and intelligence network in the entire underground black market.

Silver… Really want to kill Tetsuya? !


The magician fell into deep self-doubt, he couldn’t believe that the Silver Lord was going to kill Zimu, but in Zhou Li’s words, he However, he noticed that countless clues all pointed to Yinjue.

The atmosphere just now with swords drawn and bows bent, and a sudden slack, coupled with Zhou Li’s words. The magician believed Zhou Li’s words more and more. Even if Zhou Li didn’t say anything, he didn’t say anything clearly, and the magician figured it all out.

“I can see that you like the current underground black market very much.”

Zhou Li leaned against the cold wall of the alley, crossed his arms and stared at him with a faint smile. The believable magician said: “This kind of gray area is suitable for you who don’t like red tape, but disdain to be with those vulgar wild beasts. If I guess correctly, you and Izumi also have a good relationship. .”

The magician didn’t speak, he just felt a vortex gradually spread from Tetsuya’s body and hit him.

“Even if you are a god-given level, don’t you dare to fight against the silver lord?”

Looking at the silent magician in front of him, Zhou Li asked calmly: “Since you want to maintain the current black market, then someone is going to break the order of the black market, aren’t you going to maintain it? Aren’t you going to help your good friend Zimu, so that he can live under Yin Jue’s hands? ”

The magician did not get excited because of Zhou Li’s words. On the contrary, as the leader of a firm, he must calm himself down under this very impactful truth. He looked towards Zhou Li, said solemnly: “I can’t do it. If Yin Jue really wants to kill Zimu, even if it’s me, I can’t keep him.”

“Silver Jue is really like that. Strong?”

Zhou Li coldly snorted and said disdainfully: “I’ve seen a church Archbishop a lot, how old is he?”

“Although you and I have some It’s unpleasant, but I still want to remind you that occupation level doesn’t mean everything. Sometimes money can buy a lot of things.”

Facing Zhou Li, the magician said very solemnly: “The Business Church In fact, they don’t have any battle strength, and the same is true for Silver Lord. However, they have the most powerful intelligence network and Legion mercenaries in twelve quarters. Silver Lord’s strength on the surface alone exceeds that of Demi-God Level. There are no less than fifty people, and I am just an ordinary person in a small office, purely for the sake of my friends being able to live. Since Izumi’s death will affect us, I want to live.”

“Just say it directly, why be so tactful.”

The corners of Zhou Li’s mouth are slightly raised, which is a very perfect arc, which just reflects the two expressions of ridicule and disdain. He looked at the magician and said softly, “But do you think that if Tsumugi is going to be liquidated, can you escape?”

This sentence is one of the things that the magician is most worried about. Up to now, the cooperation between Zimu and them has never been broken, and the magician does not believe that the Silver Jue will not know his connection with Zimu. Although Pinkerton Detective Agency is mostly white gloves of the church, for the huge monster of the business church, white gloves are the least valuable thing.

“You didn’t tell me this just to remind me, right?”

Zhou Li’s face appeared in the magician’s eyes, and he asked calmly, “What do you want? What do you say? You can say it directly.”

“I just like to deal with smart people.”

Zhou Li smiled, smiling happily, “Yin Jue wants to take Zimu Kill it, and then put the blame on his enemy Qingwa. In this way, Yinjue can completely control the black market and make it his money-making machine. This is what you think, right?”

The magician’s face was ugly, obviously, this was the only answer he could think of. Of course, he still had some doubts, after all, he didn’t know whether the so-called “child” existed or not.

“Then here comes the problem, since you think Tetsuya can’t compete with Silver Jue, it will be easily killed and destroy the order of the entire black market… I have a good idea.”

Zhou Li’s eyes sank, and with a devilish smile, he said softly:


“If I replace Zimu, will it, yes What’s a better option?”


“Actually, I’m Qingwa’s subordinate.”

The boy who was hung in the air by the black mist, but was not abused, showed a hint of shame on his face, he lowered his head, whispered: “Qingwa has always wanted to find someone to kill Zimu, but he has never had a chance. I am his daughter, I want to help him kill Zimu, so after seeing you and hero, I want to murder a person with a borrowed knife.”

“Ah? Daughter!”

Elma sat on the stone pier, her lips parted slightly, and asked in surprise, “Are you a girl?”

“My name is Qing glaze, and I’m Qingwa’s daughter.”

pursing her lower lip, this child with short hair and a dirty face was whispered with shame. : “My mother is a dancer who gave birth to me after being attracted by Qingwa. She fell ill and died when I was two years old. Since then Qingwa disliked me very much and always wanted me to leave his body. But this is my home, and I don’t want to leave. I happened to see you in the morning, and I just wanted to prove myself and kill Izumi.”

In just over ten minutes , Under the radiance of Elma’s kindness and radiance from the heart, this love-deficient child was quickly broken through the psychological defense line, and he began to confess why he did this, and directly revealed everything.


Elma sighed, she stretched out her flawless white hand and lightly stroked the girl’s dirty hair. The girl turned her head unnaturally. She didn’t want her unclean hair to blacken the girl’s hands, but she missed the warm feeling, rubbed involuntarily, and a happy look appeared on her face.


Waking up early, Dutch, who had lost most of his strength, moved towards Arthur. He looked at Elma, who was not paying attention to his entire group, and said softly to Arthur, “I have an idea.”

“Your idea has made Micah smell her ass, Let us almost become corpses, you still have any unique ideas that you haven’t come up with, let me open my eyes.”

Arthur collapsed on the ground, maintaining his corpse posture while showing no mercy He spit out Dutch. Dutch clicked his tongue, looked around, and said anxiously:

“I don’t think this Zhou Li is a good person. I see that this woman has no ability and doesn’t have a gun. Let’s take advantage of this. They can’t catch us now.”

“What about John?”

Arthur was a little moved, but looked towards John, who was unconscious beside him, it was tricky “We can’t leave John.”

“I know, so I have another idea.”

Dutch looked around, then mysteriously said Arthur said:

“We can hold this woman hostage and let the man give John back to us. Don’t worry, our camp is full of women and can take care of her.”

” I have observed that she has no abilities, no weapons. We can only do this now, trust me Arthur.”

(End of this chapter)

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