This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 352


Chapter 352 Seventy-third Zhang Ju Ju

Well, it’s called an armed exercise.

To put it bluntly, I asked to see you.

“Since hero is so refreshing, I won’t hide it from you.”

Herining pondered for a moment, then said slowly: “Actually, this military exercise, I have my own purpose. .”

Zhou Li, who had made plans for a long time, was not surprised by this sudden proposal, but the surface work had to be done. Zhou Li frowned slightly, and his expression was three-pointed surprised and seven-pointed interesting, and asked Herlinin, “What do you mean?”


Hrining sighed worriedly, he didn’t engage in those “later talk” riddleman behaviors, but bluntly said to Zhou Li: “Do you know about ore disease?”

“Understand. “

Zhou Li nodded, frowning replied: “As far as I know, those monster ore disease patients who caused havoc at the airport last time.”

“That’s right.”


Herlinin’s old face was a little sad, and his tone was a little low, “Oripathia…our curse. I’ve been sitting in this emperor’s seat for thirty-five years, thinking about this disease all the time. It’s like a tumor that grows in the Tarik people’s body. We want to cut this tumor, but the healers can’t heal themselves, and can only watch tens of thousands of creatures suffer from the ore disease poisoning .”


Zhou Li heart shivered with cold, he knew that Herlinin had begun to test himself. And whether he can justifiably bring Legion into the west, success or failure depends on this move.

“Is this ore disease so serious?”

With a look of surprise, Zhou Li asked inexplicably: “Is this ore disease even Tariq’s magic technology? Are you helpless with so many doctors?”

“Ai, Mister Zhou doesn’t know something.”

Herining shook the head, with a bit of sadness and unwillingness in his tone, to Zhou Li explained: “The ore disease is like a curse, it doesn’t obey the pathology at all. The disease only infects the Tareks, and once infected, the body will irreversibly crystallize. Unless you take a medicine all the time. , otherwise it will become a monster in the final stage, causing chaos in all directions.”

Show weakness, cry strong, and reason. Old He, your old fellow is really not easy to get along with.

Zhou Li hearing this and pondered for a moment. He did not appear very anxious, and directly shouted to fight for Tariq. At the same time he did not have a matter of no concern to oneself, a look of rejection. He looked sympathetic and hesitant, as if thinking about how he should respond.

Seeing this, Herlinin didn’t show any contempt or relaxation. He knew that Zhou Li was by no means a good person. After all, he was able to take away the fat of Dusk Forest from Magnum III’s men, and at the same time make Magnum III suffer from dumb losses. This Zhou Li’s methods and temperament are absolutely extraordinary.

“If my expectations are good, what you want me to do for you is not related to ore disease?”

In the face of Zhou Li’s lack of words, He said. Lining nodded and sighed: “Yes, it’s Oripathy.”

“Tariq has only east, but no west.”

Looking at Zhou Li in front of him, Harry Ning said slowly: “Before I came to power, Tarek once carried out the western development. The amount of human, material and financial investment was extremely huge. The whole country worked with a common purpose and wanted to develop the Barbarian Desolate Land in the west into a rich city-state. At that time, although there were signs of ore disease, but because of its ineffectiveness and low contagion, I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

Herein said, a look of guilt flashed in Hirinen’s eyes, “After I took office, the ore disease in the west suddenly broke out. In just half a year, almost all the developers in the west were wiped out and infected by this strange ore disease. Even in Tariq, there were many cases of infection, If it weren’t for the help of the Church of Life, I am afraid that the territory of Tariq would also be invaded by this disease.”

“Now Tariq is surrounded by the enchantment of the Church of Life, and the Wall of Sighs also isolates things and blocks things. However, the original developers and aborigines in the west could not return to Tariq. Because of the church junction, we could not release materials on a large scale. The weather in the west itself is poor, coupled with the ore disease After the deterioration of the monster, the living environment of the people in the west is extremely worrying.”

Herinin sighed faster than he had in ten years. He tapped the table lightly and continued: “Although the dark cloud of Oripathy still hangs over Tariq’s head, we still haven’t given up the West. In order to better explore the origin of Oripathy, and save those Wests Civilians in the deep, some scientific researchers choose to go to the west to establish outposts.”

“Among the many outposts we have established, there is an outpost called scarlet warfare that is closest to the deep west. The environment is also the most dangerous and harsh area. This outpost has the heaviest task and is also the target of those murderous crystals.”

“A few days ago, the scarlet outpost sent an early warning, saying that there were A lot of crystals began to move towards the outpost. After paying the price of 1,300 professionals, this group of crystals were repelled, and the scarlet outpost also retreated with the most valuable information and refugees Arrived at the Hope Outpost. But now, these crystals have begun to harass the Hope Station on a small scale. According to predictions, 3 months later these crystals will launch a large-scale attack, and the Hope Station will not be able to resist no matter what.”

“Where’s your Legion?”

hearing this, Herinin shook the head and replied with a wry smile: “This is the problem. Although Ore disease is only sporadically present in the territory of Tariq , but once you leave the shelter of the End of Life and go to the west, the Tarik will be infected with this disease. And according to research, in the west, the higher the occupation level, the higher the probability of infection. I also I want to send Legion to exterminate Jingwei, but this will only make more soldiers infected with diseases and become part of Jingwei in the end.”

Zhou Li suddenly realized nodded, which explained why Tali in previous life Gram has never played against the West. If this is the case, Tariq is really miserable, this is a typical endless loop, the kind that has no solution.

“Do you want me to help you guard the Hope Station?”

Faced with Zhou Li’s question, Helininshook the head, “No, that would be tantamount to putting You are in crisis. The Crystal Whisperers are strong, and the West is their home, and we must not fight them in the depths of the West.”

“I hope you can go to the Hope Station in the West, Help me escort the outpost’s data back to Taric, that’s all.”

“Rest assured, I’ll give you a fair reward.”

Herinen added He didn’t think it was only natural for hero to save people, he looked at Zhou Li and said sincerely: “Please rest assured, Tariq is not a mean country, we will support you with all the human, material and financial resources you need. And you can Feel free to ask, and we will try our best to accommodate you.”


Zhou Li did not rush to accept it, and certainly did not refuse. Seeing this, Herinin did not ask any further questions, but said understandingly: “You don’t have to rush to answer me, if you have the intention to help us, you can contact me at any time, we will conduct a military exercise, when the time comes I’ll talk about it in detail.”


Zhou Lip> nods my leg, “Please rest assured, as a hero, I will definitely not die. But after all, the road fatigue, and I haven’t participated in this kind of battle for a long time, please let me think about it, and I will give you an answer immediately.”

“It’s okay, you can first participate in the martial arts meeting and appreciate the tower. I hope you can fall in love with this land, so that my old man’s selfishness can be satisfied a little.”

After making a joke, Herlinen and Zhou Li were at odds with each other. Xuan did not talk about it at the beginning. The two continued to talk, but they both talked about the customs of the Southern Sea, and sometimes politics or culture.

Elma is with Zhou Li and she loves being around when Zhou Li talks about those things with others. Many of the things Zhou Li said are very novel and at the same time very reasonable. But what she liked the most was Zhou Li’s high-spirited gesture and confident face when he told the wonderful knowledge.

Lin Ling and Evan reminisce on the empty balcony. Lin Ling knew how heavy Evan’s identity was, and Evan also noticed that Lin Ling was carrying a lot of things. When they met again, and saw that the old man had found his lost relatives, Evan was also happy and began to chat about those boring but interesting past events.

El siblings and Azi were engaged in business battles with those various officials and businessmen. At this time, the joint Chamber of Commerce had an amazing wealth. They really wanted to extract some technology from the technologically advanced Tariqri, and just taking advantage of Zhou Li’s popularity, the three began to work together, hoping to pry out a hole.

Don Quixote and Torea chat with Lorca and Tia. Of course, most of the time, Tia said a lot with great interest, and Lorca on the side echoed a few words, Don Quixote communicated, and Torreya said yes on the side. But it was this wonderful combination that made everyone chat with enthusiasm.

As the children’s group, Kaya didn’t have so many twists and turns. She and Spirit Sea hid aside and began to sweep away those delicacies that no one cares about. Since the switch was activated by Elma, the originally cold Spirit Sea began to gradually reveal the essence of foodies. Under the feeding of Elma day after day, Spirit Sea also began to like food. Kaya is very simple, she just likes to eat, that’s all.

These two Void descendants get along fairly well, after all, they are half-sisters, so the two of them get along well.

The banquet took a long time to end. Don Quixote and Torreya made new friends, Kaya Spirit Sea had a good meal, and Zhou Li and Elma had a good chat with Herinin. Lin Zi and Al siblings have won an opportunity and are conspiring to prepare how to pry the technological corner of an enterprise. Lin Ling and Evan recalled a lot and agreed to visit the reclusive teacher together.

Everyone is very happy.

Except for Silver Jue.

“This kid, he’s quite capable.”

In the room with silver as the main color, Silver Jue threw the materials on the table. Looking at the table with his forehead, he said with a half-smile, “Now the whole underground market thinks I’m going to kill Zimu and swallow a whole piece of cake.”

“Are they stupid? “

Mr. Yin frowned and asked inexplicably, “You and Tariq have jointly managed the underground black market for so many years without any setback, nor did you extend your hand. Now this kid Just a few words, these people believe this? Are they crazy?”

“No, they are not crazy.”

Silver Jue shook the head and explained patiently: “They know that I probably don’t want to kill Zimu, but Zhou Li has used various means to create this atmosphere. Some people who are tired of our control will naturally jump out, which is normal.”

“Are they confused about our strength and hero’s strength?”

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Mr. Yin was full of anger, “He is just a hero, and his subordinates are only rich. Millions of gold coins, and professionals don’t have a few Demi-Gods or divine gifts. Don’t these idiots in the underground black market know, who is the real uncrowned king in Tariq?”

“The business church’s , only the church.”

Knocked on the table, Yin Jue reminded: “Don’t forget, this church is always the private property of our gods. And hero, is the darling of the gods. If we really There is a conflict with hero, no matter how much money and powerhouse we have, in the end, it will become the sword that the gods stab at us.”

“Then we can only eat this dumb loss?”


Mr. Yin felt a little powerless hearing this. For the twelve quarters, Zhou Li was their nemesis, the kind that ate to death.


Mr. Yin was excited that Yin Jue didn’t recognize this dumb. He shook the head and said to Mr. Yin with a chuckle: “The gods will favor Zhou Li in matters of right and wrong, but after all, this hero does not respect our gods that much. Therefore, in some trivial matters, the gods will not treat hero Be biased.”

“You mean…”

“Don’t make a big deal of lost self-control, don’t send any Legion to leave the handle.”

Standing the Silver Coin beside him on the table, looking at the lines on it, Silver Jue squinted his eyes and said meaningfully: “I understand the old bastard of Herlinin, he will not let anyone treat the people of Tariq. The hero who caused the damage is reckless.”

“I understand.”

Mr. Yin showed an excited look on his face, opened the mouth and said in a low voice: “Do you think the hero is in the When fighting for fame and fortune, I accidentally killed a police detective who came to the black market to investigate, how about this?”

“I don’t know.”

Silver Jue smiled. shook the head and said softly, “I can’t know about this kind of thing…”


Mr. Yin nodded, he immediately understood what Yin Jue meant. He took out a gold coin and put it on the table, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Detective Pinkerton, is a good pawn.”

Glancing at the magician’s logo on the gold coin, Silver Lord nodded, no more words. And Mr. Yin naturally understood everything, he put away the Silver Coin and left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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