This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 354


Chapter 354 Fuck, high beam dog!

Professionals in this world always have some whimsical ideas that blind the eyes.

In this era of highly developed occupational systems, the depth of occupational abilities has been developed to the extreme. These people have no way to study abilities with greater lethality or lower mana consumption, so they can only conduct horizontal develop. Therefore, professionals in this world always have some ruthless activities that make people blind.

For example, the bloodthirsty Berserker who is good at sneak attack, the shadow assassin who likes to torment the enemy by throwing bottles and cans from the void, the archer who is good at using one-handed scroll launchers, and those who are proficient in escaping and rising dragons Earth Element Mage with a power drill. These people can always do some strange but very effective activities to enhance their strength.

Therefore, in the professional battles of the entire world, the big guys often don’t look at abilities, but skills. See how a person maximizes their professional abilities. At the same time, because this world is not the kind of fantasy world that is easily wiped out by the Great Dao, even a professional at the god-given level is only tricky in front of a well-trained main force Legion. this world, the emphasis is on military strength, not personal martial power.

For example, Ms. Tia’s occupation level at this time is probably between Demi-God and God-given. She really randomly draws two lucky spectators to fight on the side of the road, even if they are two Demi-God Level opponents, they may not be her combined enemies. However, once it comes to the aspect of war, if she really eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder and rush into the enemy line alone, even if the opponent is a group of platinum, she can die directly.

All in all, although the high-level professionals in this world have extraordinary power and are very powerful, they are not immortals who grind the avenues, and Tia is no exception. Although she is another ‘sword dancer” at the Demi-God Level, she also has the technological blessing of Tariq, and has a strong ability to rush. But obviously, she’s not air defense.

The impact of the flame, accompanied by the roar of explosives, instantly wrapped the entire jungle. In just over 30 seconds, countless blue rays of light symbolizing transmission flashed beside Tia. And Tia can only struggle with sword qi and mithril armor under the bullet rain.

Why heaven? Aren’t they Knight Legion? !

Actually, the defensive arrangements made by Roca and Tia are already very complete. Defense points are set up on the front, back, left and bottom of them, and once they are touched, they will move the whole body. Even they actually set up induction devices in the sky, and once the other party uses a large-scale transmission ability, they will immediately carry out a reverse impact.

But the problem is, they’re not sending people.

It’s a bomb.

But even with offensive array scrolls, this group of Knights is impossible to make such high-frequency blasting attacks. You must know that the best flame blasting array scroll on the market now has a casting time of thirty-five seconds if it is not an element mage. And those scrolls consume a lot, and other professionals without elemental sense can’t use them many times.

Tubes? tube!

At this time, Tia, who was struggling to survive in the cannon fire, was suddenly blessed, and she instantly understood how Torreya and the others created such a rain screen of cannonballs.

“It’s those pipes! Let the drizzle destroy those pipes!”

Tia’s voice came from the noisy background sound, and the anxious Loka calmed down and understood. Tia means. He hastened to give orders to the drizzle that was approaching with extreme speed towards the Don Quixote Legion.

“Immediately destroy the black tubular objects in the hands of the enemy, at all costs!”

****************** ****************

“Shot, parabola, bomb.”

He stared blankly at the words in the hands of the Guardian shields on the screen. Really Zhou Li makes a magic mortar”, Herinin frowned and asked Zhou Li beside Zhou Li, “How did you come up with it?”

“Copy it. “

Zhou Li didn’t bother to take credit, and said bluntly, “There is this thing in my world, but we use gunpowder, this one uses magic energy, it doesn’t make any difference.”


“The simplest element, the most direct blow…”

Looking at the continuous firing of the mortars, Herlinin’s eyes were full of complex emotions. He knew that if he wanted to, Tariq could produce a million mortars of the same or better quality overnight. But it is such a simple device, and no one in such a huge country as Tariq has proposed it, not even an idea.

Like a professional, it is obvious that Earth and this world have very similar levels of development, but Earth flexibly uses every available element to create a high-speed car, galloping on the road. And this world has treasures called magic energy, but they carry them on their backs and run with their feet. Even if this world has professional power and people run fast, what’s the use of this? When people are exhausted, there will be no cars.

The shackles…

“Help me produce some.”

Zhou Li raised his head, didn’t look at Herlinen, he was right as usual He said: “I can’t do it myself with a private factory. The accuracy is poor and the speed is slow. I’ll give you the material money, and you will help me produce a better batch of magic mortars.”

“The production cost of this thing doesn’t even cost us a single gold coin.”

Herining sighed and said to Zhou Li with a bitter smile: “But this idea, I cost money The Magical Military Industry Department, built by millions, has no idea. The Storm Legion is wearing 150 gold coins and a magic heavy armor engraved with 12 kinds of arrays, but you can’t find the north with these things. .”

“Because your military industry department is still thinking about how to put more and stronger arrays on the magic heavy armor.”

Zhou Li waved his hand, while sucking While drinking the milk tea, he said to Herlinin: “Heavy armor is so big, twelve arrays are already the limit. Unless you also want to engrave arrays on the back of their underwear, twelve is your limit. But mortars are not. The amount of magic energy, the caliber of shells, special effects, and enchanting effects all have more room for development.”

“Times have changed, Old Brother.”



When Drizzle Legion decided to destroy those strange pipes at all costs, they were also exposed to Don Quixote’s sphere of perception. Under the specific coordinates of Torreya, Don Quixote gave an order without haste. Immediately, 40 soldiers with strange deployable devices hanging from their backs quickly ran to the periphery, scattered and surrounded the other soldiers who were controlling the bombing.

Then, they unfolded the bizarre device.

This installation is a very strange glass cover, these covers are like a standing box with a lot of glass-like patches inside. And in the center of those patches, a huge cylinder is embedded in it.

“Magic light source?”

Looking at the high-intensity magic light sources used in mines, Herlinin seemed to understand something, leaning forward slightly, his body involuntarily, his eyes Staring at the screen.

“No pollution, high efficiency, wide range, the most important thing is that this thing can achieve directional light, without affecting the vision behind the light at all. This thing from the very beginning I thought it was used for Mining is overkill, so I changed it and let these soldiers protect teammates.”

Zhou Li took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put it on with a snap. He hugged his chest and leaned back, looked at the soldiers who were putting the device out, and said with emotion: “To be honest, I have been bothered by the Yuanguang dog in my last life.”

“didn’t expect, I am now myself The most hated person.”


The switch is on.

In an instant, the drizzle met the scorching sun.

Me, grass, high beam dog!

When the lights that could illuminate the entire underground mine appeared in front of the drizzle coming from all directions, these well-trained soldiers immediately gave a quality education to the high beam dog. But after all, there are light elemental mages in this world. Although this kind of high-light dog behavior can beat them completely unprepared, it has no decisive effect on the outcome.

These people instantly formed two groups and used blindfolding techniques on each other. This ability can greatly filter the light source, and in an instant, the rays of light that can resurrect giants are dimmed. The men moved on in the slightly dim environment, ready to break the pipes.

But at this moment, Torreya made her move.

Those lights are not used to stop the drizzle at all, these lights are cover.

Covering Torreya’s actions.

A Second Army regiment with special sunglasses, knives and rifles emerged from either side of these drizzles under the cover of rays of light. Immediately, dense flames erupted from the guns in these people’s hands, and bullets like a torrential rain swept over those drizzle’s bodies.


After the leader called out the secret order, these Drizzle who realized they were ambushed immediately used their Legion ability. Immediately, the figures of these people were as delicate as raindrops. They dodged all the bullets in an almost miraculous fashion and disappeared into the wilderness. Like the drizzle falling to the ground, silently.

“What a pity.”

Don Quixote’s voice came from Torreya’s headset. In jungle, she looked at Tia, who was cleaning the wound in front of her, and unaware that she was coming, and tapped the headset lightly.

Boom, boom, boom.

(found the target)

Tia looked very embarrassed at this time, the mithril armor on her body was full of black fire marks, and her originally beautiful face was also full of smoke. black. Just now, she took advantage of the weakening firepower to lead the troops to escape the bombing site immediately, and she was able to get some breathing space. However, it was the bombing that made the original elite troops of 500 professionals cut in half, leaving only more than 200 people fleeing in embarrassment.

It’s a pity.

Tia’s heart was full of regret at this time. If she, as the frontline commander, could have noticed the movement of the place earlier, her troops might not have lost so much. But thinking of this, she felt powerless again. After all, no one would have thought that a Knight Legion, who was good at defense, would carry such firepower, and even Lorca didn’t notice it.

“Corps Head, we have two hundred and thirty-five people left, do you want to change the formation?”

Tia’s deputy, covered in dirt, walked in front of her and turned to her. Reported the current Legion situation. Tia immediately broke away from her emotions and calmly instructed: “Now change the formation immediately, and the group of five will immediately disperse. The enemy is good at fixed fire strikes, and gathering together will only increase casualties. From now on, fully cooperate with the drizzle to counterattack. .”


The deputy saluted and immediately began giving her orders. Tia, sighed, leaned against a tree and began to rest. She had already evacuated thirty kilometers by this time, and no matter what, Don Quixote could not attack them in a short time.

Toreya on the tree quietly looked at Tia leaning against the tree trunk, she did not attack, not even moving. She just looked at her silently, as if waiting for something.

“The Shield of the Guardian is marching in the south-east direction, Tia, you are taking at least sixty men in an ambush on the south side of the Kara hill. The drizzle will lure them into the encirclement, you come Block their retreat.”


Tia stood up unequivocally and gave orders to the other soldiers who were on guard. Soon, she had sixty people as the main force, and the other groups scattered cover. After about a minute, Tia’s silhouette disappeared into the jungle.

“Have you found it?”

After hearing three taps, Don Quixote asked Torea on the other end of the headset: “How did you decipher the direction? “

“The research institute is the center point, and the dividing line on the south side of the vertical map is 21 kilometers away from the research institute.”

Torreya pulled the two communication lines on the tree. After coming out, he said to Don Quixote: “You only need to advance another thirty-five kilometers, and you can directly attack the command center of the other party.”

Yes, Torreya was not beheaded at all this time. action. Her purpose is to find the command center of the storm. In addition to destroying Tia’s Legion power, the artillery fire just now had been pushing Tia to the mountains behind her. After pushing Tia to a distance of five kilometers from the target forest, Don Quixote deliberately stopped the fire, creating the illusion that their artillery had a short distance. In fact, the real purpose of the two was never Tia, but Lorca behind her.

After getting the specific value, Torea and Don Quixote act together. Torreya assigned half of her manpower to help Don Quixote advance, while Don Quixote led the Guardian Shield and began to march forward in a hurry.


“Light…it’s that simple.”

Recalling the encounter just now, Herinin let out a long sigh, somewhat amused and somewhat helpless: “Did you know? Eighty-five percent of the magic light sources in the world are produced by Tariq, and this is also Tariq. It is only one thing that is exported to the outside world. Because only Tariq can increase the conversion rate of magic energy to the highest level, thereby creating this kind of beam.”

“Indeed, it is still your thing that is easy to use. “

Zhou Li nodded in agreement, and said with emotion: “You don’t know, I bought a few fakes that said Tariq production, but they were actually Yingnan fakes and wanted to do experiments. The first time I used it, either the rays of light were too small or too scattered for the grand competition. I was so angry that I hung the profiteer selling fake goods on the street light next to him, and used the OEM lights he sold to bake his hair every day. .”


Herlinin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh shook the head, he also didn’t expect, far away in Magnum Zhou Li can buy Tariq’s goods in the hands of Yingnan people, but the most important thing is fake.

But when he thought that Zhou Li was using items produced in his country to give his country’s army a head-on blow, Herlinin felt uncomfortable.

Is this not Ox Head Man?

(End of this chapter)

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