This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 4


Chapter 4 goes straight to the development of a traitor

The black tree leans against the beam of the tribe gate, with tiny eyes Constantly scanning all around, the sharp-eared monkey cheeks are full of vigilance.

As the most intelligent being in the entire Goblin tribe, Black Tree’s strength is pitifully weak, only less than the colorless rank of Dark Iron Rank. But it stands to reason that smart people should work in the position of the brain, but the black tree is year after year, day after day, doing the most humble watchdog position, which is really overkill.

The reason for this is very simple. As a dream beast, the goblin group instinctively says that strength is respected, and the goblin’s extremely special “mentally handicapped strong” innate talent is determined. Their patriarch is pure mental retardation. In their patriarch’s point of view, this kind of useless waste who can’t even throw a spear should go to the gate. As for the brain…

What is the brain?

In this deformed society where meat-eaters are stupid and contemptible, Hei Shukong has a wisdom comparable to that of a six-year-old human with cerebral hemiplegia, but he can only succumb to the gate of the tribe. In addition to eating some tree roots and mixing soil every day, they can only hold a wooden pestle left by humans at the gate of motionless, even at night, they need it to “patrol” around, and then spend the day groggy. .

However, today, everything has changed.

The black tree was leaning against the beam of the gate as usual, and he scratched his back with a wooden pole while yawning. Today, the king of their ethnic group, “Shalebi”, is dispatched to foreign countries and wants to achieve a win-win relationship with the “Slime Legion” in the east. But Hei Shu doubted whether the king who built the toilet in the upper reaches of the river could reach a consensus with the slime. He strongly suspected that Shalebi simply wanted to eat a refreshing and clean slime gel, so he pulled most of the slime gel. The tribes go hunting together.

But this has nothing to do with him at all. With only the strength of a human adult man, he is not qualified to participate in diplomatic activities at all. The craftsmanship handed down from his grandfather’s generation will accompany him throughout his life.

Hei Shu looked at the twisted bushes above his head, thinking of his bleak future life, an inexplicable emotion came to his heart.

Just when he was about to use the wooden pole to scratch his lower body to calm down, a sense of powerlessness suddenly filled his body, and the black tree fell to the ground unexpectedly, with darkness occupying his eyes. .

When Heishu opened his eyes again, a man in a black trench coat and a red mask was sitting on a wooden stake, leaning on his chin and staring at himself with interest.

“Ulu, Ulu, Gamata Lukuta! (Who are you? What’s the purpose of arresting me?)”

Black Tree used Goblin in a panic Yu shouted at the man, but he quickly calmed down. In addition to the friendly atmosphere exuding from the man, the long sword inserted in the soil on the side also became a token of friendliness. Just when his pig brain was about to be overloaded, a cold female voice suddenly came from the jungle behind the man. He couldn’t understand it, but he could hear the killing intent.

“What is he talking about?” Elma, whose face was covered by the blue veil, stood behind Zhou Li and looked at the goblin who was bound in a strange posture in front of him. Elma Curiously, I learned a few words: “Is it embarrassing to step on the horse and Tuoma?”

I look like the whole family is dying?

Although the sentences before and after are completely inconsistent, and they are more and more mistakes made by novices to the Goblin language, the black tree still heard the killing intent in the woman’s words. “The whole family” was very frightening to him, and what was even more frightening was the following family characters.

Is this vicious woman going to kill her four families? Where did my four homes come from?

Before Heishu could react, Zhou Li, who was sitting on the stump, cleared his throat, and then blurted out in fluent Goblin: “What’s your name?”

(innate talent: Launched by Best Animal Friends – Proficient in Goblin)

Looking at the black tree with a dazed face, Zhou Li cleared his throat again, hoping to cover it up He was embarrassed to play a bad joke, and then he said to the black tree in a calm voice: “I think you have been guarding the gate, you must be the wisest man in the goblin family, right?”

This This kind of logic that doesn’t make sense in other places is particularly touching when it is introduced into Hei Shu’s ears.

Someone really saw his strength!

Hei Shu nodded hurriedly. At this moment, he forgot that he was kidnapped here. The person in front of him was not the kidnapper, but a man who was good at finding the mentally handicapped among the insects. Bole.

“Your name is Heishu, right?”

Heishu was stunned by Zhou Li’s question. This was the first caller besides his dead father. “Man” by his name. He was sluggish nodded, and his brain, which was a little paralyzed, was blank at this time. After a while, he murmured and asked:

“You, human, why is my name?”

“I’ve been paying attention to you for a long time.” Zhou Li walked away He stepped forward, patted Hei Shu’s shoulder, and said emotionally in his voice: “A wise man trapped in a group of mentally handicapped people, a gem of rays of light ten thousand zhang but buried, a man who clearly possesses great wisdom but can only Under the hand of a mentally retarded monster, looking at a door that no one cares about.”

“Tree, I am someone who appreciates you greatly.”

(innate talent: The crowd instigated the Master to launch – activate ambition)

Looking at the goblin who will become the biggest and most treacherous trader in the entire continent in the future, Zhou Li showed a kind smile with a kind smile, in order to let The smile worked, and he cut the chin mask to imitate Bateman. Looking at the fatherly smile in front of him, tears flowed from Hei Shu’s narrow and slender eyes.

“You see, I am the one who appreciates you. After I caught you, I did not use any punishment on you, and I also taught you earnestly. It can be seen that I am a person who wants to make you and me. Comrades who have to use some means in extreme situations to complete the great major event together, right?”

(innate talent: language master launched-convincing)

At this time, There is no sense of resistance, Hei Shu was eager to kowtow twice to Zhou Li on the spot, this is obviously his future benefactor! Kidnapping oneself means that people value themselves, and we have to say something to him——

“Thank you!”

Zhou Li’s face of student that can be taught, then he left He stepped forward and gently untied the rope on the goblin. Then he sorted out the few clothes on the Goblin, and said gently:

“Spirit, what a spiritual boy.”

Hearing this, Black The tears of the tree stopped in Bengbu. He held his benefactor’s arm and burst into tears. This cry expresses his humiliation and sorrow over the years, his frustration over the years because of his mental retardation, and his sorrow that he has not seen the noble for a long time. At this time, Hei Shu completely believed that the human being in front of him was a noble person who came to save him.

After a while, he stopped crying, and Hei Shu wiped his face. At this time, he did not have the decadence and helplessness of the past, and his delicate eyes were full of great wisdom. He believed that his Goblin was about to change.

“Your Majesty, what are your orders?”

This goblin used what he had learned all his life to show his loyalty to the nobles in front of him. When the noble heard it, he first started, and then patted his shoulders with relief, and corrected: “Don’t call me a monarch, that’s a title full of oppression and exploitation. That me, and the current Goblin What’s the difference between the king and you?” Zhou Li’s face gradually showed a holy brilliance, and the devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence said to the black tree: “You can call me Boss, in our hometown, Always refers to a person who is experienced and fair. Ban means that a person must live an upright and upright life and cannot go beyond the norm. Such a person is my lifelong goal.”

hearing this , Hei Shu was even more moved. He hurriedly bowed his head and said yes again and again. Seeing this scene of monarchs and ministers rejoicing, Zhou Li nodded> with a smile, and then said to Hei Shu:

“I’m looking for you this time to liberate Brin.”

“Release… release?”

Goblin chewed these two words repeatedly, he had never heard the words combined with these two words, but for some reason, noble After saying these two words, an unknown power arose in Mu Ran’s heart.

“Look, the current goblins are oppressed by power and exploited by powerful goblins. People who have real wealth – wise people are not treated as well as insects, you think this is reasonable Is it?”

It’s too reasonable, if it weren’t for the powerful goblins to prey on you, you would have starved to death.

Zhou Li thought so, but he didn’t say it. After all, he said it himself, and the right to interpret it is in his hands.

But Hei Shu didn’t think so. Hearing Zhou Li’s words, he immediately said indignantly: “Unreasonable!”

“Yes, this is too unreasonable! After waving his hand secretly behind his back, indicating to turn off the holy filter, Zhou Li said to the black tree with a sympathetic face: “So, we must resist. We must build a group of wise men, not a tyrant. The goblin clan under control, right?”

Looking at Zhou Li like a Holy Son, for some reason, Hei Shu suddenly raised his hand and shouted frantically:

“Destroy the tyranny of the mentally handicapped, Donglin belongs to the wise!”


Ignore the constant (innate talent – cultural democrat launch) voices in my ears , Zhou Li pursed his lower lip slightly, and said in a strong voice: “We want to expel the mentally handicapped and make the wise become the mainstream!”

“What should I do?!”

Completely Hei Shu, who didn’t realize that he had become a gangster, looked towards Zhou Li with a frenzied expression as if he would die in the next second because of Zhou Li’s words. (Zhou Li nodded, then took out a sphere from behind and handed it to Brother Jian Hei Shu, and said solemnly to him:

“Remember, equivalent is justice

End of this chapter)

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