This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 51


Chapter 51 Just?

Zhou Li, Spirit Sea, and Elma leave the Great Library after the conversation is over. Victoria didn’t send it, she just sat on the seat and watched the backs of everyone leaving without saying a word.

Opening the door, a stone was thrown from the quiet lake, and the noisy street pulled the three back to reality. Originally in a trance, Spirit Sea came back to his senses, she looked towards Zhou Li beside her, and asked softly:

“Is what she said true?”

Zhou Li could see that Spirit Sea was very confused at the moment, he hooked the head, and after nodding, he said, “Yes, and no.”

Looking at Spirit Sea looking at him with a little doubt and nervousness , Zhou Li didn’t look back, but he still felt the gaze behind the bronze gate. He pondered for a moment, and then said to Spirit Sea in a neither fast nor slow speech rate:

“Among the three books of creation, the book of omniscience and omnipotence builds order and rules. Ignorance is incomprehensible. The Book of Books builds the abyss and chaos. With little knowledge, it builds a compromise.”

“Compromise with the rules, compromise with chaos. It will not be precise and rigorous, nor can it be chaotic and invisible. Therefore, in these three In this book, only the half-understood book is the most human-like.”

Here, Zhou Li paused. He extended the hand and stopped the two behind him. The big library’s “whatever you ask, you must say something” field can only take effect in a small area. This opportunity is rare, and if he goes on, he is afraid that he will cross Victoria’s line of sight.

“If you ask the book of omniscience and omnipotence, the answer you will get must be the absolute truth.”

Zhou Li paused when he said omnipotence and omnipotence, he seemed to remember something, in his eyes There was a flash of lingering fear.

“It sounds beautiful, but life is too fragile to bear the absolute truth that contains the World Rule. Even if Spiritual God wants to get a wide-ranging truth, it needs to pay the price of life. , to obtain the truth.”

It’s okay to die soon after hearing about the Dao.

Zhou Li’s elaboration reminded Spirit Sea subconsciously of this adage, and she was a little surprised. When Zhou Li said these three books at the first time, she thought they were all Divine Items. The existence of people can make a qualitative leap. And now it seems that it is indeed a qualitative leap.

After leaping for a hundred years, he died directly.

“What about the other book?” Spirit Sea couldn’t hold back his curiosity this time, and asked before the professional praise of Elma: “What about the book called Ignorance and Incomprehension?”

“Ignorance and incomprehension…”

Zhou Li clicked his tongue, scratched the back of his head, and his expression was a little strange: “If omniscience and omnipotence are the truth that tells you everything, then ignorance is not. If you solve it, I can tell you all the wrong answers, and it will not cause harm to the human body.”

“Isn’t this okay?” At this time, Elma on the side quickly reacted, “Just put the All the answers in the book have been exhausted, isn’t that the truth?”


Zhou Li smiled and said in agreement: “Indeed, you have this idea. Makes sense. If people who thought this way weren’t tainted by the “calamity answers” in the book of ignorance and went crazy, you should be able to win a smart prize.”

Listen After Zhou Li’s answer, Spirit Sea on the side understood it. If the answer given by the book of omniscience and omnipotence to others is a collection of truths, it will make people directly overloaded with pig brains and die on the spot. A book of ignorance and incomprehension will instill countless junk documents and directly disgust the reader into a lunatic.

“Therefore, the only way to divide yourself into several copies, the half-understood books scattered around the world, are the kindest to the human race.”

Zhou Li held his breath again, feeling After the gaze from behind still existed, he continued: “You can understand that Victoria can observe the whole picture of a thing, but she can’t tell you directly. She has to be a riddleman and reveal the truth in various forms of side-by-side. Here it is. As for whether you can understand it, or whether you understand it wrong, she will not tell you.”

“What she said may be the truth, it may be a metaphor, or it may be expressed in words. Remind you that she’s actually speaking the opposite. As for what you think, it’s up to you.”

The voice fell, and the gaze disappeared. Zhou Li turned around and focused his gaze on the bronze gate that radiated a faint glow. Zhou Li’s deep within both eyes with sincere gratitude, he nodded lightly, as if he was greeting someone.

“Let’s go.”

Zhou Li beckoned, went down the steps, and said to the two behind him: “We need to be respectful, and those who are grateful from the heart will also see It’s over.”

“Next, we’re going to meet the wicked.”

******************** **********

“didn’t expect, Miss Don Quixote, you will come to see me in person.”

The appearance is low-key, the interior decoration is very In the luxurious villa, a middle-aged man with a clean goatee sat on a chair covered with red satin and said with a smile to the short-haired woman in front of him: “It seems that you are still practicing true justice, I really admire it.”

“As a nobleman who is still registered in the Act, I must obey the king’s order. This is law, not justice.”

Sitting on the chair Don Quixote, who was expressionless, said indifferently: “Mr. Carter Rowland, the king’s order has asked me to temporarily cooperate with your actions, please give your instructions.”

“no no no, Tang Miss, it’s not me who’s leading the action at this time.”

The man named Carter laughed a few times, then he stood up, clapped, the ornate door behind him was slowly pushed open, a man dressed in deep In red robes, a man with a deep face stepped out of the shadows. He looked towards Don Quixote, put his left hand on his chest, and bowed in salute.

“The Church of Justice red-clothed Archbishop, Liard.”

After calling out his name, Liard stood up straight. At this time, a surprised expression appeared on the face of Don Quixote, who was originally expressionless. She stood up and respectfully gave a standard Knight salute. The moment she lowered her head, Don Quixote’s eyes were full of shock.

And the reason why she is so lost self-control, in addition to this bald head that can be called a little sun, the moment the name red-clothed Archbishop appeared, Don Quixote suddenly felt a chill .

In this world, there are many professionals. The distinction of soul color, that is, the eight professional levels from black iron to divine gift, is the most important part of judging the strength of a professional. The soul color is an existence that requires the unremitting efforts and innate talent of the professionals themselves to climb up.

Not required for red-clothed bishop. They are born platinum, cultivation can step into brilliance, and God-given rank is their belonging. And a red-clothed bishop is the one with the most power besides the pope for the church. Most importantly, the red-clothed bishop is the only one who can listen to the word of God.

It doesn’t count hero, hero can chat with Spiritual God when he goes to the toilet.

So, after learning that the big bald head was a red-clothed bishop, Don Quixote’s heart sank. Bishop popped up at such a time, and his purpose was already clear. Sure enough, after introducing himself, Lear continued to say to Don Quixote:

“Miss Tang, in the name of my lord, in order to save the people who are about to step into the abyss, I will carry out a very important mission. Mission. I need your cooperation for this mission.”

Don Quixote didn’t speak, just stared straight at Laird. Faced with the slightly rude behavior, Lear, who had no air at all, didn’t care. He put his left hand on his chest and sincerely said to Don Quixote:

“I hope to sign this contract with him in the future battle between you and hero.”

Accepted Laird handed over the paper, and Don Quixote read the words on it.

“Under the witness of the god of justice, Don Quixote and Zhou Li conclude this contract.”

“This battle will abide by the law of justice, and any violation of justice If the Don Quixote side violates justice, she will be deprived of all status and exiled to the northern desert.”

Seeing this line of words, Don Quixote did not What a big psychological fluctuation. After all, she knew that she would not destroy the so-called fairness. So she continued to watch.

“If Zhou Li violates fairness, then he must become a child of God, make every effort to save the common people, and accept the gift of God.”

“This… ··”

Don Quixote was at a loss for a moment after seeing this line of words. And Lier naturally understood Don Quixote’s surprise. He looked towards Don Quixote and said with a slight smile:

“Yes, the gods didn’t want to attack Mr. Zhou Li. Great gods. Just want to pull the hero who has gone astray back to the right path, take his responsibility, and let the supreme god lead him to defeat the disaster. Miss Don Quixote, are you at ease now?”

I am relieved.

Don Quixote stared blankly at which line of “punishment”, an inexplicable emotion gradually took over her heart.

“You, are you so sure that Zhou Li will undermine fairness?”

A dry, hoarse voice came out of Don Quixote’s mouth. Laird gently nodded, said in a tranquil voice:

“The gods command me not to hide from you.”

“Hero carries a book that does not belong to him, This book will provide him with power that does not belong to him. Hero himself does not know the essence of the book.”

Therefore, as long as Zhou Li steps into the contract of justice, he will violate the contract .

This contract from the very beginning is unjust.


Don Quixote pursed his dry lips, feeling a little ridiculous, but also a little funny. It is hard for her to imagine that the fair god who regards fairness as his god will set up language traps from the very beginning.

Is it fair? just.

Is it fair? unfair.

It seems that she agrees with Laird’s words, and it seems that she also wants to see the result of hero’s victory over the disaster under the guidance of the gods. Don Quixote put away the contract, nodded.

“Okay, but just to be on the safe side, I need Miss Don Quixote to swear with me under the Spiritual God’s watch.”

this time, the red-clothed bishop’s His face was solemn. An invisible pressure filled the room from him. Don Quixote smiled slightly, then raised his hand and swore with the red-clothed bishop.

“I will not disclose to others what I have just done, no matter when, where or with anyone. The gods watch, justice is set, and it shall not be violated.”

Pledge , after instructing everything, the red-clothed bishop left the villa. Don Quixote didn’t have any intention to stay. She glanced at the Carter count coldly, and solemnly asked:

“What does the king want in this matter?”

“Don’t be so rude, Miss Tang.”

count swayed the red wine in the glass elegantly, and was meticulously dressed, “The Dusk Forest is an important part of the kingdom, and the king is very concerned about that dangerous place. The land is very important. In order to maintain the security of the surrounding area, we certainly need a safe enough entrance. I believe that the hero who converts to the gods must have a noble consciousness. How can the land in the east become a stumbling block on the road to hero’s success? You Are you right, Don…count?”


Hearing the word count accentuated, Don Quixote sneered. Then she stood up and left the luxurious villa.

Really, I’m relieved.

Walking on the continent, the rays of light of Don Quixote within both eyes became more and more solid. A determined look gradually emerged on her heroic face, accompanied by a reassuring smile.

In the morning, she took the carriage to Victoria’s Don Quixote with Zhou Li, looking towards the fading sunset, mixed emotions of anger and relief, cluttered her heart.

Your prophecy has been fully fulfilled.

Mr. hero.

(End of this chapter)

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