This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 67


Chapter 67 Summary

The following is Zhou Li’s record.

After writing this sentence, Zhou Li’s brain was racing, and then one character after another was engraved on it.


In previous life, the life Goddess Atalona’s card crown Holy Tree is The last one was taken by Zhou Li. When returning this card, Zhou Li keenly found that Atalona’s soul color was close to nothing, and her mental state was also very unstable, and she would always utter strange babble unconsciously.

After the rebirth, Zhou Li recalled this incident. He concluded that among the twelve gods whose cards were lost, Atalona was the most affected, and was also affected. consciousness. And he urgently needs a way to quickly accumulate strength and fight against the gods. A card with a positive amount of Divine Power is the obvious choice.

So, Zhou Li from the very beginning chose Dusk Forest for this card. By using his innate talent power, he integrated the “Dark Forest’s darling” goblins, observed them every day and established a stronghold for his follow-up plans.

During the observation, Zhou Li gradually came to a conclusion. The so-called “goblins are creatures blessed by the Dusk Forest, and anyone who offends or kills them will be cursed by the forest” is artificial.

In other words, someone is behind this rumor, and there is an extremely large force behind it. They first spread the rumor, and then used their own power to fake the accidental death of the adventurer who had killed the goblins to support the rumor and make it a reality.

After reaching this conclusion, Zhou Li began to draw another conclusion based on previous experience and various investigations of Maeve and Zisha Chamber of Commerce, that is, the eastern entrance of Dusk Forest is a A land with hidden secrets, and this secret is the existence of a certain force that needs to be closely guarded.

After investigating those who died of the “Goblin Curse”, Zhou Li was keenly aware that there were many church members in these death lists, but the churches they belonged to were very concentrated and stable. . Just as these churches agreed, sending specific church personnel to die at a specific time was a planned and targeted act.

After Zhou Li defined the composition of these church members, he understood that the death of these church members was only to make the rumor of Goblin’s Curse more credible. This kind of behavior can be called maddening, but it also reflects how terrifying the secrets of the eastern part of Duskwood are, and it is worth so many believers to die.

But after Zhou Li discovered this incident, Zhou Li was keenly aware that there was only one force that could allow so many churches to work with a common purpose and kill the carefully cultivated believers with their own hands— gods.

After contacting the clues that Dusk Forest contains the Holy Tree card, Zhou Li came to a conclusion that the secret contained in the eastern entrance of Dusk Forest has a great relationship with the life Goddess .

After drawing conclusions and observing the body structure of goblins, as well as the characteristics of goblins that “the lower the IQ, the more powerful”, Zhou Li made one thing clear.

Goblins are creatures bred by the Goddess of life.

It is also the only carrier of Goddess in this world.

It’s bold, it’s crazy, but it’s very reasonable.

Later to prove this idea. Zhou Li became the Dark Emperor and mentioned the gods in front of the hero exclusive to attract attention. After hero exclusively sent him the “guest is coming” message, Zhou Li was convinced that the entrance to the east of Duskwood was the place where the Goddess of life descended, that is, the place where Goddess of life could perform divine descent.

Zhou Li started his plan when he realized that this was the experimental base of Goddess of life. In other words, from the very beginning, Zhou Li started the plan to entrap Goddess of life.

He deliberately called the gods in front of the hero exclusives to make them aware of Zhou Li’s intention to be promoted to the Dark Emperor. And the Dark Emperor’s mourner is the Dark Emperor’s most trusted existence, and if the god wants to beat himself, he will definitely start from this. Before that, Zhou Li had kept the black tree by his side, and Zhou Li had a very enthusiastic attitude towards all goblins, which gave the gods the illusion that the black tree was the mourner.

After the gods mistook the black tree for a mourner, Zhou Li quickly dispatched the black tree to the city of Victoria. At the same time, Zhou Li also brought out the second knife he used to kill Goddess – the Church of Justice.

Zhou Li has a clear self-awareness, and he knows that there is no way to deal a fatal blow to Goddess by his own power alone. So he chose murder a person with a borrowed knife, and he borrowed a knife from the Church of Justice.

Because of the regional relationship, the Church of Life has almost zero influence in Magnum. Generally, the Church of Justice takes the place of the Church of Life. Zhou Li, on the other hand, turned his attention to the contract of “judgment of sinners” by the Just Church, because only that contract can allow the gods to “voluntarily” accept punishment.

Zhou Li first used various means to let Don Quixote challenge himself, and at the same time attracted the attention of the Just Church, and at this time, the Black Tree had come to Victoria, the stronghold of the Just Church. Sure enough, under the guidance of Goddess of Life, the Church of Justice controlled the Black Tree, which was the first step of the plan.

Zhou Li then met with Don Quixote and postponed the duel until December 20th. Because that day is the winter solstice of this world, which is the time when the life force is the weakest.

The delay of the conversation and the time revealed Zhou Li’s attitude towards the gods. The life Goddess sensed something was wrong, so he planned to kill Zhou Li directly and reorganized Zhou Li’s soul in the process of resurrection, making him a member of the public. God slave, and in order to accomplish this plan, she needs the help of the Church of Justice.

At the same time, Zhou Li continued to build momentum for this duel, using the name of hero to generate gimmicks, attracting the attention of many nobles. At this time, the Goblin Farmhouse was already a piece of fat and fresh meat. As Zhou Li expected, the group of nobles soon became greedy.

At this time, the Church of Justice came to you. Killing Zhou Li can’t go too far, and at the same time, it can’t let the Church of Justice take the blame alone. Therefore, wealthy and powerful nobles who are greedy enough have become the best candidates for dumping the pot. Therefore, the Church of Justice united the nobles and wanted to make Zhou Li sign a treaty with a text trap to solve Zhou Li at the least cost.

The so-called text trap, that is, Zhou Li has not been recognized by the hero union, and is not a really recognized hero. So that hero does not belong to Zhou Li, it belongs to the foreign object. Once Zhou Li signed a “fair contract” and stepped into the duel venue with the exclusive hero, Zhou Li would be judged negative and brought directly to the gods to be slaughtered.

And Leard also took into account the problem that Zhou Li did not bring the exclusive hero, and let Don Quixote release the option of water. So he planted the seeds in Don Quixote’s heart, and once activated, Don Quixote must use all his strength to defeat Zhou Li. And Zhou Li, who does not carry hero’s exclusive, must be impossible to survive under Don Quixote. In this way, Goddess can be directly resurrected and transformed Zhou Li, which can also add a good name to Goddess.

But the problem is that the two possibilities Lild considered were both traps that Zhou Li deliberately left and let him step into. So the first trap, the so-called fair contract, can’t be realized at first. Because the word “hero” on the flyers that are handed out to people is printed by the hero union. That is, at that moment, Zhou Li was recognized as a hero.

And the second trap, that Zhou Li will be killed by the spare no effort Don Quixote, was solved perfectly by Zhou Li. Because Zhou Li knew that no one knew Don Quixote’s fighting skills and methods better than him. After all, in his last life, he and Don Quixote did not want to fight less than a thousand times in large and small, and there was a Life and Death Battle between the two. So even if Zhou Li can’t beat Don Quixote, it’s more than enough to save his life.

According to Lair’s plan, if the second trap fails, the black tree controlled by the life Goddess will assassinate Zhou Li at the subsequent banquet, and directly send Zhou Li away as a mourner. . But what he did not expect was that Zhou Li, who could obviously deal with Don Quixote, suddenly chose to die, and the reason why Zhou Li chose to die was to bring out the Goddess of life.

The standard for the resurrection of the Black Emperor is to have certain subjects. But neither the Black Tree nor the other people beside Zhou Li had the imprint of the Black Emperor. So whether it is Li Deyi or Goddess who is life, they all think that Zhou Li has not become the real Dark Emperor. If he is dead, he is really dead. So when Zhou Li died for the first time, the life Goddess was attached to the black tree, ready to resurrect Zhou Li.

However, what she didn’t expect was that when the nobles played the tricks on Zhou Li, Zhou Li in turn used the Ain chess piece to counter the nobles. Directly bewitched the group of nobles and became his subjects. Therefore, Zhou Li directly relied on the authority of the Dark Emperor to resurrect, and fiercely played Goddess with his life.

At this time, Zhou Li spoke directly to Elma with the Goddess of Life, which completely angered the Goddess of Life. The life Goddess, whose plan was revealed, directly chose to launch an assassination in advance. As long as he completely killed Zhou Li as a mourner, the contract would dissipate and his plan would succeed.

As we all know the result later, the black tree is not a so-called mourner at all. So, Zhou Li came back to life with a brace.

And the resurrection of this time makes the fair contract judge that the battle is still going on, so Goddess’s rash move is a violation of the contract and must be punished. And Zhou Li came to the conclusion in previous life that in this world, gods need to follow rules more than mortals.

Therefore, the life Goddess was brought to the court of the just Goddess in an extremely ridiculous and absurd appearance.

Then came the verdict.


After writing the last two characters, Zhou Li relieved, put down the pen, and fiercely stretched out one Lazy waist. Then he slumped on the chair and looked at the sky outside the window, a smile on his face.

“I won this game.”

A game of chess that wins.

Thanks to Olao Le Dening for the 100 points

Thanks to Wumiansheng for the 100 points

Thanks to the book friend 2020122705852160 for the 100 points

Thanks to ccdkl for the 100 points

Thanks for the 500 points that wander in your world

Thanks to Xu Guichen for the 100 points

(End of this chapter)

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