This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 8


Chapter 8 Development!

The Emperor Zhi was enthroned.

After discovering that their king was dead, the mentally handicapped goblins were tied up on the road like a twist. It is also logical to accept their acknowledge allegiance and untie them.

Since then, Zhou Li has completely controlled the goblin tribe in the eastern part of Dusk Forest, with a total of 100 mentally retarded goblins with brass strength. The other goblins, who had long been shocked by the wisdom emperor’s extraordinary intelligence, bowed their heads and bowed their heads under his wisdom ring. After all, their few wisdom reminded them that it is much better to let a goblin with brains come to power than to let a random goblin continue to oppress him.

“Will those mentally retarded goblins just swindle?”

Zhou Li sat in a thatched hut and waved his hand indifferently in the face of Elma’s concerns. After replied: “Impossible, those mentally handicapped goblins don’t have the IQ to deceive at all.”

“That’s right.” Hei Shu, who was sitting on the stone chair with a calm face, agreed with the nodded, adding Said: “Their brain does not support thinking about more than two lines, and the existence of swindling surrender, which can be called the art of war, will not appear in their minds at all.”

“gu lu! (really)”

Gu lulu, who was placed on the stone table and sucked the clear spring water in the bowl on the side, made a slime sound and agreed with the black tree.

Seeing this, Elma didn’t say much, but the worried look on her face still didn’t go away. Although a hundred brass-strength transcenders are placed in any country, it is a garbage organization that can be underestimated. But the problem is that their hundred brass-strength transcenders are all mentally handicapped.


As Black Tree said, the brains of these mentally retarded goblins are all single-threaded. You let him “advance”, and he will never attack or notify friendly forces when he encounters an enemy, but will continue to move forward. If you tell him to “be wary as you go”, you’ll get a dumbfounded goblin – he can’t do both at the same time.

So, according to common sense, although more than 100 brass-level transcenders are very weak, they are an existence that can be called “power”. But in the goblins that Zhou Li is currently ruling, those with high IQs have no power to bind chickens, and those who can bind chickens have no IQ. How can we work together with such a team of worms?

“Boss, what are we going to do next?”

The black tree beside him respectfully asked Zhou Li, since Zhou Li ascended the throne of the Goblin King Later, Hei Shu became Zhou Li’s confidant because of his ability to multiply even numbers, to speak clearly, and to be able to cover his body. And the king of slime, gu lu lu, came to confirm with Zhou Li that the relationship between slime and goblins will remain here in the future.

“What’s the next step…”

Zhou Li looked at the east map of Dusk Forest just torn from the hero’s exclusive body, slightly frowned, and his brain kept thinking. After a while, he made a few charcoal strokes on that map, then hit a big X in one spot.

A Demi-God, a slime, and a goblin gathered near Zhou Li and looked towards the map together. I saw that Zhou Li connected the eastern part of Dusk Forest, that is, the Goblin tribe and the two surrounding city-states with lines, and then they followed the line and saw the location of the big X at the end of the line.

“East entrance?”

Elma read out the words above with some doubts, then looked towards Zhou Li in confusion, “Isn’t that place abandoned for a long time? It’s been a long time since Where did people enter Duskwood?”

“cough cough.”

hearing this, Zhou Li coughed twice, and suddenly talked about an unrelated topic: “You guys Do you know a story related to the gold mine?”

The creatures shook the head, then Zhou Li knocked on the table, thought for a moment and said to everyone:

“There was once a A large amount of gold was found buried in the area, and many people rushed there to pan for gold. This group of people sold property and bought a piece of land that was too small to be small, just to find gold mines in that land. Great wealth. But the gold mines themselves are scattered irregularly. Among the large number of gold diggers, only a few people got the gold mines. Most of the people died in the gold because they had no money to buy food and water. or disappear into the world after bankruptcy.”

“Then one day, a youngster came to the city. He saw the madness of the gold diggers, and he saw them The appearance of bankruptcy after a fiasco. At this moment, he had an idea.”

“Oh, isn’t this the story of psionic minerals.” At this time, Elma on the side suddenly realized to Zhou Li said: “Did he start a grocery store, help others repair props and sell food and water, and finally make more than gold?”

“Haha, no.” Zhou Li smiled and said kindly: “This youngster put his gun on his horse and started to sell a lot of people at the entrance of the gold mine. If you don’t give them money, they will randomly find a few lucky audiences to grab it every day. The last one. But it didn’t take long for them to be besieged by the country behind the city, and none of them survived.”

“So why are you telling this story?!”

Hearing the end of the story, Elma was so stunned that he didn’t come up: “Isn’t this saying nothing?”

“Look, I said it all.” Zhou Li looked towards Elma There was a little pity and tenderness in his eyes, “Don’t think about it.”

Before Elma primordial became furious, Zhou Li cleared his throat and continued: “I tell you this story, not to let Elma primordial get angry. You learn from a certain of them.”

“Instead, criticize their behavior.”

“The first one City, they are really stupid, really stupid! Speaking of which, Zhou Li was full of regrets, as if everything would have changed if the City Lord were him: “For such a big gold mine, they charge such a high mining fee! ”

Elma’s heart warmed when she heard this. Hero is actually quite kind. The gold mine has destroyed so many people and it has nothing to do with the high mining qualifications. It seems that hero also has his own conscience.

“Don’t these worms know that free is the most expensive? ! “

Zhou Li’s generous words calmed Elma directly, and she found that something seemed wrong.

“This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable!” “Zhou Li slaps the table and stand up, and said sadly: “Let the gold diggers settle in for free, and the water and electricity prices will slowly increase, and guide the gold diggers to fight for territory and raise the price of medical care.” Controlling the supply of imported food and water, raising food taxes and causing urban food vendors to raise prices as well. Isn’t this kind of sustainability really much more than that one-shot deal? ! ! “


Elma, who was beside him, froze in place. Before she could react, Zhou Li continued to say excitedly:

“That youngster is stupid too! No, it’s stupid! “

“He should directly reach a treaty with the government, and whenever a gold digger finds gold, he will cut a wave of leeks and grab all the gold!” After that, the city guards came forward and told the gold diggers that the youngster could be wanted for the price of the gold 2/3/2022. “

“Then why give him one third?” “

Hei Shu raised his hand and asked questions like a tireless schoolboy.

“Given him one third, he thought he still had money and wanted to make up for it.” 2/3/2022 of losses left. So I ask you, what does he need to do if he wants to continue mining? “

“Buy another golden land, buy water, buy equipment, buy food, all of which must be purchased in the city, and in the city, the price of these things…”

Under the guidance of Zhou Li, Hei Shu muttered to himself in confusion, and soon, he understood Zhou Li’s intention: “Don’t you say that? “

“That’s right! Zhou Li nodded, and then said in a low voice: “Actually, the gold finally flowed into my hands. “

Elma felt like she fell into the ice cellar at this moment, and the chill eroded her body. She tugged at Zhou Li’s sleeve and said in disbelief, “The devil lies… The deceived benefits and then reaps the life. “

“Benefits? Zhou Li heard this and asked in a puzzled way: “Who said I didn’t benefit the gold diggers?” “

“Ah, so… what… eh?” ? ? ? “

Rao is Elma’s self-proclaimed Demi-God, and he couldn’t understand it for a while. If he really acted according to what Zhou Li said, the group of gold diggers went to his place to dig for gold, even worse than the The devil signed an unequal treaty. It’s refreshing. After all, the devil at least knows how to give people something first and harvest life. But Zhou Li not only stripped the gold diggers completely, but also kept them in endless labor.

It’s so terrifying, even the devil will kneel for him!

“Of course…” Zhou Li stood up, raised his arms slightly, and said solemnly: “Infinite hope what! “

“Then don’t let them fall into endless despair!” ! ! ! “

Elma shouted out in lost self-control. She felt that the plan that Zhou Li said could be implemented, and if Zhou Li did it himself, I’m afraid that group of gold diggers would end up. Far more cruel than being caught by a demon.

“Don’t worry. “

However, Zhou Li did not argue with her, on the contrary, Zhou Li covered her long smooth blue hair with his hands and said to her gently: “I am a hero, how can I do this?” What kind of thing? “


Elma heard Zhou Li’s words, unconsciously sighed in relief, and the stone in her heart fell to the ground.

“If it is I, I just and honorable directly showed the hero brand, accused the City Lord of making a deal with the devil, used the Illusion Technique to charm the gold diggers, and then secretly reached an agreement with the king to get 50% of the gold harvested, and then prayed with Spiritual God Tell them that the king has received an ill-gotten wealth, and then divide the king’s share with the gods. Wouldn’t that be much better than having to bother with swindle? “

Zhou Li smiled brightly, not shy about the shocking part of what he said just now.

At least, Elma of the half-human Demi-God was surprised.

“That kind of thing can’t be done! ! ! ! ! ”

(end of this chapter)

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