This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 106

Chapter 105 .newspaper

Beichuan Temple put down the duffel bag and took Poor out.

“Island Road City Municipal Library”

Beichuan Temple took out Google Maps and took a look at where the library was.

The Daolu Municipal Library is not far from here. From here, take the No. 2 bus and take the past two stops.

It took about five minutes to sit down at the city library, and the time came to two o’clock in the afternoon.

Since today is a Saturday and Sunday, there are only a lot more people in the municipal library at this time.

Most of the people who come here to read are nearby college students and high school students who are on vacation on Saturdays and Sundays.

Beichuan Temple went through the library security check with a small backpack and followed the signs to the local historical area of ​​Daolu City.

It is divided into two areas, the left area is the newspaper area, and the right area is the book area.

The number of people in the local history area is much smaller than that in other places. Except for some history college students who need to do topics, only some old people are slowly flipping through the newspaper.

“That’s it.”

Beichuan Temple took out the notebook he had prepared in advance, and then went to the book area to find the two books “A Brief History of Daolu City Events” and “Daolu Folk Customs”.

I hope to find the clues I want from these records.

Putting the poor Nishikujo on the table, Kitagawa Temple reached out and opened the first book.

In a certain year, a certain day, a certain project was built in Daolu City.

What kind of big events are held here in Daolu City on a certain year, a certain day, and a certain day.

The earliest record of “A Brief History of Daolu City” only reaches the Showa period, and it is too brief. It usually records things in Daolu City, and there is not much written record of the surrounding villages.

Beichuan Temple gave up the book after only two or three glances, and opened the second book “Island Road Folk Customs”.

This is a record of the ancient customs and traditions of many villages around Daolu City, but Beichuan Temple can’t find a trace of the gods in the village.

This is very strange.

Beichuan Temple recalled some claims on the Internet.

Shenzhu Village is a village with a population of four to five hundred people, and there must be records about it.

Even if outsiders didn’t understand the customs of the gods in the village, they wouldn’t be recorded in the local city chronicles at all.

This is too unnatural.

But if this is man-made, why is it necessary to artificially erase the record of God’s presence in the village?

‘It seems that no useful information can be obtained from the official records. ’

Beichuan Temple turned his eyes and looked at the neatly stored paper newspaper area.

Newspapers are publications that are sold to the general public by local and personal media. Regardless of whether they are official or not, they are basically published as long as they are interesting.

Beichuan Temple came to the paper newspaper area with his notebook, carbon pen, and the pitiful Nishikujo.

The newspapers here carefully divide the regions by age, region, politics, entertainment, and so on.

Beichuan Temple soon found folk entertainment in it.

Most of the newspapers here are very old.

After all, everyone now has a mobile phone, and electronic media reading is much more convenient than paper reading.

And most of the young people now like those novel things, and are not very interested in some traditional things. Very few people come naturally.

Beichuan Temple swept all the way and found that the newspapers here can even be traced back to the Meiji period.

He sighed in his heart that the library was well kept, but without hesitation, he raised his hand and took out the earliest Daolu Folk Newspaper.

Beichuan Temple also paid attention to the issue number on it, and frowned when he found that the newspaper was only the 13th issue.

“It seems that there were not many newspapers that recorded local folk customs at that time. It just happened to be a coincidence.” Beichuan Temple glanced at the newspaper and then fully unfolded it.

The Daolu Folk Newspaper is a full-open black-and-white newspaper page.

This newspaper was produced in the late Meiji period, and most of the papers are accompanied by characters, with few pictures.

Beichuan Temple glanced around and found that it actually recorded many ancient villages’ traditions.

After all, the mountainous area of ​​the island road is densely divided, and many villages are separated like chess pieces on a chess board, and the communication methods are lacking in the past. Letters are the mainstay. In these mountainous areas, many isolated people naturally multiply. The tradition comes.

“So that’s it”

In this way, there may be some hidden rituals that are unknown to outsiders in the isolated village of God.

Hidden by gods on the map, the world will never know the long and **** and cruel ritual

Beichuan Temple moved in his heart and glanced.

But it is a pity that this No. 13 newspaper does not have an explanation about God’s presence in the village.

Beichuan Temple stretched to the next folklore news report.

This folklore news is not the case either. The above is just an in-depth look at the folklore news from the previous issue.

There was no unexpected expression on Beichuan Temple’s face. If it were so easy to find, it would not be called a hidden village.

When he moved, he took out the next folklore news paper.

It’s not.

is not

still none.

Everything seemed as if it were literally meaning that God Zhucun was really hidden by God.

To be concealed by God, the Roman phonetic spelling of kamikakushi in Japanese means to be miserable and missing. In human society, being concealed by God means disappearing and missing.

So is it true that there is no trace of existence in the world?

Beichuan Temple had a calm face and didn’t care about this small failure at all.

He repeated the action of fetching the newspaper and reading the newspaper again, until the forty-fifth newspaper was taken down, and finally there was a gratifying change on it.

I saw the Japanese characters “God in the Village” on the lower right corner of the page.

That is a very small area, if you don’t look carefully, it is estimated that you will subconsciously skip it.

“Finally here.” Beichuan Temple lifted up.

He hadn’t missed any of his newspapers, he had read all of them carefully before changing to another one.

This high-strength, made Nishikujo pitifully and softly give up early.

“But the results are always gratifying.” Beichuan Temple spread the newspaper flat, rolled his eyes and glanced over.

I saw a line of fine words marked in neat print on the yellow and faded newspaper.

‘This is a village hidden by gods, a village unknown to outsiders, with mysterious and peculiar customs that make people tremble. ’

‘God resides in the village. ’

This line of text ends here.

It seems that this is just a cunning way to lay the foundation for the next issue of the page, so as to arouse the interest of newspaper readers.

This kind of thing has a feeling of being inadequate here, making Beichuan Temple frown.

He simply reached out and touched the next newspaper directly.

Presumably above that, there should be a record of the gods in the village that he has always cared about.

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