This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 371

Chapter 370 .Keihoku Festival (4000 characters)

While Beichuan Temple talked with Kamiya Mirai, another classmate opened the door one after another.

If you pay attention to observation, you will find that all the students in Jingbei have put on summer uniforms.

After all, it is already mid-May, and the heat in cities like Tokyo has gradually risen, and the weather is gradually moving towards the hot side. It is reasonable to change the long sleeves and wear short sleeves.

Moreover, the summer uniforms in North Beijing are not unsightly. The main use is a navy blue matching vest jacket with a combination of white short sleeves, long trousers for boys and mid-length skirts for girls. The simple color matching looks refreshing.

After a while, the class bell rang, and the head teacher Qianhejing also walked in with a stack of papers.

She first called the name according to the usual practice, and when she found that no one was absent, she began to explain: “I will say something before class.”

Qian Hexiang glanced at the file in hand, and said:

“Our school will start holding the annual Jingbei Festival next Wednesday. Therefore, after school this afternoon, I hope that all students will stay here for the time being to discuss the activities of our class on the Jingbei Festival.”

The Jingbei Festival is actually the school festival that is often seen in anime.

This can be regarded as an old-fashioned activity.

During the school festival, entertainment activities such as haunted houses and maid cafes can be held to fully demonstrate the spirit of the school, and at the same time play a role in uniting groups and cultivating students’ ability to use their brains.

It’s just that, generally speaking, the school festival held in other schools is mostly in the fall of September after the summer vacation.

After all, the weather in September is cool, and students don’t have to face the high temperature to make decorations and props for the event, and after the school festival is held, the school can take advantage of the situation to hold the ‘sports festival’.

Of course, the ‘generally speaking’ here only refers to most schools.

Schools like Jingbei High School that hold academy festivals in May actually exist. After all, the weather in May is also good, and the school festival is connected with the previous Golden Week, and it is also very popular with students.

Therefore, the “hosting of the Beijing North Festival” announced by Chizuru today did not make the students look too surprised.

But neither surprised nor surprised, these students who have been weighed down by the behemoth of ‘learning’ couldn’t stop the little cheers from their hearts when they heard the news.

For a while, a small sound rang in the classroom, and the students looked at each other with excitement, discussing what to do at the Beijing North Festival.

“Quiet.” Qianhexiang began to suppress these discussions. When everyone’s attention was focused on her again, he reached out and handed over the document about the’Beijing North Festival’ to the squad leader sitting in the front row. .

The Jingbei Festival lasts for two days. During this period, students from other schools are allowed to visit the school. For this reason, it is only natural to announce the news to the students one week in advance and ask them to prepare in advance. And this kind of activity is basically organized by the students first-hand, as long as the content is not too young and unsuitable, basically it can be approved by the student council.

Qianhexiang cleared his throat after handing over the documents in place, and said calmly, “We are in class now.”


Even during this lunch break, the discussion about the Beijing North Festival still did not stop.

But in fact, there is nothing in the Jingbei Festival. You can succeed by confessing under the tree of legend. People who dance at the bonfire party of the post-night festival will become people who will be with you for a lifetime.’ This fascinating romantic legend .

In terms of the school festival, the Jingbei Festival is a mediocre festival event.

There is no ‘legendary tree’, no ‘afternight festival’ and no ‘bonfire party’.

But this does not stop the students’ enthusiasm for this.

“Next week is the Jingbei Festival…” Kamiya Mirai couldn’t help groaning as he looked at the smiling students next to him.

To be honest, Kamiya is not particularly interested in this kind of festival in the future.

Because in the final analysis, the school festival is a way for schools to attract students from other schools to apply for their own schools and increase their student base.

Yes, this is the original purpose of the school festival.

Facing all kinds of weird campus activities, good-looking high school uniforms and cheerful school atmosphere, those junior high school students are easily attracted to Beijing North.

Otherwise, do you think there really is that kind of pink campus life, and the school frees up space for students to play?

This is obviously unrealistic.

Therefore, Kamiya has never been too cold about this type of festival in the future.

She turned her head to look at Beichuan Temple, turned her big eyes, and asked curiously: “Does Mr. Temple have any events that he would like to hold?”

Beichuan Temple, who was scanning the homepage of his spiritual office, immediately shook his head, and simply replied, “No.”

He is about the same as Kamiya Miku, and is actually not interested in this kind of activity.

In the eyes of Kitagawa Temple, the Japanese Academy Festival is similar in nature to the university cultural festival in the previous life.

Moreover, in terms of the degree of excitement alone, the university cultural festival will never lose to the high school garden festival.

So in this respect, he is not particularly able to mention it.

Seeing the appearance of Beichuan Temple, Kamiya also took the opportunity to draw the bench closer, and the whole person lay on the table of Beichuan Temple.

She pretended to be a pity: “That’s really a shame. If Mr. Temple participates in this vote, the class activities can be determined without discussion.”

After hearing these words, Beichuan Temple also took a look at the future of Shengu, too lazy to answer.

She was really telling the truth.

As long as Beichuan Temple participates in the voting, there is no need to discuss the activities organized by the class.

Under the name of Beichuan Temple’s frightening “Beijing Great Demon King”, students in the class basically choose the activity voted by Beichuan Temple.

As for those who don’t invest in Beichuan Temple…

The kind of iron-clad people shouldn’t appear in the entire Jingbei.


Kamiya Miku, who was lying on the table, turned his head and stared at Beichuanji’s face with big eyes: “I just heard that the monitor is already collecting opinions on the event. Now the activities that can be voted include takoyaki and fried noodle shops. There is also a haunted house…If it was Mr. Temple, which one would Mr. Temple vote for?”

Kamiya Miku almost wrote “I’m curious” on his face.

Facing her expression like this, Beichuan Temple frowned.

After more than ten seconds of thinking, Beichuan Temple replied: “I should choose a haunted house.”

Uh …

Kamiya Miku opened his mouth.

She never thought that Beichuan Temple would choose a haunted house.

After all, Beichuan Temple is the one who has seen the real resentful spirit.

Do people like this still want to watch the inferior haunted house activities organized by high school students?

This is obviously unscientific.

Therefore, Kamiya didn’t want to understand why Beichuan Temple opened his mouth to be a haunted house for a while.

Beichuan Temple seemed to perceive the confusion of Kamiya’s future, and explained: “Poor had a great time last time. If I have a chance, I would like to take her to continue the experience, and she usually likes to make some small props. This time the haunted house activity is used. It’s not bad to exercise her hands-on ability.”

His idea is very simple.

Anyway, people who come to play in the haunted house are here to pursue excitement, and Poor Nishikujo is here to play.

Those who come to the haunted house can find happiness in the pitiful play of Nishikujo, and the pitiful Nishikujo is also very happy—

Isn’t this a win-win situation?

On the other side, the future of Kamiya finally realized it.

It turns out that Beichuan Temple is thinking about the pitiful Nishikujo!

Last time Beichuan Temple also said, “Poor, having a great time.”

It’s just that the consequence of that time was…

The teachers and students were shocked, and in the end even the police were called…

Those teachers and students who woke up reportedly did not dare to walk the night alone or go to the bathroom alone for a week.

So from these points… the proposal of Beichuan Temple is a bit unsafe no matter how you look at it.


“The haunted house is really good.” Kamiya Miku nodded decisively.

She doesn’t care about other people’s ideas.

Since Beichuan Temple wants to plan a haunted house, she can support Beichuan Temple.

As for those who might be scared to death…

It has nothing to do with her Kamiya future.

Thinking of this, Kamiya’s future continued to speak: “Since Mr. Temple wants to organize a haunted house, it is enough to vote directly after school in the afternoon, and I will also vote for the haunted house.”

Speaking of this, she took a little schadenfreude and glanced at the students who were still discussing the Jingbei Festival.

These people usually like to talk about Beichuan Temple’s cool words behind their backs, so it should be reasonable for Beichuan Temple to withdraw a little interest from the school festival activities, right?

“it is good.”

Although Beichuan Temple was a little surprised at Kamiya’s enthusiasm for this event in the future, he still agreed to the other party’s proposal.

The haunted house is a favorite activity of Poor Nishikujo, so it is of course for him to take it down as an older brother.

The next thing is much simpler.

After the end of the two classes in the afternoon, it was time for the voting activities.

The content of the votes is relatively traditional, mostly catering activities, but there is no such an overly animated activity as the “maid cafe”.

Takoyaki stalls, fried noodle shops, chocolate banana shops, coffee shops, haunted houses…

These activities are written on the blackboard.

At last–

All the people in this class of Beichuan Temple chose the haunted house.

As expected by Kamiya Miku.

When Beichuan Temple first raised its hand to choose the haunted house, everything had lost its suspense.

After he raised his hand, the frightened students all raised their hands tremblingly and chose the haunted house chosen by Beichuan Temple.

Even the proponents of activities such as ‘takoyaki stall’ and ‘fried noodle shop’ raised their hands to choose a haunted house.

No one dares to challenge the authority of Beichuan Temple.

They spent time in the morning and noon discussing for two or three hours… As a result, it took more than ten seconds to make the final choice.

This result made the squad leader standing on the podium a bit dumbfounded.

She originally wanted to mobilize the atmosphere, so that the students below would pay more attention to other activities.

But after being scanned by Beichuan Temple, she immediately made a decision: “Haunted house! Our activity has decided to be a haunted house!”

Her expression of ‘Whoever doesn’t choose a haunted house is going to have trouble with me’ makes the students underneath curl up with their necks and dare not say a word.

The influence of the Great Demon King of Beijing is reflected at this time.

In addition to these students, Chizuru, the head teacher sitting on the other side of the podium, couldn’t help but take another look at the “Haunted House” event.

“…Haunted house…?”

She whispered a word in her mouth, and then thought of what happened in the meeting of studying courage test in the forest before.

Qianhejing glanced at Beichuan Temple uncertainly, and then muttered in a low voice: “It shouldn’t be the same as before, right?”

It was an accident at best.

Although I don’t know what happened, it is impossible to convince her that a student can frighten the teacher.

When the class activities are unfolding, I just have to come and take a look.

Qianhexiang thought in his heart, but on the surface he motioned the students underneath to continue.

Next is the time to choose the executive committee of the Beijing North Festival.

The so-called Jingbei Festival executive committee members are actually students who do some planning work for the academy festival activities.

This includes account management, manpower allocation, submission of activity sheets… In short, it is a very troublesome task.

Of course, no one dared to push this job to Beichuan Temple.

After all, who can know the mind of the Great Devil? If it makes him unhappy, everyone in this class has to finish playing.

They were also embarrassed to push it to Kamiya Miku who was sitting next to Beichuan Temple.

After all, Kamiya Miku is the little angel in their class who ‘deathed his life to accompany Beichuan’. If this kind of dirty work were pushed to her, the conscience of the entire class would be overwhelmed.

After a complicated round of voting, the final vote was Mizuki Yui who served as the study committee member.

This made Mizuki Yui let out a sigh of relief.

In her mind, as long as she takes over the task of the executive committee of the school festival, it will reduce the contact with Beichuan Temple at the school festival.

After all, she only needs to arrange shifts and be responsible for purchasing necessities and submitting activity sheets. She doesn’t need to be responsible for playing the resentful spirit or cashier like the students of Beichuan Temple.

If she were to be a wraith actor with Beichuan Temple…

Mizuki couldn’t help but wiped his forehead.

It is estimated that before she started to scare, she herself was so scared that she passed out.

As for now–

Mizuki is in a good mood.

Although the executive committee has a heavy task on the Jingbei Festival, she does not need to deal with Beichuan Temple… She is very satisfied with this!


Mizuki Yui thinks so.

“Why is the Great Demon King of Beichuan in the discussion team at the Beijing North Festival Meeting?!”

Looking at Beichuan Temple sitting in the corner and the student council president Qianxia Qianxue who stood up and explained the specific matters, Mizuki Yui felt as though he was suffocating.

As a person who has offended Beichuan Temple and has been severely taught by the other party, she is now fighting two battles and can’t wait to rush out of the meeting room directly.

Of course, Mizuki is not the only one with such an expression.

By her side… the executive committee members of the Beijing North Festival from all classes looked at the figure sitting in the corner tremblingly.


Does anyone dare to speak and express an opinion?

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