This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 376

Chapter 375 .Kindai Fragrant Pear (Achieved the goal

Beichuan Temple and Okano Ryoko chatted for a few more words and then left.

It’s just that he didn’t visit Inagaki’s house, but came to’Inagaki’s Long House’ again.

In the sight of Beichuan Temple, with a ponytail tied, the short and small Kashiro Kashiro was standing beside the path of the long house.

The other party was still wearing the red and white tattered little quilted jacket, and his eyes did not stop scanning around.

Even though there were not a few people coming and going here, she did not stop looking for a certain figure at all, and the figure holding a piece of tattered hundred people and a card was a bit lonely.


She saw Beichuan Temple coming by from a distance.

Shindai Xiangli’s complexion changed, and her small body turned around——

Click! ! !

She fell heavily to the ground again in a deja vu movement, but she felt pain at first glance.

The song cards fell all over the ground, and Shindai Xiangli tried hard to pick it up, like a little pitiful trying to escape from Beichuan Temple, even the song cards that fell a little far away could not even pick up.

Then she felt that she was volleying up, and when she reacted again, she found that she was picked up from the ground by Beichuan Temple like a kitten.

The other party’s icy gaze came over, making Kashiro Korin’s short body tremble.

With Shindai Xiangli looking pale and looking at her, Beichuan Temple just put her down and explained: “Don’t worry, I don’t plan to do anything to you, I just came here to pay back things.”

“Also… Give things back?” Kashiro Kashiro, who had been silent, finally began to speak.

Her round face was wrinkled pitifully, her neck curled up, and she still looked terrified.

“Yeah. Give things back.”

Beichuan Temple picked up the song cards scattered on the ground, and handed it to Shindai Kori along with the song card he held in his arms.

Shindai Fragrant Pear also clearly noticed this.

Not only was she not happy that the lost song cards returned to her hand, she even squashed her mouth, and stood there crying.

“Big brother…Big brother just wants to get rid of Xiangli! From the beginning, Xiangli will know! The dark stuff on Big Brother…it’s terrible!”

She was crying, her little shoulders were still shaking, and she looked extremely sad.

No wonder she ran away from the very beginning when she saw Beichuan Temple.

It turns out that Shindai Xiangli had long been aware of the lifelessness of Beichuan Temple.

For fear of being driven away by Beichuan Temple, she naturally ran away when she saw Beichuan Temple.

But yesterday she scared the’friends’ of Beichuan Temple in the long house again, and now she feels even more guilty when she sees Beichuan Temple.

“I don’t have that idea.” Beichuan Temple said in a kinder tone as much as possible.

Although it was still a tough word, it did make Kashiro Kashiwa realize that the young man in front of him was indeed not malicious.

She hesitated for a while, and finally nodded gently, and cherished the song card again into her arms.

That pitiful look will be softened by anyone who looks at it.

Shindai Xiangli took the song cards handed to her by Beichuan Temple, and felt that it was not good to misunderstand others, so she put the song cards in her hand on the ground, stretched out her hand and patted the tattered little cotton jacket she was wearing, taking it seriously Really bowed to Beichuan Temple.

“I’m sorry, big brother.”

She hesitated and said, “Yesterday, yesterday… I scared your friend. I’m really sorry.”

Shendai Xiangli also knew that Beichuan Temple came to return her song card on the premise that she was the scary spirit body yesterday, so she did not hide her identity, so she admitted directly.

But what Jindai Xiangli didn’t expect was that Beichuan Temple in front of him waved his hand and said indifferently, “You don’t have to apologize.”

“Hey?” Kashiro Xiangli opened her mouth wide, as if she didn’t understand the situation.

“The person you scared is not me, why do you want to apologize to me?” Beichuan Temple asked rhetorically.

“Yes, but–” Shindai Xiangli flushed her face.

Can there be such a statement?

When she was young, she couldn’t help scratching her head.

“If you really want to apologize, they apologize to you. After all, they entered the long house with a playful nature without your permission.” Beichuan Temple continued.

This completely confused Goddai Xiangli.

As she waved her hands, she muttered, ‘It’s not like this, it’s not like this, it’s not my long house, it’s a quiet long house…’


Listening to this person’s name, Beichuan Temple’s expression moved slightly.

Isn’t this person the one agreed with Kashiro Kashi?

When Beichuan Temple was thinking about it, the Shindai Xiangli here finally cleared up her mind. She bowed to Beichuan Temple again: “All in all, I’m really sorry. I scared you, big brother. My friend, big brother is still willing to return the song cards to me… Thank you very much, big brother.”

Shindai Xiangli’s small body bowed down, shaking with the shabby red and white padded jacket, looking even more pitiful.

Beichuan Temple waved her hand to not care and asked: “My name is Beichuan Temple, what is your name?”

In fact, Beichuan Temple knew the name of Shindai Xiangli, but considering that this was the first time I had communicated with the other party, it was indeed a bit abrupt to call her name suddenly, so he knew it and asked.

“My name is Shindai Xiangli.” The little girl answered weakly.

After the two introduced themselves, Beichuan Temple began to reveal his purpose, and he asked:

“Xiangli, right? You should know where you are now?”

Shindai Fragrantia paused for a while before responding shallowly, “…Hmm.”

A sad expression appeared on the little face:

“I should… be dead long ago.”

Yes, he was already dead. This is already an established fact.

Beichuan Temple nodded: “Since you understand your situation, it will be easier to talk about what follows. The reason why Xiangli died…remember what it was?”

“…I forgot.” Shindai Xiangli shook her head and replied.

“Then why have you been standing at the door of this abandoned long house holding a song card?”

Beichuan Temple asked again.

“…Forgot.” Shindai Xiangli stared at the shadow of Beichuan Temple, and did not look up to meet him.

Her voice became very faint unconsciously.

“Forgot…” Beichuan Temple groaned.

Under his lifeless vision, Shendai Xiangli carried a strong obsession.

And it was this obsession that caused her to be trapped in this long house and unable to break free.

It is not the same as the “earth bound spirit” in the comics. This obsession was imposed on herself by Goddai Xiangli. It is different from the obligatory and inescapable effect of the earth bound spirit. She only needs to solve her own spirit The obsession in the body can naturally leave.

As the master of obsession, Shendai Xiangli should know what his obsession is.

It’s definitely not ‘forgot’ like she said.

Combined with her now red ears, her eyes moving, her hands and feet trembling as if she was ashamed of her lying behavior… she did hide something.

It’s just that Jindai Xiangli didn’t want to tell Beichuan Temple.

To be precise… I don’t want to tell the Beichuan Temple I just met.

“That’s it. I understand it. It’s normal to forget if the interval is too long.” Beichuan Temple nodded.

Beichuan Temple didn’t want to expose the other party’s lies, even if Goddai Xiangli was really good at telling lies, Beichuan Temple didn’t want to expose the other party.

It may be simple and rude to pick out all the topics forcefully, but that is disrespect for Kashiro Korin.

“…Big brother…”

Seeing that Beichuan Temple had really ‘believed’ in himself, Shindai Xiangli whispered his lips.

She didn’t know what to say.

Under the sight of Beichuan Temple, the red eyes of this overly honest little girl were already ashamed and uneasily overflowing with pale golden tears.

The child is too sincere.

Beichuan Temple couldn’t help but think.

It’s just lying.

This is a behavior that everyone has.

People who don’t lie do not exist in this world.

It was indeed the first time that Beichuan Temple saw a little girl like her who was about to cry when she told a lie.

Such a cute and honest little girl should have enjoyed the fun of childhood in this age group.

Instead of guarding the gloomy longhouse like now, wearing a tattered red and white cotton jacket, solitary looking at the pedestrians, to abide by the illusory agreement.

“No matter what, I hope I can help you.” Beichuan Temple’s eyes slowed down: “If you have something to remember, you can also ask me for help as much as possible.”

Speaking of this, Beichuan Temple also stood up and said goodbye: “Then I should almost leave. Xiangli, I will come again when I have time.”

“Ah…bye. Brother Beichuan.” Shindai Xiangli reacted.

In fact, she seemed to have something else to say, and after hesitating for a long time, it turned into a gesture of waving her palms vigorously to say goodbye.

Perhaps the only thing that impressed Beichuan Temple was her very small figure under the sunset and her expression on her lower lip, ashamed of her lying.

This is also the result of the first meeting between Beichuan Temple and Jindai Xiangli.


What kind of agreement is there to make a child who is less than nine years old stay in the same place day and night, waiting for the person who completes the agreement?

Beichuan Temple, who was lying on the bed, didn’t understand, nor did he understand it either.

That kid named “Jing”…it’s not right, according to time calculation, the other party should be at least more than ten years old by now, and she is a little girl.

So why hasn’t this little girl been to the longhouse once?

Could it be that you forgot that there is an agreement with Kashiro Korin?

No… there are also the worst considerations here.

Beichuan Temple stood up.

“It’s not that you don’t go, but you can’t go.” He murmured to himself.

Hope it’s not like he imagined.

Beichuan Temple threw this idea out of his mind, and at the same time glanced at the poor Nishikujo who was lying on the table busy sewing clothes.

She held the steel needle with her chubby hand and stepped on the place where she wanted to cut it short with scissors, looking very serious.

But it seemed that it was due to excessive force. When Asamiya Eiji helped to pull the fabric and cut it short, Nishikujo was pulled and turned over, and at the same time the steel needle in his hand plunged into her ass.

At that moment, Nishikujo pitifully jumped up two or three meters high.

Beichuan Temple looked at it and nodded.

This is the mental outlook that a nine-year-old child should have.

Shendai Xiangli’s life experience is too heavy.

I also encountered that kind of pain when I died…

The reason why Ryoko said, ‘I really don’t know what kind of mood Kashiro Xiangli felt when facing the camera with this kind of smile. This sentence is precisely because the other party is really…

But in spite of that, the spirit nature of Shendai Xiangli is mostly good spirits and wandering spirits in the middle.

There wasn’t a trace of resentment in her spirit body.

“No matter what, I’m going to visit Inagaki’s house tomorrow. I want to ask what the agreement is about.”

Since Jindai Xiangli didn’t give an answer, I went to Inagaki’s house and asked.

Who is the person who made the agreement with Kashiro Kori?

Why is Kashiro Kori always obsessed with the song card of the game “One Hundred People”?

How can her obsession be eliminated?

These are all things Beichuan Temple needs to understand.

Only by understanding these can the task be completed.

Beichuan Temple was meditating, and then a little puppet climbed directly beside his face.

Almost all the steel needles stuck in the bottom of this little puppet went in, leaving only the tiny end outside.

The shining luster made Beichuan Temple couldn’t help blinking:


Poor Nishikujo just grabbed Kitagawaji’s collar tightly, and pointed his chubby fingers to her ass.

Some uncomfortable voice of Asamiya Eternal Life also rang at the same time: “Temple, I’m really sorry, the poor…steel needle on your butt…I really can’t pull it out. The harder I go, the deeper I go. So I want to rely on your’death shaping’ skills to help.”

She looked a little unspeakable.

In the eyes of her famous lady of Asamiya’s family, saying “butt” and “can’t pull it out” from her mouth, “the harder you go in, the deeper you go”, it is simply a disqualification of being a woman.

But because Nishikujo was pitiful, she had to say it again.

“I’m really very sorry to let you see the gaffe of Si-jun.”

Asamiya gritted his teeth forever, knelt down and apologized to Beichuan Temple.

“…” Beichuan Temple.

“It’s okay.”

Beichuan Temple shook his head, and at the same time glanced sideways at the pitiful Nishikujo.

The little guy is still staring at him with bulging button eyes.

“Be careful next time.” Beichuan Temple still reminded Nishikujo of a pitiful sentence.

After hearing Beichuan Temple’s words, the puppet turned his head to point to the dress on the table with a bit of resentment.

It was a suit of doctor’s clothing, a white coat made according to the size of Beichuan Temple.

The top was deliberately made torn and ragged, and the edges were sprinkled with blood plasma.

This is the clothes made for Beichuan Temple!

In other words, Beichuan Temple, the steel needle on the poor bottom of Nishikujo, is at least half of the responsibility, right?

Thinking of this, the little guy straightened his chest, and the puppet’s face naturally showed a sense of integrity.

With that look, Beichuan Temple couldn’t help poking her in the face, and then he took the shot and pulled out the steel needle——

It seems to be too hard.

The little guy clutched his **** again and jumped up.

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