This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 379

Chapter 378 .The Faraway Star (4000 words)

Yes it is.

Beichuan Temple already knows the reason why Shindai Xiangli has been trapped in the long house in front of her, and also knows the obsession that lingers on her so strong that it cannot be dissipated.

The cause of it.

The way to dissipate…

Beichuan Temple has all understood.

With the movement of Shindai Korin shrinking her neck, Beichuan Temple walked to the other side and said: “You actually know that Inagaki’s death is a long time ago, don’t you?”

This rhetorical question from Beichuan Temple made Shendai Xiangli unable to answer at all.

She opened her mouth and glanced at Beichuan Temple, and then lowered her head, but her gesture of holding the song card became tighter.

“Even if Inagaki is not dead, how does she know that you have turned into a spirit body and have been waiting around the long house?”

Beichuan Temple asked again.

Thinking according to the general logic is also as Beichuan Temple said, even if Inagaki is not dead now, and she is about to enter high school, she can’t see and touch Kashiro, let alone complete the obsession of Kashiro. Up.

The friendship between the two of them, as early as the moment of Kashiro Kori’s death, was like a glassware… shattered.

And this glass-like friendship turned into transparent thorns, invisibly confining Kashiro Xiangli to this place, making her unable to get rid of it.

This is a grievance from the living, which binds the spirit body so that the dead cannot truly rest in peace.

Not to mention that Inagaki also died soon.

This also made the chain that binds Shindai Fragrant Pear even heavier.

This time, Kashiro Korin finally answered.

She took a deep breath, and the childish voice sounded.

“Only, as long as Jing is still alive, that’s enough. If she survives… it means that she has kept the promise…”

When she said these words, Kandaro Xiangli’s fingers trembled slightly.

But now Inagaki is dead.

This incidates that–

“She did abide by the agreement with you. That’s why she can pass away without regret.”

Beichuan Temple spoke up.

Yes, this is also the reason why Inagaki hasn’t become a spirit body like Kashiro Korin.

Before she died, she did abide by the agreement with Kashiro Kashiwa. She really worked very hard, so she died without any regrets.

“This, this is comforting me.” Shindai Xiangli stammered.

She said, but she did not dare to look at Beichuan Temple.

“What I said is the truth.” Beichuan Temple was expressionless.

Shindai Xiangli shook her head and wrapped her tattered red and white padded jacket tightly.

She was already thinking about how to leave.

Beichuan Temple is indeed a good person.

She didn’t want to trouble the other party anymore, and didn’t want the other party to waste time on herself who had completely lost hope.

Just as Shindai Xiangli was thinking about it, Beichuan Temple took a deep look at her, and said as if she could see through her thoughts: “You can’t run away.”


Shindai Xiangli’s small body tensed, and tremblingly raised her eyes to look at Beichuan Temple.

Under the street light, her slightly transparent body trembled slightly.

“You may think that I’m also lying to you now… but it’s not the case. I really know your agreement with Inagaki…”

The eyes of Beichuan Temple were filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

His voice paused, and then he said: “It’s not a superficial agreement like’one hundred people, one song’, but a deeper agreement from above.”

Under the gaze of Kashiro Kori, Beichuan Temple took out a stack of letter paper from his shoulder bag.

The letter by letter, which was already a little yellowed, printed with cute patterns on the letter paper, attracted the attention of Kashiro Xiangli.

He gave the letter paper on hand to Kashiro Kori.

Beichuan Temple motioned her to open it and take a look.

Kashiro Korin hesitated for a while, put the song cards in her hand on the ground, and then hugged the letter paper with her two small hands.

Under the street light, she moved her gaze to the contents of the letter paper.

Just looking at it, Goddai Xiangli’s expression was more touched.

This is Inagaki’s handwriting.

She can never forget.

It’s chubby…a bit awkward, a bit crooked by the current high school students…a big font…it’s Inagaki’s handwriting.

She held her breath and kept watching.

The content on this letter paper… is for Kashiro Korin.

To explain to her the situation of her new home…ask her how she was in heaven…

The crooked handwriting was written very carefully.

“Inagaki’s mother, Kazuya Inagaki seems to have told her. Write what you want to say on the letter paper so that even those who have passed away can see it… and this is the result.”

Beichuan Temple looked at the dozens of letterheads held by Shindai Xiangli, and shook his head gently.

Shindai Kori and Inagaki treat the world tenderly, but the world does not treat them tenderly.

Shindai Korin suffered a domestic violence, and when she was about to be happy, she encountered a tragic accident. On the other side, Shizuo Inagaki was unable to be friends with ordinary children because of congenital heart disease, even running. Less than.

Both of their children felt the ‘weakness’ between each other, so they became best friends.

Beichuan Temple has also read the contents of the letterhead.

A lot of the content above is to greet Kashiro Kashiwa, and tell her something about the follow-up of a hero cartoon they watched.

Only a few words above mentioned her own condition, and they were quickly omitted.

Some fragments of Beichuan Temple still remember–

‘Ah…Speaking of speaking, I’m going to the hospital for an examination tomorrow…Um…what if Xiangli is there for you? ’

‘Tomorrow there will be another injection… Xiangli in heaven should be living a carefree life, right? I will definitely cheer, just like the hero cartoon we both watched…’

‘all the best! ’

‘Work hard! Come on! ’

Shizuo Inagaki didn’t seem to want to worry about her affairs, but Kashiro Kashiro who lives in heaven didn’t want to worry about her affairs, but occasionally wrote about it and didn’t change it, and quickly passed it through.

She left many positive words on the letter paper.

Most of them are telling some positive situations, and very few have not mentioned her troubles…except for the last…

“But it’s all…that’s not true.” Kashiro Xiangli’s body trembled.

She clutched the letter paper tightly, golden tears gushing out of her eyes.

The tears turned into pale gold powder, and disappeared into the air.

“Jing… She is actually very weak inside. She is very afraid of what she will experience next, and also very worried about what she will face next.”

Shindai Xiangli cried as she spoke, her little nose still gasping.

Beichuan Temple, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke:

“But even so, she has always abided by the agreement with you.”

“She never gave up hope.”

“After you met her, you really gave her the courage to live.”

The decisive tone of Beichuan Temple made Shendai Xiangli a little stunned.

Shendai Xiangli looked up in confusion.

Feeling her gaze, Beichuan Temple only said:

“Look at the brown letter paper.”

Hearing Beichuan Temple’s words, Shindai Xiangli hesitated to take out the last piece of letter paper under the letterhead.

It’s still letter paper with cute patterns printed on it.

It seems to be no different from other stationery.

Shindai Xiangli stretched out her hand, opened the envelope, and then looked again, a small voice also sounded.

It was as if Inagaki was whispering softly in her ear.

“To the fragrant pears living in heaven.”

“Xiangli, how are you doing recently?”

“Mom told me that you have become a star in the sky. But there are so many stars in the sky. I don’t even know which pear you are. If you receive this letter, I hope you can The brightest brilliance flashes in the night sky, and I should be able to recognize you at that time. Hehe…If I didn’t recognize you, then please forgive me. Because there are too many stars. ”

“Did you know? The hero animation we both watched together is over. As for the final result-I won’t tell you, you can guess by yourself.”

“Now I have settled in the port area with our father and mother. There are no sky trees around my new home, and there are not many interesting parks. The blue sky is blocked by many buildings. Oops — you can also be in the sky anyway. See you?”

“I pray for you earnestly. I hope you can live a better life in heaven. If my prayers come true, I will really be very happy and happy.”

“The latest situation? There is nothing to say about the recent situation. My mother told me that my physical condition is improving, so that I can continue. But I know, every time I go by, I can always hear my mother crying to the doctor. The uncles of the doctors are very kind, but the way they look at my eyes…you know? It’s that kind of extraordinarily depressed feeling! Both of us are very sensitive to this feeling!”

“My mother told me that the next operation is a very ordinary operation. But I obviously heard my mother’s voice trembling… the same as the day you left me.”

“I really, really miss you.”

“To be honest, I’m really scared. The days when Xiangli was not by my side…I was really scared. You have always understood that I am very timid, not as strong as Xiangli.”

The handwriting is a little trembling here.

“Xiangli, I’m really scared. I don’t want to die… but I made an agreement with you. You must live with a positive attitude. You must relax your mind. I will definitely abide by this agreement! I must live hard Go on! I will definitely cheer for the next operation! Xiangli, please cheer for me in the sky! I will definitely live with your share.”

“Feeling a bit tired.”

“Can I sleep?”

“Fragrant pears?”

The content of the letter is frozen here.

Shendai Xiangli has already had tears in his eyes.

She bit her lower lip tightly, she couldn’t say what she wanted to say, she could only shed tears in silence.

Holding the letter paper, weeping.

Inagaki has always kept the promise with her.

Never violated the agreement with her.

Even at the last moment of her life, she also told Goddai Xiangli.

I will work hard.

I will work hard.

Strive to cross the threshold of death.

But the ruthless God seemed to have no sympathy for these two little girls at all, and it insisted on making these two little girls suffer.

Inagaki’s surgery ultimately failed.

After that, she was weak, unable to undergo a second operation, and died when her condition deteriorated.

“But even on the day of leaving, Inagaki has never complained about you.”

Beichuanji recalled what Inagaki Ka told him, repeating it word by word:

It was a deep night. Same as today. The night is dotted with stars.

Inagaki lay quietly on the bed and said to Inagaki Ka:

“Don’t cry. Mom… I just become a star, and I am going to be company with Xiangli.”

“There are so many stars in the sky… Mom… You should be able to find me and Xiangli?”


Lying on the hospital bed, Inagaki quietly looked at the brightest star in the night sky, muttering to himself:

“Xiangli, I really worked very hard. Thank you.”

“Promise… I followed it too.”

Yes it is…

Inagaki has never gone to death with fear.

She accepted the results frankly from the beginning.

Because she has worked hard. Since I have worked hard in my life, there will be no regrets anymore.

“If you want to cry, just cry out.”

Beichuan Temple squatted down, stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of Shindai Xiangli, his voice softened: “Everything is held in my heart, and it will always be broken.”

After hearing this comfort from Beichuan Temple, Shindai Xiangli finally couldn’t help crying.

She pulled the neckline of Beichuan Temple, crying hoarsely.

Behind them.

Inagaki’s long house is silent.

There are no pedestrians around.

The stars flickered in the sky.

One… is very bright.


Shindai Xiangli cried for a long time.

But her cry cannot be heard by ordinary people.

She just pulled the neckline of Beichuan Temple, and her pale gold tears turned into gold dust.

It’s been a long time.

Shindai Fragrant Pear stopped crying.

She looked at Beichuan Temple, still unable to calm her emotions.

“Big, big brother…”

“You don’t need to thank me.” Beichuan Temple waved his hand: “You just need to know that before the death of Inagaki, she did not die with negative emotions such as resentment and fear. She is thinking about being with you. I left with a good memory. As she said, she has already kept the promise.”

Yes, the agreement between Shizuo Inagaki and Kashiro Kashiwa was not a one-hundred-player game at the beginning, but Kashiro Kashiro hopes that she will be able to meet the operation with a perfectly healthy mentality, and face the enemy of death with a mentality that does not leave any regrets.

Even if Inagaki finally failed. But she still firmly grasped the agreement between the two.

It can only be said that the **** naive really likes to toss these two unfortunate little girls.

“I know.” Kashiro Korin nodded gently: “But I still have to thank the big brother, if there is no big brother…I can’t put this down…completely.”

She raised her head and looked at Beichuan Temple.

“Thank you, Big Brother Beichuan.”

Beichuan Temple nodded slightly.

Shindai Xiangli gently stroked the song card on her hand, and finally handed it to Beichuan Temple: “Please accept this. Big brother.”

Beichuan Temple took it cherished.

Seeing Beichuan Temple accept the song cards, Shendai Xiangli also gradually rose up with a light golden air current.

The persistent soul is gradually liberated… soars into the sky…

There was no expression on Beichuan Temple’s face.

However, the disappearing Kashiro Xiangli noticed it.

The soul was constantly pulling away from the body.

She also stretched out her hand and touched the face of Beichuan Temple.

“Big brother… is really a gentle person.”

“If you can… the fragrant pear of the next life… I want to be the daughter of the older brother…”

“…it is good.”

Beichuan Temple squeezed the palm of Shindai Xiangli, nodded vigorously, and solemnly promised.

He watched the other person leave.

Watching the pale gold air current cut through the sky…

She really seems to be a star.

High above the sky.

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