This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 422

Chapter 421 .Who is it again? (Achieved the goal of

This notebook…No, it’s not so much a notebook, it’s more inclined to a diary.

This is the record left by Sifang Mochizuki after entering the lunar eclipse cave.

It mainly records what she saw and heard after entering the lunar eclipse cave.

Later, she also wrote about how she was chosen as the Miko of the Moon as an ordinary witch.

‘That happened, the Sifang family was in chaos…The Moon Maiden must be cultivated from an early age. If you lose the pure soul, you cannot become the Moon Maiden. So I was selected, and I knew my destiny from the beginning. Being selected as the Witch of the Moon is just an excuse…If you want to pass the Moonlight Period smoothly, you must ask me to come…The Patriarch handed the Moonlight Mirror to me, and I was equivalent to inheriting the people of the clan. look forward to. ’

The handwriting stopped here.

Seeing this, Beichuan Temple frowned.

‘That happened’?

What the **** is that?

Lost the soul of the Moon Maiden…? And the Miko of the Moon must be cultivated from an early age? Sifang Mochizuki is a substitute found later?

So did the first “Miko of the Moon” die in “That Incident”?

Sifang Mochizuki was chosen as a substitute for the Moon Maiden after this?

But as I said earlier, the Moon Maiden must be cultivated from a young age.

For this reason, Sifang Mochizuki, who was selected as a substitute, came to the eclipse cave?

This means that the Moon Eclipse Cave has the effect of accelerating the cultivation of the Moon Witch


“Yue Hui Jing…?”

The small round mirror that hangs on Sifang Huiye’s chest is still very impressive for Beichuan Temple.

He flicked his fingers and became more curious about the next development.

Turning over the records page by page, Beichuan Temple also probably learned about the living environment of Mochizuki.

In the Lunar Eclipse Cave, the only thing Sifang Mochizuki used to entertain and resolve is undoubtedly this notebook. She has left many records on it, most of which are expressing her thoughts of thinking about Sifang Wenzhi and wanting to meet him.

These beautiful words remained on it, revealing a particularly sad and sad feeling.

After reading another page in Beichuan Temple that expresses the sentiment of looking at the moon in all directions–

Everything… changed in an instant!

The original delicate handwriting has changed.

Yes it is.

Everything has changed.

The text written horizontally on the notepad was distorted and scribbled, leaving it on the notepad with a force to tear everything up:

‘I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye Ye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye I am not Sifang Huiye…’

The suffocating long sentence stays on the notepad, and at a glance, it makes my heart chill and my scalp numb.

The black and frantic fonts are like human eyes, staring at the readers.

It was as if someone cursed bitterly in the ear.

The surrounding air also became gloomy and cold.

I am not Sifang Huiye?

Beichuan Temple turned the record book back in silence.

There is no content at the back of the notebook, only an empty paper.

Sifang Huiye’s name reappeared here.

And what happened to make a person have such a terrifying mistake in self-perception? What happened to Sifang Mochizuki?

All kinds of things worth thinking about are entangled.

Just as Beichuan Temple was thinking and raising his eyes–

He saw it.

A woman’s face appeared on the gray bronze mirror.

Dark eyes staring at Beichuan Temple, his fingers pointed in another direction.

Quartet Mochizuki? !

Beichuan Temple stood up and looked back.

His back was empty, and at first glance, there were only deep caves without a bottom.

But that was definitely not an illusion just now.

Did Sifang Mochizuki want to tell him something that happened?

If so, why not just show up and tell him everything?

And in which direction she is pointing…?

Beichuan Temple stuffed the record book into his backpack and walked in the direction pointed by Mochizuki.

On the edge of the wooden platform is the faint icy lake.

In addition, there is a flat-leaf boat, which is floating slightly along with the fluctuation of the lake water, and a rope is pulling the iron nail of the wooden platform.

What Sifang Mochizuki meant just now, could it be that he wanted him to board a boat?

After thinking for a while, Beichuan Temple stepped on the boat.

After all, just hesitating on the shore is of no use, and it will not alleviate the current situation.

He cut the rope and the boat slid into the waterway.

There is no need for Beichuan Temple to control it at all. This small boat continues to drift into the depths of the karst cave along with the natural waterway.

Seeing this situation, Beichuan Temple did not hesitate to use dead gasification to leave conspicuous marks on the surrounding rock walls as road signs, so as not to get lost in this secluded cave.

In this way, it slid inwards for more than ten minutes, and the boat finally stopped in an open space.

Beichuan Temple raised his head to look at this scene, his expression moved slightly.

Beside him, Asamiya Eternally spoke even more subconsciously:


In front of Beichuan Temple is a smooth mountain stone face.

From the gap between the rocky surface of the mountain, there was a rush of turbulence. It first tilted down gracefully in the air, and finally fell into the small glittering pool on the left.

The splashing water drops scattered, scattered by the moonlight, forming small colorful lights.

The bright moonlight spilled in from the vacancy on the top of the mountain, reflecting everything in the cave.

The sand grains of the sand are illuminated…like a gem, shimmering with clear brilliance.

Under this scene is a small shrine.

This shrine was bathed in moonlight, and something above its place of worship was shining with crystal clear brilliance.

“That’s…” Beichuan Temple moved under its feet and stepped on the sand to come to the shrine.

The flashlight in his hand shined with vertical light.

On the vermilion consecration mat, there is a round mirror with a hazy surface.

The frame of the mirror is engraved with fine curse inscriptions, and the deep mirror surface seems to be able to **** human souls into it.

“This is… Moonwatch?”

Beichuan Temple’s eyes flickered.

Unexpectedly, the moonwatch was hidden in the moon eclipse cave.

As Sifang Huiye said, the moon-view mirror is bathed in moonlight all year round, and the hidden place is so hidden.

Beichuan Temple stepped forward, raised his hand and took out the moon-view mirror from the shrine.

The crystal clear Yuehua lingered on the body of Beichuan Temple in an instant.

This wave of Yuehua dispelled the cold that had been lingering in the surrounding area, so that Beichuan Temple was also refreshed.

At the same time, he also saw some sporadic memories about spirit instruments——

It is also this secluded lunar eclipse cave.

A woman came to this place in a boat.

I don’t know if it is the problem of memory loss. Beichuan Temple can’t see her face at all, and all she can see is the round mirror shining brightly on her chest.

Moonlight mirror.

“Moonview Mirror… I already have a moonlight mirror… If I get the moonview mirror again… I should be able to get a glimpse of the mystery of the law of immortality?”

The woman murmured to herself. She walked slowly to the shrine where the moon-view mirror was enshrined, and then stretched out her hand and took it from the vermilion pad on the shrine.


The tragedy happened.

A huge pure moonlight gushes out of the moon-view mirror uncontrollably, and the terrifying moonlight leans over the woman’s fragile body for an instant.

The painful wailing sounded!

Just for a moment, her palms, ankles, arms, and even her head—

All burst into plasma.

Finally, the blood-stained moon-view mirror fell heavily from the sky.


When the surrounding scenes changed, everything was restored to its original state while Beichuan Temple was slightly stunned.

The system prompt sounds.

Ding! You discover a new weird “moon looking mirror”.

‘Moonview Mirror: An inheritance spiritual tool enshrined by the Sifang family era, which contains the terrible moon flower, and is one of the necessary props to activate the Sifang altar. But apart from this, it seems to have other functions…’

The commentary of the system is as simple and easy to understand as always.


“What is the woman just now…?” Beichuan Temple looked at the moonscope in his hand.

The round mirror engraved with tedious incantations was glimmering in a misty manner.

The removed moonscope…the woman who was burst into plasma and…the moonglass hanging from the opponent’s chest.

A bold guess gradually took shape in Beichuan Temple’s heart.

After the baptism of memory fragments just now, Beichuan Temple has almost sorted out all the clues.

“** Never leave ten.”

Beichuan Temple muttered to himself.

Assuming that the person I just remembered was the first maiden of the moon recorded in Sifang Mochizuki’s notebook… all the clues before can be connected.

Yes it is–

All can be connected in series.

“…Sijun…do you already understand?” Asamiya, who was floating on the side, looked over curiously forever, and even the little pitiful also grabbed Beichuan Temple’s ears, wanting to hear his thinking process.

Under their gaze, Beichuan Temple did not conceal anything in this regard, and he slowly expressed his thoughts.

First of all, the first one, the first moon maiden came to the moon eclipse cave alone to take out the moonscope because she coveted the immortality passed down from Yueyou Mountain, and she used the power of the moonshade mirror and the moonscope to spy. The secret of the law of immortality, but the final result was failure. She was eroded by the moonlight of the moon-view mirror, and she was directly broken into a pool of rotten flesh.

By the time the Sifang family discovered that the tragedy had occurred, it was already too late. At the moment of the death of the Moon Witch, the Sifang Clan of Yueyou Mountain could no longer use the power of the Sifang Altar to pass the upcoming dark moon time steadily.

At this moment, the senior management of the Sifang family reluctantly thought of a way to make up for the losses. That is to elect another moon maiden, who will replace the moon maiden to preside over the ceremony of the Quartet altar.

The selected person is the former Sifang Mochizuki.

Her marriage contract with Sifang Wenji was cancelled because she was chosen as the Miko of the Moon, and Sifang Wenji was sent to a wooden cage for breaking the prohibition.


“I remember that the maiden of the moon still needs to be cultivated from a young age…? This is the same as our **** in the village. In order to suppress the evil, we must use various blessings or sacrificial rituals to enhance and strengthen our souls. .. The Miko of the Moon who was only roughly selected is not up to this task.”

Asamiya Eternally saw the doubt in time and asked questions.

As she said, the maiden of the moon must be cultivated from a young age, and this is also recorded in Sifang Mochizuki’s notebook.

“But you missed a bit.”

Beichuan Temple raised its fingers and said with a steady expression: “That is the point that the Lunar Eclipse Cave is already close to Huangquan.”

At this moment, Asamiya Eternal Life understood, she opened her mouth:

“Sijun mean…? The dead spirit body is attached to the living?”

Not bad.

Beichuan Temple nodded.

Lunar Eclipse Cave is close to Huangquan, but in Lunar Eclipse Cave you can see the former maidens… know their experience… this is undoubtedly deceiving.

The only thing the Sifang family senior wants to do is to make the body of Asamiya Mochizuki possessed by the spirit body of the first maiden of the moon that has passed away!

But it was mentioned a long time ago that there will be rejection between different spirit bodies and different bodies.

It’s like you want to install the engine of a bus on a car… it’s not compatible at all.

Therefore, it is impossible to forcibly occupy the roots of other people’s bodies.

Prior to this, Beichuan Temple had never thought about taking the body away because of this prerequisite.

If you are not your own body, you will have a rejection reaction, and you will not be able to take the body of others.


“In the lunar eclipse cave, which is close to Huangquan and close to the hidden world, this kind of thing can also be done.” Beichuan Temple took a breath.

Through the long-term infestation of the breath of the yellow spring, the body of the living will change, and they will be more inclined to the hidden world, that is, that world.

After such a long period of yellow spring infestation and change, Sifang Mochizuki’s body has lost its rejection of other spirit bodies.

And the person who controls Sifang Mochizuki’s body is–

“Sifang Huiye.” Beichuan Temple flicked his fingers.

Sifang Mochizuki, as an ordinary Sifang tribe, loses the only condition to protect himself from spiritual rejection, naturally it is impossible to resist Sifang Huiye who has received various ritual bonuses and baptisms since childhood.

This is why she wrote such a long list of “I am not Sifang Huiye” on the last page of the record book.

She wants to use this method to drive out the other party.

But things went counterproductive, and what had happened was irreversible, and this kind of weak resistance could not stop the opponent from seizing the body at all.

Then Sifang Mochizuki was renamed Sifang Huiye, which is why Sifang Mochizuki added a note to Sifang Mochizuki on the back.

Because at that time Sifang Mochizuki was no longer Sifang Mochizuki, but pure Sifang Huiye.

Everything went as expected by the senior members of the Sifang family. Sifang Huiye came back to life, while Sifang Mochizuki was left to the other side, and the spirit body seemed to have completely dissipated.

But in the end, due to unknown reasons, the ritual to resist the dark moon failed.

Because of this, Sifang Shrine was ruined and everything returned to its original point.

So now the most important question comes.

Beichuan Temple squeezed the moonscope in his hand and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The current Sifang Huiye…

Who is it again?

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