This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 427

Chapter 426 .You are right (4000 words)

Beichuan Temple closed the old documents, while not forgetting to glance at the ‘Sifang Huiye’ struggling in mid-air.

The surface of the other party’s spirit body was squirming, and deep resentment floated on the bulging ground.

Under the attachment of this erosive resentment, the’Sifang Huiye’ in mid-air wailed, and the original wandering soul’s body had been darkened by the black resentment step by step.

However, at the next moment, a strong Yuehua burst out of the surface of her spirit body, and this Yuehua forcibly separated her small part from the black resentment like a razor.

She used to have extra energy and hole cards at this time.


Beichuan Temple turned its head slightly inductively.

I saw the resentment in the air, like a living creature, swept towards her frantically, at an astonishing speed.

Resentment will take the initiative to attach to the spirit body, just like a magnet and an iron stone, and there is only the spirit body “Sifang Kaguya”, so “Sifang Kaguya” wants to escape this predicament only…

Beichuan Temple turned to look at the corpse of Mochizuki in all directions.

Only when Sifang Huiye returned to Sifang Mochizuki’s body would the resentment in midair lose its main goal.


Beichuan Temple narrowed his eyes, then groped with his palm…

Bow back to accumulate power.

Raise your hand!

I don’t know what was thrown directly by Beichuan Temple.

The next moment, the familiar wailing sound came out again,

The’Sifang Huiye’ in the midair stopped, and the spirit body also dispersed.

“What is this?! What the **** is this!” She finally stabilized her figure, and then stretched out her illusory hands to beat the invisible barrier in front of her.

What stood in front of her was a black gou jade, which was definitely not too outstanding. The polished surface is not too smooth, the rough jade corner…


Its black surface gleamed with indescribable brilliance.

“Beichuan!!!” A voice resembling a grievance came from mid-air, and the’Sifang Huiye’, who was restrained by Gouyu in front of him, looked at Beichuan Temple with a bitter expression.

But Beichuan Temple’s expression has not changed at all.

He was neither frightened nor retreated. He just stared at the quadrangular gou jade suspended in the air and combined into a circle, and said word by word:

“Everything is the cause and effect you left a long time ago, whether it’s taking the medicine of immortality, or the four directions of Gouyu…”

Beichuan Temple shook his head.

The resentment of the dead is like a curse. It will cling to the living and burst out at the right time.

Whether it was Huiyue’s failure that led to the death of the Sifang Patriarch, the entire Sifang family was forced to move away, or the couple Sifang Mochizuki and Sifang Wenzhi were forcibly dismantled… this was the result of Sifang Huiye’s own cause.

Beichuan Temple didn’t do anything, he just watched’Sifang Huiye’ self-defeating with a calm expression on his face.

“Damn it! Damn it, **** it, **** it!!!” A bitter voice came from the air.

If she was in her usual state, she would definitely be able to break through the barrier formed by only incomplete thoughts.

But she had only given up most of her spirit body just now. This seemingly weak barrier became the straw that overwhelmed her last hope.

I don’t know if it is an illusion.

The Beichuan Temple below seems to have seen it.

Behind the complete, round square gouyu, there is a figure of a man and a woman.

They held each other’s hands tightly, their eyes firm.

Quartet Wenzhi and Quartet Mochizuki…

puff! ! !

The creeping resentment took advantage of this gap and eroded from behind the other Sifang Huiye.

In an instant, the black resentment penetrated her spirit body, and then rolled her incomplete spirit body back into the dense group of resentment.

The black aired resentment group kept squirming, and from it a hoarse cry of ‘Sifang Huiye’ came out:

“No, no! I’m not like this! Leave me! Get out! Beichuan, Beichuan, Beichuan, Beichuan! Beichuan!”

The broken syllable stays in the air for a long time, and the hatred engraved in the deepest part of the sound cannot be dissipated.

But Beichuan Temple didn’t care about this, he looked at the square Gouyu floating in the sky.

In the brilliance of Gouyu from the four directions, it seems that two looming figures can be seen.

They nodded gently at Beichuan Temple, as if thanking him for his help.

Click… Click…

Cracks gradually appeared on the complete Sifang Gouyu, and the brilliance dimmed.

The next moment, Gou Yu fell from the air to the ground.

“Master Beichuan…” Sifang Huiye worked hard to prop up his body, and there was some confusion in his voice: “What is this…?”

“The legend of the Sifang Gouyu circulated in Yueyou Mountain.” Beichuan Temple explained concisely: “The spirit body of Sifang Wenzhi was not completely annihilated… As the legend says, he gave half of his soul to Sifang Mochizuki, he holds half of it. Just like his promise, he will protect Sifang Mochizuki.”

“Is that so?” Sifang Huiye opened his mouth.

The legend of Sifang Gouyu… She still has heard of it as a witch of the moon.

Looking at the Quyu Quyu quietly falling on the ground, she was also a little envious.

It is undoubtedly her happiness that Sifang Mochizuki can have someone who Sifang Wenji loves her so deeply…Although she can’t stay together during her lifetime, but after death…their wish has finally come true.

Can I meet such a person?

Thinking about this, Sifang Huiye couldn’t help turning his head and glanced at Beichuan Temple next to him secretly.


Something was stuffed into her hand by the expressionless Beichuan Temple.

At the same time, his voice sounded again: “Don’t take it lightly, the matter is far from over. Sifang Huiye…no…it should be the resentful spirit now. She has not been driven away.”

As he said, Beichuan Temple also turned his head and looked at Sifang Huiye, with a natural tone: “As a tool person… the maiden of the moon in the Sifang family, you are also responsible for getting rid of the other party here. ”

The Moon Maiden of the Sifang Family…?

To be honest, Sifang Huiye didn’t care at all.

What will happen to the Sifang family in the end has nothing to do with her now.

As she said earlier, she is just a mayfly… a mayfly without thinking.


She took over the round mirror formed by the moonlight mirror and moonview mirror, and lowered her head.

After a while, the voice came out:

“…Is this what Master Beichuan wants me to do?”

Sifang Huiye held the round mirror and raised his head.

Her face was full of seriousness, and Beichuan Temple raised his eyebrows when he saw Beichuan Temple. He groaned and replied calmly: “It’s okay for you to understand this way.”

“…is it…”

That’s it…

Sifang Huiye took a deep breath, flushing on his low face.

If she could have a stand for someone floating like a mayfly…then the one who could make a choice for herself…should only be the person in front of her?

“If Master Beichuan wants me to do this, I will do it.”

She nodded vigorously.

Beichuan Temple didn’t notice Sifang Huiye’s expression. After receiving her answer, he just shook his palm, and Kending also slipped into his hand.

The surface of the black resentment group was still squirming, as if something was about to come out of it in the next moment.

The Kagura bell quivered slightly, and the Asamiya Eternal Life and God Resident Makie floated out of it.

Ma Gong Yongshi looked at the floating resentment group, and his expressions were a little solemn: “I can feel that the resentment group in front of you…it has the same nature as the gods in the village…’Baojin’. Let the contents come out…it must be the same terrifying’sorrow’ as the patriarch in the village of God.”

On the other side, the **** Zumi Maki, who has always been arrogant, also reduced his expression at this time, and asked in a heavy voice:

“What should I do next? Beichuan? I suggest that it is best to evacuate temporarily. After all, we still have some confusion about the other party’s situation. It is best to take a long-term plan and wait until the opponent’s strength is fully understood.

After hearing Shen Zhu Maki’s analysis, Beichuan Temple looked at her more and nodded in understanding:

“you are right.”

Beichuan Temple calmly continued the analysis: “As you said, this resentful spirit is powerful, and we should really think about it long-term and find a suitable opportunity to solve it. I also agree with your point of view.”

He nodded in approval.


“But why Beichuan you started to hold the sledgehammer?! Don’t you agree with me?!” The corner of God Zhu Maki’s mouth twitched and looked at the lifeless sledgehammer that had been squirming in Beichuan Temple’s hand, with a strange expression on his face. Yelled out loud.

Don’t you agree with me? Isn’t it what you should do now to escape? Why did you take out both the sledgehammer and Kending? !

After hearing the question of God Zhu Makie, Beichuan Temple looked at her sideways instead: “I agree with your point of view, but I did not say that I want to implement this idea.”

“…” God in Makie.

Beichuan Temple’s straightforward questioning made her unable to speak for a long time.

“In fact, what you’re talking about is just one method.” Beichuan Temple moved his feet and quickly moved towards the group of resentment at the apex of the altar.

Just as God Zhu Maki said.

What is in front of me is the horrible evil spirit that has gathered the undead medicine for hundreds of years of resentment, but before it is fully manifested, it is also its weakest time.

Why do you have to wait until the other party has changed his body before making a move?

There is such an opportunity to beat down the resentful spirit in front of him. Why should Beichuan Temple let it go?

He rushed to the resentment group without hesitation.

Shen Yao.


Kindness, lifelessness, resident fire, and the unique moonlight of the Sifang family.

These four different forces that can cause damage to the spiritual body are all attached to the surface of the fixed body at this time.

Bang! ! !

Beichuan Temple stepped on it, and the strength turned from the waist to the arm, and the center of gravity moved forward in an instant!

Kensada in his hand smashed down fiercely with an unchangeable momentum!

The entire body of the dagger fell like a bright white red training.

The black liquid is splashing!

The surface of the resentment group was severely cut open, leaving a mark about half a meter long on it.

At this moment, not only the gods staying in Makie’s eyes, but also the evil spirit who has been steadily in the grievance group, waiting for his body to be completely shaped, is stunned.

It looked at this ‘human’ who did not hesitate to put his hand into the grievance group with a stunned look, and then—

The screams sounded!

Under the pitiful gaze of God Zhu Makie, Sifang Kaguya, and Nishikujo, Beichuan Temple forcibly pulled the opponent out of the group of grievances!

The black and smelly liquid tickled down, and the whole picture of the evil spirit appeared in front of everyone.

It has a bluish-white complexion as a whole, and it looks like a human form as a whole. But behind it, there are countless sturdy, deformed and twisted arms entangled with each other. These entangled arms are like a growing moon palace Penglai tree, with twisted fingers as branches and arms as trunks…they sway slightly. On it, it seems that the wailing of countless people from the Quartet can be heard.

The resentment of Huangquan was not only condensed in the water of Yueyou Lake, but also the resentment of the people of the Quartet.

The Penglai tree composed of this arm symbolizes Sifang Huiye’s obsession to pursue eternal life, and also symbolizes the resentment of the entire Sifang family.

The witches, priests and even ordinary people who died in the Sifang Family in Huiyue… parasitic on another Sifang Huiye’s spirit body, shaping it into this appearance.

The face of this evil spirit was on its chest, and it was the face of another Quartet Huiye with a spiteful expression.

At this moment, it saw the enemy of Beichuan Temple, and its entire face was distorted.

The eerie and weird “Penglai Tree” behind her shook, and there was also a cry of resentment in her mouth.

It was a meaningless roar, similar to ‘Beichuan’, but the vague and broken syllables could not be constructed into words at all.

But even so, Beichuan Temple can still feel the other party’s deep hatred.

Endless resentment lingers on its body, which can be found only by looking at it with the naked eye.

Click! ! ! !

Under the gaze of Beichuan Temple, its slender and twisted arms quickly pierced out of the back. It didn’t even take a second, and it came to him in an instant.

So fast.

Beichuan Temple frowned, and the lifeless sledgehammer in his hand slammed heavily on the surface of the first arm.

The solid touch is like the hammer hitting the hard diamond.

However, after the heavy blow of Beichuan Temple, the direction of the arm was slightly shifted, directly smashing the stone platform that contained the immortal medicine.

This power…

Beichuan Temple turned his body sideways, and calmly avoided the second arm that hit his head. Then his body sank, and after flashing past the third arm that flew in, he made a crouching motion. People stepped on them and rushed towards the evil spirits.

Jianding in his hand once again gathered the dead spirits, and was then thrown out by Beichuan Temple at the head of the evil spirit.

Boom! ! !

Jianding flew upside down.

In the face of the evil spirit that has strengthened the body through the evil spirit, even if it is fixed, there is no way to completely penetrate it.


Beichuan Temple’s eyes flashed, and the forward momentum continued. He stretched out one hand to catch the flying upside down Kenda, and the other hand stretched out, and the ferocious death hammer appeared.

Then he swung his arm downwards, and the sledgehammer directly smashed the arm that was piercing his body quickly again and deviated a little from the direction. The other hand, Kending, did not hesitate to smash the opponent’s head!

Bang! ! ! !

Dust is everywhere!

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