This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 432

Chapter 431 .Select (4000 words)

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Sifang Huiye, who had been asleep, finally woke up.

Due to resisting the will of another Kaguya, plus Yuehua’s excessive use, Sifang Huiye’s spirit was very depleted, which also caused her to sleep until now.

She stood up from the bed, first arranged her appearance in front of the mirror, and when everything was ready, she reached out and put the Nara deer hairpin on the table close to her body.

“Hu” Sifang Huiye let out a sigh of relief, and a trace of determination flashed in her big delicate black eyes.

Next, she will go to see the Sifang Patriarch with Master Beichuan

Thinking of this, Sifang Huiye’s mood became tense.

Although Beichuan Temple briefly mentioned the situation on his side before, it couldn’t suppress the anxiety in her heart.

After all, she has always lived under the forced education of the Sifang Family, and she has an indescribable sense of fear for the Sifang Patriarch.

But if everything is okay, it will be okay.

Sifang Huiye put his palm on her chest.

She believed that Master Beichuan would be able to end everything.

In that case, you can only trust him.

Sifang Huiye took a deep breath again, and opened the door when she relaxed a little.


She couldn’t help blinking, and she was a little surprised in her voice:

“What are you guys?”

In front of her, there were two members of the Sifang family standing neatly in two rows, all of them seemed to be here waiting for her to wake up.

Seeing questions from Quartet Huiye, one of the leading men said respectfully: “Miss Huiye, the Patriarch wants to see you.”

Patriarch wants to see me?

Sifang Huiye opened his mouth.

This sudden occurrence made her brain unable to react at all.

Before Sifang Huiye could express his opinion, the leading man stepped aside, and the Sifang tribe behind him swarmed up.

“Wait! Master Beichuan,” Sifang Huiye, who was surrounded by the Sifang people, opened his mouth.

But these people ignored them and sent Sifang Huiye directly into the car.

What on earth happened?

Is it possible that something has changed in Sifang’s house?

And Master Beichuan

All this happened so quickly, until Sifang Huiye was sent to the car, she still didn’t understand what happened.

She felt a little restless while sitting in the car. After a while, Si Fang Huiye looked at the driver in front and asked, “Excuse me, could you please tell me what happened?”

The driver in charge of driving took another look at Sifang Huiye in the rearview mirror, with a weird look: “Miss Huiye, can you not know what happened?”

There was an unspeakable weirdness in his voice, and he seemed to be unable to accept Sifang Huiye’s rhetoric.

Sifang Huiye was naturally aware of this. She opened her mouth strangely and asked after a while: “I hope you can tell.”

“After Miss Hui Ye met the Patriarch, everything became clear. He actually arrived in Tianchuan Village yesterday.”

The driver shook his head and had no intention of staying on this issue, but the last sentence from the other party caught Sifang Huiye’s attention.

The Sifang Patriarch had already arrived in Tianchuan Village yesterday? !

Her face was startled, and her palms began to sweat.

As if perceiving the change in Sifang Huiye’s complexion, the driver kindly added two sentences: “The owner of the family actually went to the Sifang residence in Tianchuan Village yesterday, but he didn’t disclose it to the outside world. We only knew it today.”

This sentence made Sifang Huiye clenched his cuff subconsciously.

The Sifang Patriarch came to the Sifang Family Residence in Tianchuan Village in secret as early as yesterday, but he did not reveal it to outsiders.

The purpose of his actions in such a concealed manner is definitely for the medicine of immortality!

In order to prevent some changes, the other party came to Tianchuan Village in advance to wait.

If the other party knew that the undead medicine had been swallowed by another Kaguya before that, the answer that the undead medicine was flawed would satisfy the Patriarch who was so looking forward to the undead medicine?

Sifang Huiye couldn’t figure it out at all, and the courage he had just plucked up was already a little shaken.

More importantly, Master Beichuan

“Are you thinking about Master Beichuan?”

A question came from the passenger seat.

The man who took the lead said in a calm tone: “If it’s the matter of Master Beichuan, Miss Hui Ye, don’t worry.”

“” Quartet Huiye.

Why does this man in the lead know what happened between her and Beichuan Temple?

Master Beichuan

“What’s wrong with Master Beichuan?!” Sifang Huiye could no longer suppress her feelings when she thought that something might have happened to Beichuan Temple. The round mirror on her chest spewed out a terrifying moonlight for an instant. Yuehua was like the sharpest bayonet, aimed at the main driver and the co-pilot.

But what Sifang Huiye didn’t expect at all was that the driver and the man in the lead all smiled in a jealousy: “Miss Huiye, don’t get excited. Instead of worrying about Master Beichuan, it’s better to worry.

While speaking, the two men looked at each other and laughed extremely helplessly.

The attitude of the two of them as victims made Sifang Huiye a little confused.

Sifang Homes.

This is the property purchased by the Sifang Family who left Tianchuan Village for development in Tokyo.

After all, Tianchuan Village is also the ancestral land of the Sifang Family. Of course, they have to leave a fire here.

But who can think of

“Will the fire of the Sifang family become like this?” The leading man looked at the door in front of him, his mouth twitching.

Sifang Huiye’s face didn’t improve much either.

She opened her mouth wide and her **** eyes widened, as if she had never thought of all this before her.

In front of the two of them is a wooden door that has been torn down.

The wooden door was dismantled in one piece, scattered in pieces, and light yellow wooden thorns were exposed in some places.

It was like being hit by a heavy truck, and the whole gate was opened in front of Huiye in all directions.

“What is this?” Sifang Huiye couldn’t help turning his head to look at the man beside him.

The man from the Sifang family nearby laughed and said in an extremely unnatural tone: “It’s not a big deal to be able to forge a gate with someone like Master Beichuan. You are right, Miss Huiye.”

“???” Sifang Huiye swallowed after hearing this sentence, and when he turned to look at the ruins of the gate again, his voice also came out: “You mean Master Beichuan did it. ?”

If you didn’t say anything, I thought it was a truck hitting it.

The man nodded in embarrassment, then stretched out his hand and gestured: “He squeezed a **** hammer that was a bit exaggerated and smashed the door like this all at once.”

His words are full of concealment.

This also made Sifang Huiye probably understand.

It must be the Sifang family deliberately embarrassing Beichuan Temple, and wanted to give the other party something like a closed door, but the door became like this.

But this means that Beichuan Temple came to Sifang’s house before her?

Sifang Huiye’s heart was tense.

This is not to worry about the property of the Sifang family. What she is more worried about is the safety of Beichuan Temple.

Sifang Huiye continued to walk forward under the man’s lead.

The further she went forward, the more frightened she became.

Many members of the Quartet tribe fell to the ground in an all-round manner, and the faces that had originally looked white were full of bruises, as if they had been severely beaten.

Some people were originally lying on the ground in a coma and would bounce up and shout: “No! Don’t hit me! Please don’t hit me!”

In this way, the man leading the side lowered his head in embarrassment.

It’s not really a shame to hit someone, and it’s only a shame to be beaten like this after hitting someone.

He took Sifang Huiye and quickly left the area and walked inward.

After walking inward for almost a minute, the man brought Sifang Huiye to a halt in front of an elegant room.

“Patriarch is waiting for you inside.” He politely left these words and then stepped back two steps, signaling Sifang Huiye to enter by himself.

Looking at the closed paper door of the elegant room, to be honest, Sifang Huiye was indeed a little nervous.

Although she is the daughter of the Sifang Patriarch outside, she is actually just an adopted daughter.

From birth to now, she has actually seen each other only a dozen times.

Is Master Beichuan here too?

Sifang Huiye lowered his head and tried to open the paper door silently.

Then she heard the voice of a middle-aged man in the room:

“Hui Ye, you are outside, you don’t need to come in.”

Hearing these words, Sifang Huiye lowered his finger, and then replied: “Yes, Master Patriarch.”

She just knelt down on the wooden promenade outside the door.

After a while, she heard another voice in the elegant room:

“There are some things I want to talk to you.”

Upon hearing these words, Sifang Huiye’s expression became tense. She hurriedly lowered her head, her tone full of apologetics: “Sorry, I failed to complete my task, the medicine of immortality”

“What I want to talk to you is not about the undead medicine. To be precise, Master Beichuan has truthfully told me about the undead medicine.”

The Sifang Patriarch was speaking, but the tone was a bit wrong, as if he was pulling a cold breath.

This made Sifang Huiye blinked her eyes somewhat incomprehensibly, and she asked a little bit, “Master Patriarch, are you okay?”

The Sifang Patriarch in the elegant room was silent.

Then the other party ignored Sifang Huiye’s question and said calmly, “Huiye, do you want to go to school? Or to live the life of some ordinary people?”

“” Quartet Huiye.

What kind of questioning is this? Test yourself?

Her eyes flickered, and she pretended not to understand and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“You don’t have to pretend to be like this, Master Beichuan has mentioned your matter to me, and this negotiation has been successful. My question is from his statement.”

What comes from Beichuan Temple?

Sifang Huiye’s heart trembled slightly.

Until now, she almost understood the whole story.

Beichuan Temple actually came to Sifang’s house when she was resting.

He wants to solve all the problems by himself, but he doesn’t want to bring himself

Sifang Huiye bit her lower lip.

A person broke into the danger of Sifang’s house, and also confronted and talked with the owner of the house. I really don’t know how much favor I owed to Beichuan Temple.

Thinking of this, Sifang Huiye asked, “I don’t know where Master Beichuan is now? Patriarch?”

Since the Sifang Patriarch also said that Beichuan Temple had successfully negotiated with him, then Beichuan Temple should be fine now.

The Quartet Patriarch in the room groaned, then replied:

“He has left.”

“Leave?” Sifang Huiye asked repeatedly.

“Yes, he has already left. He left Tianchuan Village a few hours ago and went back to Tokyo.”

That’s it

Sifang Huiye’s body softened.

Beichuan Temple had already left and went back to Tokyo.

“Then I ask you one more sentence, do you want to live an ordinary life like this? If you want to live an ordinary life, I can also arrange a place to live and go to school for you, but correspondingly, The moon mirror on your body is wrong. It should be a round mirror combining moon mirror and moon mirror now? You have to return it to the Sifang family.”

“” Quartet Huiye.

Are you willing to live a normal life away from Sifang?

If it had been before, this question had actually been answered by Sifang Huiye.

But now she is a little confused again.

Staying away from the Sifang Family, this also means staying away from the weirdness.

And this also represents far away from Beichuan Temple.

Even if he can live a calm, ordinary and normal life, when he meets Beichuan Temple again, what can he do for him?

The answer is undoubtedly that nothing can be done.

Is it really okay to owe such a great kind of gratitude to yourself without repaying it?

But Beichuan Temple obviously wanted to lead an ordinary life.

At this time, should I follow Beichuan Temple’s ideas?

The mood of the girl is complicated.

On this question, she should have had the answer early, but now she couldn’t help but hesitate.

The next moment, she seemed to have thought of something.

Sifang Huiye firmly grasped the round mirror on her chest, raised her head and said, “I want to continue to live as a witch of the moon, but at the same time, I also want to live the life I want. This is my choice. .”

Yes it is.

Beichuan Temple once said that people with insufficient ability can only choose one or even cannot make a choice, but those with sufficient ability can choose all.

She wants to be someone who can help Beichuan Temple, and she also wants to live as Sifang Huiye.

This is her choice.


“The round mirror can only be used by the witch of the moon. Even if the Sifang family gets it, there is no one to drive it, so I am indispensable.” Sifang Huiye looked at the room with piercing eyes, seeming to want to see through the thin The paper door saw through the face of the Sifang Patriarch.

This is the choice she made.

He did not follow the ideas of Beichuan Temple and Sifang Patriarch.

It was the third way she chose.

This is also

As a person with a standpoint, she is not a choice made by a mayfly!

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