This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 489

Chapter 488 . Anda Family (8000 words goal reached!)

In fact, Ichihime Inari and Keiichi Inari have always thought that Kitagawa Temple has the ability to read mind or something similar to mind reading.

So when they heard Beichuan Temple deny, they all showed a look of astonishment.

Because some things don’t need ‘mind reading’ to explain, it’s not clear at all–

“But I really don’t have mind-reading skills. So it is only natural to come to see Anda Yoshiko.” Beichuan Temple said directly.

“No… now I have other questions to ask than that…”

Inari Kazuhime next to him raised his hand, and looked a little bit uncomprehending.

“Ask.” Beichuan Temple responded flatly.

“Why are we coming to the family restaurant?” Inari Kazuhime asked incomprehensibly.

Yes, they were sitting in the family restaurant at this time and even ordered a dinner at Beichuan Temple.

I was still talking about official business… Why did you come out for dinner all at once?

“According to your statement, Yoshiko Anda usually leaves work at 5:30 and goes home on time at 6 o’clock, right?”

Beichuan Temple calmly confirmed while eating the seafood risotto in front of him.

“That’s right…” Inari Kazuki looked at Beichuan Temple eating, his eyes shifted subconsciously.

“It’s only 5:40, and the visit is not in a hurry. And—”


Kazuhime Inari and Kei Inari glanced over.

“I’m hungry.”

Beichuan Temple replied straightforwardly, and then he glanced at Inari Ichihime, who swallowed secretly, wanted to eat, but was a little bit uncomfortable.

Without thinking about it, he called the waiter and ordered a dinner for both Inari Keiichi and Inari Keihime:

“Before resolving the incident, you must also take care of your own body. If you force yourself because of physical discomfort, it is the most unwise choice to take yourself in.”

With that said, Beichuan Temple finished the seafood risotto.


Both Keiichi Inari and Kazuhime Inari looked red.

The two of them ran to the special department after class, naturally they didn’t eat much.

Now it’s almost six o’clock for dinner, and of course I am a little hungry.

Considering that there is something to be solved, so I just endured it without saying it.

Now that Beichuan Temple, a ‘teacher’, is taking the lead, the Inari brothers and sisters have begun to deal with the food in front of them.

Seeing them start to eat, Beichuan Temple slowed down.

I don’t know why, looking at these brothers and sisters, he always thinks of Beichuan Eri.

At first, when he took the initiative to take on the three meals a day at home, Beichuan Eri also looked like this, and the whole person seemed hesitant.

And now…?

Beichuan Eri has completely accepted it.

I don’t know if Inari Ichihime and Inari Keiichi will also become like Kitagawa Eri in the future.

Just as Beichuan Temple was thinking like this, a surprised voice suddenly sounded next to it.

“Mr. Keiichi? Miss Ichihime?”

The one who spoke was an office worker in a skirt.

She looks very young and still has short, shoulder-to-shoulder hair.

But it was just such a woman who was energetic, but her eyes were haggard and her complexion was pale, as if she was five or six years old out of thin air.

The other party was carrying a small bag on his shoulder, and a small paper bag that he didn’t know what it was carrying in his hand.

It can be seen that she should have just got off work.

“Miss Yoshiko?!”

Keiichi Inari and Kazuhime Inari hurriedly wiped their mouths and stood up.

“Um…Mr. Keiichi, Miss Yiji, we meet again.”

Anda Yoshiko politely smiled at Inari brothers and sisters.

Both Inari Kazuhime and Inari Keiichi have regular police officer certificates, and they are also people who solve problems for themselves. Of course, she is very polite to them.


“Who is this…?”

Anda Yoshiko sat in the Beichuan Temple opposite the two in confusion, and said in confusion.

“This is our Beichuan eldest brother… um… our predecessors, this time also came for Miss Anda’s nightmare.”

Inari Kazuhime coughed dryly, and hurriedly changed her words.

“Ah…” Anda Yoshiko turned around and bowed deeply in front of Beichuan Temple: “It turns out that it was a colleague of Mr. Keiichi and Ms. Ichihime… It’s really rude.”

Said Anda Yoshiko stretched out his hand.

“I’m Anda Yoshiko, please advise.”

“Yeah. I’m Beichuan Temple.”

Beichuan Temple’s eyes flickered, and he stretched out his hand and shook the opponent briefly before nodding.

He had been looking at Anda Yoshiko from a moment ago.

But as Inari Kazuhime and To Inari Keiichi said, Kitagawa Temple did not see the grievances of Anda Yoshiko.

She looked like an ordinary person, with no grievances or kind thoughts on her body.

Beichuan Temple retracted his gaze, and then asked:

“I wonder if Miss Anda is convenient now? This is not a good place to talk about things.”

Indeed, there are so many people in a family restaurant, which is not suitable for quietly talking about things.

“It’s my fault.”

Anda Yoshiko naturally understood the meaning of Beichuan Temple. She glanced at the surrounding environment and then smiled: “If you don’t dislike it, you can go to my house now. I will definitely welcome you all.”

Since Anda Yoshiko has said so, of course Inari Kazuhime and Inari Keiichi on one side have no objection.

The four of them packed their belongings and followed Anda Yoshiko into an apartment building after checking out.

This apartment looks pretty high-end, and at the bottom, you need to swipe your card to enter. If an outsider visits, you only need to enter the room number, let the room owner confirm the identity, and then unlock the room to enter it.

While several people were waiting for the elevator to rise, Yoshiko Anda also told Beichuan Temple their reason why she appeared in the family restaurant.

Anda Yoshiko’s small paper bag contains the medicine she has been taking.

Since having nightmares every day, she has been taking neuroleptic drugs on a regular basis.

It’s just that the effects of these drugs are negligible, nightmares or nightmares.

And this time she went to the hospital to get the medicine, and when she came back, she planned to have dinner in the family restaurant… but it was a coincidence that she met Beichuanji and Kei Inari.

“Unexpectedly, I met Mr. Keiichi and Ms. Ichihime… what a coincidence. It seems that something good will happen tomorrow.” Yoshiko Anda opened the door and smiled.

“Uh…Compared to that…How is Miss Anda? Are you still having nightmares?”

Inari Kazuhime asked not ashamed.

She and her brother didn’t do anything in the first place, and they were praised so much by the other party… which is really not very embarrassing.

“Um… it’s the same, there is no relief.”

Anda Yoshiko laughed optimistically and waved his hand to indicate that the two of them don’t care.

“The two of you don’t really care, I’m almost used to it…”

“And even if we can’t solve the strange dreams for the time being, it’s okay, because the two come to my side every day, and they also give me some psychological comfort for this single woman living alone… This is enough to make me thank both of you. . Come, have tea.”

She randomly found a place to sit down, and then served tea to the three of Beichuan Temple one by one.

Seeing that Anda Yoshiko was so polite, Inari Kazuhime and Inari Kei looked at each other, feeling more at a loss and embarrassed.

After all, both of them are only high school seniors. Faced with such social rhetoric, they naturally don’t know how to respond.

They turned their gazes for help to Beichuan Temple, only to find that Beichuan Temple was staring at Anda Yoshiko, as if thinking about something.

Is it possible that Big Brother Beichuan already has a clue?

Kazuhime Inari and Kei Inari blinked, and they both looked forward to it.

Beichuan Temple certainly felt the scorching gazes of the two of them, but he was not in a hurry, only after looking at Anda Yoshiko, he began to scan the environment in the room, and it took almost a minute before he officially spoke.

“Miss Anda, here is your neck…”

As he said, Beichuan Temple also pointed to the other side’s neck.

“Ah…have been discovered by Mr. Kitagawa? But this is also something that Mr. Keiichi and Ms. Ichihime know…”

Anda Yoshiko smiled, and pulled her neckline down to reveal her neck.

There was a clearly visible blue bruise on her smooth and white neck.

This blue bruise looks like the palm of a human hand, and the marks of the five fingers are very clear.

Looking up close like this, it just makes people feel a little bit scary.

“Don’t look at it like this, but it doesn’t hurt at all, it just doesn’t look good at all.”

Anda Yoshiko said particularly optimistically.

Beichuan Temple did not speak to discourage her overly optimistic attitude, he just took a deep glance at this blue bruise, and then asked:

“Have Miss Anda ever encountered any accidents or accidents? For example, accidents like car accidents.”

Listening to Beichuan Temple’s narration, Anda Yoshiko covered her mouth slightly, and then replied after a long time:

“Ah… this kind of terrible thing… I never remembered it before. Because I was so courageous, even if this kind of thing happened in front of me, I basically avoided it.”

“Then Miss Anda has ever had any disputes with others? For example, what kind of conflicts are particularly intense.”

Beichuan Temple asked again.

“Um… this… shouldn’t be there. I get along well with my colleagues. If you want to talk about disputes, it must be seven or eight years ago? My mother and I discussed whether or not to go. University matters.”

Anda Yoshiko thought and said.

“is it?”

Anda Yoshiko’s answer silenced Beichuan Temple.

It’s not a car accident or suicide by jumping from a building. I haven’t had any disputes with outsiders.

Then Anda Yoshiko can come into contact with the “dead, spirit body” only–

Beichuan Temple looked up.

In the corner of this fairly spacious living room is a small ebony cabinet.

“Miss Anda, the small cabinet behind you should be a spiritual niche, right?”

Beichuan Temple asked without hesitation.

Hearing Beichuan Temple’s question, Anda Yoshiko also blinked in surprise.

She followed Beichuan Temple’s gaze and looked back, and then said with some admiration:

“It’s really a shame that Mr. Beichuan can notice. I usually put things away. It looks like it’s just a small cabinet… Even Mr. Keiichi and Ms. Ichihime didn’t notice.”

Anda Yoshiko turned around, his eyes gentle: “Yes, that’s the niche. There are my parents enshrined in it.”

“Enshrine the parents?”

Next to him, Ichihime Inari and Kei Inari looked at each other.

“Yeah.” Anda Yoshiko stood up, and then walked to the side of the ebony niche. While opening the niche, he took out small cushions and incense burners from the small cabinet underneath.

She said softly: “My father died when I was very young. It has always been my mother and I relying on each other.”

Anda Yoshiko looked at the two photo frames in the niche.

On the frame are two photos.

One man and one woman.

Corresponding to her father, Anda Xiong and Anda Zi.

Anda Yoshiko lit the long incense, and while offering it, he spoke softly:

“Mother is a very gentle person, no matter who she treats. After my father passed away, she raised me by herself, allowing me to receive a better education… I have always wanted to give back to my mother… ”

“But the fact is that I have grown up now, but my mother is gone.”

Her voice was soft, not so much telling Beichuan Temple or the Inari brothers and sisters, it was better to say that she was talking to herself softly.

“I’m sorry to mention this suddenly.” Beichuan Temple said blankly beside him.

His voice does not contain any emotional fluctuations, and there is no trace of sorry emotion in it at all.

This caused Inari Kazuhime to roll his eyes next to him.

“Oh, this isn’t really a big deal.”

Anda Yoshiko laughed twice, and the laughter was a little dry: “In fact, I think my mother’s death has a lot to do with me.”

“Oh?” Beichuan Temple’s eyes flashed.

He didn’t expect to hear such rare information here.

“Yeah.” Anda Yoshiko nodded and continued: “Mother is actually on the May Day Golden Week this year. I accompany her to travel… When there is a famous sea cliff attraction, let me take pictures of her… and then behind Suddenly the handrail loosened and separated, and she fell off the coast and died.”

“…This is really a very regrettable thing.”

Beichuan Temple said blankly.

“Yeah. So I have always blamed myself for this. Maybe it’s because of this, so I have nightmares every night. The doctor said it was my own cause… I think it might be the case.”

Anda Yoshiko exhaled helplessly.

No matter how open-minded, she is not so open-minded.

After all, the mother died under her nose.

“I wanted to make my mother happier… but it turned out like this.”

Yoshiko Anda gently stroked her mother’s picture frame, her voice sounded full of bitterness: “But it’s no use blaming yourself.”

People cannot come back from death.

Yoshiko Adachi can only accept all this, living silently in the metropolis of Tokyo.

“So that’s it…”

Beichuan Temple nodded, expressing that he understood the other party’s feelings.

“Mother’s business is almost here… the only thing she left for me… that is probably the amulet given to me eight years ago. There is nothing else.”

Anda Yoshiko, who had already worshipped, rubbed his eyes, then got up and sat in front of Beichuan Temple again.


Beichuan Temple stroked his chin.

His eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of something.

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