This Junior Sister is a bit Introverted

Chapter 003 – The Second Trial Begin

The recruitment ceremony continued, and soon enough, the children’s group was finished. On the other side of the town square, the teenagers also wrapped up their test. There were a few familiar names among the successful candidates, but Rinne only glanced at them, losing interest almost immediately.

The announcer stepped forward, his voice resonating through the square once more, amplified by spiritual energy. His tone was calm, yet it carried an air of authority that demanded attention.

"Those who have passed the first trial, you now have a short time to bid farewell to your families. The path you walk from here will be long and arduous, and it may be years before you see them again. Use this time wisely."

The participants began to disperse, finding their families in the crowd. Some hugged their parents tightly, tears in their eyes, while others exchanged solemn words and promises. A few were eager, excited about the future that awaited them, but even they couldn’t escape the bittersweet moment of parting.

Rinne, however, stood alone, she had no one to bid farewell to, as she had technically run away from home.

Around her, the square buzzed with activity. Parents, siblings, and even friends crowded around the successful candidates, offering words of encouragement and teary farewells.

One mother whispered to her son, wiping away tears as she embraced him tightly.

"Be good, and make us proud."

A father sternly advised his daughter, though his voice trembled with emotion.

"Remember, always follow the teachings and respect your seniors."

A young boy vowed to his little sister, who clung to him, reluctant to let go.

"I'll write to you every month, I promise."

Rinne observed the scene, feeling a pang of something she couldn’t quite name.

'I wonder if they’re sad now that I’m gone, or maybe they’re mad.'

But she quickly dismissed the thought. With several siblings at home, and considering she wasn’t particularly valued, her absence might not even matter.

Perhaps they’re happy, even relieved, with one less mouth to feed. The idea of them being happier without her presence was bittersweet. Rinne couldn’t help but recall that in three years, famine would strike, and her family had survived by selling her into slavery.

'Maybe I should just send them some money when the time comes. The same amount they got for selling me... then, my obligation would be paid off.'

But something gnawed at her conscience.

'No, it’s not as simple as that. I should ensure they’re well taken care of.'

Rinne sighed softly. Her mind had become so calculating, shaped by years in this world. In her previous life, she hadn't been this way.

Still, her family had given her life twice, whether they cared or not. It’s only proper to make sure they’re okay. But that will have to wait until later.



After about two hours, the announcer returned to the center of the square. His voice once again cut through the noise of the gathering crowd.

"The time has come."

His declaration continued.

"For those who have passed to embark on the next stage of your journey. Gather here, and prepare to board the flying boat.”

The participants who had been saying their goodbyes quickly made their way back, forming neat lines as they approached the flying boat that hovered above the square. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and a hint of nervousness as they prepared to leave their old lives behind.

Some were chatting animatedly about the future, while others stood quietly, lost in thought. Rinne noticed a few children holding onto trinkets or talismans their parents had given them for luck.

One boy said with a mix of awe and apprehension.

"It's finally happening! We're going to be cultivators."

"Yeah, but what if the next trial is too hard? What if we don't make it?"

A girl replied, her voice wavering slightly.

"We've made it this far... We just have to keep going."

Another child chimed in, trying to sound confident.

Rinne, standing quietly among them, couldn’t help but feel a strange detachment from the excitement. She had been through this process before, albeit in a different way, and knew that the path ahead was far from easy.

When it was time, they were directed to board the flying boat. As the group moved toward the towering vessel, awe and wonder filled the air. For many, this was their first time seeing such a marvel.

A boy exclaimed, eyes wide as he stared up at the massive boat.

"Wow, it's so big!"

Another asked, excitement bubbling in his voice.

"Do you think we'll get to fly it someday?"

"I hope so..."

A girl responded, her gaze fixed on the boat with a mix of hope and determination.

But not everyone was caught up in the wonder. It was during this time that another conflict arose.

"Why is this smelly beggar still here?" a voice sneered.

"I didn’t think this beggar could pass."

"You stink! Go away!" another chimed in.

Rinne was taken aback, she couldn't help but wonder.

'Do I really smell that bad?'

It had been a while since she last bathed, true enough. People often become insensitive to their own odors, and given her past as an evil cultivator who delved deeply into poisons, the smell was nothing to her. But to others, it was clearly unbearable.

Realizing the issue, Rinne quickly walked over to a nearby cultivator, who looked to be a senior disciple of some sect in the Alliance. Although he appeared to be in his early twenties, Rinne knew better than to judge a cultivator by their appearance. His actual age could be far beyond what he looked like.

She noticed the disciple frown slightly as she approached, his expression one of mild disgust as he took in her dirty appearance. But despite his clear discomfort, he still answered her when she spoke.

Rinne asked politely.

"Excuse me, is there a bathroom on the boat?"

The senior disciple’s frown deepened, but he maintained his composure. He explained, his tone neutral but with an undercurrent of irritation.

"This boat is just a transport vehicle, There are no such facilities."

Disappointed but not deterred, Rinne quickly thought of another solution.

"In that case, could you use the Dust Removal technique on me?"

The disciple hesitated for a moment, still looking slightly repelled by the idea of interacting with her further. However, he finally nodded, raising his hand. With a simple wave, he cast the Dust Removal technique. In moments, the grime and stench that clung to Rinne disappeared, leaving her clean and fresh. She could feel the difference immediately and offered the disciple a small, grateful smile.

"Thank you," she said softly.

He nodded in return, though his expression remained distant.

"No need to worry. Focus on the trials ahead. You'll be fine."

His words were meant to be reassuring, but Rinne only nodded absently.

'If I had prepared a blood talisman for the Dust Removal technique, I wouldn’t have to ask... But even if I did, it’s better not to waste vitality unless absolutely necessary.'

The group finally boarded the flying boat, and soon it lifted off, soaring high above the town.


The journey was peaceful, with most of the participants either marveling at the view or quietly preparing themselves for the next trial. Rinne, too, found herself gazing out at the clouds.

She sat quietly among the other participants as the flying boat continued its journey. During the trip, the senior disciples distributed small pills to each of them.

"This is a Fasting Pill, it will keep you from feeling hungry for the next few days."

One of the disciples explained as he handed Rinne her portion.

Rinne examined the pill, its surface smooth and white, with a faint herbal scent. In her previous life, she had used similar pills when she was on the run or in the middle of intense cultivation sessions. It was a basic but useful item in the cultivation world, especially for those who needed to conserve their energy.

Swallowing the pill, she could feel a slight warmth spreading through her body, a sensation that made her hunger vanish almost instantly.

'This will help.'

Without having to worry about food, she could focus on what was to come.

The tranquility of the journey, however, was only temporary. Soon, they would arrive at the site of the second trial, and the true challenges would begin.



It took several hours for the flying boat to arrive at the second trial stage, but the day was still bright. Rinne noted that time here was different from the modern world she once knew. If a day on Earth consisted of 24 hours, then here, it seemed to be about three times longer by the same hourly standards.

Though others used incense sticks to measure time, which lasted about two hours, Rinne couldn’t help but apply her own measurement of hours out of habit. Water clocks and shadow clocks existed as well, but the incense stick was the most popular by far. She knew this world was far larger than Earth, something she had come to realize during her hundreds of years wandering as an evil cultivator in her second life.

As the boat descended, the participants disembarked and found themselves before a mountain that towered high into the sky, with stone steps leading to its summit. Rinne recognized this place from the memories she had extracted using the Soul Searching technique on Roran in her previous life.

The second trial was a test of endurance—climbing the mountain stairs.

When Rinne was an evil cultivator, she had made it a policy to Soul Search as many enemies as possible. This technique quickly became her favorite. Initially, it was just to gather information, but she soon realized that she could peek into her victims’ lives from the moment of their self-awareness until the moment she used the technique. Through this method, she not only learned their cultivation methods and techniques but also their darkest secrets.

The sheer amount of information would overwhelm most people, but Rinne had invented another technique to store those memories as if they were files, allowing her to view them anytime like watching a movie. It was one of her many innovations during her years of cultivation—though this, she mused, was a story for another time.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the announcer's voice.

"The second trial is upon you!"

The announcer declared, his voice booming across the crowd.

"Your task is to climb these stairs. The higher you climb, the greater the pressure you will endure. Now, begin your ascent!"

Rinne took a deep breath.

According to Roran's memories, he had climbed to the top and been accepted by Elder Soryn from the Azure Sky Sect without needing to participate in the third trial. This trial was essentially a test of how far one could climb, with the pressure increasing the higher they went.

For Rinne, still possessing a mortal body with no true spiritual root, this trial would be impossible to complete. The pressure would be unbearable, and attempting to push herself too far could risk exposing her true nature, especially if they attempted to heal her.

There was no need to insist.

Better to symbolically walk a few steps, then stop and accept her fate as a handyman.



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