This Junior Sister is a bit Introverted

Chapter 020 – Pain and Resilience

It was almost second nature for Rinne to retreat into the Soul Library whenever she was deep in thought.

Within its vast expanse, time seemed to stretch infinitely, even though only a few minutes passed in the real world—just enough for a quick nap. Of course, a headache would await her upon waking, but that was a small price to pay. Here, she could take all the time she needed to devise a solution to her current dilemma.

"Is there a way to get the materials I need without drawing attention?"

Of course, robbing others for resources had crossed her mind briefly, but she dismissed the thought immediately. This was her new life, and she wanted nothing to do with the darkness of her past.

She wandered through the countless memories and knowledge stored within the library, her consciousness drifting aimlessly until a sudden thought emerged: a particular body tempering technique surfaced in her mind—Hibiscus Body Tempering Art.

The technique was one among many peculiar methods she had acquired, originating from the Jade Pleasure Sect, a sect infamous for specializing in dual cultivation.

The art was not widely valued by most cultivators. It was neither powerful nor capable of accelerating one’s cultivation speed. Instead, its primary purpose was beautifying and preserving one’s appearance. If a cultivator practiced it early, before their bones fully matured at sixteen, their appearance would surpass that of ordinary people.

The technique was unconventional for another reason: it didn’t require any medicinal resources. Rather, it utilized spiritual energy to nourish both the exterior and interior of the body, gradually expelling harmful substances along the way. Although the purging effect wasn’t as thorough as the Marrow Cleansing Pill, it still rendered the pill far less essential.

Rinne exclaimed with excitement.

"This is perfect! I won’t need the Marrow Cleansing Pill anymore, and my material needs will decrease significantly."

It wasn’t exactly a true body tempering art but more of a supplement to the Jade Pleasure Sect’s dual cultivation practices. Still, Rinne had no reservations about using anything that could serve her purposes.

With the Energy Extraction Formation at her disposal, the Hibiscus Body Tempering Art aligned perfectly with her current needs. This formation had the ability to draw energies from materials rich in energy, transforming them into spiritual energy for her benefit. Rinne could then harness that spiritual energy to practice the technique.

Yet, there was a problem: as it was, the technique wasn’t enough.

"I do need this technique, but it's not enough to ensure my safety."

If she relied solely on the Hibiscus Body Tempering Art, she might achieve beauty and fitness, but it wouldn’t provide the strength she desperately needed. Without a foundation of true power, she would be nothing more than a decorative vase—a weakling, forced to depend on the goodwill of others to survive.

That was unacceptable.

"Then, I'll just create a new one, the improved version of this technique!" 

Determined to create a more formidable version, Rinne began piecing together a new body tempering art.

She dove deep into her Soul Library, sifting through the many body tempering methods from various sects and clans, each with its own strengths and flaws.

Some low-grade techniques offered short-term benefits but inflicted long-term damage with prolonged practice. Others had impressive results but came with undesirable side effects, like disfigurement or nerve deterioration.

This was considered normal in the cultivation world.

Those who chose to practice a body tempering art essentially altered their very physiology, transforming their bodies to gain an edge in a specific area of cultivation. Whether it was enhanced strength, durability, or agility, such modifications often brought unintended consequences. Side effects usually emerged after prolonged practice, becoming a permanent part of the practitioner’s being.

Therefore, creating new techniques requires a deep understanding of how the human body works. And fortunately, Rinne had enough insight, thanks to the collection of knowledge she had accumulated.

Patiently, Rinne extracted the essence of each method, discarding the redundant, harmful, or unnecessary elements. The Hibiscus Body Tempering Art’s approach of utilizing spiritual energy as nourishment provided the foundation for her design. But she went further, adding elements for tempering internal organs, muscles, and bones—laying the groundwork for both beauty and strength.

"I think this is enough for now. In theory, it should work as I envisioned."

The improvement of this technique does not mean it has become the best body tempering art.

Indeed, this technique was still not as strong as other techniques, but the burden on the body was also not as heavy as that of other techniques, which could potentially cause permanent side effects.

Now all that was left to consider was Roran's medicinal bath.

Despite scouring her Soul Library for answers, she found no technique capable of tempering spiritual roots directly. If such a method existed, she would have discarded the need for the bath entirely. But with no alternative in sight, the bath remained essential to her plans.



As soon as Rinne opened her eyes, a familiar headache greeted her with its dull, persistent throb.

It was uncomfortable as always, but she had grown used to it. With a steady exhale, she waited for the pain to recede, allowing herself a brief moment of stillness before getting back to work.

Once the headache subsided, she immediately sat cross-legged, straightening her posture, and began practicing the improved Hibiscus Body Tempering Art. It was a technique she had meticulously crafted, blending elements of beauty and strength. Yet, as she called upon her spiritual energy, an excruciating pain erupted from her spiritual root, the very core of her cultivation.

Cultivators relied on their spiritual roots to control and harness the flow of spiritual energy, but Rinne’s was still unstable and sensitive. Somehow, in her eagerness to push forward, she had forgotten this crucial fact.

It was as if she were trying to touch a searing flame with skinned hands. Every attempt to circulate energy felt like pouring salt into a wound. The ache forced her to halt, her expression stiff as she bit back a groan.

Frustration simmered beneath the surface. No matter how much knowledge or preparation she had, her body stubbornly reminded her of its limits. She closed her eyes again, sinking into contemplation.

‘In the end... I’m just walking in circles.’

This thought gnawed at her. For the sake of remaining inconspicuous, she had taken numerous detours, avoiding paths that might attract attention. Yet, every step forward seemed to come with another kind of pain—whether it was in body or mind.

Was this suffering truly worth it?

The question lingered, unanswered and heavy, as doubt began to creep into her heart. For all the sacrifices she made to stay hidden, was she truly free of the burdens of her past? Or was she merely trading one struggle for another?

But the doubt only lasted for a short moment.

Pain? She was already familiar with it. Compared to the torment of the Gu backlash in her previous life, this was nothing but a minor inconvenience.

Rinne closed her eyes again, her breathing steady and controlled. With practiced ease, she slipped into self-hypnosis for the second time, forcing the pain to vanish as if it had never existed. The sensation melted away into nothingness.

"As long as it doesn’t kill me, I can still proceed!"

As for the question of whether it was worth it or not? Of course, it wasn’t worth it.

She could have showcased her talent, captivated the attention of those around her, and perhaps risen to the status of an inner or even core disciple. She could have basked in the privileges that accompanied such a position, enjoying the respect and admiration of her peers. The elders probably wouldn’t have minded her little secret, especially since she was surrounded by the praises of her achievements..

She knew very well that doing otherwise was a foolish decision. And yet, she insisted on walking this path.

With a resigned sigh, Rinne reflected on her own contradictory feelings.

She understood, perhaps better than anyone, that while she possessed the courage to endure pain, she lacked the courage to interact with others. This peculiar contrast left her feeling increasingly alone on her path, caught between the longing for strength and the fear of forming connections.


It was precisely because of this nature that she became the Calamity Witch.

She was so paranoid of her enemies that she killed all their families and sects.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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