This lord is very scientific.

Chapter 108 The Great Wall of the Fortress!

Chapter 108 Fortress—The Great Wall!

Throughout the history books, the decline or rise of a dynasty will be revealed at the beginning.

The trigger of the beginning may be a trivial battle, an unequal transaction, or the life and death of a small person.

However, most of these living beings are "in the Lushan Mountains and do not know their true face", and cannot view the changes in time and space from the perspective of gods or legends.

Most of them can only be carried forward under the impact of the huge waves of fate. It will not be until someone looks back a hundred years later that they sigh:

"That little man back then, did he know that that incident was a sign that a great country was beginning to rise?"

September, the last small month of the Fire Moon.

Kingdom of Gula.

For more than a month, storms broke out in the Azan territory and many surrounding territories.

Lady Tide has fallen!

Lava Swamp Riot!

The attack of Stars and Waves Ocean is also imminent, and it may be advanced because of this!

One after another, the entire southern part of the Gula Kingdom was in turmoil.

Some corrupt and timid nobles moved upon hearing the news and headed towards the "Abyss" of the imperial capital in the north to avoid the war.

There are also nobles who have great faith in the strength of the Gula Kingdom and remain motionless, or are trying to take advantage of the situation.

Only a small number of nobles and professionals set off without hesitation and sent their troops south.

The turmoil in the Gula Kingdom also attracted the attention of the Holy Life Alliance and the Permafrost Council, and even some small kingdoms, small principalities or other small forces on the road noticed.

Of course I just noticed.

Just like some small islands in the previous life noticed that the overlords were arm wrestling, they could only shout and cheer from the side to create a sense of presence and participation.

The same goes for Nasung.

The forces in the entire continent are just watching from the sidelines.

Only the Gula Kingdom, a party concerned, started emergency mobilization internally.

For many years, the people of Nasenger have focused on acquiring, developing, and ruling the new plane, and have not paid much attention to the situation in the main plane of Nasenger.

And now, the lava swamp has attracted the attention of everyone in the Gula Kingdom.

What a courage!

Although the lava swamp is one of the three major warcraft gathering places in Nasenge, it is the Kingdom of Gula, the human kingdom ruled by the "King of Black and White", the Mianless Emperor!

Extreme black and dazzling white!

Except for some cowards, many nobles are paying attention to the situation here.

While the Kingdom of Gula was in turmoil, strangely enough, the Great Swamp remained calm for two months.

The first wave of monsters that Lin Ke and the others thought originally did not come.

During this period, not a single beast escaped from it, let alone a monster.

In contrast, the Azane territory was in full swing.

Six thousand meters away from Azan Castle.

This is a wasteland, and the large swamp is vaguely visible in the distance.

Countless migrant workers, farmers, slaves, servants and other ordinary people were like ants, carrying huge rocks, wood and other things.

And at the very front, a stretching city wall is being built.

Judging from its prototype, this city wall is not as tall and majestic as some castles, but looking at it, it seems to stretch for a long, long time with no end in sight.

The view from a high place is stunning.

A large number of Azan people, refugees, slaves, etc. were recruited. At the same time, there were hundreds of brick kilns behind the city wall to bake bricks day and night.

In the river next to Azan Castle, the mud and sand are almost hollowed out to make bricks!

The entire river was widened dozens of times.

And the effect is also obvious.

This city wall is extending to both sides every day at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition to ordinary people, some professionals are also working.

Professionals such as [Secretist] and [Architect] are waving their own magic props to outline "strong", "thick", "demon-breaking" and other secret texts and magic patterns on the city wall.

Professionals such as [Blacksmith] and [Blacksmith] are forging various equipment and weapons.

[Knights] and others are either checking their mounts, companions, equipment, weapons, etc., or they are training and meditating.

On the city wall, various magical lights flickered.

At this time, Lin Ke was riding a Gula bull, patrolling all the guards and cavalry in front of him.

The Gula bull is very large, and unlike the cow, the bull's limbs are thicker and longer, and its trunk is not so fat. It looks like a horse with a bull's head.

Although Lin Ke was small, the intimidation of being a third-level professional still made the Gula Bull, an ordinary animal beneath him, very obedient.

At this time, Lin Ke was frowning, pulling on the reins, and keeping his voice as low as possible: "...People of Azane, let me say it one last time, the battlefield is no joke! If you disobey orders in order to enlighten your bloodline, then you will lose Not only will your own lives be lost! Your descendants will also die from this!"

In front of him, there were two distinct groups of people standing. On one side were some of his castle guards, who stood at attention meticulously and looked ahead.

On the other side are the militiamen he collected from various places in Azan.

At this time, he was lecturing the militiamen.

Although these militiamen are commendable for their courage, their purpose is also too strong, which is to obtain blood enlightenment from Lin Ke!

Yes, enlightenment, which originally could only belong to nobles or nobles, was promoted by Lin Ke as a prize.

The skill of enlightenment can only be used by [Teacher] professions, such as [Enlightenment Teacher].

Those who can afford [Teachers] are either nobles or strong people themselves, so it is very difficult for ordinary people to have a way out.

This is also related to the fact that the nobles consciously control the channels.

And Lin Ke directly linked "enlightenment" with Azann coins.

Those who want enlightenment will be enlightened by the star-level professional Lord Auf himself!

The cost is 2,000 Azann coins.

Azann coins were originally used to measure the performance of mining slaves.

But when Lin Ke created this currency, it was not just for the performance of slaves.

He was playing a big game.

So, in just a few days, a lot of people heard about Lin Ke's generosity and came to join the army enthusiastically, and organized a group of 2,000 troops at once.

But, calling them an army is too flattering.

This group of humans and humanoids is just a mob!

Therefore, many nobles originally disagreed and even fiercely opposed Lin Ke's approach.

But because Lin Ke had enlightened ten people with inferior talents in a row...

The nobles felt comfortable and relieved.

"Now, I will redistribute your belonging! Please step out if you hear your name..."

Lin Ke took out a piece of paper from the cloth bag next to his mount, which recorded some general information: "Alyosha! Chekov! Gorky!..."

While shouting, Lin Ke complained in his heart: If this team of people died, it would be a pity for the literary world...

"Here!" "Here!"...

Under Lin Ke's roll call, guards stepped out one by one. They were all castle guards who had been trained by Lin Ke for a long time and obeyed orders.

He was going to break up the troops and divide them into large teams and small teams. The captains were all soldiers he led, especially those who had participated in the siege of the Deep Blue Tiger.

Let these soldiers lead the mob, and if the soldiers are incompetent, the generals will be incompetent.

I hope to train all these people before the war.

After an hour, they were finally dispersed.

Lin Ke looked at the new team with satisfaction. Although there was still chaos, the guards of Azann Castle were like a stabilizing force, making the team orderly in the chaos.

At this moment, a man riding a reindeer ran towards this side quickly, shouting: "Mr. Lin Ke! Princess Lika and Earl of the Great Sword are waiting for you at the wall of Azann!"

Lin Ke drove his mount and turned around, replying: "I know."

After that, Lin Ke said to the former captain of the guards of Azann, now the captain of the first brigade: "You train your team first, I want to see the results in the evening!"

"Yes!" The captain of the guards saluted with his right hand hitting his chest.

Lin Ke nodded slightly, and then ran towards the top of the wall on the edge of the center.

"Did Princess Lika find anything?" Lin Ke stood side by side with the summoner and asked casually.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Ke!" The summoner looked a little nervous: "A new group of adults has arrived, they are other nobles of the kingdom!"

Other nobles!

In the past few months, nobles have come in groups. Although the number is not large, they have brought a lot of soldiers.

"Are there any powerful professionals?" Lin Ke asked.

"Yes! It is said that there are powerful [florists], [brewers], [instructors], [painters], [juice tasters]..." The summoner mentioned a lot of professions.

In the common language of Naseng, the special pronunciation of professionals is different from the ordinary pronunciation. You can clearly hear whether a person is talking about a florist or a [florist].

Should I say, he is worthy of being a good-for-nothing.

"What is this, Barbie Q... Well, but the [instructor] is still useful..." Lin Ke muttered softly, then waved to the summoner: "Okay, go and get busy."

The summoner saluted with a chest-beating salute, then rode a reindeer to run to other teams in the distance.

Lin Ke's direction did not change, that is, the highest city head of this fortress - Azanen Wall!

This fortress is obviously an imitation of the Great Wall, but it is larger and has higher walls. Of course, the defense line is not that long.

However, many people still call the Great Wall the Great Wall.

It is because few people in Naseng are willing to build such a long-distance defense line. Everyone prefers to build a few more floors for their castles, or build more buildings in private planes.

As a result, in the eyes of many nobles, the architectural concept, architectural ideas and final products of this Great Wall are full of surprise.

In order to make these nobles contribute more money and effort, Lin Ke also proposed "naming rights".

Whoever builds this wall can have the right to name it!

And Lin Ke also named the wall at the front and highest point of the defense line "Azanen Wall".

So, the nobles were jealous.

Think about it, now the entire Gula Kingdom has been alarmed, and even the major forces in the Naseng continent have paid a lot of attention to this place.

Not long after, Emperor Wumian personally led the expedition, and a large number of nobles and professionals arrived.

When they heard that the wall standing at the forefront of the defense line belonged to "Azanen", when they saw the flesh and blood of the endless monsters and the blood and tears of the warriors preserved on the wall, when they heard how this family bravely repelled the enemy...

Damn, how much glory it was!

The nobles couldn't wait to see the envy, jealousy and admiration in the eyes of their noble friends or enemies when they saw the other walls named after Azann.

As for Azann?

That was the person protected by Princess Lika, and the nobles should naturally regard the Azann Wall as the wall of the Gula royal family.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke couldn't help but smile.

Nobles can never escape fame and fortune.

After Lin Ke's operation, various nobles donated money, food and people, which led to the construction of the great wall so quickly.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before the great wall that Lin Ke imagined.

So when he heard Princess Lika's summons at this time, Lin Ke was not nervous at all.

However, when he saw the nobles discussing fiercely on the top of the wall not far away, Lin Ke's heart sank.

A bunch of good-for-nothings... I hope they can be recycled.

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