This lord is very scientific.

Chapter 135 One of the royal bloodlines of plants

"Enough! Fog! Come to help!"

Fortunately, at this time, the voice of the [Son of Light] came from outside, and all the fog was immediately retracted and condensed into the [Mist Banshee].

She looked unhappy and flew towards the prince with endless light in the sky.

And Lin Ke finally saw the battlefield situation clearly.

Most of the flying monsters in the air had been circled by the twelve Starlight-level incarnations.

The twelve Starlight-level monsters were all extremely powerful.

Especially the leading prince, who was surrounded by three smooth metal balls, with red, green and blue lights bursting out from them, suppressing the two Starlight-level monsters and more than a dozen level 15 monsters on the opposite side.

The thirteen Starlight-level monsters not only blocked the fifteen Starlight-level monsters, but also blocked most of the monsters above level 15.

This is the reliance of the Gula Kingdom to stand in Naseng!

The extremely strong force!

However, the thirteen Starlight-level monsters can only block most of the monsters, and a small number of monsters have been missed and are still attacking the city.

Fortunately, they encountered a monster, and the defenders here were still able to hold on.

After Lin Ke came to his senses, he quickly began to pay attention to the situation and then prepared to support.

"Xiao Lin Ke, how are you!"

Lika ran over with an angry face, pouting: "Did she kiss you on the mouth? That damned witch!"

Kiss my mouth?

Lin Ke shook his head quickly, and then raised his hand to stop Lika from saying what she was about to say, because the monster had already come to the bottom of the fortress.

"Everyone, throw explosives!"

Lin Ke gave an order, pulling the thoughts of the slightly chaotic battlefield back.

Explosives? !

The soldiers came to their senses and looked under the wall.

I saw spiders as big as calves tilting their abdomens towards the fortress, spraying large pieces of snow-white spider silk, sticking to the edge of the wall.

Those heavy monsters were still hitting the city wall, while other monsters such as tigers, wolves, snakes and insects ran quickly along the spider silk.

"Don't just stand there, throw quickly! Remember to light it!" Lin Ke gave another order.

The soldiers reacted one after another, lit the fuse immediately, and threw it towards the spider silk.

Lin Ke had demonstrated the usage before, and everyone learned how to use it, but there were still mistakes, some threw it too early, some threw it too late.

But the power...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The explosions came one after another, and the sound and power were so great that the prince looked at them sideways, but when he looked at the truth, he didn't care anymore.

The power was at most the first or second level of magic, and the beauty was that there was no magic fluctuation, and ordinary people could use it.

But on the battlefield, the effect was quite impressive.

The flame was okay, and the effects of many magics were greater than this.

But the deafening sound frightened all the beasts.

The perception of many wild beasts lies in their ears and noses.

The amount of sulfur ore mined in Lin Ke's small plane was large, and the content of nitrate was even more. After all, toilets were being built in the entire territory of Azann.

So, if so many explosive packs are considered as a whole, they really make

"You invented this little gadget, it's really useful!" Lika's eyes brightened when she saw so many bombs exploded at the same time, but her body intentionally or unintentionally blocked in front of Lin Ke, as if she was guarding against something.

But Lin Ke didn't care about so much.

Behind him, soldiers and professionals were injured by long-range attacks of monsters at any time, and then dragged down by nurses for simple bandaging and treatment.

But... minor injuries don't need to be treated, and serious injuries can't be treated.

[Witch doctors] are also limited.

Although Lin Ke and his team relied on the power of the Great Prince and his team to suppress the monsters at this time.

But you have to know that Lin Ke and his team have no support!

The monsters in the Lava Swamp are endless, but the nobles in the Gula Kingdom are limited, or the nobles willing to support Lin Ke and his team are limited.

At this time, some monsters have passed through the defense line and came to the city wall, fighting with the defenders.

There are four types of nobles, one is a professional with strong personal strength, one is good at leading troops in battle, and the last is both or none.

Fortunately, most of them here belong to the first three types.

"Your Highness Lika, why don't you take action?" Lin Ke was manipulating the air pressure shield to form an attack method similar to the wind blade. At the same time, he had to pay attention to the form and let Auf support some weak parts at any time.

"I... I'm afraid I can't control myself!" Princess Lika's voice was a little hesitant.

Lin Ke knew that Princess Lika had told him that she was born sensitive to killing. Since she was a child, Emperor Wumian and others tried to prevent her from getting lost in killing and let her contact these things as little as possible.

It is said that it was because the law contained in a skill trait of the Five-Colored Dragon Mother was inherited by Lika.

But this time...

"Lika, didn't His Majesty Wumian tell you to come here to kill monsters?! He must have known these things a long time ago, just go ahead and kill them!"

Lin Ke couldn't care so much at this time. Princess Lika was only twelve years old, but she already had the strength of level six. The more strength she had, the more strength she had!

"Okay!" Lika's green eyes flashed with a bewitching light. She bit her lower lip lightly, and the corners of her mouth curved up, and her body was inexplicably excited.

A level 3 wild boar rushed forward along the spider silk.

At this moment, Lika screamed and raised the pink scepter in her hand high. Some kind of fluctuation immediately spread far away from the top of the scepter.

The body of the wild boar that was rushing forward suddenly trembled, and small flowers quietly bloomed from its body.

[Tree Shepherd Banshee] Combination Skills——The Beginning of All Things!

The flowers that appeared on the wild boar grew rapidly, and the roots penetrated deeply into its body, absorbing nutrients from it.

In addition to wild boars, many wild beasts were the same, either with seeds growing from their bodies or directly breaking through their skin.

These monsters often carry seeds on their skin or in their bodies.

However, due to the level of Lika, only some low-level monsters were killed.

Lika's bloodline was inherited from the "Emerald Tree Court" of the Five-Colored Dragon Mother. It is green among the five colors. It can be regarded as one of the king bloodlines in plants and is extremely powerful.

"Hahaha, little Lika, can you only kill pigs?"

Above, the voice of [Mist Banshee] came down, followed by her figure.

[Mist Banshee] swept down with rolling mist, and only the head could be seen as a human figure, and the rest was mist.

"Mist, go back to your battlefield!"

Lika was originally a little excited because of killing at this time. After being stimulated by [Mist Banshee], the green in her pupils became more and more weird.

[Mist Banshee] chuckled, and with rolling mist, she came down and circled around Rika, and stretched out her pink tongue to gently lick Rika's face.

"Ahhhhh!! Mist!" Princess Rika's face flushed.

She took out a bottle made of emerald from the space ring and drank the potion in it.

Her momentum also grew rapidly.

Level 6... Level 7... Level 8... Level 10...

"You are crazy! Order potion!" [Mist Banshee] screamed, and quickly broke away from the wall, and swept towards the monster tide below.

When the monster touched the mist, its body turned into a pool of pus in an instant, and the high-level monsters also had their fur defenses corroded.

However, the figure of [Mist Banshee] was getting farther and farther away from the fortress, as if she was avoiding something.

Lin Ke also found that Rika's momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and finally reached a level of about level 15!

"Ahhh! Misty! You were born a hundred years earlier than me. When I become a legend, I will definitely kill you!!"

Rika screamed, her face flushed.

But as she screamed, large groups of monsters fell down and turned into nutrients for plants.

And with Rika's output, those plants grew more and more, and grew faster and faster.

Under the stimulation of Rika's power, various plants gradually twisted and turned into vines with poisonous thorns.

The vines twitched around like whips, and the monsters that were hit bled, and the vines absorbed all the blood of those monsters.

As the vines became more and more, the light in Rika's green eyes became more and more green.

The countless monsters and human corpses under the fortress all became nutrients for the growth of vines.

"The taste of blood..." Rika licked her lips, her expression was indescribably weird.

Lin Ke had just killed a black panther with a sword, and in a blink of an eye he saw Rika's appearance.

"Rika, how are you?" Lin Ke asked loudly. The battlefield was chaotic, so he had to ask loudly.

"I'm fine! Hahaha... Hehe..." Lika laughed, her hair flying, completely different from her usual ladylike demeanor.

Now she looked like a demon girl.

Tree-herding demon girl... Lin Ke chewed Lika's blood and Lika's profession, and seemed to understand something.

But just because of this distraction, he was immediately beaten by a monkey.

He immediately got angry, and backhanded seven or eight air blades, mincing the two-level monkey into minced meat.

The advantage of his air blade over the wind blade is that the air blade can be controlled by him at will in terms of direction and speed, while the wind blade is an arrow that has been released from the string and cannot be controlled.

And with Lika's outbreak and the addition of the mist girl, the situation on the battlefield has become very clear.

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