This lord is very scientific.

Chapter 2 The Eldest Son of the Castle

Lin Ke sunk his body comfortably into the soft and expensive velvet, and breathed a long sigh of relief as the servant fanned the tail feather fan made of Gula peacock.

Cool, cozy and relaxing.

It was completely different from the way he pretended to be crazy when he smashed the King of Gods Zernitaar to death an hour ago.

He closed his eyes and thought quietly.

It’s been several years since you traveled through time, right?

He is six years old this year.

I couldn't speak when I first came here, but fortunately the writing here is hieroglyphic, so it's not too difficult to learn.

The pronunciation of this speech is somewhat similar to the pronunciation of the Latin writing system.

Although it is similar to the previous life, it is definitely not the previous life.

Sometimes he still misses everything about the blue planet.

Worry about how your parents are doing over there, whether your relatives and friends are well, whether red flags are filling the universe...

However, time travel is time travel.

And the King of the Gods, who had just exhausted himself with math problems, proved that his initial judgment was wrong.

This seems not to be an ordinary material world like medieval Europe, but a magical place.

"Master, the bath water has been boiled, and the milk of the Gula cow, the flower bones of the perilla grass and the juice of the Taotao fruit have been added to it."

Suddenly, a man wearing bright red luxurious silk walked into his room and reminded him in a soft but clear voice.

"I know, Uncle Billy." Lin Ke opened his eyes, jumped out of the chair, and took off his clothes with the help of the servant as he walked.

No way, I'm used to it.

This is the evil and decadent life of feudalism.

This kind of clothing that is obviously biased toward Western-style aristocrats has layers of layers and more complexity than the sweetest layer cake in this castle.

He had no idea which layers of clothing needed to be removed and how.

Ever since he almost strangled himself when he was three years old when he wanted to take off his clothes, he felt that he still had to fit in with this era. For example, in the decadent aristocratic life, he needed someone to help him take off his clothes.

Taking off your clothes is like cracking a machine, so you might as well ask a servant to come.

"Where is my mother?"

"Madam was invited by the eldest lady to enjoy afternoon tea."

"Is there someone following you? Is my mother's safety guaranteed?"

"Madam, actually..."

"Well, needless to say, she doesn't dare. I know that. By the way, my mother doesn't know that I went out to play, right?"

"have no idea……"

Taking off exquisite, luxurious and cool clothes all the way, Lin Ke chatted with Billy, and then finally walked from the seat in the hall to the bathroom twenty meters away from the seat.

There was no way. In the evil feudal era, the bedroom had its own oversized bathtub and toilet. It was so comfortable that you had to walk twenty meters to take a bath.


The servant wanted to help Lin Ke take off the last line of defense, but Lin Ke slapped his hand away.

Opening the door, the baby-fat Lin Ke entered the bathroom, swinging the baby elephant.

Only the butler named "Billy" followed in, while the servants were waiting outside.

The bathroom is also very large, a bit like the fish pond next to the flower bed in the previous life. It is paved with various pebbles around it. There is a running water entrance at the bottom and an exit above it, leading to the outside of the castle.


Lin Ke jumped in. The one-meter-deep ruler was just right for his six-year-old body.

The housekeeper looked on with a smile. When Lin Ke showed his head and leaned against the wall, soaking in the water, he spoke softly:

"Master, do you want to report today too?"

Lin Ke nodded lightly and said in a sweet voice: "My father is not here. As the eldest son, I naturally have to help aunt share the family affairs. Well, let me pick something important."

Butler Billy nodded slightly in approval, and then spoke softly: "The maid Sophie spilled a bowl of soup and was punished by the head maid and was not allowed to eat dinner; the hunter in the forest captured a wild boar and used the milk of the Gula cow. It’s cooked and added..."

"Stop! Stop! Uncle Billy."

Lin Ke rubbed his brows with his chubby little hands and said helplessly: "Important information, important information! I'm very busy today, I only listen to the important ones!"

He doesn't have much time to understand some trivial things right now!

There is another system reward that I haven’t looked at yet!

He is very interested in magical things now, and just listen to the important things about family matters.

Moreover, there is an urgent need to resolve the curse that appears to be a blessing.

"As you command, my little master."

Billy didn't care, he put his right hand on his chest and bowed, and then said after careful consideration: "The people from the purchasing team want to go to the nearest city for purchasing, and are going to the eldest lady's room to ask for instructions..."

Just as he was talking, a valet suddenly ran into the bedroom and said in a panic outside the bathroom door: "It's not good! John said the lady has been punished!"

Mother was punished? !

Lin Ke suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the water, and looked outside coldly: "Wasn't my mother invited by the eldest lady to drink tea?"

"Just... it's just that the eldest lady punished the madam, John said!" The manservant outside the door shouted breathlessly.

Was his mother punished? !

"Change!" Lin Ke's voice was filled with anger: "Punishment!?"

At this time, afterimages appeared on Billy's hands. He quickly wiped Lin Ke's body and put on his clothes without making a sound.

Lin Ke didn't say much and hurriedly left his huge bedroom.

"The future little master of the castle is really filial and sensitive..." Billy sighed, but he knew that the eldest lady and Lin Ke's mother were actually brothers and sisters.

It's just that Young Master Lin Ke doesn't know why, but he has always been full of prejudice against the eldest lady.

After thinking about it, Billy shook his head, and then went into the bathroom to deal with the milk-scented bath water.

What Lin Ke just took was not a bath at all, at most it was just a moment of rest, but the bath water also had to be replaced.

"Morton, come in and clean up all this water!"

"Da da da……"

Lin Ke walked quickly on the stone tile floor of the castle, with many thoughts in his mind, and he turned a blind eye to the luggage gifts of the servants around him.

"What happened to the young master today?"

"Andrew's legs, the young master seems to have something on his mind."

Andrew's Leg, similar to "Merlin's Beard" in the previous life, is a modal particle.

The servants whispered after Lin Ke passed by, which was extremely strange.

"The young master is so precocious, he will definitely be able to solve it."

"Of course, the young master's bloodline is Azan's bloodline."

"May the glory always envelope the family and everything goes smoothly!"

In the past, the young master would smile and nod to them, and be very friendly. He would not look so uncertain and in a hurry like today.

But the servants didn't talk much, after all, they all had their own things to do.

And Lin Ke.

He was in a very bad mood at this time.

What god had just been killed...Using this to judge that this world is not an ordinary medieval world as imagined...

I originally thought about taking control of my family and dominating the world...

Now that I think about it, it is more important to understand the magical system of this world.

This is a world not the Western Middle Ages! The culture, customs, traditions, writing, etc. here are all different from those in the West in the previous life.

In this magical world, strength always comes first!

I don't have time to deal with any nonsense in the family. I originally wanted to deal with the eldest lady slowly.

After all, in a world where personal strength is not much different, tactics and wisdom are extremely important, but in a world where personal strength is very different, it is different.

There is also a curse. Although it will appear in a year, a weak existence like him will not be enough in front of the king of gods' mortal enemy.

Rather than worrying unfoundedly, it is better to find solutions.

And he has a system, maybe the bridge will be straight from the bow of the ship.

And his mother, I hope his mother is okay, otherwise he will definitely not let go with the eldest lady.

Go quickly and bring your mother back, and then study the system and curse.

The other thing is to understand and inquire more about the magic system.


Finally, the worried Lin Ke stood in front of a gorgeous blue wood door and let out a long breath.

He straightened his clothes, then pushed it away with both hands.


With a soft sound, he stepped into the eldest lady's room.

"Lin Ke, what's the matter?"

As soon as he opened the door, a cordial greeting came from the front.

kind? Sure enough, beautiful women are the best at pretending... Lin Ke sneered in his heart and raised his head to look.

I saw a graceful and luxurious woman sitting on a beautifully decorated chair, looking at Lin Ke with a smile on her face.

The tone was full of fondness.

But Lin Ke knows that this is all pretending!


Once this lady wanted to kill him! The eldest lady thought he didn't know, but as a young boy he had the soul of his previous life.

So he knew that the feigned joy and affection in the lady's tone was to show to the other three people.

The three people standing next to the eldest lady were the captain of the guard in armor, the tall and thick head maid, and the last one was the captain of the purchasing team.

"Auntie, where is my mother?"

Lin Ke's voice was calm, and his six-year-old body walked into the room and looked around.

His mother was not found.

Where? ! !

"Lin Ke, I'm talking about something right now. It's not convenient. Why don't you go out for a while?" The eldest lady said with a smile.

Lin Ke frowned when he saw the eldest lady's serious expression: "I am the future heir of this castle! I can intervene in anything."

"Until your father dies with endless glory, you are just the 'future' heir." The eldest lady smiled, squinted her eyes, and then took a bite of the small sour berries beside her, looking relaxed and at ease.

"What's the reason? The reason to punish my mother!" Lin Ke narrowed his eyes and asked again.

"Reason? Because she stepped into my boudoir first with her right foot." The eldest lady laughed, as if she was amused by this reason.

The right foot steps in first? !


Lin Ke didn't think it was funny at all, and at the same time he felt even more angry.

So he ignored the eldest lady and looked at the burly man who looked like an Orion in the purchasing team, preparing to use his trump card for survival: "Tell me, are you loyal to Azan or Brando? "

Azane family!

Lin Ke's full name here is "Lin Ke Azane".

This is Azan Castle!

And his aunt, the eldest wife of his bastard father, is from the "Brando" family.

When the man who looked like an Orion heard the name "Azan", he immediately knelt down on one knee and lowered his head with a bang:

"I will defend the glory of the Azane family to the death, until the stars fall, the world collapses, and the rules are destroyed...even until death."

ps: Begging for tickets!

Cultivation? No, not to become immortal.

What I cultivate is true.


As a person seeking the Tao, Mo Chuan entered the Tao through the Five Animals Exercises, raised the spirit deer horn fairy, and stepped into the world of cultivating immortals.

The vast heaven and earth, the countless dust, the fairy mountains, the pastoral idyll, I ride the spirit deer, walk lightly in the light rain, to prove my true self, to clarify my heart.

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