This lord is very scientific.

Chapter 94 Problem Solving and Feedback (4k)

The lawn outside Azaan Castle.

Laplace's eyes were blazing: "I'll show you how powerful this skill that 'just' improves thinking is!"

It was Laplace's turn to ask Lin Ke questions.

He didn't know why, but when he saw Lin Ke solve the problem he had been thinking about for a long time so easily, he was very angry and furious!

Why? ! Why? !

He worked so hard, so hard.

He kept his study time for more than six hours every day!

He dropped the [Knight] training, and the original two hours of knight training only lasted for one hour a day.

He got up at six o'clock every day, and started studying and exploring after breakfast and brunch.

He even gave up becoming the fastest growing [Scholar] and became a [Mathematician] directly.

Because he really likes math!

He likes dealing with those numbers, and likes the feedback the world gives him after solving math problems.

He likes his father's support and encouragement, and his teacher's love and praise for him.

However, none of these are as attractive to him as math.

He really likes math too much!

Because of this, Laplace was getting more and more angry at this time.

He was the only son of the Marquis of Ice.

He was highly expected by the Marquis of Ice and invested a lot of gold coins.

He used the best and most comfortable parchment, and the pen he wrote with was also enchanted by the [Secret Scribe], which could clear his mind and concentrate his attention.

His teacher was the disciple of the [Mathematician] Ju Liuhe, a level 10 [Mathematician].

But what about Lin Ke?

He was just the heir of a little viscount in the countryside!

He just used his cuteness and handsomeness to flatter His Highness Lika, a lecher!

He... He was not worthy of doing math problems!

He must have been able to answer math problems because of that high-level professional.

It must be a coincidence, yes, a coincidence!

Because the high-level professional had also asked Lin Ke about the questions he asked before and showed Lin Ke the answers.

Yes, it must be like this!

Then I will ask some modified questions, not the original ones...

Laplace's eyes were red, and he still had the equations on his head. He blurted out without hesitation: "I am walking towards you, 120 kilometers apart, my speed is 40 kilometers per hour, and your speed is 20 kilometers per hour. How long will it take for us to meet?"

Naseng's time and distance have unified units of measurement.

This is the question that Laplace has modified, with numbers and questions changed.

After hearing this, everyone immediately started brainstorming, and they all thought this way of literary competition was very interesting.

Of course, Lika, Fulong and other poor students didn't think so.

Lika only asked the first question at the beginning, but she was not interested in it later, eating sour fruit cakes one by one.

She and Fulong next to her chattered about some novel plots, such as those written by Lin Ke, and some novels that Fulong had read before.

In the end, even Antowa joined their discussion, and the three women were obviously having a lot of fun.

The other men watched Lin Ke and Laplace's literary competition carefully from the side.

Men and women have different interests.

At this time, Lin Ke shook his head after hearing Laplace's question, and answered almost instantly: "Two hours."

At the same time, he couldn't help but thank the twelve years of general education in his previous life, which prevented him from being too biased in one subject, and at the same time, the education after college allowed him to study in depth.

He has a little depth and breadth.

Although it is not particularly broad or deep, it is enough to cope with it here.

However, this is a bit scary in Laplace's eyes.

"This is impossible!" Laplace saw that Lin Ke gave the answer without thinking much, and his face was full of disbelief.

Why can this Lin Ke answer such a question so quickly!

What went wrong? !

Lin Ke is now too lazy to let this farce called "noble duel" continue.

In his eyes, Laplace, a primary school student, doesn't know what jealousy is.

Either he was used as a gun and he didn't know it, or he was just a child's competitiveness.

As for being used as a gun?

Lin Keke saw that among the crowd, there were several nobles who were clearly old enemies of the Azann family.

Just then, Butler Billy's paper and pen arrived.

The surrounding nobles immediately turned their attention to the papers, their eyes full of curiosity and inquiry, but the noble etiquette prevented them from asking too many questions.

It was time for a duel!

Lin Ke took the paper and pen, spread them on a small table, and began to write and draw.

First, there was an xy coordinate axis, marked with arrows, and then a parabola was drawn.

It read:

Given y = ax + bx + c (a ≠ 0), the vertex of this equation in the plane is on the line y = -1/2x-1, and passes through point A (4, 0).

(1) Find the analytical expression of the parabola.

(2) Let P be the vertex of the parabola. Is there a point B on the parabola that makes the quadrilateral OPAB a trapezoid? If so, find the coordinates of point B. If not, please prove the reason.

(3) Let point C (1, -3). Please determine a point D on the axis of symmetry of the parabola so that the value of |AD-CD| is the largest. Please write the coordinates of point D.


After thinking about it, Lin Ke only wrote three questions, ensuring that the questions were at the junior high school level, not high school level, and not difficult like calculus.

After all, mathematics is Lin Ke's hobby here. Everyone only knows that Lin Ke is smart, but they don't know that Lin Ke can also do mathematics.

No one in Azan Castle ever knew math.

The only variable is Aof, so now everyone just thinks that Aof taught Lin Ke about mathematics.

Of course they didn't know that Auf himself didn't have great mathematical attainments.

At this time, Lin Ke wanted to prevent his math problems from being spread out and attracting a lot of mathematics professionals to explore, which would be troublesome.

Perhaps after a while, after Garrose returns, Lin Ke can consider doing this to attract talents.

At this time, Gou Yibo.

In the process of writing, Lin Ke changed numbers, letters, symbols, titles, etc. into Nasenger's language.

He already knew these conversions by heart, so he wrote the questions quickly.

But it also took nearly five minutes.

While he was writing, the nobles around him did not just watch, but chatted freely.

Most of the topics revolved around Lin Ke's intelligence and the plant fiber paper.

Needless to say, Lin Ke's intelligence was the envy of the surrounding nobles.

After all, at the same age, these nobles may still be busy exploring the mysteries of physiology or the mysteries of maids. In short, they will not be mathematical mysteries.

There are also a small number of nobles discussing Princess Lika and Auf, and a very few are curious about what will happen to Azan after Garose's death.

After the news about Auf almost destroying Parrot City spread, the news about Garose's accident also spread.

This made the nobles have a wrong idea.

However, after seeing a heir as smart and full of potential as Lin Ke, coupled with Aofu's power, the nobles' thoughts were a lot lighter.

Now, what the nobles want is to make friends with Lin Ke and become familiar with Princess Lika. After all, it is really rare for a princess like Lika to come to the countryside.

"It's finished." Lin Ke got up from the chair and moved his hands and feet.

The people around him immediately turned their attention.

They wanted to see if this little noble from the countryside had the strength to defeat a third-level [Mathematician] in a literary battle as a second-level [scholar].

"Well, it seems that Mr. Xiao Linke is confident."

"Goddess of Fortune, what did Mr. Lin Ke write?"

"Ahem, I bet the goddess of wealth will never understand. She is just a poor bastard who gained godhood after being pitied."

"Nonsense! At least she is a big, round, and thin-waisted wretch!"

"Oh? Have you seen it? Andrew's Leg, would you like this gentleman to lend me a moment to speak..."

"Okay you two! The topic has changed!"

The topics of the nobles tended to be in an indescribable direction. Fortunately, Lin Ke's question attracted them again.

The surrounding nobles looked at the finished product in Lin Ke's hands curiously. Lin Ke also lifted the paper for others to see, of course mainly for Laplace.

"What on earth is written in this..."

"Well, I can understand these common languages. I just need to figure out that thing."

"Me too, that's what this sentence means, yes, that's right."

"Nonsense, you know the meaning of each word, but do you know what the combination means?"

"It's a bit difficult. I swear on the name of my family that this question is really difficult..."

The nobles communicated in low voices, and then suddenly for the first time they felt that the little country noble in front of them was something special.

In other words, the heir to a small rural noble is not simple.

In their view, Azane was originally located in the southernmost part of the Black and White Kingdom, and there were only two most famous things here.

One is the Gula cattle at Gula Ranch, and the other is the parrot spectacle that happens once every few years in Parrot City.

However, the Gula cattle in Gula Ranch are actually equivalent to the specialties of a certain local county that were famous in the province. They rarely spread outside the country, and the same is true in Parrot City.

As a result, this is a remote countryside, and many nobles don't even know which noble territory is in the southernmost part of the Black and White Kingdom.

They generally regard the lava swamp as the land of the Kingdom of Black and White, that is, the territory of the Tide Lady, and that is the real frontier.

Even those who came to celebrate, most of them came because they heard that a strong man above level fifteen had appeared, mainly to make friends or to find out information.

But now, I have to say that Lin Ke has been remembered by them.

This is the heir of a small nobleman who is quite intelligent and may have good bloodline.

Of course, Laplace didn't think so.

I saw that the equations above his head were emitting stronger and stronger light, and at the same time, the pupils in his eyes became whiter and whiter, and the whole eyeballs almost turned into glass beads!

"No... no... this... this is a field that only my teacher can study!" Laplace raised his head in shock, staggered over, gently took the paper from Lin Ke's hand, and looked at Lin Ke in disbelief: " know how?"

He couldn't believe it.

He had only seen this kind of question in the notes of his tenth-level teacher, and even a certain skill level of the teacher was based on this kind of mathematics.

That skill, once released, will cause a strong mental impact that ordinary [Scholar] professionals cannot withstand, even some more advanced [Warrior] professionals.

A powerful math skill!

Even his mentor was praised by [Mathematician] Ju Liuhe as a "smart little guy" because of this, and his mentor has always been proud of him.

And that kind of skill is completely his teacher's unique skill, and it will be a skill that will be passed down to him in the future.

Now, in front of him, this little heir to a country noble actually wrote this type of question? !

"Is your teacher studying analytic geometry? Where did he study it?" Lin Ke was no longer interested in the primary school students in front of him, and was more interested in Laplace's teacher.

"I...I don't know..." Looking at Lin Ke's expression, Laplace understood.

It was a kind of disdain and contempt, or indifference, and a hint of curiosity and interest.

Ignorance of Laplace, and curiosity about his teacher.

Just like the fishermen's ignorance of shrimps and curiosity about tuna.

He immediately knew that the Lin Ke in front of him, or the Lord Aof behind Lin Ke, must be far beyond the level of him and his teacher in the field of mathematics.

That’s why we can ask the question “Where did his research go?”

Thinking of this, Laplace bit his lip: "I give up...can you tell me how to solve it?"

The nobleman's sense of honor did not allow him to deny defeat in front of everyone. The rules of the previous bet also stated that the solution must be revealed to be considered a solution.

Now, what he hopes most is that Lin Ke actually doesn't know how to solve this problem. Lin Ke actually found the problem from Aof's research.

In this case, it can also prove that Lin Ke is not as good as Laplace imagined, and at least he can restore a little bit of his dignity.

But it was a pity that Lin Ke nodded and agreed to what he said: "This question is very simple..."

He began to explain, writing on a piece of paper beside him as he explained.

People around him turned their heads to take a look. When they found that they couldn't understand or understand, they put their heads back.

Lin Ke, on the other hand, did not make any extra moves after he finished speaking. He just waited for Laplace to think about it, and the equations above Laplace's head lit up one after another.

From time to time, Laplace would ask questions, and Lin Ke would answer them. After all, he didn't want to offend a marquis' son because of Rika, and it seemed that the marquis only had one son.

But from this incident, Lin Ke also discovered it.

The superiority of the previous life is not only reflected in the nine-year compulsory education, but also in the centralized education system and knowledge sharing.

Unlike now, Laplace's teachers are only studying junior high school mathematics and are not exploring more advanced directions.

Having no direction is the scariest thing.

"I...I really lost..."

Finally, Laplace said these words with a dejected look on his face.

He is still not an adult, no matter how noble he is, his emotions will show on his face.

But just when he retracted his skills, he suddenly froze, then closed his eyes and stayed there.

"Is this... getting feedback?" Earl Jusword, as the strongest person here, actually exclaimed in surprise.

Laplace, because of Lin Ke's teaching, received feedback?

Then there was an uproar.

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