This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Iona no longer considered herself a sinner.

In fact, it had been a long time since Iona had come to that conclusion and erased the existence of Nils and Yvonne.

What she was facing now was merely an afterimage of the past.

Such a mirage could easily be dispelled with a mere few gestures.

However, if there was a real reason why Iona had been a bystander since returning to the past, it was simply because she didnt want to dirty her hands with blood.

She refused to be seen as a heartless woman who, like before, killed all the members of the Modrov family and took over the family. Such a notorious reputation would only hinder her future plans.

Iona wanted her revenge to be more covert, indirect, and to torment them longer.

Thats why I tried to borrow the help of the imperial family.

Thinking this, Yvonne might have unwittingly helped Iona greatly with her recent actions.

While a community that commits evil deeds together surely has a strong bond, such a temporary alliance loses its meaning easily in the face of personal crisis.

Iona could easily imagine Yvonne and Florence tearing each other apart to shift the blame.

But to make the mouse bite the cat, it was necessary to corner Yvonne even more.

Forgiveness? Who is forgiving whom?

Unable to contain her anger, Yvonne stood up abruptly.

Her voice, mixed with various emotions, trembled unsightly.

Yvonne spat out each word of her accusation towards Iona as if chewing them.

You crazy bitch, limit your delusions. Youre just a beggar picking up scraps weve thrown away. Youre not in a position to act all high and mighty in front of me!

That was the case before, not now.

Ha, have you gone mad? Do you think working under the Crown Prince makes you something special? Ah... so thats your way? Rising in status by catching a mans eye.

Yvonne sneered with a twisted face.

Iona briefly dropped her gaze onto Yvonnes tightly clenched fist. Then, she spoke with feigned pity.

Its not that Ive risen, but youve fallen. Down to where I am.

If Yvonne, like a countess, had merely ignored and despised her, Iona would have lived her life in guilt.

Yet, Yvonne did not do so. She had stooped to rock bottom to confront Iona.

Iona sneered.

What kind of noble lady would resort to using men to ruin another womans life?

What nonsense are you spouting? Are you... are you suspecting me?

Yvonnes pupils quivered noticeably.

Despite this, seeing her attempt to feign ignorance, Iona thought that Yvonnes survival instinct was, at least, commendable.

Yvonne, hastily composing herself, glared at Iona with icy eyes.

I see why youve suddenly appeared and stirred up this mess. But youve picked the wrong person. This has nothing to do with me.

Even as she claimed innocence, Yvonne nervously fidgeted with her hands.

Iona, without responding, silently observed Yvonne for a long while.

Unable to bear the lengthy silence, Yvonne finally stood up abruptly.

I dont know why Im even listening to this nonsense. Hey! Stop the carriage, Im getting off.

Yvonne shouted irritably at the coachman.

However, the carriage didnt stop; instead, it sped up.

It hit a bump, jolting upwards sharply before settling back down.

Caught off guard by the sudden shock, Yvonne nearly lost her balance and fell backward.

A swiftly extended hand grabbed Yvonnes arm, preventing her from falling onto the seat. It was a relief, but whether it was fortunate was uncertain.

The excessive grip on her wrist was painfully intense.

Ah! Yvonne screamed in pain, as if her wrist was about to break.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Yvonne glared at Iona and yelled.

Let go, it hurts, its painful!

Iona knew well that silence could provoke a multitude of imaginations.

Deliberate silence brought a growing unease to Yvonnes face.

Trapped in an enclosed space with Iona, Yvonne was uncertain about their destination. She had no hope that the coachman, who had ignored her command to stop, was heading to the destination she had initially requested.

It hurts... Yvonnes voice trailed off as she desperately looked around for an escape.

Just then, the carriage gradually slowed down and came to a halt.

Thinking it was an opportunity to escape, Yvonne quickly shook off Ionas hand and clung to the door handle.

Iona simply left Yvonne be, knowing well that Yvonne could never step outside.

Upon spotting the security force building through the window, the very place where Brantley was detained, Yvonne inhaled sharply.

Observing Yvonnes reaction, Iona feigned ignorance and urged her.

What are you waiting for? You said you wanted to get out.

Yvonne abruptly turned to Iona, seemingly wanting to ascertain Ionas intentions for bringing her here.

Iona kindly resolved Yvonnes curiosity.

Lets go prove your innocence. The man who attacked me said he didnt know the clients face, but he clearly remembered the voice. It wont take long to identify.

You... To me... You think you can get away with this insult?

Why wouldnt I be safe? Your father, who could take your side, is not in the capital, and your brother is too busy watching his step to cross me.

Yvonne seemed not to fully grasp the situation she was in.

Iona added, in a tone like one soothing a child,

Even if I drag you in there, Yvonne, no one can stop me.


So, dont waste your time scheming and make a wise choice. Its not like you and Florence are such loyal friends that youd take the fall for all her crimes.

Yvonne turned her face back to the window, hiding any trace of truth that might inadvertently show on her face. Leaning her forehead against the door, she struggled to organize her chaotic thoughts.

Iona knew everything.

She knew about Yvonnes secret plotting with Florence and that if she just waited a little longer, she could bring Yvonne here without any trouble, right from her doorstep.

Im innocent... No matter how much you slander me, something thats not true will never be true...

Yvonne continued to deny, knowing full well it was futile. It was her only option.

Iona easily dismantled Yvonnes weak arguments.

If I am mistaken, I will relinquish the Modrov name as my responsibility for the error. That way, your wish will be granted, and my marriage will be off. What do you say? Isnt that a fair deal?

It was an offer that seemed generous but was actually close to mockery.

The hint of laughter in Ionas voice made that clear.

Leaning towards Yvonne, Iona whispered, Why hesitate? Its a simple task; just let him hear your voice. Acting as if youre guilty of something.

Yvonne had lost all will to fight.

Iona appeared determined to drag her to the security force building, and that would be the end.

Brantley, desperate to reduce his sentence, wouldnt pretend not to know her.

I should have killed him immediately when things went south.

Regretting it now was pointless.

Yvonne had been too complacent, not having incited something as grave as murder. But the things Yvonne truly wanted to do to Iona were far worse.

And yet, she couldnt even inflict a scratch and was played by her opponent.

Tears of regret reddened Yvonnes eyes. Not for her actions, but for failing to execute them properly.

Alright, I was wrong, okay? Im sorry! Youre just so stubborn...! It was just a moment of anger. I wont do it again... So, lets just move past this.

Even in such a moment, Yvonne believed in Ionas mercy. For years, no matter what she had done to Iona, she had always been forgiven.

Yvonne didnt even consider it forgiveness.

To her, Iona was a sinner who had to endure and suffer through any harsh ordeal.

Iona shattered Yvonnes delusion with a calm statement.

I told you, Yvonne. I cant always forgive you.

Her attitude was cold, as if dealing with a complete stranger.

Only then did Yvonne start to tremble, overwhelmed by a sudden fear.

The prospect of public shame and finger-pointing once this incident became known wasnt hard to imagine.

What would her punishment be? Could she possibly be bailed out?

While pondering these anxious thoughts about her uncertain future, Yvonne suddenly remembered Ionas advice to make a wise choice.

Desperate, clutching at straws, Yvonne urgently asked.

What do you want...? There must be something you desire to pull such a stunt!

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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