This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Excuse me?

Before Iona could even ask what that sudden exclamation was about, Saskia hurriedly left.

She moved so swiftly that by the time Iona reached out to catch her, Saskia had already disappeared into the crowd.

Knowing that following Saskia wouldnt lead to any further conversation, Iona merely watched her with her eyes.

An emergency at home all of a sudden? That doesnt sound sincere...

Iona was taken aback by Saskias abrupt declaration of departure but soon passed the empty glass she had been holding to a waiter, regaining her composure. She had been thinking of going to greet Leroy, who had just arrived.

It was disappointing not to be able to introduce Saskia to Leroy, but this was an issue that could easily be rescheduled for another time.

By then, Leroy had made his way down the stairs and blended into the crowd.

Even though the hall was overly crowded, it wasnt difficult to spot Leroy. He was tall, and more notably, a noticeable crowd had gathered around where he stood.

It seemed that Leroy had also noticed her, as he was making his way through the crowd towards her.

Just as Leroy was close enough for a handshake, a familiar face appeared from the side.


Iona stopped in her tracks, bewildered.

Was Richard also surprised by this unexpected three-way encounter? His expression was unusually stern.

While Iona hesitated, taken aback by Richards unexpected appearance, Leroy naturally came to stand beside her and greeted Richard.

Its been a while, Your Highness the Crown Prince.

It was just as Leroy had anticipated.

Standing there, it seemed to everyone that Leroy was the man Iona had chosen as her partner for the day.

Others also seemed to sense the peculiar atmosphere, casting curious glances at the trio. They didnt speak openly, but everyone there harbored the same thought.

Why was the woman who attended as the Crown Princes partner wearing a matching outfit with the Duke?

It almost looks like a love triangle.

A provocative speculation leaked out from the crowd.

Feeling the eyes on them, one of the group sharply countered.

Dont say such nonsense. Its not like Dame Iona and His Highness the Crown Prince are romantically involved.

Though the statement wasnt incorrect, the current situation did unfold an intriguing dynamic.

Wasnt this like a scene where two men seemed to be in a subtle rivalry over one woman?

Regardless of the truth, it was clear that an intriguing spectacle had emerged. Everyone watched the trios conversation in silent anticipation.

Is this the first time weve met since the Duke visited the Crown Princes palace?

Richard extended his hand to Leroy, as if to shake hands, with a relaxed smile on his face as though he had never been stern.

However, his eyes were sharply assessing his opponent.

Leroy calmly shook Richards hand, nodding in agreement.

Indeed, we havent had the chance to meet since then.

I would have welcomed you warmly had you come to visit.

I regret not understanding your intentions earlier and missing the opportunity for a good meeting.

The two men released their handshake almost simultaneously.

The interaction between Leroy and Richard seemed amiable, devoid of any unnecessary show of strength. This disappointed some onlookers who had been hoping for a more exciting display of rivalry.

It was well-known that the Crown Prince was fostering harmony by arranging a union between his favored subordinate and the Duke.

The main topic of discussion was whether the Duke would put aside past grievances and join hands with the royal family. From the looks of it, the union of the two forces seemed almost predestined.

Reflecting on it, Leroys decision to match his outfit with Iona was a symbolic statement in itself.

Im glad to see you again like this. Ah, I heard you graciously yielded the role of Dame Ionas partner to me. Im grateful.

There was no reason for me not to allow it. It was a gesture of encouragement from a respected sovereign to his subordinate.

Leroy responded with a polished smile.

While Richards side had emphasized that he was Ionas real partner, Leroy adorned his reply with political implications, suggesting Richards presence was merely to show support for his subordinate.

Considering that Richards offer to partner with Iona predated the incidents involving Florence, Leroys interpretation was quite far-fetched.

However, Richard did not object to Leroys words.

Showing personal emotions here would gain him nothing.

Richards gaze grew colder.

Yes, you are a man of great understanding.

I am honored by your compliment, though, in fact, there are few as narrow-minded as myself.

Saying so, Leroy extended his hand to Iona.

Iona, who had been listening intently to their conversation, reflexively responded.

Leroy took her hand firmly, interlocking their fingers.

Considering the recent events, I cannot overlook the indignities Dame Iona has suffered. Even if the perpetrator was someone extremely close to her.

While this ostensibly referred to Yvonne, Leroy was actually pointing to the entire Modrov family.

With this, Leroy had laid the groundwork for a future attack on the Modrov family, making it seem justified in the eyes of others.

After a moment of contemplation, Iona chose a suitable response.

You neednt worry about it. Its all in the past now.

The more you try to dismiss it, the more worried I become. You always tell me everything is fine, no matter what happens.

Leroy looked at Iona, his tone one of gentle reproach, as if he genuinely cared for her.

Iona remembered that after the incident at the soiree became public, Leroy was the first to send someone to inquire about her well-being.

Though busy with various matters and unable to meet him in person, she thought she had reassured him sufficiently through correspondence Or had she not?

Leroy, holding Ionas hand, whispered as if sighing.

Dont always try to shoulder everything alone. Remember, there are people who worry about you more than you do.

Iona tried not to misconstrue his concern. She didnt deny that he cared for her, but his exaggerated expression was surely for the benefit of others. fr(e)e

Still, she couldnt deny a faint flutter in her heart at his words.

Suddenly, it struck her. If the play was as sweet as this, she could go along with it indefinitely.

Before Iona could formulate a proper response, Richard, who had been observing, coolly interjected.

What a joyous occasion. To see the two of you progressing so well.

Richard maintained a smile, making it hard to detect any malice in his sudden interruption.

His gaze, initially fixed on Iona, slowly drifted downwards.

Her hand was still firmly clasped in Leroys.

Richard continued in a leisurely tone.

I was worried the Duke might decline my proposal, but it seems my fears were unfounded. I was concerned, not hearing any good news, wondering if the bride I offered wasnt to his liking

Not at all.

Leroy lightly refuted, looking at Iona with affection.

But as a romantic at heart, I cannot choose a life partner based merely on conditions. I needed time to observe and understand my prospective partner.

So, have you made your decision now?

Richard asked, his tone indicating genuine interest.

Richard didnt particularly like how Leroy acted as if he had a personal interest in Iona, stirring up emotions. But in the grand scheme of things, this was merely a minor act of defiance.

Having planted the misconception that Iona was his lover, Leroy probably wanted to provoke jealousy with this childish display.

Nevertheless, the fact remained that Leroy had chosen to bow to the royal family first.

Be it a struggle for power or something else, the victor in this tug-of-war was none other than Richard himself.

This incident has indeed made me realize the depth of my feelings for Dame Iona.

Thats why Richard could easily dismiss Leroys brazen comments with a laugh.

However, the sight of the two acting like affectionate lovers, their hands intertwined, was particularly irritating to his eyes.

No one should dare covet Iona, nor should they lay a finger on her.

She was a woman he could not possess.

If he couldnt have her, then no other man should either.

Richard thought it was time to wrap up this situation and have the first dance with Iona.

That way, he could be alone with her again. As they had been in the past, like the only companions for each other.

Just as Richard was about to affirm their betrothal as a fait accompli by praising the two, Leroy suddenly knelt on one knee.

Whispers and murmurs grew around them.

From Leroys posture alone, everyone could easily guess his next move.

Richard, too, knew what was coming, but he couldnt intervene without drawing suspicion.

With a stern face, he watched Leroy pull out a small box from his pocket. Richard nearly grimaced, but remembering he was in public, he managed to contain his expression. fre(e)

Soon, the jewelry box opened, revealing a ring shining brilliantly inside.

Lady Iona Modrov, I take this moment to formally propose to you.

As if oblivious to the surrounding commotion, Leroy looked only at Iona and asked earnestly,

Will you marry me and spend a lifetime together?

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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