This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Iona found herself unable to refute. The reason was that Florence was speaking of a perspective unknown to Iona.

It was impossible to dismiss as mere delusion the fact that Florence had been attentively observing things Iona had overlooked.

Yet, Iona still firmly believed that Florences suspicions were utterly baseless.

If Richard truly harbored feelings for Iona, he would neither have become engaged to another woman nor arranged her marriage with another man.

That was the common sense of the world, and Ionas view was no different.

Even if Florences previous claims were true, the demands they led to were just as illogical.

Could any man really take advice from the woman he loves about whether to marry another woman?

Upon reflection, it seemed there could be no more ludicrous notion.

I understand you are too shocked to make a sound judgment.

You dont believe me, I see.

I think anyone would feel the same.

Then go and see for yourself! If even your persuasion fails to move Lord Richard, I will gladly step back. Lets go together and speak to His Highness.

With a flushed face, Florence rose from her seat and pulled Iona by the arm.

It was hardly a suitable state to meet a crown prince, and Iona did not wish to be dragged into the troublesome situation of confronting the prince with Florence.

Iona firmly removed Florences hand, which was clinging to her.

Florences body, weakened from skipping meals, had hardly any strength left.

Was it a sense of powerlessness she felt in a situation where nothing went as she wished?

Florence, standing still with a lost expression, eventually couldnt control her emotions and shouted.

Ill know my place from now on and do as Im told! No matter what He does, Ill keep my mouth shut, just let me stay by the Princes side! To be so miserably...

Florences face turned red as if she was about to burst into tears any moment.

In the disarray, Iona sensed danger.

Pursuing My Ex Wife Isnt Easy Ch...

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She knew that her recent tyranny, if leaked, could potentially sway public opinion in her favor. However, it was not the right time to escalate matters.

Today was, after all, the joyful day when Iona had received her marriage proposal from Leroy.

Iona was not so calculating as to overshadow such a happy occasion with scandal.

She wondered if it might be better to find someone from Florences family who had come with her and have them forcibly take Florence home.

As Iona was pondering this internally, suddenly, someone flung the door open.

Lady Iona!


It wasnt just one person who barged in.

Leroy and Richard, with serious expressions, stepped over the threshold upon discovering the two women standing close together.

Iona was greatly taken aback, unable to understand why they had appeared together so abruptly.

Had they heard that she and Florence had disappeared and thought intervention necessary?

Even so, what is the point of barging into a conversation so recklessly?

Furthermore, they positioned themselves protectively in front of Iona, blocking her from Florence, as if to shield her.

This, too, was incomprehensible. Florence was not so threatening that both men needed to protect Iona from her.

Iona was confident that even if Florence lost her temper and attacked, she could subdue her in less than ten seconds.

Are you alright? Youre not hurt, are you?

Of course not.

In response to Leroys question, Iona answered in a voice devoid of any sense of crisis.

Since she didnt seem to have suffered any bad treatment, Richard, after a cursory glance at Iona, did not repeat his question of whether she was alright.

Instead, Richard began to approach Florence, his steps heavy with barely contained anger, as if pressuring her.

Daring to come here, do you wish to announce a breakup in front of everyone?

Richards interrogation cornered Florence in an instant.

A breakup was the very thing Florence had wanted to avoid, to the extent that she bowed her head first to Iona, whom she hated.

Florences face turned pale.

I, I just wanted to.

Florence looked at Iona as if seeking help.

But, of course, there was no reason for Iona to assist Florence.

While Florence fumbled for words, Richard continued with threats.

I had originally planned to announce the breakup after finding clear evidence of the Ladys intent to harm Dame Iona. But it seems changing the order of events doesnt matter much. Once the truth of the matter comes to light, everyone will understand.

Your Highness, I only wanted to clear a misunderstanding with Dame Iona!

Is it your usual practice to shout during conversations?

Richard and Leroy seemed to have gleaned some of the situation from the voices that had leaked outside.

Realizing this, Iona immediately reviewed her conversation with Florence.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there were no direct mentions mixed in about Richard cherishing her as a woman.

If you dont want to be embarrassed in front of everyone, leave the palace immediately. My patience for you has run out.

It was a bone-chilling notification, terrifying in its coldness.

Though unable to see Richards face because she stood behind him, Iona was certain that his expression would adequately convey his anger.

The moment Florence looked up at Richard, she involuntarily flinched and stepped back.

Eventually, Florences eyes filled with tears.

In this situation, where everyone seemed to be against her, she genuinely felt the sting of injustice.

Florence clasped her hands over her heart and cried out, Why wont you believe me! Ive sent you messages time and again, but you never responded, leaving me...

Do you think Ive been silent because Im unaware of the deeds youve committed? Richard retorted, annoyance laced in his voice.

At this, Florence trembled, her lips quivering.

Her face had now completely lost its color.

Florence, shaking pitifully, finally managed to speak after a long moment, Then why didnt you demand an explanation from me?

Richard did not respond.

Iona, in the silence, could read his intentions.

He never intended to marry Florence, just as he hadnt in their previous life.

Did Florence sense this truth as well?

A look of profound despair spread across her face.

Collapsed powerlessly on the floor, she showed a face of desolation that was new to her. With teary eyes, she looked up at Richard and poured out her grievances.

Why did you choose me as your fiance? Why give me hope that I could have you? Was it because I was easy to use? Or did you think my family name would make a good deception? If so, isnt my current ruin all because of you?

Florences crying had escalated almost to wailing.

Clutching her fist, she beat her chest in frustration and continued to shout.

Did you think I didnt understand your heart? Or, if you knew everything I did, you must have guessed why. The truth is, what you really cherish is...!


Richard quietly called someones name.

Iona felt that Richard had intentionally interrupted Florence at this point.

A servant, who had been standing by the door, bowed his head in response.

Your command, sir?

Escort Lady Florence out of the palace. And make sure she never returns.

At Richards merciless order, Florence turned to stone.

The servant, acknowledging the command, approached and helped her up.

Like a person lost in a trance, she offered no resistance as she was led away.

Just before crossing into the hallway, Florence looked back at Richard with eyes full of longing, a look that lingered for what seemed like an eternity.

Of course, that moment couldnt last forever.

After she left, an eerie silence filled the room.

It was Leroy who broke the silence first.

A love quarrel between the Crown Prince and his fiance. Truly a spectacle one cant buy with money.

It was a comment too rude to utter openly in front of the Crown Prince.

While Iona was internally shocked, Richard, on the other hand, seemed unbothered by Leroys remark.

Unless there was something else that should have taken precedence over that.

When Richard turned back to Iona, he asked with a weary expression, What were you and Florence discussing just now?

Iona couldnt respond immediately. She suddenly felt an intuition that she shouldnt mention the secret Florence had revealed in this setting.

It was truly strange.

Why was she now reflecting on the words Florence had spoken at this moment?

Why did the memory of Richard, who was visibly angry about Florences actions, come to her mind?

Why did he choose to silence Florences suspicions instead of correcting and ridiculing them?

As if it was a fact that Iona should not come to know.

Its utterly nonsensical, impossible, but

If Richard truly harbors romantic feelings for her, if he had been unable to express his feelings due to his position...

Maybe, unlike before, she could use this to her advantage.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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