This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 138

Chapter 138


Yvonne’s voice rang out, her face pale with shock.

It seemed like she didn’t expect Leroy to side with Iona without even hearing her side of the story

And for good reason, as illegitimate children were scorned in aristocratic society.

Fearing that their parent’s indiscretions would jeopardize their position, nobles did not recognize children born out of wedlock.

While it wasn’t unheard of to conceal a birth and register it in the family records, once such secrets were exposed, one’s social standing in the circles was considered utterly ruined.

The nobles despised and looked down on bastards even more than the commoners they trampled underfoot.

After all, while commoners swelled their coffers with taxes, illegitimate children only threatened their privileges.

“No matter how angry you are for ruining your status, to falsely accuse your sister of such nonsensical charges is truly despicable, fitting for someone who sought to disgrace their family through a man.”

Leroy retorted with an air of annoyance.

His voice carried contempt, but Yvonne’s face lit up upon hearing it.

He wasn’t shielding Iona’s birth; he simply didn’t believe her story.

Yvonne was convinced that once Leroy accepted the hidden truth, his cold gaze would swiftly turn towards Iona.

“I’m not lying, Duke. It’s all true!”

Yvonne pleaded earnestly, then pressed Iona.

“Why are you staying silent? Speak up! Tell him how you ruined our family, say it yourself!”

Iona struggled to open her mouth.

She couldn’t decide whether it was better to confess to Leroy now or to continue feigning ignorance.

Considering mutual trust, the former seemed right; considering practical loss, the latter seemed better.

And it wasn’t just the three of them there.

Iona looked at Leroy with a pleading expression.

Their gazes locked.

As if he had read her thoughts, Leroy shook his head firmly.

Iona suddenly realized.

He wasn’t dismissing Yvonne’s claim as a lie because he did not believe that she was an illegitimate child.

Just as Iona hesitated to respond considering his reputation, Leroy was pretending to distrust to spare Iona any difficulty.

“I’ll explain everything from the start, Duke. Maybe you could call the butler in the hallway? If you find it hard to trust the word of a servant, you could ask my brother directly. There are plenty who can prove the truth!”

Yvonne urged him on with a deliberately cheerful voice.

Leroy let go of Iona and slowly walked towards Yvonne.

Reaching Yvonne, Leroy knelt on one knee on the floor.

The two knights oppressing Yvonne hesitated and stepped back.

Perhaps thinking that Leroy was finally interested in her story, Yvonne’s face filled with hope.

“If the lady’s words are true,”

Leroy said, cutting himself off and letting out a light, mocking laugh.

As Yvonne realized that anger was brewing in his face, she slowly turned her previously upturned lips downward.

Leroy’s eyes glinted coldly as he asked, “Are you saying that Count Modrov and all his associates have been deceiving me all this time?”

“Duke, it’s not really about that—”

“No, the real issue is this. It’s outrageous that the former count blatantly had an affair and has been deceiving not just the royal family and the nobility, but even me.”

Yvonne, not expecting Leroy to shift the blame onto her, was visibly flustered.

Although she thought it natural for him to be angry upon realizing he had been deceived, shouldn’t his anger be directed primarily at the bride?

Yet, Leroy was prioritizing blaming Hayden over Iona.

As confusion swirled within her, Leroy scornfully pressed on.

“It’s astonishing that both the lady and her brother knew the truth yet have brazenly kept silent. After all, if the royal family itself was deceived, what reason would they have to not deceive me?”

“I, I and Nils had no choice but to do so because our father wished it...!”

“Oh, so the lady also plans to sell out her father like her brother in the palace to escape blame?”

Yvonne’s cheeks flushed at Leroy’s accusation.

Leroy mocked her pathetic demeanor.

“Count Modrov picked a good time to leave us. Even in death, he’s taking care of his children. His dishonesty is truly remarkable, isn’t it?”

Yvonne clenched her teeth invisibly below her sealed lips.

By now, Yvonne understood.

Leroy was pressuring her to defend Iona.

Standing near the pinnacle of a class society, Yvonne had not expected him to embrace someone known as a bastard, and she felt a fierce jealousy mixed with confusion.

‘Why does he take that bitch side even when she’s a bastard? How painfully I’ve held back from exposing her birth!’

Tears welled up in her eyes from the injustice.

Her beautiful, unblemished face, the presence that always attracted others’ attention, her upright shoulders that never bowed to torment, her shining talent, and the great opportunities that followed...

From the very moment she first met Iona, Yvonne had been jealous of her half-sister.

Though Iona was clearly the perpetrator and she the victim, the world always seemed to yield an unfair outcome.

Look at it now.

Even the duke is charmed by that face, siding with her detestable half-sister.

Yvonne wanted to blame the silent Iona, but Leroy was blocking the way, making it impossible.

Realizing her last attempt to bring Iona down was failing, Yvonne clenched her trembling hands.

Leroy looked down at her and said, seemingly puzzled, “I don’t understand. You’re sinking your father’s already tarnished reputation further into the mud, risking falling out of favor with the royal family, and stirring up my anger... What exactly do you stand to gain?”

It was a kind of warning.

Leroy was intimidating her.

By outlining the consequences should she continue her current course of action.

Despite Yvonne’s inability to hold back her tears any longer, Leroy remained indifferent.

With a composed face, he simply declared Yvonne’s defeat.

“It seems I’m finally realizing the nonsense you’ve been spouting.”


“Just this once, I’ll give you a chance to take back what you’ve said.”

His demeanor was dry, yet Yvonne felt an undeniable pressure from his gaze.

Unlike Iona, whom she had always demeaned for her lowly birth, Leroy was an opponent Yvonne could not dare confront.

He expected a specific answer, and Yvonne had no choice but to provide it.

Yvonne took a deep breath as a quivering, humble voice escaped her lips.

“I misspoke…”

“Why did you do that?”

At Leroy’s curt question, Yvonne burst into tears.

“I, I just lost it for a moment... I felt so pitiful being trapped here. With my father gone and no word from my brother, and Iona seemed to not care at all about me… In a moment of anger, I made it all up. I’m sorry…”

“That doesn’t seem like something I need an apology for.”



Yvonne held her breath and looked up at Leroy with tearful eyes.

His stern face showed no mercy.

It was an expression he had never shown while looking at Iona.

Yvonne, floundering in terrible despair, barely managed to say the words she never wanted to say.

“I’m sorry, sister… I must have been out of my mind… It was all my fault. I really…”

Yvonne’s face twisted miserably as she pleaded for forgiveness.

Leroy lightly tapped her cheek with the back of his hand, a gesture that seemed approving.

Though it wasn’t painful due to the lack of force, the action was even more humiliating.

He clicked his tongue as he scolded Yvonne.

“No matter how much you hate your sister, you shouldn’t resort to such lies.”

Overwhelmed by humiliation, Yvonne clenched her teeth and trembled all over.

Leroy looked down at her pitiful state, then stood up.

He then gave a significant look to the knights who had been awkwardly frozen in place.

Understanding the unspoken warning, the knights averted their eyes and bowed their heads.

Leroy pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his hands, saying,

“Make sure such incidents are managed better in the future. Even if it’s only a temporary assignment, it would reflect poorly on the Royal Guard if they can’t even handle one irresponsible lady.”

“I’m ashamed, sir.”

“I’d prefer if you didn’t disappoint the countess and me again.”

With that, Leroy tossed a handkerchief towards Yvonne and turned away.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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