This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Erich and Iona locked eyes for a moment.

Iona didn’t avoid his gaze, as she was simply answering honestly.

She didn’t need to feel guilty for rejecting unnecessary goodwill from him.

After a brief silence, Erich asked again, as if he had misheard her.

“...Did you say no?”


“Did you just say no?”


Iona patiently repeated her answer for Erich, who kept asking the same question as if he hadn’t heard it right.

Finally, Erich seemed to accept the reality and stopped the redundant questioning, closing his mouth.

Thinking the situation was roughly settled, Iona turned her eyes back to the text she had been reading moments ago.

However, Erich’s silence was apparently because he couldn’t accept Iona’s refusal.

Suddenly, his hand shot out and snatched the documents that were in front of Iona.

Iona looked at him in disbelief.

Erich, still unable to understand, asked again.


Iona hesitated to answer.

It wasn’t that she had no reason to give, but she wasn’t sure if she should voice her honest thoughts. ‘I’m leaving soon, so there’s no need to cause any hard feelings, right?’

But it didn’t feel right to badmouth her subordinate to his face.

She also didn’t want to repay someone’s goodwill with harsh words.

However, Erich seemed oblivious to the fact that Iona’s silence was out of consideration for him.

Instead, he became more aggressive and began boasting.

“Have you been in the Imperial Knights for so long that your standards for people have become too high? Do you think it’s easy to find a knight as capable as me? I’m offering to save you the trouble of finding someone, so why are you rejecting such a great opportunity? Any noble family would welcome me with open arms if I expressed my intention to join them, but you...”

Erich continued to peck at Iona’s ear like a woodpecker.

When it seemed like he wouldn’t stop, Iona finally interrupted him.

“Sorry, but I don’t have the authority to hire you.”

“If the Duchess doesn’t have the authority, then who does? Speak sense.”

Erich retorted sharply.

It seemed he wouldn’t back down until he heard a convincing answer.

Out of plausible excuses, Iona closed her mouth.

She felt a mix of frustration and a slight irritation.

As her indirect refusals were getting nowhere, her patience was running thin.

Rubbing her aching temples, Iona finally spoke.

“...You’re right. If I wanted to take you in, I could. But I don’t want to.”

Having said that, Iona looked up at Erich.

He wore a challenging expression, as if daring her to continue.

Realizing that polite words wouldn’t dissuade him, Iona sighed and added,

“You’re... well, you’re too arrogant and difficult.”

For a moment, silence hung between them.

Erich’s stiff face turned bright red shortly after.

It was hard to tell whether he was trying to explain himself or demand answers as his mouth opened and closed wordlessly.

Regardless of his intentions, Iona had no desire to entertain his stubbornness any longer and continued speaking without acknowledging him.

“You don’t listen to me. Whenever I give you orders, you either oppose them or grumble, and you undermine me, claiming you can’t accept my authority. You don’t even watch your words in front of others. If you came with me to the duchy... frankly, I doubt you’d be any help.”

“Wait, Dame Iona.”

“I understand your intentions, and I appreciate them. But that’s it. You can’t separate personal feelings from duty, and that’s a fatal flaw for any employee. I have no intention of hiring you. Got it?”

Iona spoke firmly.

Erich looked frustrated as he was confronted with his flaws.

With an expression of exasperation, he protested.

“Who are you calling an idiot who can’t separate work and personal feelings? I’m not always like that.”

“Then why have you been acting this way?”


“Do you really dislike me that much?”

Iona’s tone softened as she asked.

Her voice was mature, suggesting she was ready to accept whatever answer he gave.

It was like a final act of mercy from someone who was leaving.

Despite Iona’s sincere attempt to part ways gracefully, Erich felt only resentment.

The way she behaved, as if their separation was inevitable and insignificant, irritated him.

‘How could she act so indifferent when I decided to leave with her?’

Erich clenched his teeth, unseen.

It hadn’t been easy for him to decide to leave the Imperial Knights.

He had taken his time to deliberate after hearing from Leroy about their departure.

Yet, Iona’s rejection was swift and unwavering.

To her, he wasn’t worth the consideration.

Her dismissive reaction reminded him of someone from his past.

The image of Leroy flashed through his mind, causing him to furrow his brow deeply.

“Is it really okay to approach marriage like this?”

It was when Iona and Leroy visited the palace after hearing about the death of the former count.

Iona went alone to meet Nils, and Saskia was away on other duties, leaving only Erich and Leroy in the commander’s office.

Erich had deliberately stayed behind to have a conversation with Leroy.

When Erich boldly asked his question, Leroy turned to him with a dry look.

Leroy answered with a question.

“What do you mean by ‘like this’?”

“You’re marrying under the orders of His Highness the Crown Prince. It’s not your choice.”

As he spoke, Erich carefully watched Leroy’s reaction.

He wanted to confirm whether Leroy truly cared for Iona as much as the rumors suggested and if he was a man worthy of treating her well.

For some inexplicable reason, Erich couldn’t suppress the urge to find out.

“I consider myself fortunate to have someone as good as Dame Iona as my partner.”

“...Do you really have feelings for Dame Iona? Why?”

Leroy’s evasive response only made Erich more anxious.

It was difficult to gauge the relationship between them from Leroy’s seemingly superficial words.

Unnoticed by himself, Erich had leaned in closer to Leroy.

Leroy, observing Erich, replied calmly.

“That seems like an excessive interest in a former superior.”

“She isn’t my former superior yet.”

“She soon will be, and even if she weren’t, it’s still an inappropriate interest.”


“Given that she’s leaving anyway, wouldn’t it be cleaner for both parties if you let her go peacefully? Any objections?”

Leaving? What did that mean?

Erich looked at Leroy, demanding an explanation, but Leroy simply stood up and put on his coat, as if Erich’s curiosity was unwelcome.

Feeling a surge of urgency, Erich stood up and asked, “Leaving? Where are you going?”

“I was thinking of going to meet Dame Iona in advance. You don’t need to come along.”

Leroy added offhandedly, “I’ve found this conversation surprisingly dull.”

Erich was left with an expression of bewilderment.

He had been asking about Iona’s future whereabouts, but Leroy’s response was entirely off-topic.

As soon as they were alone, Leroy’s demeanor had shifted dramatically, leaving Erich feeling both perplexed and irritated.

When Iona was present, Leroy had quietly listened to her, but now, he had transformed into a rude and unpleasant man.

Unable to hold back any longer, Erich blurted out, “Does Dame Iona know about your true nature?”

Leroy, about to step out the door, paused and looked back at Erich, raising an eyebrow.

“Do I need to be courteous to a man who dares to covet my fiancée?”

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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