This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

The kidnappers were an odd bunch, or perhaps extraordinarily meticulous.

First of all, they didnt try to talk to Leroy, which was strange. Their faces were hidden behind masks and their bodies were swathed in bulky clothing as they came only to deliver essentials like water and food.

Even when Leroy asked questions, they never responded, communicating amongst themselves with hand signals instead. They seemed like they had done this sort of thing more than once.

Because they were so exceedingly cautious, Leroy found it difficult to extract any information.

It was somewhat fortunate that he could tell day from night through a small window high up near the ceiling.

If his count was correct, three days had passed since he had been taken.


Leroy, lost in thought, suddenly lifted his head at the call.

A girl, who had seemingly come close unnoticed, was offering him a piece of bread. It was from the meal that had been distributed earlier.

Leroy hadnt touched his portion for a while, and seemingly unable to watch this any longer, the girl had decided to take matters into her own hands.

You eat. Im not hungry.

Leroy shook his head indifferently.

Not being hungry was a lie, but not feeling like eating was true.

His uneasy mood had kept him from touching the meals provided by the kidnappers thus far. He only ate enough to keep his stomach from hurting and left the rest for the girl.

He thought it better to look after the girls nutrition than his own, as he had never experienced hunger before he was captured here.

Luckily, the girl believed him without hesitation when he said his stomach was unwell.

Until today, that was.

Thats not true. Youre weaker than before.

The girl was usually concise with words, but that made her opinions more direct.

Leroy turned his head to the other side to avoid the bread that was being pushed aggressively towards his mouth.

Im just not in the mood to eat.

Still eat it.

Ive never really liked eating much.

Dont lie. Nobodys like that.

The girl frowned and shoved Leroy, knocking him over.

Seemingly deciding that words would not suffice, she pinned him down with practiced ease, her strength undeniable.

Forcing Leroys mouth open, the girl began to stuff bits of bread into it.

Leroy struggled to push her away, but his hands and feet were tied, making resistance almost futile.

Leroy, thankful only he was bound in such a way until now, couldnt help but feel a twinge of injustice at this moment.

Damn it.

In the end, Leroy resigned himself to opening his mouth quietly, accepting the pieces of bread the girl tore off for him.

He might have been able to resist with all his might, but he couldnt bear the thought of hurting someone who was just trying to look after his meal.

Instead, Leroy protested with eyes full of rebellious spirit.

Of course, the girl paid no mind to his persistent gaze. It seemed she wouldnt step aside until he had finished his share of the bread.

Leroy had no choice but to chew diligently, keeping pace with her.

Give me time to chew.

You chew too long.

Youre feeding me too fast.

Leroy, pointing out the truth, struggled to swallow the last piece.

Once the girl made sure Leroys mouth was empty, she finally moved off him.

Then she immediately went to get the water bottle placed far away, seemingly ready to repeat the same routine.

Quick to intercept, Leroy asserted himself.

I can drink the water myself.

Seemingly acknowledging his request, the girl placed the water bottle down quietly on the floor. Instead, she sat beside him and kept watch as if on guard.

Leroy tried to ignore her oppressive gaze as he slowly quenched his thirst.

While staring intently at Leroy, the girl suddenly blurted out.

I must have done something really bad.

Taken aback by the non-sequitur, Leroy furrowed his brow slightly.

He couldnt fathom what train of thought had led her to such a peculiar conclusion.


We are being punished because I made such a big mistake.

What mistake did you make?

Running away.

With that short reply, the girl averted her eyes, filled with a sense of guilt.

Leroy fell into a momentary silence, waiting for her to continue, but the girl said no more.

Perhaps the girl had been part of some group that imprisoned orphans to make them do their dirty work.

While it was unclear where she had escaped from, the irony of landing in the den of kidnappers as a result was not lost on Leroy.

Not that he could interpret this as some kind of karmic retribution for her.

Leroy spoke up with assertiveness in his voice.

You ran away because it was a place worth escaping from.

The girl didnt agree. Not because it wasnt true, but rather, it seemed she believed that enduring there might have been the better choice.

Observing the girls silent agreement, Leroy realized that things were taking a dire turn.

No matter how much they tried to buoy each others spirits, they couldnt ignore the grim reality they faced.

To find hope, they had to see some possibility for the situation to improve.

Leroy moved past the girl, dragging his legs with difficulty towards the door. He lay on his back and, without hesitation, kicked out fiercely at the door.

Despite being effectively sealed to prevent any escape, the iron door was susceptible to noise.

The loud bang resonated through the building, and Leroy could sense the kidnappers stirring from afar.

He did not cease his kicking until they became aware of the source of the disturbance.

Eventually, one of the bunch appeared with an irritated expression.

What the hell do you think youre doing?

The man who burst through the door, unleashing a menacing aura, scanned the room.

He paused for a moment upon seeing Leroy, right in front of the door.

The fact that it was Leroy causing a ruckus, not the relatively free-handed girl, seemed to take him aback.

Scratching his neck as if inconvenienced, the man crouched down in front of Leroy. Then, incongruently, he began to coo at Leroy with a falsely gentle voice.

Young master, why dont you stay calm, hm? That way, we can return you to your parents without any issues, in one piece, right? No harm done?

The mans tone implied a sinister ultimatum: cross him and youd be made unable to use a part of your body.

It was a savage threat, but Leroy felt an unexpected sense of relief upon hearing it.

The man had kindly informed him that they were in the midst of negotiating his ransom with his parents.

Knowing that they hadnt just snatched him up without knowing who he was provided some small comfort.

Leroy looked up at the man and said in a relaxed voice, The bread is stale.


Its utterly tasteless. I cant fathom why youd serve such subpar fare.

At Leroys confident complaint, the man closed his mouth, flustered.

Despite the mans incredulous reaction, Leroy didnt stop his litany of demands.

The nights are chilly, this blanket wont do. The floors damp too; we ought to lay down something more. Oh, and Id fancy a warm bath as well.

His demeanor was as if he were a guest listing complaints at an inn.

The kidnapper listened to Leroys words silently, and it took him a moment to vocalize his honest feelings.

The man muttered as if in awe, Has this kid lost his mind...?

Leroys lips curved into a sly smile, embodying the insufferable aristocrat.

The crazy ones are you guys. Keep treating me like this and my grudge wont fade even after I return.


If you want to extort my ransom safely and plan your future, youd better ensure my safety first. As it is, the moment Im back, all Ill want is to hunt you down and lock you up in the same way. That wont do, will it? Unlike me, theres nobody willing to pay a ransom for trash like you.

What the hell are you on about... Do you really want to die?

The man stuttered, visibly perturbed.

Despite the man raising his fist as if he were about to strike at any moment, Leroy felt no particular sense of threat.

He had long since discerned that the man didnt have the nerve to harm him.

With a dismissive smirk, Leroy cocked his head, presenting his cheek provocatively.

Go on, hit me if youre not scared.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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