This Princess, Lu Ziye, Deserves To Be Favored!

Chapter 16 - See you again, little beast

Tan Xue’s heart was up and down, and she pretended to be calm, “That’s naturally the fragrance of peach. It’s okay for slaves to kill chickens and geese. When it comes to fighting with others, I’m afraid even the little eunuchs in the palace can’t beat them.”

Tsing Yi glanced at her meaningfully, then turned to look at Tao Xiang who was restless beside her, “Little Tao’er, what do you think?”

Taoxiang bit her lip tightly and knelt on the ground with a thud, “Princess, actually I…”

“Get up.” Tsing Yi didn’t wait for her to finish, she stretched out her arms and said, “You performed well last night, keep working hard.”


Not to mention Taoxiang and Danxue’s puzzled faces, even Lingfeng couldn’t guess her, what did this eldest princess think?

The interrogation was coming to an end, and she suddenly stopped the trial?

But often the more it does, the more uneasy it becomes, and the three people in the house have the same feeling: maybe…she already knew about the eldest princess? !

The hall was silent for a while, and when the three saw Tsing Yi’s expression, they seemed to have revealed the problem.

Danxue bit her lip and stepped forward in a low voice: “Princess, something so big happened yesterday, the Empress shouldn’t just sit back and watch, right?”

“So what?” Tsing Yi was still slouching.

“Should we… think of a countermeasure?”

“Let Xiao Tao’er go to Yikun Palace and beat the queen to the ground, so she won’t have time to bother this palace. What’s the idea?”

Tsing Yi Yu was not astonished and died endlessly, Tao Xiang was so frightened that she knelt on the ground with a thud, her face turned pale, “Gong, Princess… slaves are afraid of death…”

Lingfeng couldn’t help panting beside him, his old mother, did this eldest princess eat bear bile or was she crazy?

Danxue was almost petrified, so frightened that she forgot to blink her eyes.

On the contrary, the initiator laughed cheerfully, “Looking at how scared you are, Ben Gong is also joking.”

After teasing the three, Tsing Yi stood up slowly, Lingfeng tensed his back immediately, and the eldest princess turned her gaze to him.

“Where are the bodies of Du Mingyue and Shaoyao now?”

“Go back to the princess, in the palace of the prince.”

“Take this palace to have a look.”

“Hey…what?!” Lingfeng subconsciously obeyed the order, and cried out after reacting. The whole face was wrinkled, “Princess, are you going to leave the palace? Go to the regent’s palace?”

“do you have any opinion?”

“No, dare not…”

“Then shut up and lead the way.”

Lingfeng thought that Tsing Yi was just joking, but when he really left the imperial city, he knew that the princess was really playing…

Regent’s Palace.

When Tsing Yi arrived, several ministers from the court came out of the palace.

They looked at Tsing Yi walking down from the carriage, they were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions became extremely strange. After saluting Tsing Yi, they left in a hurry.

The matter of Qianqiu Palace last night had already been in the past, so Tsing Yi’s appearance at the Regent’s mansion is bound to make people think a lot. Besides, although she has a marriage contract with Xiao Jue, Yun Ying is still unmarried, so that’s all. When he came to the door, this move fell into the eyes of others, which was somewhat immoral.

The palace guards saw her walking in without a pause, subconsciously trying to stop her, but Lingfeng gave her a wink, so she didn’t do it.

Not long after Tsing Yi entered the mansion gate, an old man who looked like a housekeeper greeted him.

“See Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.”

“Where’s Xiao Jueren?” Tsing Yi didn’t stop at his feet, as if he came to his own back garden, he walked in on his own.

Uncle Zhong didn’t have time to speak, but Xiangfeng swept past him, and when he turned back, Tsing Yi had passed him. Uncle Zhong twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Lingfeng, who was also full of indescribable expressions.

Tsing Yi walked into the lobby and sat down directly at the main seat. Taoxiang Danxue waited by the side, not daring to make a sound.

Uncle Zhong and Lingfeng followed closely, and they were speechless when they saw her attitude of anti-customer-oriented.

“His Royal Highness, the lord, he has official business, please wait a moment.” Uncle Zhong stepped forward and asked the servants to quickly serve tea.

“It doesn’t matter, it just so happens that this palace is also a little tired.” Tsing Yi yawned lazily and patted the fat cat on his shoulder.

Hearing a meow, the fat cat with no neck jumped down and ran away without a trace.

“Princess, the cat ran away…” Taoxiang said in surprise.

“It’s okay, it recognizes the owner, and it came back after a walk.” Tsing Yi yawned again, as if she couldn’t even lift her eyelids. Seeing that Uncle Zhong and Lingfeng didn’t respond for a long time, she raised her eyes impatiently. Said: “Didn’t you see that Ben Gong is tired? Why don’t you find a courtyard and let Ben Gong rest for a while?”

Uncle Zhong: “…”

Lingfeng: “…”

Do you really take the Regent’s Palace as your Qianqiu Palace, and come all the way here to take a nap?

Uncle Zhong led Tsing Yi to Qingqiu Garden in the west wing to rest, and then ordered the servants of the palace to wait outside the door, and then he withdrew, and Lingfeng followed him.

The two went outside the hospital, and after walking several meters, they looked at each other.

“What on earth is this eldest princess doing?” Uncle Zhong asked speechlessly.

Lingfeng wiped his sweat, “I’m going to meet the lord first. Uncle Zhong here, you should pay more attention. This eldest princess… is a bit unreasonable.”

In the study, a faint agarwood floats.

Xiao Jue paused when he dropped the pen, and when the drop of ink was about to fall, he put the pen back on the stone inkstone, with an unclear smile on Jun’s face, “She rested in Qingqiuyuan?”

Lingfeng nodded, and his expression was indescribable: “My lord, this eldest princess has a very weird temperament. What happened last night, she can still sleep until three poles in the sun today before she wakes up.” Lingfeng stayed in Qianqiu Palace. It took a long time, but she was already quite frightened: “She even said today that she asked Taoxiang to go to Yikun Palace to beat the queen out of bed, so she would have no time to bother her! Wangye, does this eldest princess have a brain problem? ?!”

Xiao Jue raised his head, not only did not mean to be surprised, but laughed loudly. It is like a breeze in the snowy days of spring, blowing down peach powder on the trees, dazzling and charming. Zui is the slightly upward arc of the tail of his eyes when he laughs, as if he had been carefully traced with a fine brush, and his long brush-like eyelashes were covered with light.

What a thrilling beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

“It’s like what she can say.”

Lingfeng couldn’t catch the laugh, and was still worried about his master: “Don’t the lord think that the eldest princess has changed too much? On the other hand, the subordinate thinks that she should know that Taoxiang and Danxue are the people we put in the past.”

Xiao Jue smiled without saying a word, and in the depths of his pupils, there were subtle waves that people couldn’t understand. He suddenly walked towards the window, stopped for a while, and raised his head suddenly.

One person, one cat, four eyes facing each other.

On the eaves beam, a fat cat’s hair exploded.

meow —

The corner of Xiao Jue’s lips twitched: “Meet again, little beast.”

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