This Princess, Lu Ziye, Deserves To Be Favored!

Chapter 51 - you spit it out

It is estimated that no one would have thought that there would be a dungeon in Donghua Temple.

The iron fences were filled with people. They all look exactly the same as those beggars on the back mountain, but their sanity is even more lost, they are all crazy, or they are sitting on the ground like wooden stakes, as if their souls have been taken away.

In the cage at the top, there were still a bunch of people sitting.

Taoxiang bit her red lips tightly. She, Danxue and several guards had been locked in for a while. No one expected that the monks in this temple would suddenly attack them.

Fortunately, Lingfeng has already led people out to find the princess and them. I don’t know what’s going on in the outside world. Are the princess and the regent okay? !

While worried.

The sound of the iron rope clattered, and the door of the cell was opened from the outside.

Several monks walked in carrying the two and locked them in another separate cell.

“What about this cat?”

One of the monks was carrying a fat cat in his hands.

“Look at this fat cat. It’s not normal. It must be an evil creature raised by this demon princess. Find a rope to tie it up first, and wait for the abbot and Master Ting to deal with it.”

Several monks tied the cat and threw it into the prison before leaving.

With a bang, the iron door was locked again.

“Princess! Lord!!”

The two people who were brought in were Tsing Yi and Xiao Jue, but both of them were unconscious at the moment.

Taoxiang and Tanxue’s expressions changed greatly, how could the princess and the prince be caught!

“What should I do? Is the princess injured? Why are she and the prince unconscious?”

“No, the lord looks so bad, why is there so much blood on his sleeve…”

Tsing Yi felt as if he had fallen into a sparrow’s nest, babbling and making a fuss. His whole body was icy cold, and he felt like he was lying on the ice bed in the Tsing Yi Temple.

Cold, hard and numb.


The sparrow that makes a noise should break its neck and fry it in the oil pan!

She opened her eyes suddenly, and regained her sanity.

In the Yin Division, how can there be sparrows?

She is still on earth.

Seeing her awake, Taoxiang and Danxue breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked, “Princess, are you alright, is there any injury?”

Tsing Yi lowered her head and ignored them. His eyes were a little empty, and he stared straight at his open palm.

Done! The two girls groaned, and the princess was dumbfounded.

Then they saw Her Royal Highness’s head drooping lower and lower, and her body trembled, like a precursor to an epileptic seizure.

not good! Not only stupid, but also crazy!

“The old lady must kill you-“

Under the terrified gazes of the two women, Tsing Yi swooped at the man beside him and slammed him by the neck. Mom, my eyes are all red, that posture is simply the appearance of evil spirits from hell, and they are coming to take people’s lives!

“Princess can’t be!”

“Hurry up and stop, the lord is going to die-“

Tsing Yi can’t hear people’s words at this moment, only the idea of ​​frying this little white face in a frying pan is in his mind. Her mana is gone, gone, gone!

Damn, it’s all been sucked up by this stuff!

“Ah, ah, spit it out, you spit it out for me—”

The fat cat woke up with this dragon-like roar, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the wicked woman’s reason collapsed, so frightened that her tail turned into a mallet.

Tsing Yi was driven crazy!

This wicked woman is going to run wild!

It subconsciously wanted to hide in the corner, but found that it couldn’t move.

Meow, meow, who tied the cat master into a zongzi? !

Looking back, the fat cat remembered what happened just before the coma.

After the tiger body in Tsing Yi shook and wiped out the group of mice, Xiao Jue’s strange phagocytic power reappeared, devouring her mana crazily. He was going to help himself, but he accidentally delivered food.

Then the group of monks without assholes, no, heartless monks appeared. Just knock them unconscious with a stick, and then wake up to this dungeon!

The fat cat collapsed a little, it felt that its body was hollowed out, and there was not much mana left.

The wicked woman is probably worse than herself.

This time, I really lost it to my grandma’s house, and all the surplus food of the Yan Wang family was robbed by the bandits!

Xiao Jue opened his eyes in a violent shaking, and the small hands that were pinching his neck were so strong that they really wanted his life!

“You just want to be a widow?”

Tsing Yi watched the man on the opposite side lift his long eyelashes, and his eyes leaked a stream of light, like the swaying flowers on the other side of Huangquan Road.

However, her cannibalistic heart is like a rock, and now she just wants to swallow this man alive, but she is stunned to withstand the attack of beauty.

On the contrary, Xiao Jue was taken aback by her madness at the moment.

In my impression, this little girl seems to be so angry for the first time.

Well, no mana… no wonder…

Oh, let you move some crooked thoughts all day.

“Spit it out, you spit it out for my mother!!!”

Tsing Yi stared at him sullenly, his whole body churning with ferocity. The dog egg and the four ghosts in the corner shivered, especially the four ghosts. They heard that Tsing Yi lost his mana and their minds became lively.

But as soon as the woman opened her eyes, the aura naturally revealed on her body still made their fearful soul tremble. That kind of fear, like it was planted in the depths of the soul, cannot be resisted at all!

It is the absolute surrender of the inferior to the superior!

“Spit what?” The Prince Regent blinked, his picturesque face showing a bit of confusion and innocence.

“You’re still pretending!”

Tsing Yi stared at him fiercely, this **** swallowed all his mana, and is still innocent in front of her? !

“Don’t make trouble.” Xiao Jue grabbed her two claws with one hand, and there was exhaustion in his voice, and there was a circle of blackness on his face after a closer look.

Tsing Yi also noticed what was wrong with him at the moment, and his eyes fell on the sharp wound on his wrist.

Huh, it looks like rat poison has struck.

Are you going to die?

Xiao Jue tilted his head to see her smiling viciously and proudly, as if he wished he would straighten his pigtails, not to mention how ill-fated he was.

“It seems that you really want this king to die.” His voice was low and magnetic, but now it was a little more hoarse, but it showed a sultry sexiness.

“Of course.”

After you die, watch how the old lady rubs your soul into a frying pan!

“What’s in it for you if this king is dead, eh?”

“The advantage is naturally…”

Tsing Yi sneered on his face, wait…

It doesn’t matter if this man dies, but what about his own mana? After he devoured his mana in the morning, there was no sign of recovery at all.

What if he dies and his mana still can’t come back?

This is to let the following old ghosts know, can’t they laugh at her for thousands of years? !

Tsing Yi was even more annoying.

The beautiful eyes were round and round, staring at him fiercely.

The two faced each other for a long time.

“Pfft.” Xiao Jue suddenly covered his mouth and smiled.

She is so…

It looks very much like the little thing raised in his palace, especially this bulging… stupid.

“It seems that the princess is still reluctant to bear the king.”

He smiled triumphantly.

Someone gritted their teeth with hatred.

“What are you still doing?” The smile on Xiao Jue’s face came and went quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The speed of changing his face was as fast as Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi looked at his outstretched arm.


“Cut it off”

Tsing Yi:  …

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