This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Qin Xue’S Sorrow (Thanks For The Vote)

Chapter 10 Qin Xue’s Sorrow (Thanks for the vote)

“Sister ~ sister, where is Xiangxiang?”

Little Dong’er’s small head was buried on Qin Xuexue’s white neck, her little nose sniffed cutely, and she made a milky voice.

“Heck… Dong’er is also fragrant, it’s a little melon”

Qin Xue kissed the little person in her arms, then turned to look at Yang Qing who was one step behind her, and said with a smile:

“Why are you so far away from me, will I eat you?”

Yang Qing was slightly embarrassed, and touched her nose embarrassingly, not knowing how to answer, but at this time, Xiao Qiuer made a rescue again.

“Wow! Sister, don’t eat my brother, Qiu’er asked my brother to treat you to something delicious, okay?”

“Giggle… okay” Qin Xue nodded and smiled, looked at the embarrassing Yang Qing and shouted susu: “Then brother Yang Qing wants to invite me to eat?”


Qin Xue’s call to Brother Yang Qing made him completely dumbfounded, and stood there like a stump, until Xiao Xia’er pulled his hand.

“Cough, do you want to eat that…”

“Go eat Bangbang Jiba!”

As soon as Yang Qing uttered his voice, Xiaobai Boys Shoes jumped up and shouted.

“Bang Bang Chicken…”

Qin Xue was curious: “What is that?”

Xiaobai children’s shoes are elated: “It’s just knocking with a stick, and then put a lot of chili on the stick chicken, it’s delicious”

While talking, this little man waved his little hand, making manipulations for Qin Xue.

Qin Xue was even more confused, and looked at Yang Qing.

Yang Qing laughed quickly: “Bang Bang Chicken is a special dish in Xiaobai’s hometown, it is delicious”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiaobai who was full of anticipation and said, “The restaurant here doesn’t have a good chicken, next time I’ll make it for you, okay?”

Xiaobai: →_→

“Hmph! You’re a bad fart! You’re lying to a child!”

Yang Qing: ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ


Seeing that Xiaobai, who was like a little pepper, made Yang Qing speechless, Qin Xue smiled and said curiously:

“Can you make that awesome chicken? Can you treat me to it some other day?”

Yang Qingfang said: “Uh…I won’t”

“Giggle… Sure enough, you are lying to children”

Yang Qing: …

“Sister, my brother can’t make Bangbang Chicken, but he can make pancakes, fruit, and steamed buns. They are delicious. Let my brother treat you to them, okay?”

Sure enough, the little padded jacket is just the little padded jacket, never forgetting its mission.

Xiao Qiuer made another effort to save Yang Qing, and Yang Qing quickly said, “Why don’t we go eat hot pot?”

“Hot pot… also available”

Qin Xue nodded and said: “There is a self-service hot pot restaurant nearby. The taste is quite good, and children under ten years old are not considered expensive. Let’s go there.”


Yang Qing took a deep look at Qin Xue. At this moment, he was not only grateful and grateful for this beautiful woman.


He stepped forward and said softly, she understood his embarrassment, and he thanked her for her kindness.


Qin Xue showed a smile: “Thank you, let’s go, you see, the cuties can’t wait”

“Sister, what is hot pot, is it delicious?”

“Hey… Gua Wazi, hot pot is a hot pot”

“Wow! The flaming pot, Xiaobai, have you ever eaten it?”

“Hey… I have never eaten stuffed”

“Hee hee… Qiuer hasn’t eaten it either”


Along the way, Xiaoqiuer and Xiaobai held Xiaobai’s hands and chattered non-stop. Qin Xue, who was following behind them, wanted to laugh when she heard the cute and innocent words, but she couldn’t laugh out of nowhere. Instead, she felt a little sad .

She turned her head to look at Yang Qing as if asking questions, and Yang Qing shook her head gently.

Not to mention the little ones, in his own memory, he has never eaten hot pot once in this time and space.

Even if you do it yourself at home.

“Xiaoqiuer, Xiaobai, Chuner, Xiaer, here, eat shrimp”

Qin Xue gave the shrimp she had peeled to Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoxiao immediately made her thank you sweetly.

Little Dong’er patted her hand and shouted childishly: “Come on, sister, shrimp~Donger, time, time~”

“Giggle…Okay, my sister will feed you”

Qin Xue likes these simple and cute little dolls very much.

Although they were poor, she felt warmth and happiness from their childlike smiles.

The world abandoned them, but they did not abandon the world. Winter snow covered the branches and leaves, but Dongyang sent hope.

Yang Qing is their hope!

Until now, looking at the four little dolls who combine the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter and imply reincarnation, she suddenly feels sorry for Yang Qing and admires him very much.

Feel sorry for his suffering, and admire his dedication and persistence.

“You eat too”

At this time, Yang Qing saw that Qin Xue was taking care of the little ones the whole time, but she didn’t eat a few mouthfuls. He accidentally picked up a piece of duck blood with his chopsticks and put it in Qin Xue’s bowl.


Qin Xue stared at the duck blood in her bowl, she was stunned, and Yang Qing suddenly came to her senses.

Using the chopsticks I used to pick up food for her, this… is impolite, and it seems too intimate!

For a moment he seemed a little at a loss and flustered.


“Hey, it’s cooked just right, very tasty”

Qin Xue didn’t feel disgusted at all, took a bite of duck blood, and praised.


Yang Qing took a deep breath immediately, and said with a smile: “Then you eat more, these little guys will eat by themselves, so don’t take too much care.”

“Well, well, you eat too”

The hot pot was very enjoyable and lively, Xiaoqiuer and Xiaobai didn’t want to leave after eating.

Leaving the hot pot restaurant, the little ones reluctantly bid farewell to Qin Xue with hugs and kisses.

Especially Xiao Qiuer, who was very reluctant to let go, snuggling into Qin Xue’s arms, hugging her neck and reluctant to let go.

During the short contact, Qin Xue gave her a different kind of care and warmth, the kind of love unique to young women, which made her reluctant to lose it.

“Okay, sister will visit you often in the future, be obedient, be obedient” Qin Xue seemed to understand Xiao Qiu’er’s reluctance, and comforted her softly.

“Well, sister, you must come and see Qiu’er, Qiu’er will miss you,” Xiao Qiuer said with tears in her eyes.

“Qiu’er, be obedient, my sister is going to work, and you can’t be late. If you miss my sister in the future, my brother will take you to find her, okay?”

Yang Qing stepped forward, pulled Xiao Qiuer away, then handed Qin Xue’s bag and folder to her, saying:

“Be careful on the road, this is the medical expenses you paid in advance last time, thank you”


Qin Xue took the money handed over by Yang Qing without hesitation or shirk, because she saw his persistence.

People are poor, but their aspirations are endless.

After waving goodbye, the two went away from each other again.

Yang Qing wants to take the little ones to buy new clothes, as well as the small schoolbag that Xiao Qiuer has been looking forward to.

Qin Xue got into a taxi, and after explaining her destination, she sat in the back seat and began to focus on the documents in her hand.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the meeting of the program planning team of Yangcheng TV Station was held as scheduled.

“This time, the feature of our planned program is “country and family”!”

The slightly bald deputy director Zhang Wei looked at the people in the conference room and said in a deep voice:

“The program planned this time must have our own national characteristics! And it’s best to be unique!”

“You have all read the plan, now let’s talk about your own ideas”

Zhang Wei’s voice fell, and he looked around the crowd, but no one spoke.

In fact, it is not difficult to plan a program, but the difficulty lies in the characteristics of the country, so the limitations will be very large.

The purpose of cultural media programs is to spread and let people recognize, so as to guide some positive energy and good things, instead of making some gaudy and unnutritious drainage programs.

“Clang, clang, clang…”

In the silence of the crowd, Zhang Wei frowned deeply, knocked lightly on the table, glanced around, and finally landed on Qin Xue who was sitting at the end, and then he showed a kind smile and said:

“Xiaoxue, you have been here for almost three months. You are the youngest among us and graduated from a prestigious university. You have a flexible mind. Do you have any ideas? Can you tell me? It doesn’t matter if you are wrong.”

Qin Xue was taken aback when she heard the words. She never thought that Deputy Director Zhang would take the initiative to speak up, but…

In that case, come on.

“Well, I have an immature idea, I can talk about it with you, and then we can discuss it together”

Qin Xue took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: “Our country is a big country with a long history, humanities and history, so can we start from this point in our program planning this time?”

“Oh, humanities, history, interesting, please tell me, Xiaoxue,” Zhang Wei encouraged with a smile of interest.

“it is good”

Qin Xue: “We can start from the cultural aspect, such as poetry, couplets, and chess unique to our country, etc., or from the historical direction…”

In the conference room, everyone was listening to Qin Xue’s narration quietly, no one interrupted, and up to this moment, many people who originally disdain Qin Xue are really re-examining her.

A woman who is both beautiful and intelligent is a terrifying creature!

The meeting lasted for two full hours before it ended, and the moment Qin Xue, who had been in the limelight throughout the meeting, walked out of the meeting room, a trace of sadness appeared on her beautiful face.

She was very helpless with the arrangement of the big boss, and let herself alone lead a few interns who came in with her. According to her point of view, she chose a point to plan a program by herself first.

This…is embarrassing!

She understands that the boss is training her, and it is a great thing to be valued by the boss during the internship period, but this is a bit too heavy!

Can my small shoulders carry this heavy responsibility, and lead a group alone, and they are all interns!

Hey… worry!

I think it looks okay. Those who have investment, please support investment and recommendation, thank you (╯3╰)

(end of this chapter)

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