This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 214

Chapter 214 – Would You Like To Help Me (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 214 Are you willing to help me (please subscribe)

(Thanks to the boss of “The nickname is too long to remember” for the reward, and the support of monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the bosses)


Yang Qing was stunned for more than a minute, then stood up suddenly from the sofa, and asked in a dry voice.

“Hey…” Wang Ming smiled and blinked, “Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?”

Yang Qing: “…the truth!”

“Well…” Wang Ming nodded seriously and said, “The truth is… Sister, tell me.”

Wang Ying: →_→

Speechlessly stared at her younger brother, she looked at Yang Qing with a very elegant smile, and said directly: “Because I want to hug your thigh”

“Hold…hug me…but…but…but you are a queen! You…this…”

To be honest, Wang Ying’s straightforward words made Yang Qing unable to deal with it.

You, a famous queen, hug my thigh, what a mess! Saying it will make people laugh!

Seeing Yang Qing’s unbelievably stunned expression, Wang Ying smiled lightly and said, “I’m a real queen, but you’re not inferior either, Qingzi, in fact, you don’t need to belittle yourself, I’m just watching your future.” less than upper limit”

She said very seriously: “From your first song “I’m a Painter” to the world famous piano song “To the One I Love”, I have witnessed your rise step by step. It’s a miracle!”

“You wrote the song “Lovesickness” for me, “People in Our Village” for Brother Hua, “Dream Chaser” for Xiaoxue, and your own song “Mohe Ballroom”. You proved your worth with your strength!”

“The program “A Bite of China” that you planned for Yangcheng TV has evolved into a guide program for the city’s gourmet culture and tourist attractions from its planning and filming to its current hit. This once again proves your ability! “

“Finally, from the writing of your first script “Lost Orphans” to Xiaoxue and Brother Hua’s zero-pay role, you have proved your talent!”

Wang Yingman looked at Yang Qing sincerely and said, “Qingzi, I didn’t make this decision blindly and impulsively, but after careful consideration.”

Speaking of this, her words paused, her eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling look, and she said word by word:

“I am the Queen of Heaven, but this is only for Huaguo. I want to go further and higher! I want the world to know that Huawang Ying is a well-deserved world superstar! I want to be the artist of Huaguo Fight for a piece of our own sky on the world’s art stage! Take a throne!”

“Are you willing to help me?”

Wang Ying’s voice fell, and the whole room was quiet. Even Liu Aiguo looked at Wang Ying with shocked eyes, and his mood was even more surging.

To win a throne on the world’s art stage, he can’t believe that this kind of ambition came from a weak and beautiful woman, because this is really too difficult, too difficult, and most people dare not even think about it.

Just like Jiang Xiaoxue at this moment, she has been so shocked that she lost her mind.

Yang Qing was also stunned. He looked at Wang Ying blankly, and the phrase “Will you help me” kept echoing in his mind…

I…will I…

Yang Qing murmured in his heart, thoughts surging in his mind.

He was thinking about Wang Ying’s words, recalling the experience during this period.

He was wondering if he was capable and qualified to help her, and if he could really help her win the throne.

In just a second, he had the answer.

I am not capable or qualified to help him, but… the system does!

Since this is the case, will I, who owns the system, help her?


Because she helped me a lot, because he and her are very good friends, and because he is a Chinese!

He also wants to see a… even a few Chinese people standing on the top of the world’s art!

This must be very beautiful, because just thinking about it already makes people excited!

Thinking back, he took a deep breath, looked at Wang Ying with firm eyes, and said sincerely: “I hope I won’t disappoint you.”

“Yeah! Hope it doesn’t disappoint you”

Wang Ying heard the words, and said the same words with trembling eyes!

Homophone disagrees, so far, he and she are already on the same boat, and from now on, they will help each other, cross the sea and create brilliance together!

After the dust settled, both of them looked at each other with a certain smile and smiled.

“Xiao Ming, then follow the plan you said”

Sit down again, Yang Qing looked at Wang Ming and said with a smile: “I will write the song as soon as possible, and then we will release a wave of publicity at the same time before it starts on July 7th, how about it?”

“Hey… OK! But there are still three days left, is it too late?”

“Hmm…time is an issue”

Yang Qing pondered for a moment when he heard the words, looked at Liu Aihua and Jiang Xiaoxue and said with a smile: “Brother Hua, Xiaoxue, your song…”

“Haha, don’t worry, I still have confidence in singing”

Liu Aihua didn’t wait for Yang Qing to finish, he interrupted him with a smile, since Wang Ying and Yang Qing have officially become a “family”, as Wang Ying’s big brother, he has no reason to hold back at this time, let alone In fact, he is also looking forward to this “miracle”!

“I’m ready to record anytime”

Jiang Xiaoxue also laughed, and after the sound fell, she pondered for a moment and said: “Qingzi, Xiaoying, my contract with the current company is about to expire, so I think…”

“Don’t think about it.” Wang Ying interrupted her and said with a smile: “I understand your thoughts, but it’s not bad for the past few months. There is no need to waste money by paying liquidated damages. The door of our “miracle” is always open to you! As long as you willing!”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Yang Qing and blinked, “Isn’t it, Qingzi?”

Yang Qing smiled and said, “Of course! Um… sorry about that, can I go to the bathroom?”

Jiang Xiaoxue: ⊙﹏⊙

Wang family siblings: …

“Brother Yang, do you need paper and pen?” Wang Mingman asked speechlessly.

Yang Qing’s face turned embarrassing: “Well… if there are conditions…need…”

Yang Qing took the paper and pen and ran away, Wang Ying smiled lightly and shook her head, while Wang Ming couldn’t stop laughing, Liu Aihua and the others beside him were puzzled.

“Xiao Mingzi, don’t laugh!” Qin Hao looked at him speechlessly and said in confusion, “What kind of hobby is my brother-in-law? I need paper and pens to go to the toilet. Isn’t it afraid of scratches?”

Wang Ming→_→: “Can you be more outrageous! You wipe your **** with cardboard!”

“Cut” Qin Hao said disdainfully: “I’m afraid you have never been in the countryside, what is hard paper, I have used soil clods!”

Wang Ming: ヾ(A’)ノ

Everyone: …


Liu Aiguo coughed helplessly, interrupted the outrageous and tasteful words of the two, and said guessingly:

“I’m actually curious, is he going to create?”

“Hmm!” Wang Ming nodded seriously when he heard the words: “I’m not talking nonsense, Brother Yang’s creative inspiration in the bathroom is unparalleled! If you don’t believe me, you will see what a miracle is later!”

Liu Aihua and the others were speechless, what else can they say!

The time ticked, and half an hour passed. Wang Ying and Qin Hao had already discussed the general operating framework of the new company “Miracle”, and Yang Qing hadn’t come back yet.

“Brother Yang must not be able to come out, or… I’ll go and see” Jiang Xiaolang said with great interest.

“You are really a wave, what are you doing, you want to flush the toilet!”

Wang Ming looked at him and said speechlessly: “Brother Yang is creating, do you understand the creation? What you need is inspiration, time and… the stimulation of numb legs!”

“Ma… I can **** you!”

In the office, Wang Ming and Jiang Xiaolang got angry with each other, while Qin Hao watched the excitement and fanned the wind from time to time, and the atmosphere became lively all of a sudden.

Wang Ying, Liu Aihua, and Jiang Xiaoxue ignored them and chatted on their own.

As for Yang Qing, he is staring at the time on his phone, counting the seconds, his legs are really numb!

As for the song, there is a system and achievement points, does it take him so long…

No need!

(end of this chapter)

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