This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Qin Xue’S Overbearing

Chapter 38 Qin Xue’s Overbearing

(Thanks to “zilong18” and “Pirate to Regular” for their recommendation tickets)

“Brother Qing, is it appropriate for us to only post this?”

In the early morning, Tan Jiner held a piece of paper full of words in his hand, looked at Yang Qing and hesitated.

“Haha, post it first, and then you and the little ones will go back to the old yard with your sister-in-law. Brother Bai and I will leave it for the diners to explain.”

Yang Qing took the paper in her hand with a smile and took a look, hey, good guy, this word is so beautifully written, and it reveals vigor in its beauty.

He couldn’t help but looked up at Tan Jin’er, and it was true that his words were like his own, and under his soft appearance, there was a strong and tenacious heart.

“Jin’er, your handwriting is really beautiful, by the way, I didn’t ask you if you went to college?”

Yang Qing asked curiously while posting the new business hours notice.

“Yes, I dropped out of school after one year”

Tan Jiner’s eyes dimmed slightly. It was her regret to drop out of university, but she never regretted it.

“Don’t get lost”

At this time, Yang Qing patted her shoulder lightly, and said seriously: “There will be a chance to continue in the future.”


Tan Jiner nodded heavily, yes, there will be opportunities in the future, and now is just another new starting point in her life.

“Brother, come quickly, we are waiting for you at home”

“Yeah, you have to listen to sister Jin’er and mother Bai, brother will go back soon, and I will take you out to play when I go back”

“it is good!”

Mother Bai and Tan Jiner left with the babies, while Yang Qing and Bai Zhijun sat at the door chatting, waiting for the diners to arrive.

At around 7:40, some diners came. After hearing Yang Qing and Bai Zhijun’s explanation, he was stunned for a while, and then left with a face full of regret.

Wave after wave, there were those who were not angry, those who refused, some who scolded, and some who expressed understanding. Faced with these, Yang Qing always explained gently and patiently.

People have thousands of faces, all of which are different.

Until after nine o’clock, there were no more diners. Yang Qing guessed that they must have notified each other, so he left with Bai Zhijun.

Back to the old yard, he saw Tan Jiner cleaning with five little dolls.

She was sweeping the yard, sweat dripped from her white forehead.

Chun’er and Xia’er kept their petite bodies pulling weeds in the small vegetable garden.

There are also two dolls, one is mopping the floor with a mop, the other is wiping the table with a rag, laughing while doing it, they are Xiao Qiuer and Xiao Xier.

Behind the two small buttocks was the smaller little Dong’er, who groaned and groaned without knowing what he was doing.

Seeing that no one noticed him coming, Yang Qing took out his mobile phone and took a photo of everyone busy and happy.


Tan Jin’er heard the sound and looked, seeing that it was Yang Qing, she lightly said, “Hey, Brother Qing, you’re back, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” Yang Qing smiled and said, “Everyone understands very well.”

Tan Jiner breathed a sigh of relief, showing a sweet smile: “Well, that’s good.”

“elder brother!”

Xiao Qiuer ran over with her calves pattering, and said happily, “Brother, Qiuer mopped the floor, it’s clean!”

“hiahiahiahia… Xi’er also helped my sister with work, cleaning the tables, Xi’er is so tired”

Tan Jiner: …

This younger sister is a bit naive, how can she boast herself.

“Haha, my brother saw it, you are awesome! In order to reward your brother, he decided to take you to the amusement park today, how about it?” Yang Qing looked at the two children lovingly and laughed.

“Amusement Park! Really, is this real bro”

Xiao Qiuer was so excited that she jumped up and down and screamed.

“Really, hiahia… is this true, do you really want to take Xier to the amusement park?”

Xiao Xier did the same. After dancing around him, she went to surround her sister again.

“Really, go and wash your face and hands, and then we’re off, Chun’er, Qiu’er, don’t pull the weeds, go and wash up”

“it is good!”

After a while, the little dolls ran out with their faces and hands clean. Yang Qing hugged Xiao Dong’er and led them out.

At Bai Zhijun’s house, he stopped Bai’s mother who was about to beat up Xiaobai’s ass, called their family of three, and Yang Qing and his party set off.

Surrounded by the sound of milk and laughter all the way, a group of people came to the center of the city.

“Jin’er, it’s the first time for you and Xi’er to come to Yangcheng, so you can go around when you have time. There are many tourist attractions in Yangcheng.”

“Well, I will definitely go around when I have time in the future. Every city has her story, and these scenic spots are her eternal recorders and singers”

“Hoho…Jin’er, you’ve been to school but it’s different, you speak so nicely”

“No la…”

Mother Bai and Tan Jiner chatted while taking care of the dolls.

Yang Qing looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

“Here, drink water, dolls drink bear”

Bai Zhijun just came back from buying water at this time, Yang Qing took a sip of light mineral water and said:

“Let’s go to that musical instrument store first, and then go straight to the amusement park”

“Um, musical instrument store, why are you going there!” Bai Zhijun was taken aback.

Tan Jin’er and Bai Mama also looked at Yang Qing suspiciously.

What are you interested in, you go to a musical instrument store!

“Go and have a look, I want to buy an erhu” Yang Qing explained with a smile.

“Buy an erhu! You can play that thing!” Bai Zhijun was startled in disbelief.

“Hehe… a little bit”

Bai Zhijun: …

Get lost!

Every time you know a little bit, and then that little bit makes people’s jaw drop!

When I came to the musical instrument store, the clerk was very polite. Seeing a group of cute little dolls, she even brought a small fruit plate.

“Thank you sister~~”

The voice of the little milk sounded, and the clerk was very happy, and the eyes looking at Yang Qing became softer.

“Hello, what musical instrument do you need to buy?”

“Hi, do you have an erhu here, I want to buy one”

“Yes, come with me, I will show you”

“Okay, sorry for the trouble”

Ten minutes later, Yang Qing came over with a black bag containing the erhu on his back.

“Okay,” Bai Zhijun asked.

“Okay, let’s go, go to the amusement park, if you stay any longer, the little guy will be full of fruit”

Bai Zhijun laughed loudly: “Haha…don’t tell me, this fruit is quite delicious”

Mother Bai: →_→

Shame! It’s okay to be ashamed of the small ones, but it’s also embarrassing for the big ones!

Leaving the musical instrument store, all the little ones waved their little hands and bid farewell to the clerk, and then went straight to the amusement park with cheers.

This Sunday was happy and bright for Xiaoqiuer, but it was dark for Qin Xue and the others.

“Three times, the first film has been edited three times, and the three times have not passed the review…”

Fang Du looked up to the sky and sighed: “Team leader, what is the review opinion given by the leader?”

“The subject is not obvious, the shots are incoherent, and there is…”

Qin Xue said weakly: “It’s getting worse every time.”

“What, it’s getting worse every time, and there’s this review opinion! Hehe…the leader really knows how to play!”

Fang Du complained helplessly: “This is really the above sentence, and the following is broken! To be honest, I really didn’t expect that after the filming was finished, I would be stuck in editing!”

As he said, he rolled his eyes, looked at Qin Xue who was showing her fingers and rubbing her eyebrows, and said, “Leader, do you think it might be from the editing department… on purpose, otherwise…”

“What are you talking about?”

Hearing the words, Qin Xue said with a serious expression: “Don’t listen and talk nonsense, the influence will be bad!”

Fang Du shrank his neck, and retorted weakly: “I didn’t talk nonsense, the old people in the stage knew that Director Wu had a falling out with the head of the editing department because of something.

So… I suspect they did it on purpose! Deliberately cut the film poorly, and then don’t…”


Just as Fang Du was talking vigorously, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and then a middle-aged man with an angry face walked in.

“What did you say! Who do you say did it on purpose!”

After the middle-aged man came in, he looked at Fang Du and yelled: “You are a garbage rookie who doesn’t know anything, you are here with a little **** luck, and you are qualified to comment on us! Do you deserve it!”


Hearing this, Fang Du’s look of bowing his head and apologizing suddenly disappeared, his face flushed instantly, his neck stiffened, and his anger welled up.

“What are you talking about! Who are you calling rubbish! Fuck! Made! Shit luck, you have **** luck and cut the film long ago!”

“I’m still qualified. A film has been edited three times but has not passed the review. Are you qualified to talk to me about qualifications!”

Fang Du seemed to have completely released the shackles in his heart at this moment. At this moment, he was no longer shy or submissive, just like a mad angry lion.

“What’s wrong with the rookie! Wow! You didn’t come from the rookie! You still look down on the rookie, and I still look down on you! If you are capable, you can cut the film in one go! If you are not capable, you will quit! Give it to someone who is capable!”

“Bah! Selling your qualifications, occupying the latrine and not shitting, what the **** I look down on is people like you!”

Fang Du scolded the middle-aged man in a daze for a moment, stared at him blankly for a while, and then stretched out a trembling finger with a flushed face.

“You… you… me and me…”


Pointing at Fang Du for a while, he was so angry that he couldn’t utter a complete sentence, and then threw the document in his hand on the ground heavily. Looking at Qin Xue with a calm expression, he calmed down and said coldly:

“We won’t cut this film anymore! Aren’t you very capable, then cut it yourself!”

After finishing speaking, he turned and left angrily. Fang Du lost the target of his anger for a while, and his mood gradually eased.

Then, he sighed, glanced at Qin Xue who was silent, and returned to his work station with a somewhat gloomy gaze.

“what are you doing!”

“I…I pack up”

Fang Du was a little afraid to look at Qin Xue who quietly appeared beside him.

Scolded the director of the editing department, he knows what the consequences are, this is impulsive punishment, and he doesn’t regret it.

But what he regrets is because of himself, Qin Xue and the others will be affected, and that film…

“What are you doing packing up! You want to go, I’m the team leader, do I agree with you to go!”

Qin Xue’s voice was cold, but at this moment Fang Du’s ears were warm, and he suddenly choked up.

“Group…team leader, I…I…”


Qin Xue interrupted him and said, “You’ve got to scold me, if you’re happy, you’ll be happy too, then you have to bear the consequences!”

Qin Xue looked at the gloomy Fang Du and said, “I’m talking about the editing of the film! I’m not asking you to resign and leave!”

“But…but I scolded the leader, if I don’t resign, I will…”

“Shut up!”

Qin Xue said coldly: “Didn’t you just say that seats are for capable people! Since they won’t cut it, then we will find a way to cut the film ourselves!”

“At that time, as long as we find a way to edit the film and pass the review, then we are capable people!”

“At that time, if anyone tells you to resign or wants to fire you, I will go and tell him in person! If I have me, I must have you!”

Qin Xue is very domineering at the moment, but her domineering made Fang Du very warm, and his heart became hot again.

“Then…then let’s find someone who can edit this film”

“Well, first find a system, if it doesn’t work, I’ll find someone in the circle!”

“In the circle!”

Fang Du was taken aback for a moment: “Will people gossip like this?”

Qin Xue glared: “What’s wrong with gossip, it’s better than not being able to cut it out.”

Fang Du slapped his head, nodded and said: “Ah, that’s right, but if you say so, the team leader, I have a best candidate, and he is not in the circle, he can even be said to be in the same program team as us !”

“Oh, there is such a person, who is it?” Qin Xue asked curiously.

Fang Du said with a slightly weird expression: “Brother Yang!”

“Brother Yang?! Which Brother Yang”

As she spoke, Qin Xue suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Fang Du in disbelief and said:

“You mean…Yang Qing!”

(end of this chapter)

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