This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 445

Chapter 444 – Little Every Day

Chapter 444 Little Tiantian

“Yeah ~ small pot pot ~ small pot pot ~”

Little Dong’er’s big round eyes lit up, the little pacifier grinned, babbled and ran over, twisting her little ass.

“Ah ~ ah!”

Little Nannan took a cute look at the little hand that was let go by Xiao Dong’er, and her little mouth just shrunk.

No love, no love…

Miss Donger, who loves me the most, is gone, she was hooked away by a strange little pot…

Little Nannan forcibly made up a scene in her little mind, and then she twisted her **** and ran forward.

But maybe it was because she was running too fast, just two steps away, her little feet staggered, and then she fell down when she saw her…


Before Xiaoqiuer and Xiaoxi, who saw this scene in front of them, could cry out in surprise, Xiaonuan was lifted into the air.

Little girl: ⊙ω⊙

“Hey, you little one, why are you in a hurry, you just want to run when you just learned to walk, it’s not worth it”

Bai Zhijun smiled and let go of the big hand that was holding the little girl’s little clothes, put the little **** her feet firmly, touched her little head, his face instantly became very serious and said:

“Go slowly, otherwise you will have your teeth smashed, it will hurt very much, and you will cry if it hurts!”

Little girl: _

The little girl was not afraid at first, but found it fun.

But now she was frightened by Comrade Old Bai’s serious appearance, mist gathered in her big eyes, her two small hands tightly covered her small mouth, and her small body took a few steps back…

Bai Zhijun: “…Hey, don’t cry, I’ll go! Is this so scary!”

Old Comrade Bai looked at the little baby who was about to cry for a while. He muttered angrily and helplessly, then scratched his hair in a helpless way, and waved to Xiao Qiuer:

“Qiu’er, come quickly, take this little one away, really… I’m convinced!”

“Hee hee~”

Xiao Qiuer ran over with a grin, and then she took the little girl’s hand, and said in a milky voice:

“Don’t cry, my sister, take you to play, don’t cry, don’t be afraid of Papa Bai, he just looks a little old, in fact, he is very, very good!”

Bai Zhijun:! !

Hello! What do you mean I look a little old! I am a mature and successful man, okay?

“Little fart baby, I don’t understand the romance of men…”

Bai Zhijun muttered unwillingly, then he accidentally touched his somewhat rough face, turned his head and saw Qin Hao’s handsome face.

At this moment, among the little dolls, Xiao Dong’er is looking up at Xiao Tiantian who is sitting in the wheelchair curiously, and is still babbling: “Xiaoguopuo~Xiaoguopuo~”

Little Tiantian also blinked his big eyes and looked at this little cute and caring person. He was also touched by this little person shyly touching his little bald head.

“Hey, the two little dolls are crossing their eyes…” Xiao Bai grinned and muttered.

“Does hiahia~ Dong’er also want to ride in Tiantian’s car?” Xiao Xier said with big eyes.

“Hee hee~ Xi’er, you want to sit down…” Xiao Yaoyao covered her mouth and smiled.

“Nonsense!” Xiao Xi’er jumped up and shouted when she heard the words: “I didn’t!”

“Hehe~ Xi’er, I’ve been in a car every day, it’s very good!” Xiaomeimei said with a smile and a milky voice.

“Ah! I, I…I… hiahia~ I didn’t want to sit, hiahia~”

Xiao Xier’s insincere hiahia received a group of friends who laughed “I understand”.

“Hee hee ~ Dong’er, what are you staring at every day?”

Xiao Donger took advantage of the opportunity to hold the little hand that was stuffed in, and then she stretched out the little finger of the other little hand, pointed at Xiao Tiantian, and babbled to Xiao Qiuer:

“Sister ~ sister ~ little pot pot ~ uh ~ play ~ play together ~ play together”

”Hee hee~” Xiao Qiu’er smiled and touched Dong’er’s small face, and said in a milky voice: “This is Brother Tiantian, you should call Brother Tiantian, brother Tiantian can’t play with you yet, be good~”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Qiuer touched Xiao Donger’s little face, and then she introduced Xiao Tiantian:

“Tiantian, this is my sister Dong’er, she is my daughter, hehe~”

“Yeah, sister Qiu’er, Dong’er and sister Nannan are so cute, I want to play with them…”

Xiao Tiantian said happily, Xiao Qiuer was taken aback when she heard the words, she looked at Xiao Tiantian’s legs in a daze, and was about to shake her head to refuse, when Xiao Meimei came forward.

“Tiantian, do you want to come down for a walk?” Xiao Meimei asked seriously.

“Yeah, sister, I’m going down for a walk, I want to play with Dong’er.” Xiao Tiantian nodded his head and smiled.

“Okay, my sister will help you down.”

Xiao Meimei smiled and nodded her head, then she came to the back of the wheelchair, braked the wheelchair very skillfully, and then squatted in front of Xiao Tiantian, her little hand gently hugged one of his calves.

Seeing this, Xiaobai and his little ones also hurriedly gathered around, watching curiously and anxiously at the same time…

“Come on, take your time…”

Xiao Meimei hugged Xiao Tiantian’s calf and gently lifted him up, and landed on the floor.

“Qiu’er, Xiaobai, hold on to Tian Tian, don’t let him fall…”


Xiao Qiuer and Xiao Bai hurriedly grabbed Xiao Tiantian’s small arms from left to right…

“Hee hee ~ Tien Tian is great, come on! We’re about to get on the other foot…”

Xiao Meimei gave a word of praise and encouragement with a smile on her face, and then hugged Xiao Tiantian’s other calf.

Xiao Tiantian is very nervous at the moment, but his face is full of smiles…

He has been tortured by illness for a long time, but he is actually very strong. He has experienced pain and torture that no one else has ever experienced. This torture has made him very weak and strong!

Although he is very young, he is also very sensible. He has seen his parents collapse in despair too many times, and he once secretly told his mother…

I asked my mother to throw him away secretly, so that my mother would not have to cry every day, my father would not have to work so hard to earn money, and my sister could often eat meat…

Now, his mother has not abandoned him, and with the help of a group of good friends, his sister has been cured of his illness with money from kind people.

So… he must stand up!

Be brave and strong in front of this group of benefactors!

Let them know that Xiao Tiantian, whom they kindly helped, is already a healthy and strong boy!

Under this powerful psychological influence, Xiao Tiantian stood up bit by bit, feeling the solidity of the soles of his feet, he grinned.

“Sister, I’m standing up!”

“Yeah, yum! We are the best every day! We are the best! Sister… Sister is so happy!”

Xiao Meimei cried excitedly, looking at her younger brother standing in front of her, her eyes streamed down like threads.

Perhaps those who have experienced suffering will mature earlier, as is the case with Xiaoqiuer, and so is Xiaomeimei…

Although they are young and don’t understand a lot of truths, they do know the kind of emotional touch, or touch, or sadness that comes from the bottom of their hearts…

“Wow! Wow! Tian Tian stood up, he stood up!”

Xiao Xier also jumped up happily, and then she hugged Xiao Yaoyao together, the eyes of the two little ones were red, and tears fell silently.

Xiao Qiuer and Xiao Bai were also very excited. They held Xiao Tiantian tightly on the left and right sides.


Little Dong’er grinned and babbled, she wanted to step forward to hold Xiao Guoguo’s hand, but her little body was held tightly by Xiao Nannan.


The little girl babbled and babbled with her nipple, waving her free little hand, but no little doll could understand what she was saying…

Uh… that’s not right, Xiao Dong’er, who just graduated from the Moe Language Academy, can understand…

I saw that the little doll really listened to the little girl’s “Yahah” for a while, and she stopped going forward to hold Xiaoguopuo’s hand, and then twisted her buttocks and led the little girl away Already…

“Hey~ Sister Qiu’er, what are Dong’er and Sister Nannan doing?” Xiao Tiantian asked in a daze.

“Hmm…I don’t know…”

Xiao Qiu’er looked at the two little ones who walked away holding their little hands and twisting their buttocks. She thought about it seriously and gave the answer.

“Hey, they’re going to play!”

Xiaobai grinned, and said in an excited milk voice: “Tiantian, you’ve stood up, it’s great! Come on, let’s take a few steps, hoho~ Don’t be afraid, Qiu’er and I will protect you!”

“I…can I go…” Xiao Tiantian said anxiously with anticipation: “Mom said it will be a long time before I can go…”

“Hey, don’t be afraid! Go! Qiu’er and I will support you!” Xiaobai encouraged.


Encouraged by Xiao Bai, Xiao Tiantian exerted a little force on his head, and then he gently raised one foot…


The raised foot took a small step forward and landed on the ground.

“I…I can go now!” Xiao Tiantian’s excited little face turned red, he called out in a voiceless voice.

“I want it! I want it! Let’s go!” Xiaobai was also very excited.

“Great! Everyday you are great! Come on!” Xiao Qiuer also blushed and shouted.


Xiao Meimei’s vision was already blurred by tears at this moment. She touched the tears with her little hand, and then looked closely at her and said, “Take a step, every day, take another step!”

“Take a step, take a step every day”

After Xiao Xier and Xiao Yaoyao hugged and cried excitedly, they held hands and watched with anticipation and nervousness.


With the encouragement of the ladies and sisters, Xiao Tiantian raised his other foot, and landed tremblingly again.

“Let’s go! Sister! I’m leaving!”

“Yeah! I see it, I see it!”

Xiao Meimei screamed excitedly, then she turned around and ran with her little feet, shouting as she ran:

“Mom! Dad! Tiantian can walk! Tiantian can walk!”

Ask, Xiaomeimei’s father, who was sitting on the sofa chatting with Bai Zhijun in the living room, suddenly stood up.

Xiao Meimei’s mother got up and ran, and Wen Xiaorou, who was with her, even saw tears streaming from her eyes instantly.


Xiao Meimei’s mother ran over, and then saw Xiao Tiantian, who was walking in small steps under the support of Xiao Qiu’er and Xiao Bai, she knelt down with a plop, and then lay on the ground crying stand up…

“Mommy mommy…”

Xiao Meimei looked at her mother who was kneeling on the ground and crying, she ran over and hugged her mother, tears streaming down her face, and kept calling for her mother.

“Sister-in-law… okay, you can go every day, you have to be happy, don’t… don’t cry… get up…”

Wen Xiaorou tried hard to help Xiaomeimei’s mother but in vain, so she choked up with red tears.

“Um…um! Happy…I’m happy…”

Xiao Meimei’s mother cried and choked up, and Xiao Meimei’s father watched Xiao Tiantian walking with tears in his eyes.

After watching Xiao Tiantian take another step, he touched his tears with trembling hands, then smiled at Wen Xiaorou, and said softly:

“Children’s mother… these years have not been easy, she… she has never slept soundly, never slept well… she… her heart is too bitter… let her cry, just cry…”

Wen Xiaorou nodded lightly when she heard the words, and then she also squatted down and gently hugged the crying mother and daughter.

Qin Hao looked at Wen Xiaorou who was crying silently with red eyes, his heart was touched, he raised his head gently, trying not to let his tears fall.

“Cry if you want, there’s nothing shameful about it… It’s really not easy for them. It’s hard in my heart, and I’ve held it in my heart for too long…”

Bai Zhijun’s voice gently entered Qin Hao’s ears, he immediately touched his eyes, looked at Bai Zhijun and said in a low voice:

“Why didn’t you cry, isn’t it touching, or you…hard-hearted…”

“Hehe~ It’s touching, but I won’t cry, because I have experienced what you haven’t experienced”

Bai Zhijun said softly: “Do you know why your sister-in-law and I had wishful thinking at that time, and we only considered Yang Qing as a younger brother, and regarded the four little ones in spring, summer, autumn and winter as a family?”

“Why?” Qin Hao was taken aback.

Bai Zhijun said quietly: “When a person has no fetters in his heart and no home, then he is like a duckweed without roots, but your sister-in-law and I want to give him a home so that his heart has roots!”

“Only when the heart has roots, can he live as a human being!”

“You only saw the parents weeping with joy and suffering, and you saw a child who was cured and recovered from a serious illness. You saw hope, but I saw despair!”

Bai Zhijun said in a deep voice: “The despair of an adult, the despair of three skinny children! So… can you tell me, what are you washing your face with, why is it so white and tender!”

Qin Hao:? ! !

He stared blankly at Bai Zhijun who asked this question seriously.

I go!

Your turn almost made my waist into eighteen bends!

How many steel bars are used to make the brain, you!

Qin Hao almost spit out blood when Bai Zhijun made a turn. He gave him a helpless and bitter look, and said, “I’ll let you loose when it’s over!”


Bai Zhijun patted Qin Hao on the shoulder with a smile, and then he stepped up to Xiaomeimei’s father and said:

“Okay, quickly put the child in the wheelchair and slowly, take your time, um… after the first time, it will be much easier…”


Xiao Meimei’s father nodded hurriedly, smiled red-eyed, “His mother and I were too scared and nervous about him, so we didn’t dare to let him go down. We just gave him a massage to recover. If it wasn’t for Qiu’er and the others…”

“Okay, okay, go quickly”

Bai Zhijun patted him on the shoulder to interrupt him, and said with a smile: “I want to thank them, just buy them a bear drink


(end of this chapter)

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