This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 448

Chapter 447 – Tingting, Don’T Die

Chapter 447 Tingting, don’t die

(Thanks to the four bosses of “Xiaodaodao”, “Brother Kang”, “Tang Honghong”, and “Crazy Enough” for their rewards, thank you for your monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and comment support, thank you very much!)

“Haha… 666 Duck! Children, come with me! Let’s go to children’s massage! My treat!”

Xiao Tingting laughed and raised the red envelope in her hand, very high-spirited and heroic.

“hiahia~ I’m going to have a massage!” Xiao Xier booed and jumped up and down.

Xiao Tingting just likes Xiao Xier, the little doll that welcomes her. She laughs and hugs the thin little Xier and spins around in circles.


Xiao Xier hugged Xiao Tingting’s neck with her two small hands and laughed, but Xiao Tingting could not move after only two turns, she was too tired!


Releasing her little hand, she put Xiao Xi’er down, then bent her little body to pant, but immediately saw two pairs of **** eyes staring at her intently.

Xiao Tingting suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, she grinned, and smiled embarrassingly:

“Dong’er, niece, what’s the matter?”

“Hmm~hug~sister hug~turn~circle~”

Little Dong’er babbled and opened her little arms, begging to be hugged and circling around.


Little Nannan was more direct. The little pacifier hugged Xiao Tingting’s calf, and then lifted her calf to climb up.

“Ah~ I can’t do it, I can’t do it!”

Little Tingting was frightened by the demands of the two little ones and acted. She covered her chest with one hand, and then gently pulled the little girl who was holding her leg away with the other hand, and then she lay on the ground with a plop. .

“I can’t, I can’t, my stomach is so uncomfortable, let’s go to the children’s massage…”

Xiao Tingting covered her small chest with one hand, kicking her calf on the ground and shouting loudly.

Xiao Qiuer and the others were startled by Xiao Tingting’s sudden scene, and they all stared dumbfounded.

Xiaobai looked at it seriously, and then she rolled her eyes and said: “Here is the belly, you are covering the chest, Guawazi, if you want to lie to me, there is no way.”


As soon as Xiaobai said that Xiao Tingting was acting, the faces of the little dolls suddenly looked wonderful.

Good guy! Fortunately, they were worried just now, it turned out to be a lie, hum~


Xiao Dong’er babbled, and then she squatted down, looked at Xiao Tingting’s bulging belly, and outstretched her small hand to pat it out of curiosity.


Xiao Tingting immediately frowned, and then she opened her small mouth, turned her body sharply, and spit out a mouthful, mixed with the little shredded meat.


Xiao Dong’er was taken aback, stood up small, twisted her buttocks and threw herself into Xiao Qiu’er’s arms.

Xiao Qiu’er and the other little ones were immediately taken aback by Xiao Tingting’s vomit.

“Tingting! Are you okay, what’s the matter with you, don’t die!”

Several little dolls hurriedly surrounded Xiao Tingting, looked at her worriedly and cried.

“Wipe, wipe Tingting’s mouth quickly, Xi’er, go get a glass of water!”

Xiao Bai hurried forward and half hugged Xiao Tingting in her arms, while Xiao Yaoyao gently stroked her small chest with her small hands with a worried face.

Xiao Meimei ran to look for paper, Xiao Xier went to pour water, Xiao Qiuer handed Xiao Donger to Xiao Mumu to look after, and she ran to call for the adults.

“Brother! Aunt Shi! It’s not good, it’s not good! Tingting is throwing up! Come quickly! Take Tingting to the hospital!”

Xiao Qiuer shouted while running, and after a while, Yang Qing and Shi Guijuan all ran over.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Qing nervously asked Xiao Qiu’er who was running over.

“I don’t know, Tingting hugged Xi’er, and then she vomited when she lay on the ground, brother, please send Tingting to the hospital quickly”

Xiao Qiuer tightly held onto Yang Qing’s hand, her little milk voice was crying, she was really worried about the little sister.


Yang Qing nodded, and then a group of people walked over quickly, and saw Xiao Bai sitting on the ground with Xiao Tingting in his arms, carefully feeding her water.

Xiao Yaoyao was stroking her small chest, Xiao Xi’er, Xiao Meimei, and Xiao Mumu stood aside with tears in their eyes, watching nervously and worriedly.




Seeing the adults approaching, the little ones suddenly had a backbone, and cried out with a small crying sound.

”Mother Shi~I…my stomach is so uncomfortable, am I going to die…”

Xiao Tingting looked at her mother very weakly and said, her little brows were tightly frowned, looking a little weak.

“Oh…don’t! Sister, I don’t want Tingting to die, please save her!” Xiao Xi’er cried.

Xiao Meimei and Xiao Mumu also started crying when they heard the sound, tears falling down like threads one by one.

Tan Jiner and Qin Xue’s two daughters were also very nervous, including Yang Qing. He looked at Shi Guijuan who was holding Xiao Tingting in his arms, and said:

“Sister Shi, I’ll drive and take you to the hospital”

“No need to…”

Never thought Shi Guijuan shook her head with a smile and said: “She is eating accumulated food, I will give her a massage, it doesn’t matter, um… this little guy is greedy, he has staged it several times in his own home”

After Shi Guijuan’s voice fell, she carried the screaming little Tingting to the sofa, laid her flat, and massaged her.

Shi Guijuan’s massage techniques were learned from a teacher at the children’s massage parlor she often took Xiao Tingting to, and the results were quick.

After a while, Xiao Tingting stopped moaning. After taking a long breath, she closed her eyes comfortably, and after a few minutes, she fell asleep.

“Is this… so powerful?”

Seeing this, Qin Xue asked in a low voice in surprise.

“Well,” Shi Guijuan said with a smile: “My little guy is greedy for food. He always thinks of various ways to eat, but he doesn’t like exercising. If he eats too much, he will easily accumulate food. I learned this by spending money privately, and the effect is good. …”

“That’s it, can you teach me?” Qin Xue said excitedly.

“Hmm…” Shi Guijuan was taken aback when she heard the words, then she looked at Yang Qing and Xiao Qiuer, understood something, nodded with a smile and said:

“Okay, this is easy to learn, just memorize the main acupuncture points, and then the strength should be determined according to the force of the child…”

“Come on, I’ll give Tingting a few more massages, Xiaoxue, take a closer look”

Shi Guijuan smiled and said: “After you learn it, you can massage it for Qiu’er and the others in the future. This is also good for children’s growth.”


Qin Xue nodded, and then began to study seriously, Tan Jiner, Li Xin, Yu Mei and others followed suit very seriously.

“Brother…Tingting won’t die, she’ll be fine…”

Xiao Qiuer looked at Xiao Tingting who was sleeping, and asked worriedly.

Xiao Xier, Xiao Bai, Xiao Meimei, Xiao Mumu, and Xiao Yaoyao also looked at Yang Qing eagerly, expecting him to give a good answer.

“Hehe~ It’s all right”

Yang Qing smiled and patted the heads of the little guys, and said softly: “Tingting just ate too much, she was cured by her mother, and she will be fine now, don’t worry.”


The little ones heaved a sigh of relief, and then squeezed their heads and muttered again.

“I was really scared to death just now! Tingting vomited, I thought she was going to die” Xiao Xi’er patted her small chest with her small hands and said in a milky voice.

“I don’t even know what to say!” Little White’s grandma said, “Why does this little baby eat so much! You have to know if you can eat as much as you can, and you can’t eat too much!”

“Yeah, that’s right!” Xiao Xi’er agreed with her little head and said, “I won’t eat too much!”

Xiaobai→_→: “You don’t eat too much, don’t you!”

Xiao Xi’er←_←: “I know how much my belly can eat, Xiaobai, you just said, hum!”

Xiaobai: →_→

What did I say! Did I say that to make you refute me! Gua Wazi!

Xiao Xier: ←_←

If you don’t want me to refute, then what do you say! snort!

Xiao Tingting is fine now, Xiao Xier and Xiao Bai started their daily fighting show again.

On the other side, Xiao Meimei looked at Xiao Tingting, her little face was still full of worry and said:

“I was really scared just now. I vomited all the time before Tiantian. When he vomited, my mother cried, and I cried too. I was really afraid that Tingting would do the same.”

“Don’t be afraid, Meimei, Tiantian is fine now, and Tingting is fine.” Xiao Qiuer comforted Xiaomeimei.

“Yeah, Tiantian will be healthy, Meimei, when Tiantian wakes up, let’s play with him” Xiao Yaoyao also comforted Xiaomeimei.

“Hmm… um!” Xiao Meimei shook her head vigorously, then looked at Shi Guijuan who continued to massage Xiao Tingting, and whispered: “My mother can also massage, she has to massage Tian Tian many times a day.”

“Meimei, can I draw a picture for Tian Tian? I have been drawing with my dad. Dad praised me for my good drawing. I want to draw a picture for Tian Tian as a present for him,” Xiao Mumu said.

“Okay!” Xiao Meimei looked at Xiao Mumu with bright eyes and smiled sweetly:

“Thank you, Mumu, Tiantian will definitely like it very much!”

“Hee hee~ You’re welcome~” Xiao Mumu had a happy smile on her face.

Among the little dolls whispering and biting their ears, Shi Guijuan finally stopped teaching massage. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, took a sip of the water Qin Xue handed over and said with a smile:

“Let Tingting sleep for a while, she will be fine when she wakes up”

“Hmm…” Qin Xue nodded when she heard the words and whispered, “Why don’t you carry her to sleep in the room, it might wake her up here”

“That’s right~” Xiao Qiu’er asked and interjected: “Let Tingting go to sleep in our room, it’s so comfortable!”

“No, it’s okay, she just woke up after a short sleep.” Shi Guijuan didn’t want to be too troublesome, and waved her hands with a smile.

“Go to Qiu’er and the others to sleep in their room, just let the little ones sleep for a while, and let them play when they wake up”

Yang Qing spoke out, and then he couldn’t help but stepped forward and hugged Xiao Tingting, and walked upstairs.


Xiao Xier let out a cry, and then told the little dolls to follow quickly and go to sleep in their little princess bed together.

Hmm… Fortunately, the princess bed that Yang Qing bought for Xiao Qiu’er and the others was so big that there were still room for a few dolls to sleep on!

“Wow! So soft and comfortable!”

Little Mumu lay on the princess bed and shook her little body gently, then exclaimed in a low voice.

“Hee hee~ Brother bought it for us.” Xiao Qiu’er smiled sweetly and said, “The little princess bed in Xiaobai’s family is exactly the same as this one too.”

“hiahia~Niannian and Mengmeng are also acridine, we often sleep together”

Xiao Xi’er also grinned and smiled, and then saw her get up, pull Xiao Bai up again, whispered something in Xiao Bai’s ear, and then the two little ones climbed out of the bed again.

Yang Qing, who was about to walk out of the room, saw this, and said helplessly: “Xi’er, Xiaobai, if you don’t sleep well, what are you going to do?”

“Hohoho~ Go get the doll!”

“hiahia~We give Mumu and the others a baby to sleep in”

Yang Qing: “Okay, then take it yourself, and then go to bed obediently. I’ll let your sister Xiaer come to monitor whether you are asleep or not”

“Ah! Sister Xia’er!”

The two little **** screamed, and then their faces collapsed. Then they quickly opened a cabinet and began to take out dolls from inside.

“Mu Mu Da, Mei Mei Da, Yao Yao Da…”

A moment later, the two little ones climbed onto the bed again with a bunch of dolls in their arms, and after distributing the dolls to the happy little friends, they fell asleep while muttering…

On the football field, Xiao Bai was running wildly with a small soccer ball in a jersey, and beside her were Xiao Xi’er and Xiao Qiu’er to cover her progress.


Xiao Bai kicked up, the little football drew a beautiful arc, and shot towards the goal, but…


The little football was blocked, Xiaobai immediately took a closer look, and immediately she became furious.

It was Xiao Tingting who stopped her from shooting the little football!

what! This melon! You are my teammate! What are you blocking! Are you an undercover agent sent by the other side, or did you eat too much sea cucumber and your mind went crazy!

Little Bai jumped angrily, she wanted to rush up to teach the little chubby rabbit a lesson, but was hugged by Xiao Qiu’er and Xiao Xi’er.

Tingting joined the team by eating sea cucumbers, it’s not that we can offend her, let’s let her go this time…

Xiao Bai became even angrier when she heard it, and then she scraped her little nose with her thumb, and was about to offend her, but she sneezed for no reason…

Then…she woke up, and saw a small face looking at her with a smirk on her face, holding a hair in her hand…


Xiao Bai couldn’t help but sneezed again, then she looked at the little face in front of her, and said angrily:

“Guawazi! Why did you stop me from playing football! Why do you eat sea cucumbers! Don’t you know that those who eat sea cucumbers and play football are bastards!”

Xiao Tingting: ⊙ω⊙

The little doll who harassed Xiaobai to sleep was stunned, why did he play football, and why did he eat sea cucumbers, Xiaobai… I’m afraid you’re going to be stupid when you’re sleeping!

So, she asked curiously: “Xiaobai, what is a sea cucumber duck? Is the sea cucumber delicious?”

Xiaobai→_→: “Go and eat melon seeds! I don’t know if sea cucumbers are delicious, but I’ve never eaten them!”

Xiao Tingting (д`): “You haven’t eaten it, you’re lying to me! You haven’t eaten a duck that you know you can’t play football with sea cucumbers!”

“I…” Xiaobai was stunned: “Yeah, how did I know, I… I was dreaming just now?!”


Xiao Tingting stretched out a small hand and put it on Xiao Bai’s forehead, her small face was full of worry and said:

“Xiaobai, you didn’t fall asleep and turned into a stupid child, don’t worry, even if you are a stupid child, I won’t despise you”

“Go, go…” Xiaobai took away the little hand she put down on her forehead speechlessly, gave Xiao Tingting a white look and said:

“You should eat less in the future, you know, don’t eat too much, what are you doing eating so much, you little doll, it scared us all, Qiu’er and the others were crying in worry!”

“Haha~” Xiao Tingting looked at the little sisters who were still asleep when she heard the words, she smiled slightly and said with a small head:

“I will definitely eat less rice in the future and eat more vegetables!”

Xiaobai→_→: “You can’t eat too much vegetables! You still need to exercise in the future! Run and walk more!”

Xiao Tingting (O): “Ah, I still need to exercise, I, I, I… I can’t do it!”

“It’s okay if you can’t! Do you want to die!”

“Yeah~ I don’t want to die, I still have a lot of delicious food to eat~”


(end of this chapter)

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